Then and Now: A Harry Styles...

By musicluva4eva

1.5M 16.7K 3K

It was just supposed to be a simple, harmless lunch date, to catch up with an old friend. But when that old f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Thirteen

33.7K 325 81
By musicluva4eva

Wow. 7.5K reads. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING OKAY. This chappie has a somewhat abrupt ending, but I could find a good way to end it :/ I'm on a serious roll with writing right now! Or maybe it's because I'm on summer No time to be crazy and random, so you guys can read! xx


By some miracle (that miracle being Becca), I managed to wake up on time the next morning. I took a quick shower, and threw on some clothes. I was glad to see that my tea had already been made. It was a great start to the day.

I practically skipped out of the flat after I was finished my morning routine, and onto the sidewalk. I was in such a good mood that I decided to wear a pair of pumps instead of my usual flats, and endure the pain my feet would be in afterwards. It was a gorgeous day outside, which was surprising considering I lived in England, which had the most horrid weather you could think of. It was usually cloudy, or raining, but today the sun was out, the sky was clear, and it was even warm! I decided I’d take advantage of the weather and walk; I didn’t know when there would be another nice day like this.

I was nearly at the campus when someone tapped my shoulder. I just about jumped a mile into the air in shock, and was surprised to see a teenage girl, probably a few years younger than me, looking at me with wide eyes.

“Hello?” I sad, curiously.

“Are you Jenna Matthews?” the girl asked.

“Yes...Why do you want to know?” this girl was freaking me out.

“Oh my God!  I like, love you and Harry together! You two are so. Freaking. Adorable. Can I have a picture with you please?” she said, in a rush of words.

“Harry and I aren’t dating.” I said politely.

“But you should! You two are perfect together!”

Maybe if I took a picture with this girl she’d leave. Hmm. Good thinking Jenna.

“Didn’t you want a picture?” I asked.

“Oh my God! Yes!” she squealed and pulled out her Blackberry.

She stood next to me, and I smiled at her camera. I saw the flash go off, and sighed. Hopefully this was over.

“It was so nice meeting you! But I have to get to class!” I said, smiling.

“Oh! I’m so sorry for holding you up! Thank you so much for the picture!” she said.

“No problem. Bye!” I said, and turned to continue walking to the campus.

I thankfully made it to the classroom without anyone else stopping me, but I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I walked closer to the back of the room. I heard several whispered conversations.

“...I heard she’s sleeping with him to get famous.”

“Really? I heard that she’s pregnant and tricked him into thinking that it’s his kid.”

“OMG! So scandalous. She’s such a slut.”

I sat down in my seat, and took a deep breath. I will ignore those stupid girls. I pulled my sketchbook out of my bag and opened it to a new page and began sketching. I zoned out all the noises from around, and focused solely on the design. Thankfully, this was my sketching class, and all the teacher really did was give assignments, and walk around to give students advice.

“Jenna?” my head snapped up.

I spotted Emma, the girl that usually sat next to me, standing beside the table.

“Hey Emma!” I said brightly.

She smiled and sat down next to me, and pulled her sketchbook out.

“I know I’m going to sound really annoying but are you—“ I cut her off.

“I’m not dating Harry Styles.” I answered before she could finish.

She looked sheepish, “Sorry. It’s just that everyone’s been talking about it, and there’s just so many rumours going around. I just wanted to hear it straight from your mouth.”

“I heard some of them.” I said, somewhat moodily.

“I’m sorry you had to hear them.” She said as she began to sketch.

“I ignore them.”

“I saw your twitter. Did you see how many followers you have now?”

I don’t actually check my followers now. Just my mentions.”

“You have over 150,000 followers.”

“Really?” I asked, shocked.


“The Directioners are really nice, albeit a few that really hate me.” 

“I saw the pictures of you two from the weekend. How the hell did you meet him?”

“X Factor. We talked then, and we just started talking again now.”

“You two would make an adorable couple.” She said.

“If I had a pound for every time I heard that.” I muttered.

“You know that there are already twitter pages dedicated to you two? It’s actually hilarious how people ship ‘Jarry’ considering you two aren’t even together.”

