Rejected And Now Revenge For...

By awshlay

529K 12.9K 1.6K

After four months of Klover's pack thinking she's dead, she finally proves them wrong when she has to come ba... More

Prologue- I'm Just Gonna Let It Roll
Chapter 1- I Hate This Song, Just Like I Hate You
Chapter 2- The World Turned Way Too Fast
Chapter 3- The Last To Know(part 1)
Chapter 3- Last To Know(part 2)
Chapter 4- Stop And Stare
Chapter 5- One Way or Another
Bonus Chapter 1- Safe and Sound
Chapter 6- Sad Beautiful Tragic
Chapter 7- The Heart Never Lies
Bonus Chapter 2- Everything Has Changed
Chapter 8- Something Great
Chapter 9- Human
Chapter 10(part 1)- Dark Side of Me
Authors Note
Chapter 11- Sink or Swim
Chapter 12- You're In Love
Chapter 13- Water Under The Bridge
Chapter 14- Ashes
Chapter 15- The Final Judgement

Chapter 10(part 2)- Dark Side of Me

11.7K 325 13
By awshlay

Chapter 10(part 2)- Dark Side of Me

RECAP: There's a person who sits in the chair and he smiles and its not a trusting one. He wears from head to toe black clothing. But its not the fact I've finally seen the voice inside my head its the fact that he looks exactly me.

And the fact that he laughs and it sounds dangerous. He smiles and its not trusting. He took control over me. So what does that add up too?

There's only one real thing that it could add up too.

He's the dark side of me that I never wanted to meet......

Luke's POV

"What the hell is this? Who are you?"

He gets up from the ridiculously big white chair and smirks as he walks down the steps. He stops at the end of them and just stares at me like he's trying to figure something out and its not long enough until he walks closer to me. I take a step back not knowing what this guy was up to.

He chuckles to himself. "Something tells me, you already know the answer?"

I frown out of frustration, I shove my hands angrily in my pockets. There's silence between us and several minutes go by before my mouth opens.

"How is this even possible?" I look up from the ground and finally take a good look at this guy. He had black hair, slightly darker than mine but you couldn't really tell. He had my nose and my mouth. He was built like me and he had the same scar on his arm from when I got burned as a little kid. The only thing that was a different was the color of his eyes. It was coal black. It was dark and cold when you looked into them.

I broke the stare and realized that he was smirking at me like he knew what I was doing.

"Follow me". Before I could answer he had turned for a door that I was just seeing now. It came from no where but I guess that was expected.

The door was a brown wooden door, it was damaged with holes everywhere. The guy walked through the door, I had nothing to lose so I followed after him wondering what was on the other side.

My eyes widened once again at the sight of the familiar unkempt grass and the hovering trees that surrounded us. The birds chirped and flew from tree to tree and the sun beat down on us. In the distance you could see a huge mansion in the distance and could hear kids playing near there.

I found myself frowning as I started to hear a soft voice in the other direction. It was small and almost barely heard but I had caught it in the breeze that had brushed by. I glanced toward my look alike and he watched me smirking.

"Check it out". I turned from him and walked towards the direction of the voice that I had heard, not really having a reason other than the fact that I had to know what it was. I passed a few trees and bushes and found myself getting farther into the woods as the voice got louder.

That's when I found it. Him. Me?

I took an unconscious step back and found myself hiding behind a tree as I saw the back of a somewhat little boy in a blue and white striped shirt matched to beige shorts. He had big brown eyes and slightly chubby cheeks. He was me.

I frowned as I realized that he was looking around like he was looking for something or someone which made no sense because its not like I played with any of the kids back home. But yet I shocked myself as the little me called out into the woods.

"Marco!" there was no reply.

"Marco!" he repeated.

"Marco!" he was getting frustrated. Giving up, the little me sat in the dirt. He rested his head in his hands and started to use his finger to trace a picture in the dirt. He was lost in making his picture that he didn't seem to hear the rumblings in the bush behind him.

I panicked a bit, knowing that this kid was out here all by himself. I mean.

I was out here all by myself. I found my shoulders relaxing and stood there watching myself murmuring aloud.

The rumblings from the bush had quit because whoever was hiding in it came out. It was a boy with black hair slightly darker than mine, he had the same lanky body that I had and bags under his eyes. He looked just like I used to.

He snuck up from behind the little me and for no reason at all he just didn't hear him. The other boy pushed his small back, screaming, "Polo" and he jumped up with wide eyes. The other boy fell on the ground laughing hysterically while little me crossed his arms with a frown. He didn't like the joke.

"That's not funny!" he whined. The other boy wiped a tear from his eye while he got up from the dirt.

"Of course it was Luke! You just have to play along"

"Well why do you always get all the fun, why do you always get to scare me?"

The other boy's face went flat. "Because I'm the only friend you got, that's why!"

