Telekinesis and Other Powers


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Just a Liam Dryden fan fiction. :) Robin, a Wattpad writer, presents with the consulting aide of SD: Telekine... More

Telekinesis and Other Powers
Running Through Rivers
Every Day You Wanna Waste
Is There Anybody Out There?
Accidentally in Love
Winter Wonderland
Work of Art
Lucky Ones
Love is Easy
Thank You for Breaking My Heart
Better Days
Bad Blood

Grocery Shopping and Movie Watching

459 8 10

The next morning I woke up around 9:00. I stumbled lazily to the kitchen and put on the kettle, making toast and tea. I read through the comics at the island until Abby woke up. I left her to her breakfast so I could shower. I thoroughly enjoyed the smell of my citrus soap and the feel of the hot water. Grudgingly I exited the shower and changed into skinny jeans and my Doctor Who shirt. I also slipped on my pair of lion socks, which I love very much. They're ankle socks, but with a lion face printed on them. I heard Abby talking to me from living room so I walked in to see what she wanted.

"Avery!! WE HAVE NO FOOD!" she whined.

"Go to the shop," I said simply.

"No! I went last week. It's your turn now."

I rolled my eyes. I went with her last week when she insisted she could't carry all the bags back to the flat. Though I really do enjoy going, even if I complain.

" 'K. I might stop to get lunch if I take a while at the grocery."

"Text me."

"Yup," I replied, pulling on a jumper.

"Hey-One more thing. You got home late last night. I might have been getting worried," she said in a joking manner.

As much as we tease each other, Abby is my best friend and partner in crime. Neither of us could live without breaking something together at least once a month.

"Oh yeah, I made a friend at Starbucks."

"Really? Some other crazy weirdo?"

"Uh huh, his name is Liam. You know, the vlogger I showed you a while back?"

"The cute one?"

"No, no, the other one," I laughed. Abby refers to vlogger Charlie McDonnell as 'cute'. "Well, I'm gonna go now," I said, not wanting to hear Abby talk about Charlie for an hour. "Lates."

I walked to the shop, my messenger bag swinging by my hip. I was wondering how I was going to manage to get all the bags back from the supermarket, but then my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Liam

Sleep at all last night?

Yup. I guess the tea and the walk did the trick.

That's good. Whatcha doing now?

Abby insisted it was my turn to go to the shops, so I'm locating groceries. Might go for lunch later.

Oooo! Can I come?

Why would you want to come grocery shopping with me? I mean, sure, I guess. If you wanna.

'Cause then I get lunch! Duh. XD Anyway, see you in a bit.

Liam found me in the juice aisle. I was attempting to decide between cranberry and grape juice. I already had a cart full of food and some shampoo, so this was my last stop.

"Grape. Obviously," I heard from behind me.

"Hello to you, too. But you honestly think so? I'm kinda feeling cranberry..."

Liam shrugged.

"You know what, screw it. I'm buying both," I concluded, chucking both bottles into the cart.  Liam laughed , but I just glared back, giving him a friendly punch on the arm. "Don't mess with me and my juice, dude. I'll end up spilling half of each bottle at some point, anyway," I stated, and it was true. I'm so accident prone I'm practically a public saftey hazard.

We checked out, both of us still laughing. I managed to jam two grocery bags in my messenger bag {which is huge}, which left Liam and me each carrying one.

"Let's get...Pizza," I decided. "If we get it take-out we can go back to my place and watch a film," I suggested.

Liam fist pumped before frowning. "Awww, I'd love to, but my mate Charlie is staying at my flat for a visit. He insisted I go to the shops with you, but I don't want to leave him alone all day."

"Oh." I said, trying to hide my disappointment. Then something crossed my mind. "Charlie could come, too."

"Really? That would be awesome fun!  Lemme call him."

We reached the pizza place and I ordered loads of garlic bread and pizza.

"Yup, I'll text you the address. It's like, five minutes away. Yup. Cool. See you," I heard Liam saying into his phone. "Hey, can I have your address to send to Charlie?" he asked me.

"Of course." I rattled it off as Liam texted it to Charlie. "So Charlie is coming?" I clarified.


"Oh, my flat mate is gonna love that," I laughed. Liam looked extremely confused.


"Abby-She has a total crush on Charlie. Ever since I showed her one of his first vlogs. I can't wait to see her face!"

"Ohhhhh," Liam laughed. "Maybe we should play some matchmaker."

"I don't think they'll need us, actually."

We had just made it to my flat, juggling grocery bags and pizza. I knocked on the door.


"Okay, fine," I heard her mutter. A minute later the door opened, and Liam and I spilled inside. We placed the food in the kitchen before kicking off our shoes. Abby was already sorting through bags of groceries, making sure I bought everything while putting it away.

"Abby," I started.


"This is Liam," I said, pointing to Liam , who was standing awkwardly by the kitchen entrance.

"Oh, hey!" Abby greeted, giving him a hug. "I'm Abby." She turned to me and whispered "The other crazy nocturnal weirdo!" I glared at her.

