The Vagrant King

By itiswhatitis1200

287K 9.4K 1.7K

The failed Spring Rebellion cost Julian, the rebel leader, his friends, his innocence, and his freedom. Impr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

9.1K 431 85
By itiswhatitis1200

It took quite awhile to rouse Julian after he had fainted. When Regulus caught Julian to keep him from hitting the ground, he called for guards and the castle physician. When the castle physician finally arrived with his salves and tonics, Julian had just stirred.

"Julian, are you alright?" Regulus said, crouching down next to Julian. He brushed Julian's blonde hair back from his forehead.

All of the color had drained from Julian's face. He stared uncomprehendingly at Regulus and blinked several times. "Fine," He mumbled, propping himself up with a hand on the floor. "Rather dizzy."

"He's ill. I think he has a fever." Regulus said as he pressed a hand to Julian's cheek, panic creeping into his voice. "Do something."

Percy, the grizzled castle physician whose hunched back and grey beard belied his old age, rushed forward. "He's weak." Percy said. "I'll tend to him and he'll be fine. Try to stand, Julian."

Julian swallowed, glancing at Regulus. "I feel rather dizzy." He repeated, hoping Regulus would just let him sleep on the floor here. All he wanted was to return to sleep.

"Hold on," Regulus muttered, slipping his arms under Julian's legs and back. He stood and lifted Julian, cradling the lad to his chest. He carried Julian out of the little, windowless room.

It was late in the day, so there were few servants milling around. They flinched when they caught sight of Regulus, as they always did. Regulus' violent temper was known and his cruelty was whispered about in the servants' circles. The servants stole glances at the rebel gathered like a bride in Regulus' arms.

Down the corridor and up several flights of stairs, with the old man physician tailing them, Regulus carried Julian to his new bedchambers. Regulus had ordered the preparation of these new chambers soon after he decided Julian would be his.

Julian rested his head against Regulus' chest. His eyes fluttered shut again. Something deep within Regulus' chest stirred happily.


Julian remembered little about the days following his imprisonment in the windowless room. An old man sat at his bedside, holding a hand to his forehead, speaking in low voice to someone else in the room, and spooning stew into his mouth.

There was no more deprivation. If Julian asked for stew, he received hearty rabbit stew. If he asked for bread, he received bread. If he asked for the curtains to be opened so he could see the morning sun, the curtains were opened.

At night, Regulus sat at his bedside and spoke to him. Regulus spoke about his day, how the roses bloomed in the garden, how he had hunted for pheasant in the afternoon. When Julian asked, Regulus read aloud from whatever book he was reading that day.

It was mid-afternoon now, and Julian was sweating under the many layers of furs and blankets. His fever had broke overnight, and he was no longer shivering and shaking. Still, he did not want to emerge from the dark world under the blankets. King Regulus might be there, sitting at his bedside and ready to inflict another torture on Julian.

Julian pulled the furs down just far enough for a dash of light to invade his darkness. He peered at the painted ceiling. It was a beautiful fresco of a forest with ducks, and deer, and nymphs by a bubbling creek Julian had lived in the woods for many years but he had never once seen a nymph.

Julian rolled over and inhaled the scent of fresh bread and cooked ham. He pushed back the blankets and sat up, reaching for the wooden tray. He placed it on his lap.

"I am glad to see you are awake again," A kind voice said from the corner of the room.

Julian froze, his spoon in his hand as he was about to scoop the fruit into his mouth. The old man castle healer, Percy, moved forward into Julian's sight.

"Hullo," Julian mumbled, spooning the fruit into his mouth.

"Don't worry, the King will visit this evening,"  Percy said, smiling encouragingly at Julian like this was good news.

Julian chewed the fruit. His gut twisted unhappily but he said nothing. There was no point. He had dared to fight back, and look where it got him.

"He would like to walk with you today." Percy said, sitting down at Julian's bedside. "It is time to get some strength back in you. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Mhm." Julian said before gulping down the cup of mulberry juice. A few days ago, he had drank an entire cup of cow's milk. Julian had promptly retched his stomach's contents into a bucket, tears streaming down his face from the burn in his throat. Julian was put back on a strict diet of bread and unsalted meat until he could keep his food down.

Still, the bread and meat was nothing to complain about. Julian marveled at the wonderful, satisfying feeling of something heavy on his tongue and substantial between his teeth.

Julian set aside the tray and slumped against the headboard, fisting his the fabric of his tunic. "May I go for a walk now?"

Percy lifted the tray and shook his head. "Not yet. We must wait for the King." He said, before leaving the room to return the dirty dishes to the kitchen. 

Julian pushed back the blankets until he was left with just one. He slipped back under it and rested his head on the pillow, shutting his eyes. A small part of him wished he would never wake again.


