The Valkyrie's Daughter | Vik...

By meganswritingisok

218K 4.1K 488

"Warriors are not born and they are not made. Warriors create themselves through trial and error, pain and su... More

Cast: The Northmen & Women
Cast: The Saxons
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Ten

4.9K 121 2
By meganswritingisok

It was the morning that Rona would leave for the Mediterranean. Rona had been waiting for this day for what felt like years. She had never had the chance to leave Kattegat apart from her occasional visits to Hedeby. Now she was going to be travelling across the world! 

Rona woke up at dawn, she had some chores on the farm to complete before she left. Ubbe had offered to tend to Rona's farm while she was away along with Sigurd but Rona wanted to make sure that her animals were all alright before she left. 

Rona woke from her slumber relatively quickly and actually completed her chores in record time.

After Rona had completed her chores she returned to her house to get changed in preparation before her journey. Rona wanted to say goodbye to Ragnar before she left. She had heard from Ubbe that he would be on the hilltops where he could watch Bjorn's fleet leave. So Rona had decided to go to the hilltop where she knew Ragnar would be.


When Rona reached the hilltops, she saw Ragnar and Ivar was sat with him on a rock. Ragnar was on his hands and knees on the ground. It looked like he was digging for something. 

Rona made her way over to Ragnar and Ivar, while doing so she looked at her surroundings, attempting to take everything in. After her conversation with Hvitserk the previous night, Rona had started to think. What if she didn't return to Kattegat? What if she did end up dying in battle? Rona was in a sentimental mood but she knew that she would have to get going soon, so she didn't linger for long before going up to Ragnar and Ivar. 

Rona noticed as she grew closer that Ragnar was in fact digging for something. Then Rona remembered. This was where Ragnar had buried his hoard of riches years ago. This hoard was meant to go with him to Valhalla when it was finally his time. 

"Why are you digging up your hoard Ragnar?" Rona asked. Ivar smirked.

"That's just what I was saying." Ivar stated. Ragnar chuckled and turned to face Rona and Ivar.

"I have no choice," Ragnar began, he went back to digging. "I have to bribe people to sail with me." Ragnar finished. Ivar smirked again and threw his hands up in the air.

"You're a loser!" Ivar exclaimed. Rona nudged Ivar in the ribs with her elbow.

"Ivar!" Rona hissed. 

"What?" Ivar whined. Rona just shook her head in response. 

"Why don't you come and help me lift, cripple boy?" Ragnar asked as a matter of factly. Ivar laughed as did Rona. 

Ragnar began unearthing a wooden chest. There was already many valuable items scattered across the area but it seemed that Ragnar had more where that came from. Rona volunteered herself to assist Ragnar despite the fact she wasn't asked. Ivar dragged himself towards the hole with Ragnar while Rona carefully climbed down. 

Ivar had his hand on one side of the chest while Ragnar took the other and Rona had her hands underneath the chest to support the majority of the weight. As the chest was being dragged form the hole, Ragnar patted Ivar on the head.

"Good boy." Ragnar joked as he patted his son on the head. Rona smirked.

The three managed to drag the chest form the hole relatively easily and put it to one side. 

After a few moments, Rona looked to the sky. The sun was nearing the middle of the horizon. This indicated that Bjorn's ships would be leaving soon. Rona knew that she would have to start saying her goodbyes now.Ivar sat on top of a nearby rock while Ragnar and Rona sat close by. 

"What are you doing here Rona? Shouldn't you be with Bjorn, helping load the ships?" Ragnar asked. 

"I asked Hvitserk to cover for me," Rona explained. "I wanted to say goodbye to you both." Rona finished, gesturing to both Ragnar and Ivar.

"You will return soon." Ragnar stated.

"But you're going to England so I do not know when I'll see you again." Rona replied. Ragnar nodded.

"This is true." Ragnar sighed. Rona didn't want to spend too much time here as she needed to go to the docks to make sure she had time to say goodbye to Lagertha and the other Ragnarssons as well as actually get on the boat in time. But there was something Rona needed to discuss with Ragnar before she left. Her vision of him trying to kill himself.

"I saw what you tried to do to yourself on your way back from Hedeby a few days ago." Rona stated. Ragnar quickly turned to face her, trying to hide the shock on his face.

"What do you mean?" Ragnar questioned. By now, Ivar had seemed to occupy himself by looking through some of Ragnar's hoard so he was not in earshot of Rona and Ragnar's conversation.

"You tried to hang yourself from a tree, Ragnar." Rona said in a hushed tone, in an attempt to make sure that Ivar didn't hear what she had said. The last thing Rona needed was more questions about her visions and Ragnar most defiantly did not need to be questioned about his suicide attempt.

"I..." Ragnar tried to speak but he was left speechless

"I did not follow you to Hedeby if that is what you're thinking," Rona explained. "I was talking with Hvitserk outside the great hall and I fainted and then had, what I would describe as a vision. I saw you and then I came back to reality." Rona finished. Ragnar stared at Rona in shock.

