Write Through My Heart | DDLC...

By NixiumDonuts

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After the death of his mother, he was left devastated for it and tried to find his way through living life by... More

Chapter 1: Heartbreaking News
Chapter 2: Sudden Lost
Chapter 3: See You In Heaven
Chapter 4: Morning Suprise
Chapter 5: You're Kidding Right?
Chapter 6: Our Bonding
Chapter 7: My Past
Chapter 8: Tragic Day
Chapter 9: Inside The House
Chapter 10: World War 3
Chapter 11: A New Friend
Chapter 12: Masterchef
Chapter 13: A Friend's Visit
Chapter 14: Amusement
Chapter 15: Remember
Chapter 16: The Tree House Plan
Chapter 17: Kisses
Chapter 19: Reunions And Secrets
Chapter 20: Dangerous Old Friend
Chapter 21: Peaceful Day For Once
Chapter 22: Goodbye School, Hello Trouble
Chapter 23: Holding It Back
Chapter 24: Be Patient
Chapter 25: Lost Memories
Chapter 26: Realization
Chapter 27: Lost And Found

Chapter 18: High

3K 35 124
By NixiumDonuts

(3rd Person)

Y/N woke up from the pleasant smell coming from downstairs, he saw that the girls are finally awake. He got up from his bed and went downstairs to the kitchen and saw the girls eating pancakes.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Sayori greets.

"Good morning girls." Y/N greets back.

He take a seat with the girls on the table and started eating with them. A while later they finished eating and they putted their dishes in the sink. Y/N decides that he will wash the dishes but the girls said that they will wash with the dishes with him so they started washing those dirty dishes and finally they're done.

After for like 2 hours later all of them are finally done showering and Y/N went to the living room and play the game Until Dawn in his PS4.

He played the game for like an hour and he finally stopped playing he went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of soda in the fridge and went to his backyard.

(Y/N's POV)

I went to my backyard and walk silently towards the tree with a tree house in and I sneakily went up the ladder.

There is a door on the tree house so I just stayed at a branch and drink my soda while listening to their conversation.

"Hah! I'm the first one out! In your face Sayori." Natsuki said.

"Hey no fair! You should have picked the other card." Sayori whined.

I chuckled silently listening to them and I think they are playing cards.

"Here's my last card. I'm second." Yuri says calmly.

"Who do you think will be the last one here Yuri?" Natsuki ask.

"I think it depends but I think it will be Sayori." Yuri replied.

"No! I will beat the hell out of Monika!" Sayori yelled.

"We'll find it out Sayori and who ever is the last on one of us, will have to be locked up in here tonight with a bunch of bugs!" Monika said while giggling.

They're conversation end there and I chuckle to myself. I drink my soda and look at the sight, its kinda beautiful up here. A while after I then hear someone yelled.

"Yes!" Monika yelled.

I guess she's victorious, hehe poor Sayori.

"Nooo!! I don't wanna be locked up here!" Sayori whines.

"I'm sorry Sayori but thats the rules." Yuri said.

"I'm scared of the dark ya know." Sayori said.

"Okay we'll just give you a flash light." Natsuki said.

"Fine.." Sayori said.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back in a minute." Yuri said.

"Okay!" The girls said.

I finished my soda and waited for Yuri to come out. She then opened the door then when she saw me she jumped back frightened. I just chuckled at her reaction.

"You alright there Yu-" Before Monika was about to finish her sentence the girls looked at me.

"Hello girls,nice tree house you have." I said then smiled.

"Ahh Y/N! Ahhhhh,how long have you been here?" Monika ask blushing.

"Since Natsuki was the first one who won on your game." I said.

"Okay? SAYORI!! THE SIGN!!" Natsuki yelled.

"On it!!" Sayori yelled back.

After a few seconds they then sticked a sign on the door and closed it.

I read the sign and it says:


"So its a girly business, oh well." I said to myself.

I just stayed on the branch that I'm sitting and looked around, I then saw a dog came from the hole in the fence then started to walk around the backyard.

I started to climb down the ladder and walk towards the dog when I approached I started petting it and then he licked my hand.

I look around its neck to see if it has a collar and it hasn't have one. I kinda think that it is just an a abandoned dog so maybe I should keep it. I love dogs by the way so yeah.

I check on the dog to see which gender is it and surprise its a male.(Y/N is not a pervert by the way...)

I carried him inside the house and went to the bathroom and started taking him a bath. After for a short while he is finally clean and fresh then I take him to my car and I drove into a pet stop to buy a collar and some dog food for him.

I bought a blue collar then I decided to name the dog Laurence. After naming it I then went back to the car and putted the collar around his neck.

He barked then wags his tail sideways, I smile at him then drove us back at the house.

We finally arrive at the house then me and Laurence stepped out of the car and I walk with him to the backyard.

I let him explore the backyard and I just watched him. Later then I saw the girls climbing down the tree then walk towards me.

"Hey there Y/N." They said.

"Hey." I said to them.

I saw Laurence getting a bit far so I just whistle then called him. He then started running to me then the girls saw Laurence.

"Is that a dog?" Natsuki ask.

"Yep,just found him a while ago so I think that I should keep it." I said.

"Can I pet it?!" Sayori said excitedly.

