Adopted By Demi Lovato

By laryssaosyka

116K 2K 378

Demi Lovato is three years clean from self harm, purging and drug use. Lately she has been feeling a little l... More

Adopted By Demi Lovato
Chapter 2: Can I call this home and you mom?
Chapter 3: Adventures before the Mall
Chapter 4: Fun at the mall...until I run
Chapter 5: Safe at home with my baby girl safe and sound
Authors Note- Not an Update, But Please Read
Chapter 6: Katie? Where are you?
Chapter 7- Room Day
Chapter 7 Part 2: Paint Time
Chapter 8: Katie Goes Live (almost)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live On Ellen (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)
Chapter 10- Ellen from Demi's POV
Chapter 11- Naptime and Dinner
Chapter 12- T-Minus One Day Until Surprise
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 1
Chapter 13 - Surprise Day Part 2- The Hints
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 3- The Hints from Demi's and Selena's POVs
Ch. 14~ All Fun and Games until someone gets sick
Ch. 15~ Doctors, Oh Joy.
Authors Note
Ch 16~ On The Mend
Ch17~ Relapsing
Ch18~ Old Habits Die Hard
Ch19~ The Talk
Chapter 21~ Telling Aunt Selena
Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles
Chapter 23~ Katie's Day With Nick
Chapter 24~ Planning a Birthday Party
Chapter 25~ A Birthday for Katie
Ch 26~ A Day at the Studio
Ch 27~ Letting You In
Ch~ 28 Lazy Day, Date Night and an Emergency
Ch 29~ Surgery, Recovery, Disney Land Fun and Packing
Chapter 30 ~ A Day Out with Family on the World Tour
Chapter 31~ A Surprise for Both Demi and Katie
Chapter 32~ A Mini Set, A Record Contract? Are you Serious?!? Yes Please!!!
Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete
Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick
Chapter 35~ And So It Begins
Chapter 36~ Will You?
Chapter 37~ Sunday Dinner Drama
Chapter 38~ It's My Time To Shine
Chapter 39~ Dirty Rotten Cheater
Not A Chapter~ But do READ and COMMENT
Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera
Chapter 41~ The Baby Name Game
Chapter 42~ Album Release and Promotion
Chapter 43- #tourlifeforlife
Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day
Brighter Days and Lighters
Baby Daddy Knows
Grandma Demi? Grandpa Nick?
Will You?
Welcoming Baby Mendes
The Sound of Baby Steps and Laughter
Clock Don't Stop
Authors Note

Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery

2K 39 13
By laryssaosyka

Katie's POV

I sat in Demi's lap a little while longer and I'm guessing that Maddie either became bored or something, because the next thing I know is Maddie flying through the air and suddenly landing on my lap. As soon as she landed in my lap my arms wrapped around her waist. I look over to Demi and see her looking at something on her phone, so I took my chance and leaned into Maddie as far as I could manage since Demi still had one arm around my waist and whispered to her "When I first woke up this morning and walked to the landing, hearing you tell Demi everything I told you...I was pretty upset. I understand why you did it and I just wanna tell you Thank You. I love you so much Mad." I leaned back into my orignal position only to have Maddie lean into me and whisper "I only did it because I love you, I want you to get healthy. You may be older then me but you are still my niece and I love you with all my heart. You're Welcome Kiddo.". 

Maddie tried to move back into to her position but I gripped her waist tighter and just pulled her closer to me. As this point Demi put her phone down and was stareing at the two of us. Demi pulled Maddie and I into her chest and hugged us WAYYY to tight, like tight enough to the point we are stuggling to breath. Demi pulled her phone out once more, this time opening her camera app, the three of us put our heads together and smiled, Demi took the picture. After that we were being total goofballs and made funny faces at the camera and took a whole bunch of random pictures. After taking what must have been 40 pictures we looked back threw them and just laughed our asses off. 

Demi soon realized that it was almost 10am and tells us we need to eat and since Demi cant make anything besides eggs and cereal and a fruit salad she tells us we are going to IHOP for breakfast. This sends Maddie scrambling off of me and out of my room saying that she needs to make her self look presentable. This sends Demi and I into a fit of giggles. I go to crawl off Demi only to be pulled back on to her lap. 

