Not your average Muslim love...

By 97Ayesha

197K 10K 821

When a trip to Haiti, turns Zara's world upside down. She must fight, inorder to complete her bucket list bef... More

Not your average Muslim love story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors note
It's up!!!!

Chapter 18

5.3K 334 9
By 97Ayesha

I woke up at 3AM relaying the events of the previous day in my head. I decided to go on another run and watch the sunrise on the hill.

After I got back everyone was still sleeping, so I decided to make breakfast.  I ransacked the kitchen familiarising myself of where everything was and set to work, making eggs, sausages, toast, muffins and some parathas. It was 7 when I was done and no one was awake, which was surprising with the amount of clatter I made.

I decided to get ready and wake up Ameerah. I crept inside my room making sure to wake no one else and put on some jeans a plain white tee and a emerald green blazer and put on a cream hijab and went to my bed where Ameerah was curled up in the fetus position.  I jumped on the bed, which caused her to groan but she didn't even open her eyes.

"Ameerah! Wake up, now! come on lazy butt, if you don't I'll take a picture of you and send it to Adam." I hissed, hoping to get some reaction out of her.

"You can't dumbass, no hijab." I sulked, she was right I couldn't send Adam a picture.

I ran to my side of the bed and grabbed my water bottle.  We all knew what happened next.  Ameerah screamed whilst bolting up as I emptied the contents of the bottle on her face.

The whole house was awake by the look of it and someone knocked on the door, I ran out of it and collided straight into my uncle who just laughed at Ameerahs face and made his way back to his room, not wanting to stay and suffer the wrath of my cousin who was completely drenched.  "Should of woke up when I told you to." I screamed whilst running to Isabels and Christies room which was where I would be seeking refuge for the time being.

Christie was already awake and Isabel was in the shower,  we were to leave at 9 to get to the school. I would be spending the whole day with them, and I couldn't wait.

I decided to wait a good 20 minutes before going down, just as I was about to leave Isabel came out dressed in a towel and her wet hair hung to her shoulders. " Zara, you know how you're the best friend in the whole world."

"What do you want?" I deadpanned.

"Your green skirt, please, pretty please with a cherry on top and possibly a llama and a unicorn. " I looked at Isabel and gave her a wierd look before complying, which resulted in her knocking the wind out if me as she gave me a bone crushing hug.

I loved making her happy, Christie was on the phone yet again. "... No my client will not attend until you guarantee an meeting and not trying to fit us when someone has canceled,  we're not sitting ducks you know." with that she hung up the phone.

I went up to her and gave her a hug, I appreciated everything she had done for me and we both went down for breakfast leaving Isabel to get ready.

I was right, everyone was awake and were all in the kitchen stuffing their faces with the food I had made. I looked around grateful at the family that Allah had blessed me with.

"Zara, you're an amazing cook this is fricken awesome. " said Saif whilst his mouth was full, which made me gag and resulted in his mother slapping him, causing everyone to laugh at his expense.

"I agree and because you made me food,  I'll forgive you." said Ameerah who was eating her Paratha with some yoghurt.

"I need to talk to you,  come with me." My mum exited the room and indicated for me to follow her. Once we had got to the living room she spoke.

"I got a text from Rabia, the text is for you, here." my mum pushed her phone towards me and left the room, curiosity began to nibble at me and I opened the text.

I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, we all did, the boy you saved survived however there was two boys trapped in the hut, and so the other died. The authorities said that he died due to smoke inhalation and you wouldn't have saved him anyway. He told us not to tell you but now that he has gone I felt it was only fitting that I tell you, since I knew if I was in your situation I would want to know. I've been wanting to call you for a long time now, the children are missing you and so am I please come visit soon.

Love Rabia x

I wanted to cry, but I had cried a lot these past couple of months and decided against it. "He" had obviously meant Zayd and I didn't want to think about him so I trudged back to the kitchen after taking a few calming breaths and gave the phone back to my mum and she gave a sympathetic smile in return.

Once we had eaten, me, Christie and Isabel left for the school which was an hour away and took 2 hours to get there because of stupid traffic.

We got there an hour late but was greeted by the headteachers assistant Barbara,  she gave us a quick tour of the school before taking me to the main hall to give a quick speech to the students and meet and sign some of the students book.

The students filed in and I was thrust back into memory lane of the students at the Hussaini school. Isabel cleared her throat and I woke up out of the day dream to see around 100 pairs of eyes looking straight at me,  I cleared my throat and began the speech I had prepared on the ride over.

The speech had gone down well, as I tried to involve the students as much as I could and now it was there turn to ask me questions.

"Will you be writing a sequel? " I looked at the girl, shock was evident on my face.

"Do you want one?" I asked, the girl nodded her head vigorously and some of the other girls had started to speak up, and all were fully behind me writing a sequel.

"Well, I guess I better start working on one then." the hall filled with cheers until a boy put his hand up, whom I recognised to be Asifs brother and I indicated for him to speak.

"I don't know whether you remember me, but I'm Abdulaziz your future brother in law." at this point the whole of the hall had erupted into laughter and I hid my face behind a copy of my book that I was holding to try and hide my blazing red cheeks.

"Yes, I remember you Abdulaziz, go on." I replied trying to make my voice as steady as possible and hopefully trying to get him to make his point.

"So since your going to be marrying my brother because both my brothers will not stop talking about you. I think it's only fair if I read this sequel first,  don't you?"

I laughed at his childish antics but something was niggling at my brain that Asif couldn't stop talking about me. Some of the other students were protesting and I raised my hands to silence them.

"Okay, okay, how about we do this, a week before the book is released to the public, I will send in a bunch of copies to the school,  so you could all read it first. How does that sound. " The students agreed and I answered a few questions before signing a few of their copies and hearing their thoughts which mainly consistes of, Why a certain character had died.  I didn't want to give spoilers, so I told them the sequel would address this.

I was done at last and Christie had brought some food for me to eat before we left on the long journey home.

"So how do you think it went? " I asked both Christie and Isabel, whilst I eyed my cheese toastie.

"It went great, the students seemed to throughly enjoy themselves,  but me and Christie can tell that you also miss teaching,  don't you?" I nodded. Isabel was right I missed it and I made a plan to see the kids at the Husseini school before my eyesight left.

We left the school at around 4 and got home at 5:30 and I went straight to bed. I was knackered with all the talking and the walking and the embarrassing incidents. I prayed and jumped straight into bed, not bothering that I still had my hijab on.
Salaams/hello lovelies here is a another chapter. Just got home from my aunts house and I'm exhausted. Hope you guys enjoy it and the next update is tomorrow.  Much love, Ayesha.

ps: don't forget to :) because it's sunnah.

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