Write Through My Heart | DDLC...

By NixiumDonuts

136K 1.4K 2.2K

After the death of his mother, he was left devastated for it and tried to find his way through living life by... More

Chapter 1: Heartbreaking News
Chapter 2: Sudden Lost
Chapter 3: See You In Heaven
Chapter 4: Morning Suprise
Chapter 5: You're Kidding Right?
Chapter 6: Our Bonding
Chapter 7: My Past
Chapter 8: Tragic Day
Chapter 9: Inside The House
Chapter 10: World War 3
Chapter 11: A New Friend
Chapter 12: Masterchef
Chapter 13: A Friend's Visit
Chapter 14: Amusement
Chapter 15: Remember
Chapter 16: The Tree House Plan
Chapter 17: Kisses
Chapter 18: High
Chapter 20: Dangerous Old Friend
Chapter 21: Peaceful Day For Once
Chapter 22: Goodbye School, Hello Trouble
Chapter 23: Holding It Back
Chapter 24: Be Patient
Chapter 25: Lost Memories
Chapter 26: Realization
Chapter 27: Lost And Found

Chapter 19: Reunions And Secrets

2.4K 27 38
By NixiumDonuts

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up standing in a forest surrounding me, I was confused at first then I heard a familiar voice coming from nearby.

"Y/N........Y/N.............Y/N....." The voice said.

I started following where the sound was coming from until I saw the most familiar face that I wanted to see for a long time.

"D-dad??" I said completely confused.

"Long time no see son." He said then he smiled.

I ran towards him then hugged him,tears almost coming out of my eyes but I refuse to do it in front of him. We then let go of the hug.

"I missed you dad." I said to him.

"I missed you too son,but there's something that I needed to tell you." He said dead serious.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Protect your girls at all cost." He said.

"What?" I ask.

"Protect the girls you are with. Some people are after them because when they saw you with them,they think that they came out of the computer." He said.

"Why are they after them??" I ask extremely confused on the situation.

"*sigh* they will use them to make a portal in the computer as well." He said.

"Why would they do that?" I ask again.

"Well I think that's all I have to say to you. Take care son we love you and protect the girls." He said then my vision became white.

"Wait!!" I said then I finally woke up to my reality.

"I said wait.." I whisper.

I look at the girls beside me,they are sleeping peacefully.

"Don't worry dad,I'll keep your word." I said to myself.

As I stand up and went to the kitchen I saw Steve already cooking breakfast.

"Morning buddy." Steve said.

"Good morning." I said back.

Steve finally finished cooking breakfast and I helped him with placing some plates on the dining table. He puts the food in each plate then me and him started eating.

We finished our food then I look at the clock hanging on the wall and its just 6:52am. I didn't think that we're that early awake.

The others are still sleeping then an idea popped in my head then I whisper to Steve.

"Hey Steve, how about we wake them up?" I said.

"Yeah,how to." He said.

"Like the time when me and you woke William and Grace back then." I said to him.

"Oh that,sure I still have the thing we used,let me go get it." Steve said.

"Okay hurry up before they wake up." I said.

He went upstairs then I pour some ketchup on my hand, a while later Steve came back with the fake gun that sounded like a real one then we make our way to the living room where the others are sleeping.

Me and Steve then went to our positions and we smiled devilishly.
I raise my other hand with no ketchup and started to count.




As the sound of the fake gun made a bang I then pour myself some ketchup in the chest and stomach. Not caring the stains on my shirt then I lay down on the floor.

Steve then hid the gun then the others wake up and saw me. They approached me and looked at me worried.

"OH MY GOD Y/N!" Monika yelled.

"Who shot you." William ask.

I remained silent and pretend to be dead resisting the urge to laugh.

"H-he's dead..." Steve said trying not to blow the cover.

The girls were almost about to burst out crying until I sit up.


"W-wait...your not dead?" Natsuki ask.

"Nope me and Steve tricked you guys to wake up." I said then me and Steve laughed while showing the fake gun.

"That's the second time you use that. Gimme that I'm gonna burn that thing down!" Grace said then she lunged at Steve trying to get the toy gun but failed to do so.

"You guys should see the look of your faces." I said while chuckling.

The girls then glared at me.

"You just made the wrong mistake." Natsuki said.

"Uhh what you gonna do?" I ask.

"This." Sayori said then she grabbed my one ear then pinched it hard.

