Sander's 'Sitting! Sander's S...

By theanythingchannel

131K 3.8K 9.1K

Thomas, Patton, Roman, Logan and Virgil are all in charge of babysitting you! Logan is caring for your logica... More

Chapter 1 - New Friends!
Chapter 2 - Meeting Mr. Sanders
Chapter 3 - The Magical World of Princy
Chapter 4 - Nice To Meet You... Dad?
Chapter 5 - Anxoiusly Waiting
Chapter 6 - First Steps Outside
Chapter 7 - The Great Deception
Chapter 8 - Happiness is an Elegant Stage
Chapter 9 - Welcome to the Internet World
Chapter 10 - Filming Freakouts
Author's Note
Chapter 11 - Just Kickin' It
Chapter 12 - A Decitful Playdate
Chapter 13 - Belt Test Blunders
Author's Note
Chapter 15 - Cookie Crumbs and Flashbacks
Very Special Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 16 - Happy Birthday, Y/N!
A/N: Q&A
Chapter 17 - A Father's Love
Chapter 18 - Candlelit Nights
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 19 - Rain Clouds and Clouded Minds
Author's Note: Very Important, Please Read!
Chapter 20 - The Ghost of a Former Guardian
Chapter 21 - A Rainy Home and Coffee Foam
Chapter 22 - Puppy Love
A/N: Nothing's More Important in The Story Than This
Chapter 23 - Cloudy Days and a Bully's Ways
Chapter 24 - A Day...
Chapter 25 - ...That Ends in Tears...
Chapter 26 - ...And Starts With Hope
Chapter 27 - The Devil's Train
Chapter 28 - Snowflakes and Taxi Brakes
Chapter 29 - A Christmas Bow and Lots of Snow
Author's Note: Cover Change Competition? Also Ships. (This Took Me Forever)
Chapter 30 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 31 - Storytime!
Chapter 32 - They Really Are Man's Best Friend
Chapter 33 - At Your Service... Dog
Chapter 34 - First "Love"
Chapter 35 - Operation: Leave the City
Chapter 36 - Operation: Leave the City Phase Two
Chapter 37 - Operation: Leave the City Phase Three
Amino and future updates
A/N: Really Important to Me
Author's Note

Chapter 14 - Birthday Puppy Love

2.6K 79 160
By theanythingchannel

A/N: As the title suggests, this is going to be such a soft, pure and adorable chapter. (It's probably not what you're thinking, as this fanfic does not contain any ships. Well, not between the sides, besides Platonic LAMP/CALM.)

In case you were wondering, Yes, I am screaming while writing this.

And yes, this is a special birthday chapter to celebrate Thomas' birthday.

If not, then enjoy the chapter!

~Sam :3


Today is an exciting day.

I have no idea why, but I was just told that it is.

Well, I wasn't exactly told so. Mr. Patton was squealing while jumping up and down at breakfast this morning and almost burnt himself on the stove, so I thought that something exciting was happening today.

I was told by Mr. Thomas that today was going to be a surprise, so I guess we're going somewhere today.

"Y/N, are you ready?" Mr. Patton says.

"Mr. Patton, why are you so excited?" I ask.

"I have no idea! No one would tell me anything." He replies.

"Yeah. That's because you would probably ruin the surprise out of excitement, Padre." Mr. Roman says from across the room.

"That's fair." Mr. Patton says as he continues to squeal.

~time skip~


I'm currently blindfolded but know that we are standing in front of something. My blindfold is suddenly removed and I see where we are.

"Welcome to the Humane Society, Y/N." Mr. Thomas says. "Today, we are adopting a pet, and we decided to let you chose which one we take home."

I run inside and start to look around at all the animals. There are mostly dogs and cats here, and I know that Mr. Thomas is allergic to cats, so I go over to the section with the dogs.

I start looking around and see so many cute dogs everywhere, but none that really interest me. A Lot of them walk up to the edge of their cages and stare at me, others hide, and some are asleep.

"Found anything yet, Y/N?" Mr. Thomas asks.

I shake my head and continue to look around at all the dogs. I see one that's all white and I run over to look at it.