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Yeah!” she pulled out her mobile, and quickly pulled up twitter, “Look!”

I stared at the screen, and looked at the users’ profile. Their user name was Jarry4Ever, and her profile picture was a close-up of Harry and I from yesterday. Her profile read of how cute we were together and how she thought we should get together. Sigh.

“Wow.” I turned to look at her sketchbook, “Nice sketch!”

“Really?” Emma said, putting her mobile away, “I’ve been working on it for a couple of days, I think I might use it as my submission for the student collection.”

“I’m still working on my submission.”

The student collection was something the university did every year. Any student doing design, or anything related to that, as a major, had a chance to submit a design of their own. The professors would pick a limited selection of the outfits, and have a showcase at the end of the year. It was pretty much a start-up for some of the students, and many of the ones that got their work showcase, went on to be successful. Everyone wanted a spot in the showcase.  

“You’ll definitely get in! I’ve seen your sketches Jenna; they’re amazing!” 

“We’ll see.” I said.

We continued chatting until class was over, and then went our separate ways. I made my way to the two other classes I had that day, and was followed by whispers and stares. It was getting irritating. I knew someone that happened to be famous. Get the hell over it.

By the time I finally reached home, I was downright annoyed. Was this what Eleanor and Danielle had to go through? Eleanor! I forgot to text her! I sat down on the couch, and flipped on the television while pulling out my iPhone. I went through my contacts, and clicked her name.

To: Eleanor Calder

Hey Eleanor! It’s Jenna! X


I sent the message, and then turned on the television. Oh look. It was an entertainment channel. I wonder what they were saying today.

“ recent events, it looks like everyone’s favourite boy-band member has a girlfriend! That’s right folks, Harry Styles is taken! Over the past week, he’s been spotted with a young woman, who he identified on his twitter page as Jenna Matthews. As you can see on the screen, his tweet reads that the girl is his best friend, though pictures of the two say otherwise. They’ve been seen having lunch together, on different occasions, and Jenna has been spotted not only his record label with Harry and the other members of 1D, but at his flat as well! We’ll be covering this juicy developing story, so keep it looked hear!”

Damnit. There goes any chance of privacy I might have left. I felt my mobile vibrate, and looked to see a message from Eleanor.

From: Eleanor Calder

Hey! What’s up?


To: Eleanor Calder

Looking at some stupid gossip show claiming that Harry and I are dating -_-


From: Eleanor Calder

Turn the tv off now! You shouldn’t be looking at those shows, they say some stupid things. X


To: Eleanor Calder

Turned it off! I’m not used to this as yet. A girl stopped me this morning and asked me for a picture, and it was terrible at school.


From: Eleanor Calder

You’ll get used to it after a little while. You might want to get used to pictures, I get stopped all the time! Just remember to keep it quick, but don’t make it seem like you’re blowing the fans off.


To: Eleanor Calder

I’ll keep that in mind! Anyways how was your day?


From: Eleanor Calder

Louis and I planned our trip to France that we’ll take after this tour. He’s going to fly his family there too, so it’ll be nice.


To: Eleanor Calder

Ooh France? As in Paris? As in the City of Love? ;)


We texted for a little while longer, before stopping so we could both go and eat dinner. She was a lovely person, and I could see us becoming great friends. I had been scrolling through twitter all day, replying to some fans, and following a few people. I’d even had a conversation with Niall over food again. It went like this:

@NiallOfficial: my food is locked will never get it @JennaMatthews

@JennaMatthews: @NiallOfficial I know how to pick a lock. Your food will never be safe from me!

@NiallOfficial: @JennaMatthews its a combination lock.

@JennaMatthews: @NiallOfficial ever heard of cutting the lock?

@NiallOfficial: @JennaMatthews your a evil woman.i’m going to eat my sandwich in peace.


Oh Niall. He liked food too much for his own good. 


Two questions today!

Question1: Where did you find out about this story from? A friend? Was it in your recommended reads? Did you just stumble upon it?

Question2: Where in the world would you like to travel to? 

Answer: For me, I'd have to give you my top three, in no particular order. Italy, England, and Australia! xx

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