Love & War (Completed)

By ImJustReese

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SEQUEL to 'Waiting For Mr. Left' **This is Book Two of the Fighting Temptation Series.** Bruce and Alexis are... More

Copyright ©
Ch 1: Fu** Love, This is War
Ch 2: Truth Is...
Ch 3: Repairing the Broken
Ch 4 Face Your Fears
Ch 5: My Name is Payback, and I'm A...
Ch 6: When The Levee Breaks Pt 1
Ch 7: When the Levee Breaks Pt 2
Ch 8: Black & Noke, Better than Rum & Coke
Ch 9: The Experiment
Ch 10: Low Down Dirty Shame
Ch 11: Bad Move
Ch 12: Special Delivery
Ch 13: War On All Fronts
Ch 14: Old Wounds
Ch 15: Lo Siento
Ch 16: Not Letting Go
Ch 17: Soul of My Soul


398 26 7
By ImJustReese




I'm walking in the supermarket getting some more Bunny Trails ice cream. I swear I go through this stuff like water. I'm putting the fifth carton in the shopping cart when...


I look over and see a glossy eyed Paige. Her hands are over her mouth.


She walks up to me and hugs me, trembling slightly. I rub her back. Confused as he**. "What's the matter?"

She pulls back, tears rolling down her cheeks. She sniffles, and hugs me once more. "I'm so sorry."

I pull back and look at her. "For what?"

She looks down, shaking her head. "I...I heard what happened to you, and to Daniel. I'm so sorry. I feel like I should have known. I mean we dated before...and I knew that he could be crazy...but I didn't know he was..." She cover her mouth.

I hug her to me, rubbing her back. "'s not your fault. He had both of us thinking he was some semblance of normal. I don't blame you Paige. I'm sorry too. I heard they tried to kidnap you at gun point, in broad daylight." He pulls back and look at her. "How are you?"

She laughs and sniffles. "I should be asking you that. How's Daniel?"

I smile. "He's alive. In a coma still, but alive at least. And I'm fine, as you can see." I gesture to my almost five month baby bump."

She smiles. "I am so happy for you Alexis. I'm sorry about all the drama..."

I smile back. "Everything happens for a reason. I'm happy for you too. Miles..." I laugh. "Did he tell you he Wimbledon'ed a garter belt at Nahia's wedding?"

She laughs. "No, but Angelo told me."

We share a laugh. She takes tissue out of her purse and cleans her face, still laughing.

"You want to...maybe...grab lunch sometime?" She asks.

I look at her in thought. "Sure. I'd like that."

She nods. "Me too. It was great seeing you. I am so happy that you are safe, and happy, and doing well."

I smile. "Me too. Keep Miles on his toes."

She nods with a smile. "I promise."

We share a hug and part ways. It isn't until I have paid for my ice cream, and gotten into he car that I think...

What is she doing in Miami?

I shrug and keep it moving. Once I get back to Papa Do's I put four of the five cartons away. Grad a spoon and head to our room. My Dani rests peacefully, as I pop myself up next to him and cut Netflix on.

I choose to binge watch the rest of Jane the Virgin. I saw one episode and was hooked.

At some point during my binge-fest I fall asleep.

Thank you pregnancy.

When I wake up, it's after dark. I turn over and my heart stops.


I'm on a bed in and unknown room. I almost begin to panic, thinking Bruce somehow got loose and I am being held prisoner again. But, the heavenly smell of strawberry and cream cheese stuffed french toast caresses the air around me. I moan in hungry bliss. Sitting up with my eyes closed. Basking in it's delicious aroma.


My eyes pop open in shock. Before me stands a very edible Daniel, holding a steaming plate of bliss goodness. I know I should be jumping for joy, and jumping him right now, but my pregnant priorities are clouding my judgment. My mouth waters just looking at it.

"You made me french toast baby?"

He scoffs. "I don't know. Seems like someone has been having iHop deliver stuffed french toast while a bruh was taking a nap. You don't need MY stuffed french toast. You can have your delivery. Don't worry, I'll take good care of this plate." He turns to walk away.

My mouth drops open in horror. "No nononononono." I stand and grasp his arm. " don't be like that."

"Like what..."

"Like...don't be maaaaad. You were in a coma and our son wanted stuffed french toast. And you were in a coma and I... I was weak baby..."

He starts walking.

I pull his arm. "No nonono wait please?"

He stops and turns his head in my direction.

"I'm sorry... Their stuffed french toast means nothing to me baby. It's yours that I wanted, but I couldn't so-"

"You cheated on my stuffed french toast with some wannabe stuffed french toast from iHop. For real babe. They don't even put the strawberries in the middle. At least cheat with some worthy french toast." He shakes his head in disappointment. "That's grimey babe... grimey..."

