You, Me and a Bed Makes Three

Por ButterfliesInTheSky

325K 2.3K 290

okay so don't laugh but my name is Harley Davidson. okay i guess you can laugh. you think i'm joking don't yo... Más

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (2)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (3)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (4)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (5)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (6)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (7)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (9)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (10)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (11)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (13)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (14)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (15)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (16)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (17)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (18)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (19)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (20)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (22)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (23)
You,Me and a Bed Makes Three (24)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (25)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (26)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (27)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (28)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - (29)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (30)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - 31
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (32)

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21)

8.1K 54 6
Por ButterfliesInTheSky


please do not read if you are too young or dnt like that sort of thing. i will, as always post it with out the sex scene in it an fill you in on anything that pops in her head during the sex so don't feel you have to read it.

any way enjoy.....







-am i dreaming? -

'Owww my head is KILLING me! What the hell happened last night?' was the first thing that went through my head when I woke up. Well at least the bed is comfortable, and at least I made it to a bed.

I opened my eyes to see if I recognised where I was. What I saw, well, I was definitely not expecting. Jeez what the hell was I drinking last night? And how much of it?

The familiar purple walls and photos from my child hood stared back at me as I tried to think back to what I did last night. I have never been so drunk that I ended up coming home. In fact normally the guys would take me to one of theirs if I got completely trashed.

I have a feeling I'm gunna have a lot of explaining to do. And possibly a lot of apologising as well. Well better get up and get this over with.

I stretched out, a few of my joints clicked from sleeping in the same position, for too long. God I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Not a good feeling.

As I stood up I mumbled something inaudible even I didn't know what I was saying. Hey maybe I'm still drunk.

I noticed I was naked so I pulled my dressing gown of the hook and slipped it on, as I headed out of my room to the bathroom. Don't wanna give Ford a shock or anything.

First things first, I need to pee!

After finishing up on the loo I splashed my face with water and looked myself over in the mirror. Huh I managed to take my make-up off last night. Can't have been that wasted then. But why don't I remember anything.

Think Harley think! It was only 8 hours ago. Maybe a few more but still what the hell happened. What the hell did I drink? My head is pounding!

I reached up to the medicine cabinet and took a couple of aspirin. There, that should dull the pain a little.

I wondered back out of the bath room. I noticed my dress was laying in a pile on the floor near the top of the stairs. That's a little strange.

I headed down stairs to get a drink and to find my phone. No doubt it will be filled with messages from Greg or the girls wondering where I am. I think I'm gunna have a lot of explaining to do.

My bag was on the counter next to a note, probably from my mum. Crap forgot about her. I probably woke her up last night with my drunkenness, this wont be good.

'morning sweetheart.

There's a sandwich in the fridge for your lunch. Hope you had a good night last night. Next time could you be a bit quieter when you come back Ford was moaning this morning.

Love you always

Mum x'

well that's weird. No capitals or underlining the words unacceptable or behaviour. Definitely not what I expected at all.

Still in a daze I flipped open my phone and pressed messages. Empty. No new messages. Now that's even stranger. Unless Greg pulled and was preoccupied. Fingers crossed for that one. Because if it's because he was too busy sending out a search party for me I am not going to have a happy Gregy on my hands.

I grabbed a bottle of water and downed half of it. Man I didn't realise how thirsty I was.

I walked back up to my room slightly happier that not only was my mum not bothered by my little surprise visit, but no one was worried and looking for me after I disappeared. All though is does make me feel slightly unloved. Nah I'm loved, even if it's only from Scrappy.

I pushed the door open smiling to myself. What greeted me I did not expect, or should I say who. Well today is just filled with surprises, hey maybe I'll win the lottery.

"what the?" I half yelled, out of shock.

There, in my bed, was a man. A rather sexy looking man. And then it all came flooding back to me. The guy that Alex threw me into. But I only hand a few drinks with him and then went back to the guys.... didn't I?

I took a second glance at him to make sure I wasn't just imagining he was there. I mean it had been a week with no action, could my mind really be that desperate? Maybe. His hair was all messy from sleep, his stubble slightly longer. Okay so maybe I did bring him back.

How did I not notice him this morning when I woke up? Meh, doesn't really matter. I shrugged, it's not like I haven't remembered bringing someone home before. I closed the door and dropped my robe, the only piece of clothing covering my naked form.

I noticed his eyes widen and smiled to myself. I still got it. Mental high five. Oh yeah. I hopped back into bed, because lets face it it's a bit cold and there's an extremely sexy man in my bed.

"so what's your name?" I ask him. Yes I know it bad when you don't remember peoples names but I don't even remember how I made it home last night.

