All You Need Is Love

By swiftxcriminal

117K 4.6K 7.9K

Nicole Westwood has anxiety. So bad, that it's hindered her social life for her entire life. At 18, she's nev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Thank You.
Bonus Chapter: Michael's Letter to Nicole
Bonus Chapter: Nicole's Letter to Michael

Chapter 22

2.7K 123 253
By swiftxcriminal

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long for an update! I know the last chapter left off on a cliffhanger and many of you have probably been waiting very anxiously to see how this whole thing pans out. That being said, thank you so much for over 3k reads! The thought that made me so hesitant to start writing this book was that I was afraid it wouldn't get any attention and barely anyone would read it. I never would've dreamed I would even get 30 reads, much less 3,000! I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying this book because it was a concept I had brewing in my mind for a very long time that has finally come to fruition, and I have a lot planned for the remaining chapters. Sadly, I think this book will be coming to an end soon since it's about halfway through the plot, but the good news is that I do have an idea for a potential sequel if enough people end up being interested in this story, so please comment and vote to let me know. A lot is about to happen within these next few chapters; I have planned tons of twists and turns you'll never expect. Enjoy!

*Nicole's POV*

Well. This is it. It's over; he's never going to gain their acceptance after this catastrophe. And it's my fault. How could I manage to keeps my hands of him for months and decide to falter now at the moment where it was most crucial for me to keep my composure?

At that moment my body completely froze. It almost felt like we had been caught shoplifting or something and there was no way of getting out of it because there were witnesses.

Well, if I'm being honest, this isn't exactly how I pictured reconciling with my parents for the first time in almost 5 months.

I quickly struggled to pull myself off of Michael's lap and stumbled to my feet while he followed my lead by clearing his throat and straightening his tie as he rose up from the couch.

"Mom. Dad. I-" My Mom interrupts me by holding up a hand.

"We didn't see anything." she sighs while suppressing an awkward chuckle, obviously lying. She holds out her arms for what I can only interpret as an invitation for a hug. I quickly oblige and fall into her arms. "We've missed you, sweetie." she says as I feel her grip tighten around me. I've missed this feeling; the one I have only when she hugs me. These are the same arms that have hugged me goodnight for 18 years, and although falling asleep in Michael's arms these last few nights have been a new, exciting feeling, it's incomparable to the security that I feel when I'm wrapped in her arms.

We hug for what seems like forever before she lets me go, leaving me in the position to acknowledge my dad whose face possesses an almost somber look.

"Hi, Dad." I say hesitantly.

He doesn't say anything in return. Instead, he just extends his arms for a hug as well, except his arms feel different than how they used to. It was almost as if he was apprehensive about embracing me. although we were never close before this whole ordeal, I can honestly say I have never felt more distant from him than in this particular moment.

I pull away from his arms, sensing the tension in the air that is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I take a small step sideways to reveal Michael who is awkwardly standing behind me.

I clear my throat. "Um, you guys know Michael." I feel my voice slightly strain to get out all the way due to the sheer amount of anxiety I'm feeling at this moment.

"Unfortunately." I hear my Dad mumble under his breath. My Mom swiftly elbows him in the arm in order to make him stop his indiscretions.

"Yes, Michael!" She says in a fake, almost manufactured happy tone. I can tell she's not 100% happy with this arrangement. "Nice to finally meet you in a less hostile environment." she says.

He lets out a nervous, almost awkward laugh. "Nice to meet you, again, Mrs. Westwood."

She laughs uncomfortably. "Oh, please; call me Alex." she says while extending her hand to meet him for a handshake.

He laughs equally as awkward and rubs the back of his neck while examining the floor.

A void is suddenly created in the room, and silence quickly fills it.

Suddenly, my Dad clears his throat, breaking the stillness in the room like a rock skipping on perfectly still waters.

"Michael, can I talk to you outside on the patio- privately?" He asks him, his voice surprisingly calm and collected.

What. The. Hell.

His eyes widen as he nods his head vigorously. "Of course, sir." he replies, his voice slightly hoarse, most likely from the sheer amount of fear he's feeling right now.

"Great," My dad says while motioning his head towards the sliding glass door. "follow me."

Michael nods before following closely behind him. He steals a quick glance at me before making his way outside the door completely. He looks frightened, almost like a child on their first day of kindergarten, and I don't blame him; my Dad can be pretty intimidating. Plus what could he possibly say to him that would be good?

He literally just saw us swapping spit on the couch; I wouldn't exactly say that visual would give him reason to put his stamp of approval on the idea of us a couple.

Oh, God. We're screwed.

*Michael's POV*

I watch as he takes another drag of his cigarette, flicking the ashes off it with his index finger as he removes it from his lips and returned it to his side. He turns to me as he blows the cloud of smoke out of his mouth, partially into my face.

"Let's cut it out with the bullshit; do you really love my daughter? Or are you just in it for the sex?" He asks me.

"Of course I-" he interrupts me before I can finish.

"Because I can tell she really loves you." he says while stepping closer to me and pointing his finger in my face. He stays that way for a minute, his expression hard and as cold as stone until suddenly his features soften and his eyes begin to gleam.

Wait, is he about to cry?

"She's never looked at any guy the way I just saw her look at you in there when she introduced you to me. Trust me, because that's how I looked at my wife the day I introduced her to my parents." He hesitates before continuing his thought and wipes a tear from his cheek. "And, you know, it breaks my heart because you're the exact opposite of what I imagined for her."

I feel my heart suddenly drop into the pit of my stomach.

As much as those words hurt to hear, I hang my head in shame, knowing that he's probably right; I'm way too old for his daughter, and I can't help but feel like I'm being selfish by asking her to be with me.

He takes another drag of his cigarette. "You think it didn't hurt me to see her all alone all these years? Barely any friends? Never going out? How she waited and waited, hoping some stupid boy would ask her to the prom and it never happened? I have pictures of her standing alone in her beautiful dress, all done up and you can see the sadness in her eyes behind that fake smile."

More tears fall from his eyes as he steps even closer to me. "She's wanted to be happy for such a long time. So, I'm telling you right now; if you're even half as good at pretending to be something you're not like she is, you should end this right now because if you hurt her any more than she already is, I'll kill you."

"I swear, sir, I love her. I wouldn't be fighting so hard for us if I didn't." I say.

He looks at me for a moment, back to his regular stone cold expression. "I'm going to ask you something and I swear to God, you'd better tell me the truth." he says.

I take a deep breath. "Yes, of course, sir. I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

"Is my daughter still a virgin?" he asks me with a glare. "And I swear to God if you lie to me-"

I exhale. "Yes, she is."

He quickly throws his cigarette to the floor and squashes it with his boot. "I said, don't fucking lie to me!" he says while inching closer to my face.

"I'm telling the truth!" I say while putting my hand up in surrender.

He violently grabs me by my shirt collar and yanks me towards him.

"I'm going to give you one more chance; tell me the truth." he growls.

"I am telling you the truth!" I say while pushing him off of me. "She is a virgin." I hesitate before continuing on with the rest of my sentence, knowing that what I'm about to say will make me look either really good or really bad.

So I take a deep breath and let go.

"And so am I." I say quietly.

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