A Twist in Time (1)

By AnonymousWriter1001

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Lily Evans has a time turner, that is until it falls into the wrong hands. The Marauders are the worst possib... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Twenty Eight

1K 34 3
By AnonymousWriter1001

As Umbridge aimed her wand at James he wasn't sure if Hermione was going to step in and bring them to the Centaurs and Grawp. Hagrid hadn't shown the Giant to James but he knew about it due to the stories his Aunt had told him about. He braced for impact for a blow he wasn't sure was going to come.
"Cru-" Umbridge started but Hermione cut her off.
"Wait!" Hermione yelled which caused Umbridge to stop what she was doing and turn to look at the Brightest witch of her age. "We'll show it to you, the weapon."
"A Weapon! What weapon?" Umbridge demanded looking excited at the very thought.
"It's in the Forbidden Forest, I'll show it to you," Hermione told her, James could see she was obviously just making it up as she went.
"How do I know your not lying?" Umbridge asked with her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"I don't have anything that will guarantee that's I'm not lying. However, if you don't let us show it to you then you'll never know. Dumbledore told us to make it before he left. We only just finished it. We'll show it to you if you promise not to use any of the Unforgivable Curses," Hermione said in a flow that changed what James thought entirely, she was a very good liar when it came to these situations.
"Fine, Patterson, Potter, the older Weasley, and you Granger will be coming with me in case this is a trap," Umbridge answered after a moment of thought. Harry, Ron, James and Hermione walked out of the large office and walked down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where Hermione took the lead. It was only a couple of minutes later when they ran into the Centaurs. She screamed and yelled until Harry told her "I'm sorry Professor, but I mustn't tell lies."
Grawp appeared out of the trees moments later as the Centaurs fired arrows at him which made him flinch in pain, Hermione yelled at them to stop and finally the Centaurs and Grawp left in their respective directions and Harry, Ron, Hermione and James left the Forbidden Forest to find the Thestral's and the Silver Trio. They told the four about how they had escaped Umbridge's horrendous Inquisitorial squad with Puking Pastilles. As James didn't have a broom in this time he rode on the back of one of the Thestral's which he couldn't see due to the face that he had never seen anyone he knew die.

The sensation was far different then riding on a broom which he was pretty amazing at and played Seeker just like his father, however he was also an amazing Chaser like his grandfather. Sooner the James thought possible they reached the Department of Mysteries. It was an odd place with odd lighting, it was gloomy but bright at that same time which sort of messed with your eyes. James knew where to go, he simply walked next to Harry until they reached the right row. Harry looked surprised to see that the row didn't hold the infamous Sirius Black. James on the other hand knew exactly why there was no Sirius Black as the whole thing had been a trick but James simply couldn't say anything about it.
"Harry, James this has your name on it but it say's Potter," Neville called out from the other side of the row. Harry and James walked over to it and Harry reached out and grabbed it, figures with black cloaks and masks approached them and everyone immediately recognized them as Death Eaters.
"Hand the Prophecy over Potter," Lucius Malfoy sneered as he removed the mask covering his face.
"If you want this so badly why wouldn't you get it yourself?" Harry demanded with a glare.
"Simply because only the people that the prophecy is about, as two of them are standing in here and the Dark Lord cant simply come here and take it," Lucius answered with a sneer.
"That's not possible, you said that there were two of the three people, but that says James Potter not James Patterson," Neville asked confused. Lucius laughed at that.
"Patterson? Really could you have picked anything closer to Potter? Your friend here isn't who he says he is," Lucius stated with a smirk that could rival Draco's.
"Why are you lying?" Neville shouted looking furious and guilt bubbled inside of James's chest.
"He's not lying Neville," James told him quietly meeting his shocked eyes.
"Then who are you?" Neville demanded looking hurt.
"I'll explain later Neville, to everyone," James told Ginny, Luna and Neville.
"Yes, how heart warming in the mean time hand the prophecy over Potter!" A second voice which was female demanded. She removed her mask to reveal a crazy haired woman by the name of Bellatrix Lestrange. Everyone knew what to do, they immediately pulled out their wands and yelled 'Expellify!' The Death Eaters flew backwards and some lost their wands but they brushed it off quickly and the students ran like their lives depended on it which of course it did. As the Death Eaters caught them they got spit up which left Harry and James alone fighting four Death Eaters, two each. Hermione recognized the tallest of the four as Lucius Malfoy, he was attacking him because James was blocking his way to Harry.
"Why didn't you tell your new found friends who you really were? Afraid are you?" He sneered but James didn't answer.
'Expellify!" James yelled and hit Malfoy square in his face and he went sailing backwards. James heard him yell "That's not even a spell!"
Suddenly, there was thundering of feet next to them when suddenly they stopped. "Bombarda!" James heard Ginny yell and before he knew it the rows and rows of Prophecy's were crashing down next to them. The Death Eaters got distracted and Harry and James used it to their advantage. They ran and saw that five other students were doing the same in front of them. Harry grabbed his arm and James looked at him, "James take the Prophecy, they will think I still have it so they won't be able to get it. I'll take one on the ground that's a similar size, that way they will still think I'll have it and won't be able to get it."
James took the Prophecy and slipped it into his pocket as Harry picked up a Prophecy of about the same size. They reached a room and swung it open not caring what was on the other side, why they felt the ground drop out from underneath them James quickly pulled out his wand and cast 'Aresto Momento' and they stopped a foot above the ground. They walked to the middle of the room where their was a veil of sorts. Harry and Luna approached it with puzzled looks on their faces.
"What are they saying?" Harry mumbled as they reached the Veil. James knew what it was just as Harry reached his hand to touch it, if you touched it you were dead.
"Don't touch that!" James yelled pulling him back. "If you touch that it will kill you. It's the Veil sort of like the entrance to the other side. Luna walked back over to the rest of the group who were staring at Harry and James weirdly. Before anyone could say another word Death Eaters came in and apparated their friends to platforms above them. James had been right, there weren't enough Death Eaters for all of them. Lucius Malfoy appeared infront of Harry and James through apparation.
"Hand over the Prophecy Potter or your friends will breath their last breaths," he spat.
"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville shouted from Bellatrix's hold on him. Bellatrix silenced him easily.
"Hand it here Potter!" Lucius yelled. At that moment Harry pulled out the other Prophecy just as James pulled out the real one.
"What game are you playing? Your friends lives are on the lines," Lucius spat.
"Thanks, we realized. I would also like you to answer me this, which Potter?" James said with a smirk, he handled some stress with humor.
"I'd say the present day one, not the one who couldn't keep his hands off his Father's time turner," Lucius spat once more and Harry grimaced at the fact that he had all that information however he kept his smirk firmly planted on his face.
"Actually, I'm not sure if it was his. It easily could have been the Ministry's. It's a rather long story, I doubt you lot want to hear it," James stated.
"Now, which one of you has the real Prophecy," Lucius demanded furious by his calmness.
"I do!" Both the Potter's said in unison.
"I have no problem killing all of your little friends!" He sneered and James laughed despite himself.
"You can't kill them because if you kill them or hurt them at all we'll break both the Prophecies and yell at the top of our lungs so you can't hear either. Wouldn't that be quite the predicament for the Dark Lord, he didn't hear the whole prophecy so when he went to kill Harry here he didn't know that it was going to temporarily knock him out of existence. But, since I came here the Prophecy changed making him want it even more. So if you don't get it I guess all of you are going to get a pretty severe punishment. Let me guess... the Cruciotus Curse would be a start."
"Trying to be smart are you? Well your wrong I could just take both Prophecies and kill you and your friends," he seethed but behind the mask he wore to hide his emotions a flicker of fear spread across his face.
"Actually, I was just stating the facts."
At that moment members of the Order of The Phoenix appeared and attacked the Death Eaters restraining their friends. They jumped into battle and as James was running the Prophecy slipped out of his left hand and smashed across the floor he heard the new prophecy for the first time.