Well that took a turn. The younger me couldn't look him in the eye so his eyes focused on his feet. I, myself, could feel the air getting tighter, something was off.

"Oh Luke!" someone sang from a distance. The younger me jumped at the voice and his attention found the direction it came from. He looked frantically at the other boy, his eyes screamed help. But the other boys expression remained the same.

He was still angry about earlier which I, personally, didn't understand why he changed from joking to scary so fast. He smirked mean. "I'm not helping you".

"But why? Aren't you supposed to be my friend?" he questioned as I kept looking in the direction of the person singing my name, whoever it was, was getting closer.

"You don't treat me like your friend, so you're on your own". The little me tried to plead with the other boy but the boy yanked his arm away from him.

"Please!" the little me begged. "The other kids don't believe me, they don't believe that you are real! If you could only show yourself to them then they would be nice to me, please!"

But the other boy shook his head with crossed arms, "I'll never do that until you treat me like your friend".

The younger me got down on his knees, "Please, I promise, I'll treat you like my friend, I promise!"

But that wasn't enough, if anything it only made the other boy even more disgusted. "Its too late!" And before the young me could get off his feet, the other boy was gone. The young me didn't even have a moment to himself.

"Who were you talking to?" Ryder, an older boy who had given me hell my whole entire life, spat.

"No- no one," i had stuttered. My eyes were married to the ground.

"So not only are you a loser who swears he has friend named Damien but you're a liar too?"

"I swear Ryder, I'm not lying!" I exclaimed. Ryder only smiled mistrustfully.

"I know, I know," he says.

"You do?" i ask looking up into the dark blue eyes he held. Ryder and the two boys behind him chuckle a bit and my mouth twitched upright.

They're laughing stopped immediately. "That doesn't mean I believe you," he spat and with that his right hand roughly kissed my left cheek. The other two boys jumped in.

"Hey!" I yelled. " Leave him alone!" But they didn't stop. "Hey! I said stop!"

I tried to run to them but I was going no where, I was running in place. I was screaming and yelling but nothing changed, they were beating him. They were beating me.

I stopped running as the surroundings began to disappear. The trees, the bushes, the dirt beneath my feet, and the boys. I was surrounded by darkness yet again.

I slowly turned around with the image of my younger self getting beat up. There, at the end, was the familiar white chair with my look alike sitting in it.

"Why did you show me that?" I growled.

"To remember me, why else?" he spoke plainly.

"Why didn't you help me? i growled once again. He smiled a bit.

"Well didn't you hear why?" he mocked. "You weren't a good friend".

"I could have died!"

"But you didn't," he got up up from the chair. "God, you're so dramatic!"

I watched him make his way to me, "C'mon Luke, you know I couldn't of helped you. I was only a 'figment' of your imagination".

"I don't understand"

"You never really did, did you?" he retorted and I growled.

"Don't get your panties all twisted in a bunch, I'm only joking," he smiled but it didn't phase me. "Look, the truth is, I'm tired of being stuck in here". He shoved his hands in his pockets

"You see I've been in here since that very memory I showed you, you shut me out, and I've been stuck in here to watch you fail time and time again. You've failed so bad that you can't even get our own mate to like you because you're such a moron".

My hands balled into fists, I was going to teach him a lesson. "Don't even bother. You can't hurt me, without hurting yourself". But I was never one to listen, so I punched him anyway and I instantly felt the pain in my mouth. I groaned, falling to my knees.

"So dense," he muttered and he kneeled down on my level. "You see, you and I are connected. I don't really know how or why but we are. The world we come from, where we belong, has connected our souls together".

"You got lucky in shutting me out before because I was weak. But now I'm stronger than ever and you're not shutting me out a second time. You've been misusing this body and now its my turn. So have the little fun you have now. Because you won't have it for long".

He got up from kneeling and began to walk back to that white chair of his but I still had more questions. This still wasn't making sense, why was this happening.

"Damien!" I yelled, his name coming to mind.


"Damien!" he sat in his chair and only then did he smirk.

And say, "I'll be watching"

I ran to him but just like before, I ran in place and he wasn't there.

My eyes bugged as I realized that I was back in the bathroom like before. I was panting, my breathing patterns were irregular, and for the first time in a long time I was scared.

I was scared of what the future held, what would happen to me, and if anything this "Damien" was saying was true.

I stared back into my reflection, not liking the idea of me not being me anymore and I tried convincing myself that what he said wasn't true but then I saw it. And when I did I brought myself closer to the mirror to get a closer look.

There was a black dot in my grey eye, and that threw every last doubt in my mind to disappear. All of them were gone, every last one.

He was already taking over.

Damien was telling the truth.

The dark side of me was coming.




Has your opinion changed about our dear Luke? What do you think of this dark side of him, Damien? What do you think about what he's doing?!





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