"You know your road to recovery comes with some rules right"  Demi asked me

"I kind just assumed there will be rules, so lets hear them" I told her 

"Smart girl. Alright so the rules are as follow:

   1. No going to the bathroom alone after you eat. 

  2. No showering by yourself until you are at least 3 months clean of self harm and purging. I will always be in the bathroom as you in other words.

  3. We are throwing away all of your blades, even your secret ones. 

  4. I am taking away all sharp objects until further notice" Demi said to me

"Alright, those sound do able mom" I say to Demi

After Demi lays down her rules she so follows up with the "And no ifs ands or buts about it" statement like I was even going to say anything after she laid down the rules and I just agreed to them. Demi let me off of her lap so I can go to my closet. Once there I quickly checked the weather and pulled out the clothes I wanted/needed. I was walking to my bathroom to which is connected to my room, I stopped dead in the doorway, slowly turning and giving Demi a look. " you coming" I asked her. Demi was soon up and off my bed and followed me into my bathroom. 

She sat on the covered toilet while I showered...I usually sing in the shower but I cant with Demi in the room..sure she has heard me sing before but I sing her songs while I shower...and thats just awkward, considering Demi Lovato is my mom and I am singing her's just no. 

Soon enough I was done showering and I dried off my body and changed into my top and underwear. What I don't shave my legs in the shower...I fill up the sink a little bit and shave them there. Nothing wrong with it. I have that weekly internal arguement with my brain. While the sink was filling I sat on the ground in front of my mom. Just staring up at her. 

"Yes Katie Baby? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Demi asks me

"Nothing" I tell her while giving off my famous "up to no good" smirk

"Mhm sure, why are you giving that up to no good smirk off then?. I will let that slide for right now, because we got a busy morning" Demi tells me

Soon the sink is almost filled and I sit on my vanity, Demi sat on the toilet facing me now while I got ready to shave my legs. I wet my legs down and slowly applied shaving gel on them. I pick up my razor and Demi gives me a encouraging look. As if to say that its alright, go on, shave your legs. But I cant. Once I pick up my razor they start shouting. My demons are back and they keep getting louder. 

They start to shout in my mind now 

Cut, Cut, Cut 

Come on you know you want to

You are not going to be missed if you do cut or kill yourself, just get it over with already. CUT

Demi doesn't even want your fat ass

And with that I dropped the razor on the bathroom floor. It hit it with a clink loud enough to echo off the walls. Tears start to rush from my eyes like no tomorrow. Demi looked up and rushed over to me. 

"What's wrong babygirl?" Demi asks me worriedly

"T....T....Th.....They....are...back" I try and get out. Shit I have a panic attack starting and breathing is getting harder. My lungs are starting to close up

"Alright baby girl, it will be okay. I'm right here. I need you to match my breathing. Babygirl you are having a panic attack. Come on match my breathing. In....Out....In...Out" Demi tells me as she brings my back into my chest so i can match her breathing.

When  my panic attack passes, Demi bends down to pick up my razor. Her free hand grabs one of my own and she rubs my nuckles. Demi ends up shaving my legs and as soon as she finishes I slip on my shorts and run to my bed. Diving into my bottom bunk and I let myself sob uncontrolably. I feel the bed sink next to me and myself be lifted into someone lap. I hear Demi start to sing Skyscraper followed by Warrior as I feel her rub my back. 

I am now calmed down and we go downstairs to see Maddie watching the ID channel...haha poor Maddie, Demi got her hooked on it to, just as she did to me. Demi speaks loudly telling us to get into the car that she will be there soon and we will head out for breakfast.

I hear Maddie challenge me to a race to the car and that winner gets shot gun. I blew right past her and beat her...then again I'm pretty sure she forget about me being in so many damn sports.

Once Demi finally joins us, she tells us that we are going to IHOP and then to the court house to legally change my name then nothing else besides going back home. 

Demi's POV

This morning was an extremely hard morning for me to handle. I faced the fact that my daughter is relapsing. I also faced the fact that I may need to send her to the therapist I saw when I first got out of rehab but I will be her decide. Maddie was surprised to finally learn Katie's middle names...Katie wants to change her name to Kaitlyn Devonne instead of Kaitlyn Jennifer. I dont mind her changing her name..thats sweet esspecially after she told me the reason why. Maddie, I couldn't help but giggle at her reaction to the middle names. But everything just makes me feel like a failed as a mother. My daughter is going through what I went through at her age. She is getting hate on social networks and there is nothing I can do to stop it no matter how hard I try. I am just thankful that she hardly ever uses her Twitter and she doesn't have a Facebook.

