old love new fate

By zitana128

14.5K 528 41

this is a ambw story. Janelle williams was a hood girl getting into trouble with her four friends sonya, kyah... More

my story (tatsuo takahashi)
chapter 1
other characters
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
-chapter 6-
~chapter 6~ (pt 2)
~chapter 7~
hi people!
~chapter 7(pt 2)~
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
y'all suggestions?
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 9

353 18 0
By zitana128


It's 6:20am in the morning on oct 12, and I'm already in the shower. I got out the shower, put on my uniform, and put my kinky twist braids in a ponytail while fixing my edges. I aslo did my makeup and cleaned the bathroom after myself. I left the bathroom and put everything I needed in my purse. I then smelled food, "tatsuo must've cooked breakfast." I said to myself. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen to see kai and zoey eating while tatsuo cleaned the counter table. I then sat down "morning babies and tatsuo. "morning janelle." he said with a little excitement in his voice. "morning mommy!" she said with a perking smile on her lips. "Ma! Ma!" kai said with smiles and giggles coming from him. Ma babies are soooo cute! Oh how I love them so! Tatsuo then sat at his sit and began digging into his food. My phone ringed and I got a call. A call from ryan. I then answered the call and talked to him. "Oh okay! I-I'll be there! I'm getting ready now. See you ryan."


She's talking to that bitch again?! Janelle got off the phone and wrapped her plate up in foil and a plastic bag. "Alright kids see you! I love you, have fun with daddy and be good!" "okay mommy! I'll be extra good!" she said with a thumbs up. "I know you will baby!" she then gave them hugs and kisses and left the kitchen. Anger rised within me when she was talking to that pussy. I swear if I ever see him watashi wa kare o korosu tsumoridesu!!!! (I'll fucking kill him!!!!) I then got out of my seat and yelled her name.
Me: Janelle!
Janelle: Yes tatsuo?
Me: Why? Why are you doing this shit?!
Janelle: Tatsuo what the hell do you mean by that?
Me: Why the hell do you keep talking to that pussy ryan janelle?!
Janelle: Tatsuo I'm not interested in him anymore.
Me: Anymore?! The hell do you mean 'anymore'?!
Janelle: I mean I used to be interested but not anymore, that's what it means! Besides he's just a friend and nothing more.
I then started pacing around while breathing in order to calm myself off.
Janelle then grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug.
Janelle: Baby....I would never do you like that. I'm not that type of woman. And you know it. I.....I still have love for you and n-no one else. Okay?
I then hugged her back and kissed her head.
Me: I love you janelle. It's just that I can't stand it when a man is near you. But I do know where your loyalty is at. I'll be taking the kids out so don't worry.
Janelle: Okay. And I don't have to worry. I know you'll protect these children.
Me: With all my life.
I made a vow to myself ever since I first saw zoey and kai that I would protect them and their mother. I love the family I made with janelle and always will. I know she wouldn't try to fuck another man even though she tried to. I still haven't gotten over how the bastard was touching what's mines. He's got guts I'll give him that. But it won't happen again. Janelle then let go of me and went to the door.
Janelle: If you're going somewhere that involves mob business then bring them to either kyah or bianca.
Me: What about the other two? Imani and.....sonja.
Janelle: Haha jackass it's sonya and they have to work today, so they can't babysit today.
Me: Okay. See you.
Janelle: See you. Bye!
She then left the house. I then went into the kitchen....only to see zoey and kai out of the kitchen! How did kai get out of his seat?! I then looked everywhere In the house. Soon My heart was pacing fast and my head filled with worries. I then heard her voice. "Daddy?" I turned around saw zoey coming down the stairs with kai. Oh thank fucking god! I thought in my head.
Me: How did you go upstairs with kai so fast?!
Zoe: When you and mommy started yelling at eachother. I got him washed and dressed and also me too.
Me: Oh....wait how did he get out of his chair?
Zoe: Kai knows how to unbuckle the seat but not get out, so I got him out the chair using a stool.
Me: Oh my god.
They're growing up on me already. I can't let that slide.
Me: Anyway kids you're going over aunt kyah's house today okay?
Zoey: Okay! She went towards the door and tried to reach for the door while holding kai. I then went to the door and opened it for them.
Zoey: Thank you daddy!
Kai: Dada! dada! He said while extending his arms for me. I then grabbed kai from zoey and also picked zoey up too. We then went outside.
Me: can you close the door zoey?
She then nodded and closed the door and locked it with the key. I walked over to kyah's house. I knocked on her door and she then answered the door.
Me: kyah.
Kyah: What you doing here?
Me: Janelle said either you or bianca could watch the kids so I choose you.
Kyah: Ard. Give them to me.
I then put zoey down and she ran into her house, while kyah grabbed kai from me.
You watch my kids with your life. Got it?
Bruh, I watched them more then you can watch your little rice dick go weak ard? Ard then!
She then closed the door in my face. And locked the door. She's still a bitch. I shook my head and walkex back to the car. I got in, and drove off. Today I'm going with jeremy to interrogate some shitface about the whereabouts on ryanello.