"what ever you want it to be." he replied in a low gravely voice. One that mad me want to shiver in delight. But then again he did just use a corny line.

I shook my head, smiling, slightly amused that he would say that. I didn't take him for cliché guy, then again his friend was a bit. "really?" I asked incredulously. "your gunna use that line?"

he sighed defeated. "it's Drake. And your is?"

wow, I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't remember how we got here. I should act the victim here though. I placed a hand over my heart and feint hurt. "you mean you don't know?" I said with a shocked expression. I looked over to see he wasn't buying it and laughed lightly making him smile. "Harley." I finally say, introducing myself. And here comes the nervous laughter.

He looks at me as if I haven't even said anything. Maybe he didn't hear me. Or maybe he thinks I said something different, cause usually I get some sort of reaction to my name, be it a nervous laugh or sleazy line about what they have heard about me.

"wow! No laughter? That's a first." I say to fill the silence. For some reason I can't stand this silence between us. "my last name is normally what does though. Harley Davidson." I say in a mimicking voice.. "my dad is a real motor enthusiast, me and my brother suffer for it. His name is Ford, you know like a Ford GT." I tell him and then instantly regret it as memories of him that come flooding back.

Stupid, stupid harley! Why did I have to go off and ramble. Bring up things that should be kept locked away. Visions of him cleaning his bike on a Sunday morning fill my mind and I instantly feel the tears building up in my eyes. Please not now. I'll look like even more a loon if I just start randomly crying.

"hmmm" I hear him say distracting me. I wait for him to say something else. But nothing, he just stares into space.

"my friends say it's cause I'm a nice ride." I blurt out and then instantly regret opening my mouth again.

He looks over at me slightly shocked by what I said. His calm brown eyes, with fleck's of gold, stare into mine. And just like that I forget why I was upset, all thought of 'him' are locked away again. Maybe I should tell him it was just a joke. Though they have really said it before.

"hey don't look so shocked." I coo. "it's just a joke... I think." I say thinking about it.

He lets out a shaky laugh as though he doesn't fully believe me, then again who would right? "sure." he mumbles.

I relax into the bed a bit more, less tense now that, that's over and done with.

"so umm.." he says breaking the silence. " where are we?" he asked.

"in my bed" I joke smiling at him. He just rolls his eyes, take it he's not a morning person. "fine.. were in Ditchling Rise. Know where that is?"

recognition washes over his face. "what street?"

"Orchard Road. You know it?"

he shrugs, "yeah. I know it."

"cool." I say sinking further into the bed. Looks like he's leaving sooner then I thought. Oh well I guess no round two, but it does mean I can get some more sleep.

"so erm... if you don't mind me asking... how did this happen?" he asks motioning between the two of us.

"dunno. I guess one thing lead to another. You know how these things happen. Though I'm surprised I ended up back at mine. Usually I go back to the guys place." I said twirling a strand of hair around my finger. I should get it cut soon. It's getting a bit scraggly.

"Usually? You do this often then?" he asked sounding a bit shocked. I guess he probably thinks a girl that lives in a place like this is one of those posh prissy girls. Nope not me.

Sure I used to play the role of the good daughter, going to all the events and dinners my parents dragged me to but I was never a posh twit with no life. I only ever stuck around long enough to keep my parents happy and then vanished when my mum hit the vodka, she never noticed then.

"yup." I reply. Making the 'p' pop. Thinking about it I do it every night some weeks. "every night I guess." I tell him. For some reason I keep telling him things I don't mean to. I look over to gauge his reaction, yep he's a little stunned. "what? So a guy can do it but a girl can't" I defend.

"it's not that it's just your a bit more.... forward, about it that's all."

I shrug, it's true I guess. "i'm not ashamed of it. I like sex. No use in denying it."

we fell into another silence. I looked over at him. He looks like he's contemplating something. Then he notices I'm looking at him and smiles at me.

My breathing hitches slightly. His smile take me off guard by its beauty. I never thought I would say this but he has a heart melting smile. And I thought some of the guys had charm. Boy was I wrong.

He moved in closer to me "so you like sex aye?" he purrs in my ear, inching closer.

Hmm interesting. Maybe I will get seconds. And this time remember it. He looks like the type of guy I should remember.

I roll on my side and slip my hand around to the back of his head bringing his soft full lips to my own. He seems a little shocked that I made the first move, I guess he's not used to confident women. I pull away sharply. "just one rule. No hugging or lovey dovey stuff after. Got it!" I tell him. He gives me one sharp nod and a smile. I guess he likes that idea.