Night had fallen by the time Julian woke again. Candles cast a warm glow around the room. Strangely, Julian was alone. He was so rarely alone these days. Julian slid out of bed and padded barefoot to the door. He tried the doorknob but it did not give. Locked.

Julian grabbed one of the candleholders to look around his new chambers. It was homier than the little, windowless room. There was his bed, a shiny, oak armoire and chest, a bookshelf, a set of table and chairs, and a small window with green curtains. Julian lifted the candle to examine the tapestry on the wall, a scene of hunters on horses with hounds chasing after a herd of deer. In the corner of the tapestry, the royal Coat of Arms was stitched delicately into a bush.

Julian walked to the bookcase and shined the candlelight on the multi-coloured tomes. Julian perked at the sound of the key sliding into the lock. Regulus opened the door and stopped at the sight of Julian.

"Oh, you're awake," Regulus said. He held a small, leather-bound book in his hand. "You are never awake when I come in."

Julian stared at Regulus, finding himself at a loss for words. During the days of Julian's fever, he had drifted in and out of sleep while Regulus sat at his bedside. He rarely spoke to Regulus except to ask for the window to be opened or for Regulus to read aloud from one of his books. He would like to walk with you today, Julian recalled Percy saying. Julian would now be expected to make polite conversation with his captor. 

Julian cleared his throat. "Yes." He mumbled, loathing himself for being so scared of the man.

"How are you feeling?" Regulus asked, closing the door behind him.

"Fine." Julian said, looking at the floor. It was a ridiculous question that didn't even deserve an answer.

"Good." Regulus said, setting down the book. He walked to stand next to Julian, gesturing to the bookcase. "I hoped you would notice the bookshelf. Do you like to read?"

"Yes." Julian said, which was a lie. Julian envied the ease with which Regulus could crack open any book and read aloud. Regulus never stumbled over the words or paused to determine the proper pronunciation. The soft, even tone of Regulus' voice often lulled Julian into a deep sleep.

"These are some of my favorites. I thought you might enjoy them too. " Regulus said, running his fingers alone the spine of the books. He selected a simple brown book with a stitching of a rose on the front. "This is a set of poems you may enjoy. A knight travels through the mountains after battle to return to the love of his life. He writes about the mountains like he writes about his bride. Overcome by their beauty."

Regulus opened the book to show Julian a drawing of the mountains. 

"I read this many times over when I was touring Admantine, especially through the mountains. I had it with me when I visited Hythe." Regulus said, pulling out a pressed pink flower from between the pages. "I collected flowers through my journey and put them in here. You might see some flowers you recognize."

Regulus looked up at Julian and smiled. "You probably think I abhor the mountain and the mountain dwellers like all of my soldiers but I don't. I find it all to be quite beautiful and strange."

Julian watched Regulus tuck the flowers tenderly back into the pages. Julian was struck by Regulus' gentle touch, the loving way he spoke about the beauty of the mountains and his favourite book.

"When I was travelling through the mountains, I reckon I was searching for my bride too. I just didn't fully realise it then." Regulus said nonchalantly, sliding the book back into place on the shelf.

Julian felt his face grow warm. "How is your wife?" He asked.

"Betrothed." Regulus corrected immediately, frowning at Julian. "I delayed the wedding."


"There is much else to be done." Regulus shrugged. "You are still recovering from your illness, I'm travelling to the Eastern Isles in a few weeks."

Illness. Like Julian had suffered a winter cold. Julian ambled over to the window and peered out. It was too small to climb through and too high off the ground to jump. Regulus had thought of everything.

"How about a walk today?" Regulus said, leaning against the table. "There is a banquet in the Great Hall so most will be busy there."

"Alright." Julian said, accepting Regulus' offered hand. He followed Regulus into the corridor and looked around for the ever-present guards. 

"We are alone," He said in surprise. "Where are your guards?"

Regulus smiled and squeezed Julian's hand. "Drinking themselves to death and rolling around with maidservants, I imagine."

"Aren't you worried?" Julian asked, looking up at Regulus. "Aren't kings always afraid of sudden attacks?"

"By who? You?"

Julian shrugged. "Well, maybe." It was not so absurd a thought. Julian was a rebel and had just teetered on the edge of death because of Regulus' manipulations. Was it so ridiculous that Regulus would be afraid of him?

Regulus laughed. He slid his arms around Julian's waist and pulled Julian against his chest, despite how Julian struggled. Oh. The sudden embrace sent Julian's heart racing.

"Where are your weapons? Your armor?" Regulus joked, pressing kisses to Julian's neck in between words. "Where are your legions of loyal rebels, ready to die for the cause?"

Julian wondered if Regulus could hear his heartbeat for it was beating madly against the walls of his chest. The light tone of Regulus' voice indicated he was only teasing, and he was touching Julian like a lover, but the words had a darker undertone. Julian could not believe the bastard's audacity to mention Julian's fallen friends, to make a mockery of their death in this weird attempt at flirtation.

