An Alternative Spin

By Josephina2017

1.8K 55 22

Mal's plan to steel the magic wand succeeds and now everyone else must pay the price of her actions, can anyo... More

The Coronation
The Villainous kids
Trouble Strikes
To The Isle
On The Isle
The Escape
Mal's New Pet
Zevon's Toy
Play Toy or Pretend
Three Days Later
Deals and Punishment

A change in power

112 4 1
By Josephina2017

I would like to thank Bal-Breelice09121994 for helping me with the ideas for this chapter :D

Malia woke up in a prison cell, she looked around for her "Dad!? Jay!?" She called to her father and Jay, but she couldn't find either of them "What?" FG whispered to Belle and Beast who were also in the cell "Dad!? Jay!?" She cried out again, she got up and and went to the bars of the cell "Dad! Jay! Where are you!? Anyone please!" She yelled despite know they couldn't hear her, she started hyperventilating and crying once she realised she was trapped away from her father and Jay. She fell to the ground and curled into a ball as she sobbed "The poor dear." Belle muttered, watching the crying teen in sympathy. Belle stepped forward but was stopped by her husband "What if it's a trick?!" Beast asked his wife, Belle looked at the sobbing teen then back to her husband "Look at her, she's terrified." Belle told Beast before walking over to Malia.

"Hey, are you ok Sweetie?" Belle asked, worried about the child, Malia softly shook her head "No! No, I'm not, Jay nearly died and can very well be dead already, my father was knocked unconscious and is most likely dead or imprisoned as well and I'm stuck here, unable to help my friends and family." She wept, "Oh sweat heart." Belle sighed sympathetically, hugging the sobbing teen to try calm her down.

Elsewhere in the dungeons, Jay was starting to wake up, he couldn't remember a thing and he had a migraine "what... the?" He said slowly, he took in his surroundings, "Where am I?" He wondered aloud. "In the dungeons." A voice answered him, Jay turned to see Mulan and her husband, "What!?" Jay said in surprise, Shang walked up to him "One of Maleficent's goons dragged you in here before stabbing you with some needle, I'm guessing the needle was to make you unconscious and so you didn't remember anything." Shang said to the teen.

Even further in the dungeons, Diaval was chained in the back of a cell, he tried to stay awake but fell unconscious again soon after waking up.

On the isle

Josie was currently in her cat form, asleep by Amy's side, Amy was looking out towards Auradon, she was worried about her family. "Where are you guys?" Amy wondered aloud as she gently stroked Josie's fur. Amy was snapped from her thoughts by the sound of one of the AKs "Hello?" Bree called, wondering who was out there.

Amy turned to see Bree standing behind her "You should be sleeping." Amy told the princess "So should you." Bree said, walking over to Amy "I can't sleep, I'm worried, Malia and the others haven't gotten back here yet." Amy told her. Bree nodded. "I know how it feels, I don't know if my parents are alive or not, I'm scared that I'm going to or already have lost them." Bree told the pink haired girl, Amy smiled softly at Bree.

Josie woke up when she noticed Bree, Josie's eyes started to glow a little as she saw Amy smiling 'You are not becoming friends with a Bore-adon kid!' Josie thought angrily before turning back into her human form "Amy can you follow me please?" Josie asked with fake sweetness, she didn't wait for Amy to answer before grabbing her wrist and grabbing her away from Bree. She revealed her cat ears and tail as she dragged her cousin away.

Once they were away from Bree, Josie turned to Amy with slightly yellow eyes "Skitty you better stop!" Josie growled "Stop what?" Amy asked, not understanding what she meant "You know what I mean! Stop being all buddy, buddy with the enemy!" Josie snapped, Amy raised an eyebrow "Enemy?" Amy asked, "That girl! The royals! Maleficent and her lapdogs! And AKS!" Josie spat in disgust. Amy narrowed her eyes at Josie "Josie, the Aks and royals are not our enemies, Maleficent and her lackeys are, and Bree seems really nice." Amy reasoned, "She is deceiving you! Someone like her would never truly be nice to people like us!" Josie snapped, eyes glowing brighter with each word, Amy's eyes started to glow red "Delcatty stop being so judgemental! You don't know that! Bree could be very nice for all you know!" Amy scolded her cousin "Or an enemy who want's nothing more than to destroy us!" Josie retorted.

Amy growled in annoyance "Why are you acting like this!? Are you jealous? Being overprotective? Cautious or just plain out stupid!?" Amy snarled, her eyes crimson red "I'm only trying to protect you!" Josie snarled "I don't need protecting, especially by no-good vermin like you! Now why don't you just go back to where you belong you pest!" Amy yelled, she didn't mean to say that, but she was fed up with Josie's nasty behaviour. Josie had a look of hurt, her ears fell, but she quickly covered the sadness with coldness "Fine! See how well you end up without me!" Josie said emotionlessly before turning invisible and walking off, a few tears slipped down her face as she walked away "Yeah that's right Josie! Run away just like you always do!" Amy yelled angrily before walking back the way she came.


