mafia . vkook

By plasticbees

862K 33.4K 27K

Love is stupid. I guess I'm an idiot. Y I K E S OLD FETUS WORK THIS PLOT IS A MESS IN THE BEGINNING -vkook ... More

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author's note

seventy three

6.8K 294 230
By plasticbees

Taehyung's PoV;

"Ugh, that's fucking gross." Jungkook complained, "Jimin keep your eyes closed."

Tentatively, Jungkook stepped around in the aged warehouse, occasionally retching at the vile smell that come from the deceased man in the middle.

He walked towards the corpse on the chair, using the handle of his blade to tip the guy's chin upwards so his face could be revealed.

"Shit." Jungkook murmured, raising his brows.

"What is it?" Jimin asked, about to move his hands from their position on his face.

"Nothing. Yoongi, make sure he doesn't look."

Yoongi nodded, turning Jimin and pressing his face into his chest, murmuring something about him being a 'good boy' and how he'll get 'praise' later.

Jungkook grimaced, "can you guys not talk about your fucking sex life while I'm inspecting a dead body?"

Namjoon snorted, Jin laughing once he choked on the sharp inhale of breath.

I watched as Jungkook took his phone out, taking a picture of the guy's face which remained unexposed to us due to Jungkook's body. Jungkook took his hand away, the man's head immediately lolling forwards. He stepped backwards, crouching slightly to get a picture of the man with the background.

Jungkook flicked the hair out of eyes, slipping the blade back into the pocket on the inside of his blazer, sighing as he stepped back over.

Hoseok gestured a hand towards the corpse with a raise of his eyebrows, silently asking who it was.

"Kim Jong-dae." Jungkook replied, scrolling through his phone.

"Who?" I asked.

"Uh, I think he went by 'Chen' when he was in the mafia. He was well known for his exports of weapons and shit, so he couldn't have his real name out and about. He was one of Kai's goons."

"Chen?!" I spluttered, startled.


"Is, is he dead?"

Jungkook nodded, "judging by his body temperature, he's been dead for about a day."

"Oh my god. He was my friend when I was at Kai's. How did he die? Has he been stabbed?"

He shook his head, "poisoned. An anonymous and hard to trace phone number sent me a timelapse of him being injected with it and the effects taking toll overtime. They made him overdose on it, his mouth frothed and everything."

I shuddered, "when?"

"Yesterday. So he must've died during or after the video or that night."

"Are you sure he's dead?"

"Yes, Taehyung, I am. Why are you so bothered about him?" Jungkook asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Because he was my friend! He and Baekhyun stuck up for me whenever Kai was being a dick."

"That's a lot of defending, then." Jungkook commented insensitively, sending the photos of Chen to someone on his phone.

"Excuse me?" I asked, offended.


"You guys are seriously going to argue, right here, right now?!" Jimin scoffed.

"Jimin, fuck off!" I yelled.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Jungkook and Yoongi snarled at the same time, Yoongi pushing Jimin to Hoseok and storming over.

"How dare y-" Yoongi shouted, being interrupted by a loud clang on the floor.

Jungkook brought out his gun and shot a warning bullet into the ceiling, standing infront of me as the others guarded Jimin.

"My, my!" Someone shouted amusedly, "baby Gguk can shoot a gun!"

Jungkook sighed, visibly cringing at the name.

Slightly frightened, I brought my arms around his waist. He rested his hand over mine, holding it to his stomach as the other hand pointed a gun at the man enveloped in shadows. Both of us disregarded the tiny argument prior to the mystery man's entrance.

"Shame you can't, isn't it?" Jungkook taunted, his thumb rubbing against my skin.

"I've fucking told you, I can!" He roared.

"You're a fucking psychopath, honestly." Jungkook teased, his tone patronising.

"I'll show you psychopath!"

"You already have."

"Jeon Jeongguk!" He roared, suddenly appearing metres away from Jungkook, who threw his gun instead of shooting it.

It smacked the man straight on the forehead, throwing him to the floor from the impact.

"What the fuck?!" I whisper-shouted, "why didn't you shoot?!"

"Empty. Plus, I can't shoot it with one hand, I'd knock you out." He whispered back up, nudging the guy with his foot.

"Wow, you're a mess." Jungkook whistled, pushing the slumped figure so he laid on his back.