I arrived at the traphouse. When I parked the car I looked out the window to see ma bro Demetrius from highschool in 9th grade. I got the car and said while walkin towards them. "yo meech!" he turned around and looked at me. "Dezzy boi? Aye bro! That's you?!" "hell yeah nigga! What you think?" Demetrius then came up to me givin me a manly handshake and ending it with a snap.
Mecch: Yo wassup bro?! I ain't see you since forever what's going on wit you man?
Me: I'm good! How you been bro?
Meech: Lit I'm doing lit you know what I'm sayin.
We then went in the traphouse. The house was packed. Everyone I knew was here. I feels good to be home. Meech then yelled while holding his beer up. "Aye y'all! Dezzy boi back! Let's welcome him back!" everyone then cheering, clapping, and shouting from my return. I missed my hometown. I grew up in this very house. My momma was a prostitute and she was claimed by my father martin, who's a pimp and still is till this day. My momma's name is raina smith while my pops name is martin Reyes. After realizing she was pregnant with me my mom decided to escape from him. She was pregnant with me at 16 and had me at 17. My mom ran away from her family so she didn't have body to help us so she went back to stripping. Until my pops found us and he a. My mom told me to run away from that house and live with meech and his family. because of that day and I found this very trap house. Meech is my brother for life. He comes from a gang family my pops did too but I wasn't interested in him. Donald (meech's father) was like a father to me. He treated me like I was one of his own children. He gave me money to go to a college at japan. And I pursued my dream of being famous. The people in this traphouse was and still is like a family to me. Meech then sat on the couch with me and said to me whilr smokin his blunt.
Meech: You know yo daddy comes here to find you right?
Me: What? But why?
Meech: I don't know it's bout you taking the leadership to his drug gang or some shit.
Me: Hell nah man, I'm tired of him. I don't wanna deal wit him and his shit! And after what he did to my momma?! Hell nah nigga! Hell to the nah!
I still remember that day. The day that motherfucker......killed my momma.


I was 11 years old. My mother hid me in the kitchen closet because she the kitchen closet was near the back door that was cracked open and ready for me to escape. She already packed food, clothes, and money for me, along with a note to give to her boyfriend Donald (meech's father) in case she was dead. She knew that he would kill her about her leaving him for another man. So I'm now in the closet hearing my momma talk with my so called father.

You leavin me?! And You gon be wit another man raina?! Huh? Huh?! Bitch you better answer me right fucking now!

Look martin I-I don't want any trouble martin. Please let me go I.....I luv this man with all my heart and-
She was then slapped in her face by Martin. She fell down to the floor and started crying out for him to stop he then started beating her up. He then got up and wiped the blood off of his knuckles.

Listen here bitch. You's my bitch! You understand? You are mines and you ain't ever gonna be with no nigga but me! Am I clear? Raina!

She shook her head no. Her beautiful face was now covered in bruises and sacres, blood streaming down her face, and tears fell from her hazel brown eyes.

Pl-please stop th-this! Martin I d-don't love you anymore! You've been hurting me too much and......and I just wanna be happy. Please martin, please!

