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By sk8hong

27K 2.3K 368

This always happens, Yoongi thought. He comes by with an unsolved case and I solve it in three minutes. Must... More

iใ€‚a cold case
iiใ€‚the dirty perv
vใ€‚a little check up
viใ€‚a smart cookie
viiใ€‚the physical
ixใ€‚by himself
xใ€‚a turn of events
xiiใ€‚a kid in need of help
xiiiใ€‚i just want to be useful
xivใ€‚the people you want to save
xvใ€‚he will pay


4.3K 262 31
By sk8hong

"LIFE is such a fleeting thing, wouldn't you agree? it doesn't matter exactly what you do with it, because in the end all you'll meet with is a beautiful kiss from the Maiden of Death anyways."

MIN YOONGI is a special person. A detective with the Public Safety Bureau under Divison 5, he is their so-called "secret weapon." He has special abilities that no one else in the branch has. He is able to see statistics, facts and information about a person by looking at them. It's in a form of ESP and remote viewing, he is their clairvoyant and they use him a lot of the time when they need extreme help on a case with little facts or when it's a very serious situation. Even though he can see people in such a way, he is actually blind to everything else including the physical form of a person. All he can see is the color red and a blurry outline of a person. Other than that he relies on the information that pops in his head to guide his sight.

So when a average college boy comes into contact with him, Yoongi realizes that his powers aren't foolproof. In fact, this college student is the first person that he has ever been completely blind to... and he must figure out why.


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