"Sure you can." I said then I gave him Laurence and putted him on her lap.

She starts petting him then he is licking her hand.

"You're so cute!" Sayori said then he barks.

"C-can I pet him too." Yuri ask me shyly.

"You can pet him all you want." I said then Yuri smiled and started petting Laurence.

"My turn!" Natsuki said then he pets him then followed by Monika.

I smiled at them then I stand up and walk inside to the kitchen and I washed my hands. I dried my hands then I receive a phone call on Steve, I picked my phone from my pocket then answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey Y/N." Steve spoke.

"Hi Steve, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Can you come here at my house and help me and Grace babysit William." He said.

"Why what happen?" I ask.

"Well....as Grace explained to me he was just eating his food then he accidentally put some kind of medicine that made you high instead of salt." He explained.

I laugh from what he said.

"I guess he is stupid enough to not know the size of salt." I said.

I then hear William scream"Weeeeeee areeee theeee CHAMPIIIIOOOONNN!!!" in the background.

"Okay I'll be there can I bring the girls with me? I don't wanna leave them here." I said.

"Sure, hey do you want to have a sleepover with us? Grace said that she and William will sleep here tonight and my parents are at work they will be back maybe the day after tomorrow." He said.

"Okay! I'll be right there." I said then hung up.

I went back outside in the backyard then I called the girls.

"Hey girls get your sleeping bags cuz were having a sleepover at Steve's house." I said then the four immediately look at me.

"Really?!" They said.

"Yeah!" I said.

They then stand up and went back inside to get their sleeping stuff ready. I then approached Laurence then I kneel down.

"You're in charge here boy. Make sure you kick the trespassers' ass when they mess with our house." I said while petting him.

He just barked in response then I smiled at him. We walk inside then I went upstairs to my room to get my stuff as well.

Five minutes later were finally ready then we started walking to his house since his home is near to mine.

We arrived at his house then I knocked on the door,a few seconds later Steve opened the door then looked at me.

"Oh good Lord you're finally here come in!" He said then let us in.

He led us to his living room and we putted our stuff in the corner then saw William running in circles around the couch while doing the t-pose.

"Wooooo!!! Hey guys look! I'm an airplane!!" He said.

We just laughed at him then he started to walk towards me.

"Y/N! You're finally here!! Hey guys I forgot to introduce to you Y/N,my wife." He said.

"Yep, he is high as a drug can be." I said then we laughed.

I pushed William to the couch and let him sit there.

"Woah! Hey Y/N why are so tall!!?" William said.

"Because I'm standing and you're sitting." I said.

"Oh okay." He said.

I just sit with him and the girls then approached me.

"Make yourself at home girls by the way." Steve said.

They nodded and joined us watching TV. A while after William then stand up then look at us.

"Hey which way is the bathroom Steve." He ask.

"Just go at the end of the the hallway." Steve replied.

He then went to the hallway then he yelled.

"Hey guys!! DO U KNOW DA WAE?!?" He yelled.

"Oh my god!! William its just at the end of the hallway!" Natsuki then yelled.

We laughed at Natsuki then we hear a door open and close at the end of the hallway.

"Guys, want something to drink? I got some apple juice and soda." Steve said.

"I want the apple juice please!" Sayori said.

"Me too." Monika said.

"I'll have some soda." Grace said.

"Soda for me." Natsuki said.

"I guess I want some too." Yuri said shyly.

"I think I'll pass for now." I said.

Steve nodded and walked to his kitchen. A while after he then brought a tray of apple juice and soda pitcher and some cups. William then came back and saw the drinks.


"You idiot these are apple juice and sodas." Grace said.

"Oh okay,can I have some too." He ask.

"Sure,here you go." Steve said then he gave William a cup of soda.

He began to drink the soda and he finishes already then he burped loud.

"I think I'm gonna explode." He said while holding his stomach.

"Don't drink your soda so suddenly." I said then we laughed.

"What do you wanna do guys?" Steve ask.

"How about let's just babysit William here." Grace said then we look at William.

"NANI?" William said.

"Nothing." We said to him.

"Are you sure about that??" He said.

"Okay, let's bring him to bed." I said.

We carried him and wrapped him with the blanket except for his head of course and we put him on the ground and a pillow under his head.

"Now go to sleep." I said.

"Not until you tell me a story." He said.

"Fine." I said then I started to tell him a story about the ugly duckling,and after the story ended he then said.

"Wow I'm as ugly as the duckling can be." He said.

"Yeah you are. NOW GO TO SLEEP." Grace said.

"Okay,don't bother me guys I'm gonna dream about the NAKEDDDLADIESS!!!" He yelled then he starts to sleep.

"Oh my God,is he a pervert or just the effects of the medicine he ate." I ask.

"I think its both." Grace said then we all laughed.

I look at the time and I didn't notice its already 7:42pm,might as well tell some scary stories.

We tell some stories about some scary stuff for like 2 hours and its finally time to sleep.

The girls snuggle up with me and then we all said goodnight.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: Okay thats all I have now I gotta sleep too so....

By the way I just accidentally published this the other day , I was just about to preview this LOL XD.

So that's right everyone I'm a dumb lettuce.

Fine! Call me whatever you want but I'll never be a foot lettuce!



So see you soon

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