Jungkook gently pressed a kiss to my cheekbones and lips, before pushing me over to Namjoon, who immediately pulled me behind his tall stature.

Jang-ho's head lolled around, his eyes glazed over and dozy.

"You gonna wake up?" Jungkook asked, not waiting for an answer before driving his pointy shined shoe straight into Jang-ho's ribcage.

Hoseok cringed as the crack sounded throughout the room, Jin sticking his tongue out in mock retching.

Yoongi pulled Jimin tighter against his chest, shushing Jimin and cradling his shaking figure.

Ideally, Jimin should've been left at home but Jungkook managed to piss off an entire gang, so we didn't want Jimin at home if the house got raided.

He told me he did nothing.

Nothing was clearly classed as decapitating an enemy and implanting a grenade into the head and proceeding to throw it through a window.

I was disgusted, yet impressed at his creativeness.

"You're a fu-fucking monster." Jang-ho spat, coughing.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed before a lazy smirk made its way onto his face, "course I am."

"Bas-bastard." He growled.

"So, quick questionnaire," Jungkook brushed off Jang-ho's comment, resting his foot on Jang-ho's stomach, "I'm just going to ask you a few questions, then I'll let you go, hm?"


"Perfect." Jungkook glared down at Jang-ho, "did you or did you not kill Kim Jong-dae? He went by Chen."

"I did."


"I'll show you." Jang-ho giggled, the crazed look in his eyes scarily present.

Jungkook hummed, taking his foot off Jang-ho and allowing him to stand.

Jang-ho beckoned for Jungkook to follow him.

"Follow quietly." Jungkook mouthed, "take Jimin but do not let him see."

Namjoon nodded, all of us following in his footsteps as he walked after Jungkook.

Jang-ho sang cheerily as we walked around the mouldy building.

"La de la, de laa!" His voice was high-pitched and caused Hoseok to hold back a snort.

"He's fucking batshit insane." Yoongi marvelled quietly.

"He's high." Jungkook mouthed, making an injection motion with his fingers before turning back around and following Jang-ho as he turned a corner.

"And here we have it! My masterpiece!" Jang-ho shouted proudly.

An audible gasp was heard from Namjoon and Jin doubled over to retch, Hoseok covering his mouth and rubbing Jin's back. Yoongi pulled a face of disgust and regret, squeezing his eyes shut and murmuring comforting words into Jimin's hair.

Before us sat Baekhyun, chained and bound to a chair.

His lilac-grey hair matted to his forehead, the colour stained with blood. 

Similarly, the crimson liquid dripped down his face, pooling on his lap.

His shirt was ripped and stained with blood and other substances.

His skin was blue-ish, probably due to the freezing temperature that had even Jungkook shaking and he was in a full suit, contrasting with Baekhyun's outfit which only consisted of his ripped shirt and a pair of boxer briefs.

He had sweatpants on but they had been slit so badly with a blade that they exposed his entire leg.

Baekhyun's eyes were wide with fear, the whites of his eyes tainted with bloodshot, his pupils dilated.

A mucky rag was tied around his mouth, stopping him from being able to scream or ask for help, but the eyes that desperately gazed at Jungkook pretty much summed up what he'd say had he not been gagged.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook laughed emotionlessly.

"This little doll here, brought his boyfriend to the warehouse and then had the cheek to insult me!"

"What did he say?"

"He said he couldn't find the coke dealer!"

"And you fucking killed him for that?!"

"Well, of course, the both of them defied me."

"So you poisoned one and tortured the other?" Jungkook said in disbelief, acting as if he'd never done such a thing.

"Uh, duh." Jang-ho said like it was obvious, "however! I knew it was your birthday soon, and I wanted to get you a gift as an apology and for your birthday! So, for the apology I brought in that sweet Chen kid, but he got too annoying and wouldn't fucking sit still, so I had to get rid of him. Then, this Hyun or whatever, is for your birthday! I knew how much you hated Kai and his men, so here you go. One special gift."

Jungkook didn't think twice, he immediately brought his gun out and shot Jang-ho twice in the throat and once in the stomach.

We all watched in shock as Jang-ho's body fell limp to the floor, his blood mixing with Baekhyun's and tainting the floor.

Jungkook stepped over to Baekhyun, leaning over him to cut the knot at the back of his head.