Ulric was walking around when he heard some people talking nearby "You should be sleeping." Amy told the princess "So should you." The AK girl said, walking over to Amy "I can't sleep, I'm worried, Malia and the others haven't gotten back here yet." Amy told her, Ulric had to cover his mouth to stop himself from gasping. The princess nodded. "I know how it feels, I don't know if my parents are alive or not, I'm scared that I'm going to or already have lost them." She told the pink haired VK, Amy smiled softly at the princess.

Then Ulric noticed the cat was awake and judging from it's look, she is not happy, 'Oh dear, looks like the cat isn't happy.' Ulric thought, he never really liked Josie that much, he thinks she's untrustworthy and she has attempted to steel from him countless times before. The cat and Amy walked off, leaving the princess to her thoughts, Ulric thought back to what they said about Malia not being back, he started to feel sick with worry.

In Auradon

Mal sat in her now bare room, when she had returned after nearly killing Jay, Mal found all her wall decorations gone, leaving the walls very plain. She sat on her bed in silence. Mal didn't even turn around to greet her mother "Mal, look at me." Maleficent ordered, after a few minutes Mal finally got up and looked at her mother, looking almost as if she was going to cry "Mal, what's wrong?" Maleficent questioned her daughter, "I can't take it anymore!" Mal yelled, "I've tried to eliminate all my weaknesses, all my flaws, I've completed all my training and yet I'm still not good enough for you, still not strong enough, still weak!" Mal ranted in tears.

Something in Maleficent made the mistress of evil embrace her daughter in a comforting hug "You are not weak Mal." She whispered in her daughter's ear "You said it yourself!" Mal cried "When did I say that?" Maleficent asked "You said I was a disappointment before remember!" Mal sobbed, Maleficent didn't know what to say so she continued to hug her daughter "You're my one weakness mum." Mal cried, then she stopped crying and whispered into Maleficent's ear "And I'm yours!" Then she flipped Maleficent over into the ground, Maleficent groaned in pain as she tried to pick herself off the ground, "I'm going to make you proud." Mal said emotionlessly before locking her mother in the room, Mal used her ring blades to kill the guards and made her way to Malice's room 'It worked, now for the next stage of the plan.' Mal told her brother telepathically, she found Malice's room and opened the door, Malice was at the door, smirking "Well it's about time." Malice commented, Mal rolled her eyes at him, "Come on." She ordered, Malice nodded and followed his sister through the castle.

Mal grabbed a nearby Knuckle head "I own this kingdom now! Tell everyone that now or die!" She told him before kicking him aside, the knuckled head ran away from her quickly, leaving to spread the news and keep his life. "You ready M?" Malice asked, "Ready as I'll ever be." Mal replied.

Before long Mal and her brother had gained control of the kingdom "To think, villains have been trying to overthrow the rulers of Auradon for years and we did it just like that." Malice said with a snap of his fingers, Mal laughed cruelly "Well we're not villains are we." Mal said with a smirk "No we are not." Malice agreed, "So, what's next?" Malice asked Mal, Mal smirked "Go get Maddy, Ginny and Anthony, I've got a little errand for them to run." Mal told her brother, he nodded before walking off to find them. Mal sat back into her throne with a smirk.

A few hours later

On the isle

After their fight Josie slinked around the ruins of the isle, it was nearly dawn. She was looking down while she was snapped from her thoughts when she suddenly walked into someone, she looked up to see Ulric "Fish." Josie greeted coldly "Cat." He replied in the same tone. "What do you want now? You going to try to kill me again?" She asked, "Not this time, what are you doing? Trying to scam some poor unfortunate soul?" He asked, "I don't know what your talking about." Josie said, "Yeah, sure like I would believe you." He said, looking at her in disgust, she rolled her eyes at him "Yeah, yeah fishy." Josie said rudely "Don't call me fishy, kitty!" Ulric growled "Don't call me kitty!" Josie snarled "Tsk, tsk... such a temper." Ulric mocked, Josie growled a cat like growl at him "I'm sorry, I don't speak cat." He mocked again.

Josie opened her mouth to retort but suddenly fell unconscious, Ulric raised an eyebrow, then he noticed a red dart in the side of her neck. "What the?" He said as he saw the dart, suddenly he felt something prick his neck, then he too fell unconsciousness.

I hope you liked this chapter :D

I decided to update cause I'm in a fairly good mood cause I'm now in a drama club at school (Acting three times a week now), helping in a charity and got a reward today

If you have roleplayed with me before you will probably notice a few references ;)

What do you think will happen to Josie and Ulric?

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