The puppy looks up at me. I touch the cage, and the puppy touches my hand as if it were giving me a high five. I look into the dog's eyes, and he looks into mine. I read the sheet on the left of the cage. It has all of the information about the dog. (A/N: For this instance only, the information sheet about the puppy will be in bold, also the canon date of this chapter is April 24th, Thomas' birthday.)

Name: Tobias (also responds to Toby)

Age: 6 Months Old (in human years)

Gender: Male

Breed: German Shepard

Fur Colour: White

Eye Colour: Black

Birthday: October 5th, 2017

Medical Information: Albino, has scratches on hind quarters from being abandoned in an alleyway

Extra Information: N/A

I look back over at Tobias. He's still looking at me.

"Hi, Tobias. My name is Y/N." I say.

Tobias looks and me, and presses his nose against my hand. I didn't realize that my hand was still on the bars of his cage. Tobias sniffs my hand and then licks it.

"You know, when a puppy licks your hand, that means it's giving you a kiss." I turn to see Mr. Thomas talking to me. "You like this one, huh? Does he have a name?"

"Tobias. Toby for short." I say with a smile.

"Tobias, huh?" Mr. Thomas looks at the information sheet. "An albino? That's cool. Do you know what an albino is, Y/N?"

I shake my head.

"An albino can be an animal or human that lacks pigment, which basically means that they have extremely pale or white colouring." Mr. Thomas explains. "German Shepards usually have black and brown fur, but this one has all white fur. Albinos are very rare, they almost never happen, so this is a really cool experience."

"Awesome!" I say excitedly.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Mr. Thomas calls over one of the ladies who works at the Humane Society.

"Yes, sir? Is there something you need help with?" The lady responds.

"We would like to adopt this puppy." He says.

"Oh! You want to adopt Tobias? Excellent!" The lady picks up Tobias' cage and takes it over to the register so we can buy him.

I look over at a little shelf next to the register. There are many different leashes and collars on it. I look at a collar that is (F/C) (favourite colour) and black next to a matching leash. The leash is one where you can adjust the length, and it also has a dispenser for plastic bags. I look over and see a basket full of dog toys. I also find a bone chew toy that matches both the collar and leash.

I pull on Mr. Thomas' shirt.

"Hmm? What is it, kiddo?" He asks.

I show him the collar, leash, and chew toy set that I found.

"Oh, you like those, huh? Okay!" Mr. Thomas turns his attention to the lady behind the register. "Could we purchase these as well, ma'am?"

"Of course, sir!" The lady then rings Mr. Thomas up. We also find a food dish that is (F/C) and black, as well as some dog food. After Thomas buys Tobias and the other items, we walk over to this dog tag maker. Mr. Thomas picks me up so I can see the screen. I go through and pick out a silver dog tag in the shape of a bone with Tobias' name on it. We also put Mr. Thomas' phone number on it just in case.

The machine dispenses our new dog tag. Mr. Thomas lets me put the dog tag on Tobias' new collar. Then I open the door on Tobias' cage. He walks out and sits in front of me. I put his collar on and attach the leash.

"Do you want to hold onto the leash?" Mr. Thomas asks.

I nod.

"Okay, you lead the way."

~time skip~

"We're home!" Mr. Thomas yells as we open the door.

"Oh. My. GOSH!" Mr. Patton immediately rushes over to the door. "He's so fluffy and cute!"

"Woah, Pat, calm down. You don't want to scare the puppy." Mr. Virgil says, appearing out of nowhere. "So, what's his name, kiddo?"

"Tobias," I reply.

"Woah. Cool name." Mr. Virgil says.

I take off Tobias' leash and let him roam around the house. I hang his leash on the coat rack. Tobias starts to look around. I start walking up to my room, and he starts following me.

I smile, I walk back over to the door and rummage through the bag of goodies we got for Tobias. I grab his food and water dish and bring them over to the kitchen. Toby is still following me. I walk out of the kitchen and back to the bag by the front door and I grab the bone chew toy.

I walk up to my room to get ready for the last minute surprise party we planned for Mr. Thomas, and Toby keeps following me. He stares at me and watches me as I get ready. I pat him on the head.

Toby continues to sit patiently as I finish getting ready. Mr. Patton is done helping me do my hair, and I get the rest of my gi on. I walk downstairs to go put my shoes on.

Toby barks at me. I turn around and watch him walk over to the coat rack and grab his leash. He sets it down in front of me and barks again.