"O-ow!" I said.

The others then did the same to me and after that I hold both of my ears.

"Ow...... Maybe I shouldn't planned that." I said.

"But you'll also get this." Monika said then each of them gave me a peck on the cheek.

I blushed from what they did and so did they,I smiled at them.

"Well now that all of us are awake you guys should eat your breakfast now it might get cold." I said to them.

"What about you?" Yuri ask.

"Me and Steve already ate so yeah." I said then they went to the kitchen leaving me and Steve in the living room.

"Steve mind if I take a shower here as well? I just brought my clothes and showering stuff with me." I ask.

"Sure you're allowed anytime." He said.

"Thanks man." I said then started to get my stuff and walk to their bathroom.

Before I was about to enter the bathroom someone then hold me on the shoulders. I turned around and saw that it was Steve.

"Yes?" I said.

"Hey Y/N. Do you happen to know some nongovernmental agents?" He ask.

"No. Why?" I ask.

"When they came to me the other day they ask me if I know the whereabouts of the girls." He said.

Hearing this I suddenly felt my heart dropped. That's what dad said to me in my dream.

"Do you know what are their intentions with the girls?" I ask.

"No. They only ask me if I know where are the girls but I said to them that I don't know because I kinda have a bad feeling if I say to them where they are." He explained.

"Okay... After I showered can you tell William and Grace that we need to talk somewhere private because I need to tell you guys something." I said.

"Sure buddy." He said.

"Thanks." I said then he left and I entered the bathroom to shower.

While showering I can't stop thinking that what would happen if they take the girls. Dad said in my dream that they will use them to create the portal in the computer like what they did when they came here.

"Will they be back in the game again forever?" I ask myself.

"No Y/N, you won't let that happen. No matter what happens you will protect them." I said encouraging myself.

Im done showering and I change into my clothes and stepped out of the bathroom.

I went to the living room and saw all of them watching TV. I looked at my friends then I approuched Steve and whisper to him.

"Have you already said to them?" I ask him.

"Yeah,where do you wanna talk about it?" He ask.

"Let's just talk it in your room." I said.

"Sure. Grace, William." Steve called them.

"What?" They ask.

"Can we borrow some of your time for now? We just wanted to tell you guys something." I ask.

"Yeah sure where do you wanna talk about it." Grace ask.

"Just upstairs, at my room." Steve said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Monika ask.

"Er..... Just some plans on what we'll do after graduation." Steve said.

"Okay." They said.

Me,Steve,Grace and William then went upstairs leaving the girls in the living room and then we entered Steve's room.

"So what is it that we need to talk about?" William ask.


After I explained to them from what happened in my dream and what was my dad talking about of someone after the girls to open a portal in a computer for some reason,they just stand there shocked from what they heard.

"Wait...so what do you think we need to do to keep them away from us?" Grace ask.

"Let's just try our best to protect them. You guys are the only family left for me.... I can't bear to stand that they will be gone." I said sadly.

They then approached me and then smiled at me while patted me in the back.

"Don't worry Y/N, were with you." William said then we smiled.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"What do you mean someone after us?" A familiar voice said.

We all looked at the door revealing the girls.

"Uhhh." We stutter.

"Tell us, what's going on?" Monika ask.

"You really want to know too right?" I ask.

They nodded.

"Fine. Come here and listen." I said then they came towards me.

I explained the same thing to the girls and after they heard of it their faces are kinda shocked with a mix of scared expressions.

"Don't worry girls,we'll protect you from them." I said.

"I-i don't wanna return inside the computer." Sayori said while a tear falls down on her face.

"Its okay Sayori, they won't make you go back there. I promise." I said to her then wiped her tear on her face.

"We need some stuff that help us protect ourselves too like some guns and knives." Steve required.

"Yeah,and I know a place where we can get those." William said.

We looked at him confused.

"Where?" We all ask him.

"You'll see." William said.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: Now,now everyone. This is where the bits of action starts so look out for the next chapter!

I love you guys thanks for a more than thousands read! It really means a lot to me.

It kinda make me wanna publish more chapters so yeah!

Oh yeah I almost forgot.

Announcement: I'll be publishing a new story by around Friday or Thursday everyone look forward to it!

The new story that I'll be publishing is about another DDLC story. Wanna know what its about? I'll give you a hint.

Hint: The story is based on a DDLC Demo Mod.

That's all..

So see you soon Bye

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