Yet you was saying you love me when making our son huh? You do still love me. Come on, come to daddy raina.

She then started scooting over towards the stairs. He then grabbed her by the leg and dragged her towards him. She then kicks him in his stomach and headed towards the stairs until he grabbed her leg. He pulled her to him and grabbed her hair And threw her to the ground. He took his pants and boxers off. He grabbed both of her hands with one hand and ripped her panties off with the other. He then thrusted his member inside of her entrance. He then used both of his hands to hold her down as he kept pounding her mercilessly. Desmond now crying while his he hears his mother's cries and screaming pain as his father beat and rape her. Martin then heard the crys from the kitchen. He stops what he's doing and heads towards the kitchen his mother notices and she crawls to him and she grabs his leg.

Bitch get the fuck off my leg!
No! I won't let go!

He then grabs her hair while she's still is grabbing onto his leg.

De-Desmond! Go! Leave this house and remember what I said. I.....i love you!

Desmond then went out the door. And he ran out of the house he turned around and looked back at the house. He then heard a scream and gunshots from the house. He then ran really rast while crying.


I thought about how could that pussy ever be my father and how could he kill my momma like that. I then realized that I had tears coming down from my face.
Bro you good?
Yeah man......I'm good.
Desmond then gave me a hug and I returned the hug. If I can be real with anyone it's Demetrius. He's the one who helped me with my depression from my mom's death. Of course i can be honest and true with the guys but I can be real with Demetrius. He's the little brother that I always wanted since he's younger than me. I then checked my phone to see the time. 1:45pm. I then looked at my hair and I realized my hair needed to be cut.
Aye yo bro I need a haircut you got a barbet shop in mind for me?
Yeah! Here's the card.
I took the card and left.
Meech: See you bro.
Me: Ard man see you.
I then left the house and went into my car to drive to the place.


I just finished I Customer and my fingers hurt after braids those fulani braids in her hair but it still slays so I'm good with it. Libby (my manager) came and asked me in her thick african voice.
Libby: sonya do that man's hair.
What but I was about to go on my break!
Well too bad! She said with an attitude. Oh this bitch wanna get knocked out so bad! She really do.
Why can't one of the guys can't do it?
Because as you can see some of the men aren't here today and the other men are already busy and the women are also busy too.
And what about you? You can't do it?
I'm busy with helping the boss out right now.
I then let out a big ass sigh. Man this bitch is really fucking annoying. I just wanna eat my pain away.
Fine! Bring his ass over her.
Don't curse! It's not a good trait on you sonya. After him then you can go home. She then walked away and called the mystery man towards me.
I then got my station ready and the man sat down.
What can I do for you sir?
Sonya? That's you?
De-Desmond?! What you doin here?!
Hey can a nigga get his head done?
I laughed and put the sheet over him.

~22minutes later~

I finished his hair. I gave him some waves and fixed his beard. I then grabbed the mirror and handed him the mirror. He then takes the mirror and looks at his hair.
Damn! My hair is on point! Especially my hairline!
I see you like it?
Like it? Oh hell nah, babygirl I love it! Might have to come here more often.
Maybe you should. Said while smiling and biting my lip at him. I looked at my phone and to see it was 2:05 pm. That means I can go home and take my ass to sleep. Yaaaassss!
It's time for me to take my ass home.
You need me to take yo phat ass home babygirl?
Mmm.....yeah let's go.
We then left the shop and went into his car, and drove off.


I was driving around with sonya. We talked and turns out She's not bad. In fact she's my type in a woman. She don't take shit from anyone, she's nice, really funny, a pretty face, smart,  beautiful melanin skin, and has a sexy body. A better body than her friends actually. I think she has the fattest ass out of all of them to be exact.
Oh wait can you take me to bianca's house? I gotta pick my kids up from there.
Ard. Where she live at?
252 north and stone str.
Aight got ya!
I then drove where I was told while giving me the directions too. We then arrived at her house. "Damn!" I said in shock.