He rolls me over on to my back and moves to hover over me. I part my legs so he can get more comfy. He runs his hand over my body and kisses down my neck setting my body on fire with desire. I have never wanted it so bad. I should go a week without sex more often. I run my hand through his hair and tug on it lightly as I moan softly.

He trails kisses down my chest to my boobs where he takes my nipple into his mouth. I move my hands to run down his back. He lightly flicks my nipple with his tongue making me heat up more, so much I end up scratching at his back. Oops that might sting a little.

He reaches behind him and takes my hands, yep I think I hurt him. My bad. He holds my hands above my head. Ooo so he likes to be in control. I guess I could roll with that. I look down at him and smile mischievously at him. "oh so you like it that way." I say and bite my lower lip in a seductive way.

He chuckles softly. Then continues exploring my body with is lips. Kissing, biting, sucking, licking, all over my stomach and chest. I moan every now and then and I can feel him smiling against my skin when I do.

He moves back up to my face and I can feel his member pressed up against my thigh. My my we do have a big boy. He traces my lips with a finger and I playfully snap at it smiling.

"now, now play nice." he tells me taping me on the nose.

I open my mouth a little and take his finger in it. I gently suck on it in a seductive way. He closes his eyes probably imagining it's his c*ck in my mouth instead. Well that was the intended reaction. Yes I no I am bad.

he pulls his finger away and reaches down between my legs. He slips it into my wetness slowly, and then another. I gasp from his touch. He moves in and out of my slowly and smoothly. Whilst doing so he gently sucks on my other nipple. My hands have been freed now but I just leave them there. I don't need them right now. I'm enjoying being pleasured.

He increases his speed a little and I can feel the heat building up inside of me. Man he is good. I pant a little from the feeling. I notice him watching my boobs as they rise and fall. And then he pulls out of me.

I start to pout and then realise why he pulled away. He moves to position himself at my entrance. Resting the head just at my opening. He leans down and claims my lips kissing my roughly as he plunges deep inside me. Ouch! A little warning would have been nice. I gasp in surprise and a little pain, as he starts to rock in and out of me.

I start to move my hips with his and then he stops. Did I do something wrong? "is something wrong?" I ask sitting up a little, slightly worried.

He lets out a shakey laugh. "well..." he starts to say. "i forgot a condom." he tells me nervously.

Few. That's nothing. I thought I was bad for a second then. "oh is that it" I say slumping back down and I start to rock my hips again. Trying to coax him into starting up again.

"your okay with that?" he asks me sceptical.

"sure. I got checked out the other week. I'm clean. So if I catch anything it's you fault." I pull him in closer. Bored with this conversation. "now, where were we?" I say seductively.

He shrugs, and starts up again thrusting hard and fast. Good at least he's not gunna treat me like a fragile little girl. Just cause I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not built for speed.

He brings one of my legs up above my head so he can go deeper. The sex feels amazing. I love that he knows exactly what he's doing. No need for me to tell him what to do. I wonder if he'd be any good at doggy. Only a few guys can really go at it properly. He starts to kiss down my leg. Mmm that feels good.

He lowers my leg after a while and slows his pace. I start to pout in protest but his lips assault my own. Kissing me rough and hard. How he should be f*cking me.

Well if he's gunna slow down we might as well do doggy so I can get some fun out of this. I tug on his hair to pull his mouth away from me. "lets do doggy."i suggest.

His eyes widen in excitement. I guess he likes doggy. Maybe it will be good. He pulls out and kneels ready for me. I roll over and back up on to him. He grabs a hold of me and drags me a little. I yelp in surprise. I guess someone can't wait. I turn my head back to smirk at him.

As I do so he thrusts deep and hard inside of me. Whoa didn't expect that. I close my legs a little to make it feel better for him, making him groan in response. Oh yeah I know how they like it. He plunges deeper and harder and faster. Yes he is definitely good at Doggy. I might even be a little sore after, which is always a good sign in my opinion.

I reach between my legs and start to stroke my cl*t. Might as well make it good for the both of us. He speeds up a little and I moan softly. The more I moan the harder her thrusts. The tingles start to build up inside me, waiting to be released. With a few more deep, pleasurable, thrusts I orgasm with him inside me. Wow that has to be the best orgasm I have had I very long time!

I pull my hand away from my love button and collapse on the bed, letting him slip out of me as I do so. Okay I know it's mean after all he hasn't come yet, but I feel a little sore after that little f*ck.

"erm, I'm not done yet." I hear him tell me, slightly annoyed.

I roll over and smirk at him whilst rolling my eye. Yeah I know I that dummy. Well I guess I better give him somewhere to deposit his load. Make him happy and what not.