"Who knows about this? What you saw me do I mean?" Ragnar said, almost in a whisper.

"Just The Seer." Rona replied. Ragnar nodded. He brought Rona into an embrace rather suddenly.

"I am sorry if I upset you by doing what I did. But I have a lot going on in my mind and I wish I could tell you but...I just cannot." Ragnar explained before letting go of his friend.

Rona stood up from her spot. 

"I will see you again Ragnar. Whether it be here in Kattegat or even Vallhalla. I will see you again." Rona stated. Ragnar looked at his friend, tears forming in his eyes. He soon wiped them away. 

"You sound just like your father. Very profound." Ragnar replied. Rona smiled weakly. 

"I don't know where that came from if I'm being honest." Rona stated with a small chuckle. Ragnar smiled and stood up. He brought Rona into a tight hug.

The two friends hugged for a few moments before letting go.

"May the God's be with you my dear." Ragnar said, placing a hand on Rona's shoulder. 

"Thank you." Rona replied. Rona looked to Ivar and just gave him a nod. He simply avoided her gaze. Rona looked to the ground, somewhat defeated.

Rona had always had a great relationship with Ivar when they were children. It was almost sibling-like. They were the same age and they both knew how it felt to be an outsider, Ivar due to his legs and Rona due to her Christian heritage. Unfortunately, it seemed as if over the last few years, both Ivar and Rona had changed and grown apart. 

Before Rona could walk away from Ragnar, he stopped her.

"Rona?" Ragnar asked. Rona turned back to her friend.

"Yes?" Rona replied. Ragnar took a few steps and placed one hand on Rona's shoulder and the other on her cheek.

"I just want you to know..." Ragnar paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "I want you to know I love you. Alright?" Ragnar stated. 

Rona just gave Ragnar a sad smile. Ragnar and Rona had always been close but they never really verbalised their affection for one another. 

"I love you too Ragnar." Rona replied. Ragnar brought Rona into a tight embrace once again. Ragnar soon let Rona go and returned to his hoard.

Rona had only started walking away from Ragnar when she felt a tug on her right leg. She looked down to see Ivar. Rona bended down and got onto her knees to get to Ivar's level. By now, Ragnar had gone back to digging. Ivar began to speak.

"I apologise if I have come across as...malicious lately. I do not want you to leave Kattegat with us on bad terms. I want us to be friends again." Ivar stated, his face remaining emotionless. Rona nodded.

"Apology accepted, Ivar." Rona replied. She placed her hand on his shoulder for a moment and he did the same, again, his face remaining emotionless as Rona showed him a small smile. Rona stood up again and began making her way to the docks. 


Rona was greeted by Bjorn as soon as she got to the docks. Bjorn approached Rona and put his arm around her shoulders. 

"And where have you been? Hvitserk had to cover for you earlier." Bjorn asked. Rona sighed.

"I was speaking to Ragnar and Ivar." Rona stated. 

"Well I'm glad you got here in time, you could have been left behind." Bjorn stated.

"Sorry. I lost track of time and I forgot how long it takes to get back here from the hilltops." Rona explained. Bjorn nodded.

"That is fine, but come, we must go see Harold and Halfdan." Bjorn explained, Rona nodded. Bjorn took his arm away from Rona's shoulders and the two friends walked up to Harold and Halfdan who were just finishing loading their boat. 

Bjorn put his hands on Halfdan then Harold's shoulders.

"Halfdan, King Harold. Go with the Gods." Bjorn said in a friendly tone as he gave the two men a smile.

"Same to you Bjorn," Halfdan began. Halfdan caught sight of Rona. "And to you, Rona." Rona smiled weakly and shook both Halfdan and Harold's hands. Bjorn had walked off. Rona followed him with her eyes and saw that he had gone to say goodbye to Lagertha.

Rona excused herself form her conversation with Harold and Halfdan and walked over to Torvi and Guthrum.

"Rona." Torvi said, greeting the young girl with a warm smile. Rona smiled back.

"Torvi." Rona replied.

"Be careful out there. And don't let Bjorn get too big headed. You know what he is like." Torvi joked. Rona smirked. Torvi hugged Rona for a few moments before letting go.

Rona bended down a little so she could hug Guthrum.

"Keep up your training okay Guthrum? I want you coming on our next raid with us." Rona stated. Rona could see Torvi smiling out of the corner of her eye. Guthrum nodded at Rona and hugged her again. He was hugging Rona so tight Rona almost had the wind knocked form her lungs. Rona chuckled.

"I'll be back soon. Don't worry." Rona let go of the young boy and turned to Torvi once more. They smiled at each other before Rona turned away. Bjorn passed Rona on his way to approaching Torvi. The two nodded at each other. Rona began make her way over to Lagertha, passing Helga as she did so, Rona nodded at Helga politely. 