I pout. "I know Dani. But I am really sorry. I will never do it again...I promise."

"You dam* right you won't. Because you are going to get your sexy pregnant a** on the phone right now, and cancel that order indefinitely. And I swear if I even see you looking at an iHop..."

"I won't. I promise."

"Well...start dialing." I put it on speaker.

I nod and walk over to the nightstand and pick up my phone. I speed dial iHop. My girl Laiia (Pronounced Lay-ee-ah) picks up. "Hey Bit**! It's about time you called. I was wondering about you."

Laiia Below

"Hey Laiia. Umm...I'm calling to cancel my order and to ask you not to deliver anymore."

She gasps. "''re breaking up with me? But...but why?" She sniffles. "Was...was it bad? I can do better. Don't leave..."

I bite my lips. "Look, it was good while it lasted, but I have to let you go. It's for the best. Just know...that your a** better call me on Saturday, or we fightin'."

"Bit** you know I will. Like we are missing that da** sale. Uh nope. And yo pregnit a** better be up and dressed too."

I suck my teeth. "I will, da** Lai! Anyways, Dani is awake and was-"

Daniel clears his throat, cutting a piece of french toast for me.

"-is mad as he** I was cheating on his stuffed french toast." I moan taking the bite he offers me.

"Da** Ali, his french toast is that good?"

I finish my bite. "Yes bit**. Orgasmic. Curls my toes every time."

Daniel chuckles.

"Wait hol' up Ali. You just said Daniel was awake. What the strawberry stuffed he** are you doing eating at a time like this? You should be getting stuffed, sans french toast. He should be in need a respirator right now with all your pent up pregnit hormones. Your a** should be riding him on the way to hospital, so they can resuscitate him once you're done."

It is right now that I remember that Gin and Laiia are cousins. Daniel laughs.

"I am so done with you right now Laiia. Stop talking to Gin, she is corrupting you."

"Corrupting who? 'scuse me, but I'm older by a year. That bit** wish she had the diaper milage to corrupt me."

I laugh. "I'm done. Love you bit**."

"Love you too. Tell dracula I said what's up."

He smirks. "What's up Schoog."

"Ain't sh** my ni**a. Treat my girl right. Di** her up, down, both sides, top, bottom, and we straight."

"Then she better eat all this french toast." He says putting another forkful in my mouth.

"I know that's right. I'll talk to you later Ali. This muthahfu**ah is getting on my last good nerve with all this complaining. "Laiia this isn't your house." Laiia we don't pay you to talk" "Laiia do that on your break" "Laiia, Laiia, Laiia..." "Sh** can you take a couple steps back? You're standing on my di**?!" She touches her collar. "Although it does roll nicely off his tongue. And that da** jaw of his." She 'mmm's on the line.

I laugh. "You finna get charged with sexual harassment by your boss aren't you?"

"Yup. He got me wanting to catch a case. One day Lex. Imma catch that tall fine tight a** in the storage closet. He'll be saying my name for a very different reason. Imma make him wanna tattoo 'Laiia's Property' on his di**.

Daniel and I crack up laughing. "You need help. Why don't you just ask him out?"

"He's my "boss"?" She says, make a face with making air quotations.

We laugh. "Why are you still working there? You don't need the money? Quit and ask him out."

"Because my a** is bored. What am I supposed to do? Sit at home and do nothing? All my businesses have people running them, while I just collect the checks. I am bored. And even though John's uptight a** get on my nerves...he's as fine as Daniel."

John Below

I suck my teeth and roll my eyes. I've seen John...Daniel blows him out of the water. "Bit** please..."

"See that right there? You need to go to back to church. I was talking about Daniel in the bible."

Daniel laughs at the face I make. "Bye Laiia."

"Ewww...bye heathen."

I laugh.

We disconnect the line.

I look over at Daniel. This man waited 12 years for me to return to Miami. Structured his life around us spending our lives together. Risked his life for me. Died, came back, and was in a coma, and is sitting here feeding me stuffed french toast like it's just another day...

He reaches up and runs his thumb under my eye. "Why are you crying Lobo?'

I take the plate and put it on the bed, and wrap my arms around him. He holds me, caressing my back as a cry against his neck. "I'm sorry."

He pulls me onto his lap, being careful of my belly. "What for?"


He pulls back and wipes my eyes, searching them.

He's soul whispering again.

"You don't have to apologize. I would do it all over again...just for you."

I start up all over again.

He pulls me to him, rubbing my back. "So..."pent up 'pregnit hormones" huh?

I laugh, wiping my face. I smile, cupping his handsome face. "I love you Daniel Nayati Santiago-Silva."