"I know how to use my fists," Julian said, also pretending it was all a joke. He squirmed when Regulus' hand slid down his stomach.

Regulus chuckled, his hand stopping just at the top of Julian's trousers, for which Julian was grateful. "A strong wind would blow you over, darling." He murmured silkily in Julian's ear. "You are no threat to me."

Julian bit his tongue until it hurt but he stayed silent even as Regulus' hand slipped lower. Around the corner, a manservant carrying logs appeared. Just as he froze at the sight of Regulus and Julian, Regulus released Julian. Regulus shoved his hands into his pockets as if to feign composure and hide their embrace. 

"No one is supposed to be in this corridor tonight." Regulus barked. Julian winced at the harsh inflection. 

The servant was about Julian's age, sandy-haired with freckles splattered across his cheeks. He blanched. "I'm s-sorry, sir." The boy stuttered, taking several, quick steps back. "I-I was told to bring logs to the reb--to his room."

Regulus shook his head as if this was a great inconvenience. "That's alright," Julian offered, stealing a nervous glance at Regulus. "I did need more logs for the hearth. You can carry them in. Thank you."

The servant waited for Regulus' nod of approval. When he received it, he mumbled his apologies again and scurried away into Julian's room. 

"Come on," Julian said, grabbing Regulus' hand and pulling him down the corridor away from the servant. "I thought I was promised a walk."

Regulus smiled begrudgingly when Julian took his hand. Julian slowed his pace as they walked around the corridor to avoid running into the frightened servant boy again. 

Julian was strangely out-of-breath as he rounded the corridor. He had once run circles around any of the other boys in his village. He had lost much weight and muscle in the dungeons and the little, windowless room. 

Julian gripped Regulus' hand, worried he might faint again. "It must be strange to be surrounded by portraits of yourself," Julian wondered aloud, forcing a strong voice to hide his shortened breath.

"Oh," Regulus shrugged. He watched Julian carefully like he might collapse at any moment. "I've never thought of it as strange. Shall we sit down, darling?"

"I want to keep walking." Julian said, quickening his pace to show his strength. The long and wide corridor revealed rows of portraits and closed doors. 

"There are so many rooms," Julian said in awe, walking to a little alcove with a window seat. "I've never seen anything like it."

"You are easy to impress." Regulus smiled, pulling Julian into the little alcove. "You are breathing heavily, Julian. Let's sit."

The alcove was quite cramped and Julian felt embarrassed by the closeness. Regulus' thigh pressed against his own.  Julian twisted around to peer out the open window at the grounds. The stone patio outside the Great Hall was lit with lanterns. Noblemen and noblewomen were drinking and dancing circles around each other, flirting under the full moon.  Julian could see heads bobbing over the tops of the hedges in the maze. Their layers of fine garments, heels and hats did not stop them from racing each other to the gazebo in the center of the maze. He envied their youthful freedom. 

"Why aren't you at the banquet?" Julian asked, looking back at Regulus.

"I was. I left early." 

"Don't you want to be out there?" 

"Not at all." Regulus said, leaning his head against the wall and smiling at Julian. "There are only so many times I can drink myself sick and talk about the same three things with people I've known since birth. I'd rather be here with you."

Why? Julian wanted to ask. The small alcove had allowed Regulus to slide closer to Julian. Regulus slid a hand up Julian's leg and rested it on Julian's thigh. Julian shifted closer and rested his leg across Regulus' legs, his cheeks flushing pink. I can do this, he thought, stealing a glance at Regulus who watched him in amusement. He knew by now that Regulus' advances were inevitable. He just had to do enough to please Regulus and avoid the torment of the windowless, little room. 

Regulus grinned at Julian and pulled him closer until Julian was practically on his lap. When Regulus leaned in, Julian panicked and quickly turned his face away. 

"I feel quite faint," Julian blurted out, hoping his breathlessness could be considered evidence of his illness. Coward, he scolded himself. 

Regulus shut his eyes and let his head drop, not bothering to hide his disappointment. Still, he did not seem angry. Julian worried he would suffer a verbal lashing like the servant boy with the wood. 

"Alright," Regulus muttered, rubbing Julian's thigh gently. "Percy said to be gentle with you. We may have walked too much."

Julian felt a flood of relief. Surprising even himself, he kissed Regulus gently on the cheek. Regulus snickered at the chaste gesture and patted Julian's thigh. "Get up. We'll walk back and you can return to bed."

Julian rose to his feet. They walked back to Julian's bedchambers in silence, Regulus guiding Julian with a gentle hand on his back. 

Julian glanced up at Regulus. Regulus seemed unbothered by Julian's rejection tonight, but Julian doubted he could complain of faintness again. Julian would eventually run out of excuses. 

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