I get up on my knees and lean towards him. I slowly kiss down his neck, chest, abs and then make a bee line for his manhood. I take it my hand and stroke it softly and slowly whilst looking up at him smiling.

I lick the length of his member and then let it slip into my mouth. I begin to suck on it moving my head back and fourth. I mummer 'mmm' as though I like it, and cup his balls gently

Now don't get me wrong I don't enjoy giving head, but I'm not like most girls that shy away from it. I mean after all I wouldn't want to go down on a girl but if you wanna be given oral you gotta give a little. It's only fair... right?

As I engulf the full length of his shaft in my mouth and down my neck I flick it with my tongue. With that he shoots his load into my mouth. Well at least he doesn't taste too bad.

I continue to suck on his c*ck till it runs dry. Finally he's finished. I look up and smile as I sit back on my heals. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand so I don't have unattractive slober on it.

"you taste nice." I comment. God knows why. Sometime I really should think before I speak.

"err... thanks?" he says confused , making it sound like a question rather then a statement. Soon enough the confusion is wiped of his face as he lies down on my bad with a huge smile like he just won the lottery or something.

Happy with my work I leave the room to clean up a bit, and get a drink. I don't bother with my robe this time. No on is in the house, and it's not like I'm ashamed of my body anyway. Lets just hope the old couple across the street aren't gardening there front lawn.

A few minutes later I walk back into my room with two glasses of water. I'm a good host after all. I hand him a glass and slip back into bed.

"so... Harley..." he begins to say. "do you live by your self?"

"nah, my mum and brother live here." I tellhim not mentioning the fact that I don't really live her myself. "there at work though. She's gunna be pissed that I missed school again." I shrug. Not like she can really do anything about it.

"er... how old are you?" he asks me a little worried.

Probably shouldn't have said school he probably thinks I'm under age. "18... don't worry you didn't screw a minor." I chuckle at the thought.

He probably would have had a heart attack if he had slept with me a year ago. From either the fact that I screw like a pro or that I was off limits to him.

"good to know." he finally said.

I sigh and lean back against my head board. I wonder what the guys are up to? Ooooo I wonder if Alex got with Daisy last night. I will have to ask him later. Give him a ring maybe.

"don't you want to know how old I am?" Drake asks me.

"nope" I tell making the 'p' pop. "age is just a number." I tack on as an after thought.

"oooookaay then." he replied. Not convinced and raises an eyebrow at me.

"so drake. What do you do for a living?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation light.


"fair enough. Are you like a bum then?" I ask serious.

He just shrugs. "you could say that."

wow I don't think I've ever slept with an actual bum. You know the homeless kind. Hmm I wonder... "so where do you live then?"

"you know the manor at the end of the road?"

well duh. It's hard to miss. I feel like rolling my eyes, but then again I am kinda tired. "yeah." I reply in a bored tone.

"that's my house." he tells me in a small voice.

Ahhh well that make sense. He has money so he can bum around doing nothing. "oh right. Cool. Not far for you to walk home then." I tell him, still in a bored manner.

So he has money big deal. I have money too. I'm not gunna lie, it most definitely a lot less then him. Everyone knows the Ashford's have enough money to keep a small country afloat. Then again my trust funds have increased a heck of a lot the last two years.

After a few minutes of silence pass he starts to move, looking for his clothes no doubt. "so. I best get going then I guess." he tells me as he starts to get up.

For some reason I don't want him to go like I do the others. I want him to stay. To keep me company. There's something a bout him that I'm drawn to. Maybe it's his killer body and sexy face, but somehow I think it might be more. I just don't quite know what yet.

So I do something I've never done before and practically beg him to stay. "leaving so soon." I sigh. "don't you want a shower or breakfast?" I ask sweetly even though he could just walk up the street and use his own bathroom and eat his own food, a maid had made him.

He looks me over, silently debating to himself whether or not it's worth it. "sure why not." he replies. I guess I am worth it.

Happy with that I jump out of bed smiling. "great" I exclaim.

He smiles back at me, his eyes twinkling slightly. I almost caught my self getting lost into their depth. Quick to recover I grab him by the wrist and drag him out of bed. Well if he's staying might as well make the most of it.

"er. Where we going?" he asks as I pull him to the bathroom.

"to shower. Duh!" I say as though he should know this.


sorry it took longer then expected, blame my brother and dad for having birthdays in the same week. i've had so many family things to attend this week it's been unreal.

well i hope you enjoyed it. dnt think i'll put the shower sex scene up. after all you all know what happens. but if you want it let me know.

as always votes, comments and fanning are welcomed but dnt feel you have too, just your time reading it is enough ^_^

o x Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ x o

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