He smiles. "You better." He kisses me, tasting the delicious bliss from the forgotten plate. His hands gently squeezing my wider hips.

I sit back and pout at him.

He smiles. "Woman. How many ways do I need to show you and tell you that I love you?"

I tilt my head still pouting.

He chuckles. "Spoiled a**. I love you Alexis. Naomi. Monet. King." He says each of my names like they are the lyrics to his favorite melody. "Not even death can keep me from you. I am the man I am today, because God made you the woman I needed. You work my nerves sometimes to the point where I want to spank your a** raw, but I wouldn't change a thing about you. You're perfect. So, don't apologize for sh** I've already forgiven you for. I told you. I'd do it all over again, just for you. You're more than just my woman. You don't just hold the key to my heart. You are my heart. You and all your crazy. You're—why are you crying again?" He deadpans.

I wipe my eyes. "I'm not crying..." I sniffle.

He smiles. "Uh huh..."

I deflate. "Fine I was, but that was beautiful. I...I don't deserve you Dani. I don't. I'm not perfect. That's you, not me. I'm bossy, and temperamental, and sometimes shallow, and impatient, and-"

Daniel kisses me, stopping anymore words for leaving my lips. "-perfect for me." He says looking into my eyes with so much love, warmth coats my insides. "You may be bossy, but I would do anything for you. And temperamental? Have you met my older brother?"

I smile.

"You may be shallow, but we're both beautiful, so we shouldn't have a problem."

I giggle.

He smiles at my laugh. "And you may be impatient...but I waited 12 years for you. And I'd do it again, if it meant I'd get to spend the rest of my life with you." He kisses me tenderly. "You are my perfect mate. My equal in every way. We are perfectly crafted for one another. Pops says, you're the wild fire that brought my light back. He's partially right. Truth is..." He bring my face closer to his by my chin. " are my light. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I praise God everyday that He wove His Light into every fiber of your being, to light my path out of darkness. I love you Alexis. It scared the he**out of me when I woke up earlier and found out what you went through. It scared the he** out of me, all the psychotic sh** I wanted to do to Bruce. Kane was right. My crazy makes him look like a saint." He looks away, exhaling through his nostrils.

I pull his face back to mine.

"If your Pops wouldn't have reminded me that I had a pregnant fiancé. I would have resurrected his a**, and made him wish I would have left him burning in he**." His jaw pulses in time with his nose flare.

I make him look me in the eyes. "Look at me Dani."

It takes a while, but he looks at me. The darkness clouding his vision clearing the instant he does.

"You're not him anymore."

He nods. "I know. You'd kick my a** if I was."

We share a laugh.

He licks his lips. "Finish your french toast."

I'm really starting to question who is bossier. Him or me?

"You are." He says answering my mental question.


"Ahhhh sh** Alexis!" He says cradling his hand.

She looks at him venomously. "Shut it! You're not the one trying to push a small human out of you! This is your fault!"

"I know Baby. I'm so sorry. What can I do?" Daniel asks in desperation, not liking her in pain.


He deflates. "No. I'm sorry baby. I wish I could." He says wiping my forehead and kissing it. "You're so beautiful."

She smiles at him. "You're so sweet Dani." She says crying. "I don't deserve you."

He cups her face. "No baby. We're perfect for each other." He kisses her deeply.

A throat clears. "Umm...not to interrupt, but I'm going to need you to push."

Moments later a little cry is heard. 

"Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Silva. You have a healthy baby boy." She nurse says wrapping him and handing him to Daniel.

Daniel looks down at his sun with tears in his eyes.  "He's so beautiful Alexis." He says barely above a whisper.

"I am his mother you know." She says with a smirk.

Daniel hands his son to his mother. 

Alexis sniffles. "He looks like you. That's not fair. I carried him for nine months."

Daniel chuckles and kisses her temple. "He has your cute nose."

Alexis blushes. "He is so beautiful Dani. Look what we made." 

"I know baby. So, have you decided on a first name?"


Daniel smiles. "Isaiah Honovi (Strong) Santiago-Silva."

"After your granddad?"

He nods. "He's going to have his gray eyes."

"How do you know?"

He shrugs. "I just do." He smiles at his family lovingly.  He kisses her and then his son's head. "I love you."

"I love you more." They share another kiss. 

"These next 10 weeks are going to be a pain in the a**" He says against her lips.

"I'm pretty sure we'll be more concerned about sleep than each other for the next 10 weeks."

He chuckles. "Maybe."

Daniel watches his fiance and his son bond. 

Thank you Father for a second chance with my family.  They're perfect. I can't ask for a better give than them. If I get nothing else from you for as long as I live...they are more than enough. Thank you.





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