"You want to go with me?" I ask.

Toby sits patiently, waiting for me to put on his leash.

"He seems to be very well trained." Mr. Logan says. "Do you wish to bring Tobias along?"

I nod.

"Very well, then." Mr. Logan says.

~smol time skip~

Today is April 24th, Mr. Thomas' birthday. We are heading over to Joan's house. They were the one who came up with the idea. Mr. Thomas thinks that Mr. Logan is taking me to the park and that Joan wants to come up with video ideas for the next YouTube video.

We have finished setting up the party. All of Mr. Thomas' friends are here. Joan, Talyn, JayisJo, Jamahl (A/N: I'm so sorry! I forgot how to spell it!), and so many others I don't recognize. Toby is sitting next to me. Everyone is binding behind things while we wait for Mr. Thomas to arrive.

I hear the door open. "Hello? Joan? You there?"

Everyone jumps out from their hiding places in unison. "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Thomas!"

Thomas covers his mouth in shock. "Oh, my gosh, you guys!" Toby and I run up to Mr. Thomas and I give him a big hug. Toby just jumps on Mr. Thomas and gives him puppy kisses.

"Happy birthday, Mr. Thomas!" I say.

"Thank you, Y/N. And thank all of you guys for being here!" Mr. Thomas says to everyone. "You guys are the greatest friends and family I could ever ask for. You guys are such amazing friends and family and I am so grateful to have you guys in my life."

"Lovely sentiment and all, but can we eat some cake now?" Joan says from across the room. (A/N: Don't know if Joan would do this, but it seemed funny to me at the time)

Everyone laughs.

"Fine. Let's have some cake." Mr. Thomas replies.

~time skip to after the party~


After the party, we were super tired. Mr. Thomas got to take home the leftover cake, and Tobias is full of energy. Mr. Patton, Mr. Thomas and I are playing with Toby.

"Come on, Toby!" Mr. Patton takes Toby's toy and makes it squeak. Toby runs over to grab the toy with his mouth and tries to take it from Mr. Patton. Mr. Patton throws the toy to me before Toby can grab it. Toby then runs over to me and knocks me over onto the living room floor and licks my face.

"Stop, stop! That tickles!" I say as I laugh.

Toby gets off of me and starts running around the room as Mr. Thomas, Mr. Patton and I pass the bone chew toy to each other.

Mr. Logan is reading a book on the couch, and Mr. Roman is talking with him. That is... until Toby jumps on the couch next to him and licks their faces. Toby then continues to run around the room, chasing after his chew toy.

The chew toy gets passed to me, and I try to throw it to Mr. Thomas, but miss by a longshot. Suddenly, Mr. Virgil appears out of nowhere and catches the toy.

"Mind if I cut in?" He asks.

"Yay!" I exclaim.

Mr. Virgil starts playing with us, but before long, we end up chasing after Toby. He ended up getting the toy from us and was trying to keep us away from it. Toby then jumps on me and starts nuzzling me with his nose. He then gets up and lays down next to me. He then starts to cuddle with me.

"Ready for bed, kiddo?" Mr. Thomas asks.

I nod sleepily.

"Okay." Mr. Thomas says.

Mr. Thomas, Toby and I then go upstairs to my bedroom to get me tucked into bed. After I get into my pajamas and brush my teeth, Mr. Thomas tucks me into bed. Toby jumps up on my bed and settles down next to me.

Mr. Thomas pets Tobias and I on the forehead and then begins to walk out of the room he says, "Good night, Y/N."

"Happy birthday, Mr. Thomas," I say back.

Mr. Thomas smiles and closes the door behind him.

Thomas POV

Well, Y/N, it was certainly a happy birthday indeed.

Thank you.

A/N: Thank you so much! I wanted to do a special chapter featuring Thomas' birthday, so I hope you like it.

The next chapter will be a Q&A if enough people ask questions. Leave questions for me here if you have any, and I will answer them.

Follow me to revive updates on new stories and one shot collections! I post frequently, so you will always be notified. If you lovelies need anything, you can direct message me.

Again, thank you all so much for supporting my story and leaving such sweet comments! I love seeing the amount of reads my story is accumulating, and I love reading your nice comments! It makes my day!

Stay lovely, lovelies!

~Sam :3

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