Lagertha soon saw Rona and brought her into a hug almost immediately. It was a few moments before Lagertha let Rona go. It seemed as if Lagertha didn't want to let go.

"Be safe my dear." Lagertha stated. Rona smiled.

"I will." Rona replied.

"I know that this is your first raid and you will face your first battle too. Make sure to remember your training and keep your friends close, alright?" Lagertha explained, Rona simply nodded.

"I will. Don't worry, I've been trained by the best." Rona said. Lagertha smiled at Rona with pride. Rona smiled back. Lagertha's heart ached. As happy as she was to have someone as wonderful and strong as Rona in her life, it hurt her a little too as she could only imagine what life would have been like should her daughter Gyda have lived this long. Would Gyda and Rona have been friends? Probably. This mental image made Lagertha smile, but it made her smile almost sadly.

"You know, I meant to discuss these visions you've been having Rona." Lagertha stated. Rona sighed.

"What about them?" Rona asked.

"Have you ever thought that they may have been a gift? A gift from the Gods?" Lagertha asked. Rona shook her head.

"I do not know Lagertha," Rona admitted. "I doubt that the Gods hold me in such high regard." Lagertha tapped Rona on the side of the head.

"Hey, now don't speak like that. The Gods hold you in the upmost regard. I know it." Lagertha said in a serious tone. Rona looked down to the ground and smiled.

"Thank you." Rona replied and she brought Lagertha into an embrace once again for a few moments.

"Now go, you must say goodbye to Aslaug." Lagertha said, letting go of Rona. Lagertha and Rona laughed quietly. Rona walked away from her friend and went towards where Aslaug, Ubbe and Sigurd were stood.

Rona stood in front of Aslaug first.

"Goodbye Queen Aslaug." Rona said politely as she bowed her head slightly.

"Goodbye Rona, and may the God's be with you." Aslaug replied in a very monotone voice. Rona moved onto Ubbe next.

Ubbe brought Rona into a friendly embrace.

"Stay strong...and look after Hvitserk will you?" Ubbe joked. Rona chuckled as she returned the hug.

"I will. You take care of yourself Ubbe." Rona replied as she let go of her friend. The two exchanged a warm smile before Rona moved onto Sigurd.

"I know we have our little arguments but I still want you to you know...not die, not yet." Sigurd joked. Rona laughed as did Sigurd and Ubbe joined too.

"Thanks Sigurd." Rona replied, she patted him on the shoulder and Sigurd returned the gesture.

Rona stood by Sigurd as Hvitserk was now approaching. Hvitserk and Rona exchanged a nod before Hvitserk approached his mother.

Aslaug simply gave her son a hug before Sigurd reached out to his older brother. Sigurd hugged Hvitserk and spoke to him.

"May you wet your blade with blood." Hvitserk smiled at his brother before moving towards Ubbe.

Ubbe just stood there, his arms folded and no emotion on his face while Hvitserk smiled at his older brother. It looked as if Ubbe was bringing Hvitserk in for a handshake but he actually brought him into a tight embrace. 

"May the Gods be with you, brother." Ubbe said. The brothers remained in an embrace for a few seconds. Rona smiled at them. She found Hvitserk and Ubbe's relationship very sweet. It reminded her of hers and Bjorn's relationship. 

While the brothers were finishing their goodbyes, Rona saw Aslaug out of the corner of her eye. She was giving Rona the death stare of all death stares. Rona remained calm and didn't dare look Aslaug straight in the eye. 

After a little while, Hvitserk turned to Rona and nodded at her to indicate that they should now leave and board the boats. 

While Hvitserk and Rona were walking down the docks towards their assigned boat, Rona spoke up.

"Thank you for covering for me this morning." Rona stated.

"That's alright." Hvitserk replied.

"I just had to say goodbye to your father and Ivar." Rona explained. Hvitserk smiled.

"I understand." Hvitserk said. Rona smiled weakly. It was kind of Hvitserk to cover for her, but it still made her heart ache knowing that he didn't really understand why she had such a good relationship with Ragnar. But Rona let it slide. 

Hvitserk climbed onto the boat where Bjorn was residing. Hvitserk climbed on first and gave Rona his hand to help her on. Rona nodded at him in thanks. 

It did not take long for the horns to sound, indicating the boats imminent departure. The boat started moving as the men began rowing. Hvitserk, Bjorn and Rona sat together at the front of the boat, facing the townspeople, waving at everyone.

However, before Kattegat disappeared into the distance, Rona took a glance to the hilltops, where she assumed Ragnar would still be, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. She didn't but she waved towards the hills anyway. 

Rona may not have seen Ragnar but Ragnar had certainly seen her. He waved weakly with a small smile on his face. He was finally content as far as Rona was concerned. She would be okay. Ragnar smiled before turning back to digging up his hoard along with Ivar. 

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