"Hi Abby!" Liam replied politely.

"And Charlie is coming here, too. For a lunch and movie marathon," I said, looking towards Abby's face. Liam was waiting to witness her reaction as well.

"Really? Like...THE Charlie?" she asked, eyes wide in disbelief. I snorted.

"No, the other Charlie."

"Hold on," she spouted, running to the bathroom. Liam and I laughed our guts out as we pulled out plates for the pizza and cups for the juice, which I spilled when I poured.

"You weren't kidding," Liam said, handing me a towel.

"Nope. Awww god, it's gonna be all sticky," I groaned. I started scrubbing furiously. When I was satisfied I threw the towel by the door to the washing machine and handed the bottle of grape juice to Liam. "You can pour now." I could tell he was attempting to control his laughter, so as not to spill more juice. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "ABBY! WANNA GO GET THAT?" I asked.

She ran out of her room, now in light blue skinny jeans, a solid colour top, and a cardigan. She had redone her hair as well as put on some make up. She sprinted to the door, flinging it open. Then she went all pale and got a bit shy.

"I...I...I'm...I'm Abby. Avery's flat mate..." she managed to gurgle out.

Liam and I were still watching this. There was a moment of silence before I decided to save her. I walked over and pulled her hand, moving her back.

"Hey. I'm Avery. The nocturnal weirdo Liam met last night," I said, sticking my hand out to an awkward Charlie and using the term Abby had coined.

"Oh. Hello...I'm Charlie. But you knew that."

I laughed. "Yup. But come in. There's a crap ton of food on the kitchen island and then we can decide on a film."

Liam gave Charlie a wave before following me to the living room. We both had grabbed a few slices and a cup of juice, so we were set. I plopped onto the couch and put my glass and plate on the table. Liam sat down next to me.

"I think Charlie likes this lass, Abby," Liam whispered into my ear.

"Oh, me too. I told you they wouldn't need us," I said as I heard Abby's laughter floating from the kitchen.  A few seconds later and she and Charlie walked in, Charlie quite red in the face and Abby still laughing. "I don't wanna know," I muttered, causing Liam to spit his juice back into his cup to avoid getting it out his nose as he laughed. "So..What should we watch?" I asked. As everyone shrugged I went over to the television cabinet and pulled it open, revealing a sea of DVD's.

"Ooo! Can we watch Monters Inc.?" Abby asked, sitting on the other couch with Charlie. My eyes widened in excitement and I pulled out the DVD.

"YES!" I yelled. This caused even more laughter. I slipped the film in and hit 'play' before sitting next to Liam again.

Around a quarter of the way in I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I glanced at my guests. Charlie was watching the film intently. Abby kept staring at Charlie and then moving her eyes to the screen before staring some more. Liam was drinking his juice and watching the film, but he was clearly not as engrossed as Charlie. I found Charlie's love of this Pixar film quite humourous.

I pulled out my phone to see that I had a text from  my other best mate who lives in London, Sarah.

Hallo. How's life?

Good, actually. I have no complaints for once.

I always complain to Sarah. She's just...Good to complain to, I suppose. Her response popped up quickly.

Really? That's great! Any particular reason why?

Uhhh...Kinda. NO LAUGHING. I may have befriended the one and only Liam Dryden. And said Liam and the Charlie McDonnell may be here with me as we watch Monsters Inc.

No way!

Yupperdoodlies. Abby nearly died at the sight of Charlie.

"Yupperdoodlies?" Liam whispered as he read over my shoulder. I stuck my tongue out as a response and slapped him lightly on the arm.

"It's not nice to read other people's texts," I said, "You're not my friend anymore."

He gasped in mock horror as I texted back.

He was reading my texts over my shoulder so I told him he wasn't my friend anymore.

HI LIAM!!! XD And of course you did.

I didn't want to admit it, but now I felt kinda bad.

"Sorry. I like you. Do you like me?" I asked in a little kid voice.

"No." Liam said in a deadpan voice with a straight face.

"You...You...You just pulverized my dreams. And then you poured the dream dust into a giant blender. With my left pinky, which you cut off. Making a vile crushed dream concoction.And then you took my favourite pair of socks off my feet. And filled them with crushed dream smoothie. But not until you made me drink a cup of it. And then you threw the socks at my head. The socks exploded, coating my face with my own crushed dream smoothie. It dripped down my face, mixing with my blood and tears. And then you laughed," I whispered dramatically. I was attempting to avoid Abby and Charlie's attention.

Then Liam laughed. He was laughing so hard it wasn't making any noise, and he was crying.

Triumphantly I texted Sarah again. I pulled the 'crushed dream' card.

She knew what I meant. It had been to her that I first gave that speech to. It was always for something trivial and it always got more dramatic. {Side note: That's true. I do in fact do this.}

XD Ahh haa haa haaa. No way. That's hilarious.

Liam took a huge breath in. "I think I'm in love."

"That, Liam, is not something to joke about," I pointed out, slapping him lightly on his arm. He raised an eyebrow.

"What if I'm not joking?"

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