Baekhyun's head flopped onto Jungkook's chest, seemingly passed out.

Gently, he pushed his head back, cutting the rope that bound his hands and then stomping on the cheap chains that restrained Baekhyun's feet until the metal snapped.

I watched in mild jealousy as Jungkook's hands slotted beneath Baekhyun's waist and backs of knees, grunting as he picked up the dead weight of an unconscious man.

He purposely stepped on Jang-ho's body as he left the room, sighing as he walked down the corridors.

"You-you just shot Jang-ho." Yoongi said in disbelief.

"He's dead." Jin replied dumbly, the surprise clear in his voice.

"And now you're holding one of Kai's men in y-" Hoseok began.

"Drop it." Jungkook growled, using his hip to push open the door so we could exit the warehouse.

"What do you mean drop it? You just killed your brother." Namjoon said, his voice high pitched.

"I mean drop it. It's a simple concept, is it not?" He asked with an angry tone, dialling a number on his phone.

Namjoon didn't answer, instead he casted his eyes back to Jin who smiled sweetly at him.

"Wonho, I need a drive immediately." Jungkook spoke into the phone, "can you send one as soon as possible? 


Jungkook got out of the car, pulling Baekhyun back into his arms as he thanked Shownu for the drive.

Out of all the drivers, Shownu was definitely the best.

His driving wasn't bumpy and didn't lead to my head being smacked against the window if I didn't support it, much like Namjoon's and Minhyuk's careless speeding.

Jungkook walked into the house, shouting for a lower down.

One immediately came speeding towards him, offering a sloppy full-bow before standing back to attention, his arms folded behind his back.

I recognised him as the fourteen year old that was enrolled a few weeks ago, same time as the girl.

I think they were siblings, though I couldn't be sure.

"Your majesty, how may I be of service?"

His polite vocabulary and accent reminded me of how I used to speak to Jungkook before he slackened with the rules in the Circle.

"Please could you get this man to the infirmary? He's unconscious." 

The young man nodded, calling over the two teenagers who were in the kitchen.

The girl smiled widely, causing Jungkook to break out into a smile.

She was new but Jungkook immediately took a liking to her. She was sweet and polite, extremely unexpected of a young girl whose parents had forced her to take drugs and sell her body on the streets for amusement. 

The boy that followed her smiled shyly but bent into a bow regardless, all three of them looking up to Jungkook in the same way.

"If you take this man to the infirmary, I'll cancel your duties for tomorrow and you can all of it off." Jungkook held his pinky out from beneath Baekhyun's body, all three of the youngsters wrapping their pinky around it.

The two boys stood next to eachother, their hands out, the girl doing the same but opposite them.

Jungkook warned them before laying Baekhyun on their makeshift stretcher.

They shouted chants of directions to eachother as they sped away, the slim man in their hands.

Jungkook exhaled, running his hand through his hair, "fucking hell."

I patted his side gently, pushing him to sit on the sofa.

We all slumped on our sofas and chairs, Jungkook grimacing at the squelch that came from the blood pooling in his clothes from Baekhyun.

He ignored it, simply taking off the blazer and shirt and discarding them to the floor before laying down on the sofa.

Like usual, I laid beside him, his arm slung over my waist as his hand played with my hair. He intensely looked into my eyes and I could see his irises flicking as he looked all over my face before smiling softly and gently pressing a kiss against my lips.

"I can't believe we're going to get married." He said in a hushed tone, so he didn't wake the already snoozing members.

Namjoon had fallen asleep sat up, Jin curled into his side as he snoozed into Namjoon's neck, held tight by Namjoon's arms that guarded Jin's figure.

Hoseok had ran upstairs to see Taemin who was going to be staying at ours for a while.

Yoongi was laid on his back, his arms wrapped tightly around Jimin as he hugged him close, Jimin's face buried in Yoongi's chest as they napped.

"I know, I'm so excited." I squealed quietly.

"Where do you want to have it, baby?"

"Mmm, Japan?"

"Of course, my darling. What about the honeymoon?"

"You choose."


I gasped, my eyes wide with excitement as I nodded giddily.

"I'll arrange it then, sweet, you get some sleep."

I let my eyes flutter shut, my forehead pushed against Jungkook's as he moved my head, tangling our legs together.

"Jeon Taehyung." He whispered, "I've gotta be the luckiest man in the world."

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