When Katie, Maddie and I were sitting together on Katie's top bunk, I got a text from Nick, Niall and Cody. All three texts were interesting...Nick basically poured his heart out to me about how he has always liked me more then just a friend and Cody had been texting me more and more over the last few days..He also told me that he has feelings for me. Niall also told me no matter how hard he tries he just can't get over his feelings for me, oh that cheeky Irish Cutie. Well this should be interesting, I have three boys chasing after me, one is my exes little brother another is my ex and the last is one of my closest friends.

Once Maddie left to take her shower and change into some clean clothes, Katie and I talked about the new rules I decided to put in place to aid her recovery and she took a shower. As she went to shave her legs she had a panic attack..her demons are back and still getting louder. I really dont want to send her to rehab because that it almost killed me to be there! Katie's panic attack didn't last too long, maybe 10 minutes at most. I ended up shaving her legs and afterwards she practically sprinted and dove into the bottom bed on the bunk. I stood at the doorway until I heard the sobs she was emitting. I crawled on to her bed and lifted her into my lap, in the end I softly sang Skyscraper and Warrior.

Once we went downstairs we found Maddie on her phone and watching ID channel. Poor Maddie, I brain washed her and Katie into actually enjoying the channel and crime least they enjoy it more then any other channel. 

I told the girls I would meet them in the car then we would go eat breakfast and go get Katie's name legally changed to Kaitlyn Devonne Leigh Lee Lovato. Holy shit that is a mouth full to say!!

Maddie's POV

So this morning I knew that once I told Demi everything that Katie told me esspecially about her relapsing that Katie would be pissed at me. But that was a risk that I was willing to take, I love my niece and I need to see that she gets better. She's like a sister too me already after only a month of knowing eachother.

Demi took it really hard, she thinks she's a failure of a mother which she's not. Katie is just running through a field of thorn bushes and she's stuck in one bad ass thorn bush (Sorryit's a inside joke, I'llexplain it later it the authors note). 

I know that Katie will make it out if her rut okay. It will take some time but I know she will be okay in the long run. I am currently sitting on the couch watching the ID channel. Damn you Demi!!! I blame you for getting me addicted to the damn channel!!! I am brought out of my TV trance when I heard Demi telling me and Katie to wait in the car.

"Race ya to the car Katie, first one there gets shot gun!" I blurt out and before I know it Katie is sprinting ahead of me and winning the race to the car. Damn it I totally forgot about all her sports and her physical training.

Sitting in the car on the way to IHOP was definitely interesting between Demi's oh so amazing driving skills and our signing...I'm kinda sorta surprised Demi got the three of us here in one piece. Actually scratch that..I'm surprised the state of California trusted her with a damn license to begin with. I mean I bet you, that Katie or I drive better then she does.

The three of us quickly gobbled down some breakfast. I ate 3 eggs with some bacon, Demi had 3 eggs with some toast and bacon and Katie had a single egg with some fruit on the side. Hey it might not be much but at least she's starting somewhere with her recovery. She put up a small fight when the food got to the table, but with mine and Demi's help she ate almost 75% of her breakfast.

After we got done eatting our breakfast Demi paid the bill and we left to go to the court house to officially change Katie's name from Kaitlyn Jennifer Leigh Lee Lovato to Kaitlyn Devonne Leigh Lee Lovato.  Holy Fuck that's a mouth full to say...leave it to someone in my family to have that long ass name.

Once her name was legally changed they had to print her a "new" birth certificate with her new name. Demi was way to exicted about it and had me take a picture of the two of them with the new certificate,  then I just had to get in on the picture taking action so Demi took a a selfie but with three people instead of, no? okay y'all are no fun. FINALLY we were able to pile back into the car and go home and eat a smallish lunch..for only being out for a few short hours I am pretty tired. I guess I'm just gonna nap my afternoon away.

Katie's POV

Well it's done and offical. My name is now officially Kaitlyn Devonne Leigh Lee Lovato. Demi got really exicted because she went picture happy with me and her holding my "new" birth certificate and Maddie got all up in the picture taking action as we. Holy fuck my name is still a mouthful to say (yes I did just realize that), currently we are on our way back home to have a smallish lunch and basically have a lazy day the rest of the day.