I know right? We always have a girls night out at either bianca, eva, or Imani's house because how big their house's is.
That sounds lit!
Yeah it is lit.
She then got out the car while I waited in the car. I then got a call from tatsuo. Maaaaannnn what this nigga want now?! I said annoyed. If you wondering 'why I'm annoyed at a phone call from tatsuo?' 'ain't he supposed to be yo mans bruh?' well I'm pissed with him until he can apologize to janelle and start treating her like a goddess. When I heard he put his hand on janelle I literally was losing my shit. He got the nerve to do some shit like that. I punched the shit outta him! And of course I got on his ass! I don't tolerate that shit even when the girl is acting out I still don't tolerate it. Never had, never will and if he gotta problem wit it then I'm not fucking wit him no more. He knows why I don't like that shit. My mother was the most sweetest woman ever. She encouraged me to do good in school and did everything in her power to make sure I had a normal life. I then picked up the phone and said in a sarcastic tone.
Me: Oh wassup tatsuo! Can I help you?
Tatsuo: cut the sarcasm Desmond.
I rolled my eyes at that comment and said in a annoyed tone.
Aight nigga what you want?
Jeremy wants us all at his house. He found more clues and whereabouts on rynello.
Ard. Imma be there.
You're still mad aren't you?
No man I would never! Note the sarcasm
Like I said cut the sarcasm shit out. And anyway I apologized to her.
Really? You did?!
Yeah. Why's that a surprise for you?
You never say sorry to no girl when you upset them. But in your case I understand.
So......you gonna forgive me or not?
Still thinking about it bro.
It's alright I understand.
You better. But Imma see you there.
Alright see you. He then hung up.
Sonya then knocked on the door.
I then unlocked it and she opened the left door buckling her son in there. She then closed the door and sat in the passengers seat with a little baby girl sleeping on her chest.
Hey mama who's that? The little boy asked curious.
Oh! This is mr. Dez! Mr. Dez meet my son Jeremiah.
Sup lil man.
Sup cuz.
Jeremiah don't say 'cuz' to an adult like that!
No sonya it's aight. Besides 'cuz' isn't a bad word.
Hmmm......you actually right! I haven't thought about it like that.
So does that mean.....
He can say cuz.
Yay! I can say cuz!
We all thrn laughed and I then drove them back home. We got to their house. Sony a unbuckled her seat belt while Jeremiah did the same. As sonya was about to get out The little girl then grabbed my middle finger. I looked at her and she looked at me with a smile. My heart is now feeling all warm and happy. Seeing a baby smile at me for the first time warmed my heart up.
Sonya: She likes you already.
Me: I see that. I said while making silly faces at her and hearing her giggle and smiling at me.
Ard see you soon-
I then grabbed her arm and asked her in a sky voice.
Sonya I.....I was wondering......uh you wanna go....on a date with me?
She then kissed my cheek and said with a sexy voice.
Yeah. I would love too.
I-Imma arrange the date.
Okay see you.
I then drove off. I don't know why I asked her out! I never asked a girl out if anything girls aking me to fuck them and I did. But......but wit Sonya it's different. She my type of girl, from personality and body type. Yeah she may have kids......but I'll still be there for her and her kids too. I think it's that time for me to probably settle down I wanna know what a relationship and having a family feels like and I'm willing to try.


After putting the kids to sleep I just decided to clean the rest of my dishes from last night's dinner and from breakfast. But I still had a smile on my face. Not just because I'm home but because desmond asked me out. Yeah that's right, the famous Desmond Reyes asked me out! Me! I just feel so honored by this date. Imma have to slay even harder for desmond now. I just finished the dishes and I'm now sitting downstairs on the couch. I heard my mailbox open from outside so I got up, went to the door, and opened it up. I grabbed the letter from my mailbox and closed the door. I then opened the letter and I couldn't believe what I'm reading my heart is pumping and full of panicking, my face is still in shocked face, and I can feel my mind going insane.
Me: No! No no no! H-he can't be out, he can't! They said he had 2 more years! No! no! no! N-NOOOOOO!!!!!!
I then started screaming and panicking.

~To be continued~

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