The one's with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the others survives ... the one's with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

James listened for a moment when he saw all the other DA members except himself and Harry had been shuffled toward a corner by Tonks. Harry turned to see two Death Eaters approaching him and he immediately raised his wand to shield himself and fight back of course. The two sent spells his way and he quickly cast 'Protego!'
Harry turned his head to look at Harry and Sirius and saw Bellatrix preparing to cast Stupefy. (Okay, so I just realized I'd been spelling Stupefy wrong and I'm sorry so the spell James made is actually Expellefy.)
"Sirius! Move away from the Veil!" James yelled at the top of his lungs and the sound carried. Sirius looked confused but complied anyway and Sirius shuffled away from the Veil. The Spell hit him and he went tumbling backwards and he was knocked unconscious. Harry thought he was dead and apparently so did Bellatrix as at that moment she ran out of the room with Harry right behind her and after dodging the Death Eaters he ran after them and caught up to Harry.
They reached a room full of fire places and Bellatrix stopped and started singing 'I killed Sirius Black!' over and over again.
"Harry calm down Sirius isn't dead only unconscious!" James tried to tell him over Bellatrix's loud singing but his voice didn't carry. Harry tried to use the killing curse on her but nothing happened. You had to want to kill someone for it to actually work. Voldemort appeared out of thin air in front of James and Harry, Bellatrix laughed.
"Well, well, well if it isn't two Generations of Potter's. Now hand over the Prophecy!" Voldemort told them in his whisper of a voice.
"Now Tom, you can't demand something that no longer exists, the prophecy was destroyed the only people left who has heard it is James and I," the mystical voice that belonged to Albus Dumbledore told them.
"Well, I suppose that's not the end of the world, I'll just kill them both. They are still in the Prophecy and if I kill them then there was no reason to hear it in the first place," Voldemort told him turning his head slightly. Bellatrix left through one of the fireplaces with Floo Powder she had in her pocket. Suddenly, Voldemort and Dumbledore started dueling, Harry and James were left unsure of what to do when suddenly Dumbledore was knocked off balance slightly. Voldemort turned to them. Dumbledore sent a spell which sent glass flying his way, he immediately turned it into powder and in a whirlwind it felt as if it swallowed Harry and James whole. Visions spread across their minds, visions that felt ever so real to just about anyone. Harry saw the people he cared about dying where as James saw his siblings being tortured by Death Eaters. In his mind Lily was getting the worst of it.
"Lily!" James yelled as she was hit with another Cruciotus Curse. "I'm sorry Lily!"
"James wake up, it's not real," James heard a voice but it sounded distant. Flashes of Voldemort spread across his vision except now he was standing on the bodies of all his family members, including his cousins, Aunt, Uncles as well as siblings.
"I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" James yelled as hes vision changed once more. Now all it showed was him standing in front of a mirror, except instead of his face it was Voldemort's Snake like features. Voldemort was still standing above him as the Aurors flooded in. James and Harry were lying on the ground both with different images in their heads. However both had the same goal. Voldemort was trying to convince them that they were the same, that their minds worked the same way James even started to believe it. Suddenly, his vision refocused and James saw Voldemort standing over him. They were in some kind of glass mist that scared him greatly. He could see Voldemort raise his wand and a flash of green light. Then all he could see was blackness.

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