Once we were home Demi popped a pizza into the oven and walked out of the room to take a phone call. Maddie and I stayed behind to watch the pizza make sure Demi didn't indirectly cause the house to burn down. Apparently I zoned out because I was brought back to earth by Maddie nudging me.

"Dude Demi has been calling you for like five minutes already" Maddie tells me

"Shit, I zoned out, thanks Maddie" I slowly tell her

"Yea no shit the world knows you zon-

"KAITLYN DEVONNE LEIGH LEE LOVATO, GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!  I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" Demi cuts off Maddie and shouts from where ever she is

"COMING MOM!! WHERE ARE YOU?" I decide to shout back considering I really don't know where the hell she is in the ginormous house.


I run up the stairs to the third floor, stopping just short of running into Demi.

"Yes mom?" I ask timidly

"So I was on the phone with a few people, they really want to meet you, they have been kinda bugging me since before you got sick." Demi replied with

"Okay, who are they?" I quickly ask

"Well there is Marissa Callahan, Cody Linley, Nick Jonas and Niall Horan." Demi slowly replies

"Well alright, invite them over?" I tell her

"Katie you can not fangirl! I know you don't fangirl because I have introduced you to many people in my career but still." Demi told me

"I won't I promise, can Aunt Selena come over?"  I asked to Demi

"Sure! Call her.....wait does she know about your relapse?" Demi asked me

"No, not yet I want to tell her today in private, if thats okay with you mom" I told Demi

"Oh course its okay with me kiddo, she may not be your blood related aunt..or is it adoptive aunt? Anyways she may not be my real sister or your real aunt but I consider her my sister and I know you love her and she loves you. Selena is protective of you already, she loves you. If you want her to know about if then you tell her" Demi told me

Once the conversation was over I walked away from my mom scrolling threw my contacts to call Aunt Selena.

(K- Katie, S- Selena)

"Hello?" An extremely tired Selena answered

"Hey Aunt Selena, umm...I was wondering if you would like to come over today? Mom is introducing me to some people and I really want you over." I timidly ask

"Oh of course sweetie I'll be there. What time should I be there?" Selena asked

"About 12:45, I need to tell you something before the others get here" I told her

"Okay I'll be there kiddo" Selena told me

"Alright. I love you Aunt Selena" I told her

"I love you too kiddo, see you later" Selena told me

I was so exicted that Selena was coming over...okay so four people I don't know are coming over and three people are here or will be here that I do know. I can do this.

Demi's POV

Katie was okay with Mar, Nick, Cody and Niall coming over. All she requested was that she could invite Selena over.

I walk down the stairs and went into my room, I quickly called Mar and told her to come over. I told her to come over around 1:30. I did the same with Nick, Cody and Niall.

I had just laid down when I heard the doorbell go off and the patter of feet running towards the door. With a sigh I knew I should go get the door, I got off my bed and went to the stairs. Only to trip and tumble down the stairs. I heard Selena, Maddie and Katie yell my name before my world went completely black.


Hey everyone! Okay so I'll make this authors note super quick...

1. Sorry it's taken a long time for me to update, I got pretty caught up with my summer college math course work. I'm almost done with the class, only 3 weeks left.

2. Thank you to all of you who have continued to read this book. Thank you to all of you who have voted and commented and messaged me. You guys really make my day.

3. Oh..The inside joke. I'm a major tomboy..i love camping and my ukrainian youth group has campground up in Wisconsin. Well we host like 7 different camps for member. At these camps we (the campers) basically do everything for ourselves.  We build these huge ass campfires with the wood we spend hours picking. Anyways...the forests have a crap ton of torn bushes. Me being the tomboy I am... and I basically go sprinting through the forests and these torn bushes, it doesn't really hurt unless you stop in them or unless you practically stab yourself with them. But everyone calls me a crazy idiot when they see me do this because I'm the only one stupidly brave enough to do this. Oh and at this camp they trust me with a hatchet and Ax (shocking) since they all know me and how I love to play with fire and sharp things.

4. 15 votes and 3 comments for the next chapter update. Yes, I do already have it slightly started and I promise it won't take as long to update the next chapter.

That's all guys!! I love you all. Stay Strong everyone!

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