Deceived Heart |✔️

By pennais

4.1K 773 40

Amelia is turning eighteen and that marks ten years of her having to wait for a new heart . Not everyone know... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Important , please read :
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chaper 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 1

400 25 6
By pennais

Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV :

"Now Amelia , you know that you cannot continue doing outrageous things that will affect your heart ." Doctor May says .

"I've been listening to the same story for about ten years now . I'm used to it ." I smile sarcastically at him .

"You shouldn't be stressing at the moment , it's not healthy ." He sighs .

"Doc I can't exactly choose how and what I dream about ." I roll my eyes behind my closed ones .

"Stress contributes to your dreams . Actually anything happening around you contributes to your dreams ." He says .

"I'll be sure to not breathe ." I reply sarcastically .

"Amelia don't talk to Cole like that ." My mother scolds from her chair .

"It's fine Mrs Johnson ." Doctor May says to my mother .

"You're free to go Em , I would just like to talk to your mom for a second ." He says .

I get up from the bed in his office and make my way to the empty corridor considering that it's four in the morning . I close the door lightly behind me but as soon as I turn around I bump into someone .

"Oh damn sorry , are you alright ?" The guy asks me helping me up from the floor .

"You've got me falling for you ." I chuckle balancing myself .

"Very funny ." He chuckles .

"Are you alright ? That was a pretty sore fall ." He says chuckling a bit .

"Yeah , I'm good thanks ." I smile taking a good look at him .

He has short brown hair that reaches right above his neck in a comb over , practically covering his eyebrows . His arms are filled with tattoos right until his shoulder . I look at his his buff body and that's when I realize that this guy is really good looking .

"Amelia , let's go ." My annoying mother interrupts my ogling eyes .

"I'm sorry once again ." The tattooed guy says walking into Doctor May's office .

"So what did you and Cole talk about ?" I ask her .

"Nothing important . You know for a person who has a hole in their heart you're pretty heartless ." My mother rolls her eyes .

"Firstly it's Ventricular Septal Disease and lastly I am missing a piece of my heart so I can be as heartless as I want ." I roll my eyes at her .

"Don't give up yet Amelia , they will fix you up . Just get healthy and we'll have your surgery ." She sighs .

"I don't want it , I researched it and the rate of living is low . I might as well die because I am a burden aren't I ?" I chuckle sarcastically .

"Your dad and I are saving up Amelia , you know that money is an issue ." She sighs getting into the car .

I ignore her for the rest of the ride home and as soon as we reach the house I walk upstairs without straining my heart . Running or walking fast is a risk on its own , so let's say I don't want to commit suicide . I get back into bed and fall into a deep slumber that I've been needing for a while now .


"Damn it !" I groan hitting the alarm .

"Amelia , get up . Anais will be here in an hour so get ready . I'm leaving the house now ." She says and I think that she's gone so I close my eyes again .

"I love you Amelia ." She says and I groan .

"Yeah I love you too mom ." I say getting up into the cold air that was always awaiting me .

"Stupid weather ." I grumble walking into my black and white themed bathroom where I run a bath of water for myself .

I pour my vanilla scented bubble bath . I test the water realizing that it's perfect so I get out of my pajamas and get into the water as fast as I can so that I don't freeze to death . I laugh at my own inside joke and I start bathing so that I can get dressed .

By the time I'm done with everything I make my way downstairs so that I can make my breakfast , but on my way to the kitchen the door bell rings so I answer it .

"Just my luck ." I groan as soon as I open it .

"It's always good to see you Em ." My teacher smiles rolling her eyes .

"I was literally just about to make breakfast ." I say walking to the kitchen .

"Eat so that you can take your pills ." She sits on a stool .

I pop some bread into the toaster and I make coffee for myself and Anais . I'm not allowed to drink coffee but I feel as if I need the caffeine boost so I'm going to do what I want .

"You're not allowed to drink coffee so don't think about it ." Anais stops me .

"But Ana , I literally need this or I'm going to die ." I groan pleading with her .

"Stop using that word , either way you are going to die with the coffee so stop ." She scolds me .

"You're such a bore ." I groan . Instead of coffee I go with tea .

I put some butter into my toast and I start eating .

"Today we aren't going to have a big lesson because your mother told me about what happened earlier on so I don't want to strain you ." She smiles into her mug .

"Can't you just cancel today's lesson ?" I chuckle and she shakes her head .

"You want to do good and get a degree right ?"

"There's no point in me learning if I'm just going to die ." I shrug moving my dishes to the sink .

I walk up to my bedroom knowing that Ana is following me so I sit behind my table as she enters .

"There's so much more to life Em ." She says putting her bag onto her table .

Imagine this , I've got a huge room when I don't need one . On one side it's where I learn and on the other side is where I sleep . Apparently I needed a big room so that I don't feel constricted which could normally lead to panic attacks . Well this room made me feel worse because I felt as if a piece of me was missing . Oh that's right , I've got a hole only heart .

"Okay , well it is Thursday and tomorrow is your day off . I'm going to test you on what you've learnt this week ." Ana informs me so I take a black pen out .

She hands me a paper and I get to work . Roughly writing in the answers and I finish so I give her the paper which she marks .

"Well this is the best you've done . I'm actually proud of you ." She walks to my table with my test paper in hand .

"How much did I get this time ?" I ask a bit excited .

"Well you got an eighty five percent . Not bad but I know that you can do better ." She says taking my paper back .

"I feel like I cannot handle anymore knowledge ." I rub my temples .

"Get some rest okay Em , I will see you on Monday ." She puts an encouraging hand on my shoulder and I yawn .

"Have a lovely weekend ." I walk her out and see her drive off to wherever she pleases .

I walk over to the lounge where I watch a bit of television . It's the same everyday , Ana comes we learn for about three hours then she leaves . I get bored and start watching television , as soon as that's boring I play games on my phone . I eventually just drown myself in food where as I take pills afterwards then I'm knocked dead because of the pills .

I've always wanted to go outside of the house but it seems everything out of the house is toxic to me . I can't work out because that could strain me , I have to make sure I don't sweat because my heart pumps way too fast . I can't walk like a paranoid person because that leads to my heart beat going at a quicker rate . I literally feel like dying because there's nothing I can do .

This disease that I have is a problem because the hole , ten years ago was too big to be fixed surgically so we relied on pills , it seems as if there is a bit of movement but I've given up . I hear the same thing every time I got to an appointment because I know that I will be disappointed . I've just wanted to live normally again . Mom and dad are constantly working so that they can save up for this and I honestly just feel like I'm a burden .

I want to learn how to drive , go to the mall with my nonexistent friends , have a first kiss , go out to a party , taste alcohol . I just want to have a great life like those girls in the movies . I envy them because they can do literally anything .

I hear the door opening so I walk into my bedroom and act as if I'm sleeping because one thing I don't want is to have a conversation with my dad and anyways he's probably going to sleep because of the long hours he has to work because of me . We used to be such a happy family but I rarely see anyone from my family .

A few hours after imagining a great life I walk downstairs to see my parents having dinner on the table so I walk up to the table .

"Oh dear , I didn't want to wake you up ." My mom says and I roll my eyes .

"What's wrong ?" My dad says to me .

"Mom and dad , I've been thinking about this for a long time now . I don't exactly know how to say this but I want to live a normal life . I want to attend school ." I smile up at their horrified faces .

• • •


Amelia is crazy 😂🙈


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