Return to Narnia

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Around a year after they have returned from Narnia Edmund falls ill and the doctors believe they cannot save... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 3

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Only 2 days later Edmund was mostly well again, and they gathered in a drawing room on the hallway of their chambers to discuss the current situation of their kingdom.

'Although Narnia is big and strong, there are surrounding kingdoms who think Narnia could be theirs for the taking.' Caspian started. 'One of them would be Lord Manchez. He is the ruler of a land to the east, on the other side of the sea. He has a strong military, and seems to be intent on taking over Narnia. At one point he tried to marry me to his daughter, figuring that he could get his foot in the door that way, but I refused. I did not trust the man, and I was right to. For the past few months, small attacks have happened along the border of the eastern sea. We have been able to catch some of the guilty men who executed the attacks. They are always in small groups, and wear Manchez's symbol but refuse to say a word.' Caspian sighed with a heavy heart. 'In the early attacks, a few Talmarines who had started to live among the Narnians in the forest, as well as a few of the Narnians had gotten injured. But only 3 days ago, everything changed. I blew the horn, called for your help, because a group of Manchez's men set light to a farmer's village at the edge of the forest. 11 people and 7 creatures were killed.' He looked down, and bawled his fist in anger. 'I cannot allow this to go on, but I am also not sure what actions to take. That is why I called upon you.' He looked up again, and into the eyes of each of the Pevensies. 'You have fought evil and destroyed it, you can unite this kingdom like no other, and Narnia needs your wisdom and leadership to survive.'

'He burned a village?' Susan asked in disbelief.

Caspian nodded. 'In the middle of the night. Most of the families were asleep; they never had the chance to get out. The creatures who died were awoken by the sound and tried to help the families escape. I have received word of a Minotaur who might never walk again because he used his body to shield a young girl from a falling ceiling. I intend to give every single one of the creatures who helped those villagers a medal of honor. And I have sent a group of guards to the place of the village to escort the survivors to the castle. I will not leave them homeless and helpless in this trying time. A few small military camps have been set up along the sea board to avoid new criminals sneaking into the land.'

'But what if they are already there?' Lucy chimed.

Caspian looked a little surprised by the suggestion, Edmund nodded with a proud smile.

'She is right.' He said. 'It could be that all of Manchez's men arrived at the same time, without you knowing and they are hiding in the forest waiting to strike.'

Peter and Caspian both nodded. 'We should send patrols into the aligning forests as well.' Peter stated.

Susan knew it would take a while to get used to living in Narnia again. She had done her best to accept her life in the real world, first in England then in America. She did her best to accept she would never again see Narnia, but her life turned around completely as she now had to accept that she would probably never again see the world in which she was born. She was sitting on a high wall of the castle, watching out over the starlit landscape of Narnia. While she stared at the stars and the nature around her she thought about what had happened in her life recently. The silence around her was disturbed when she heard footsteps behind her.

'Are you alright your majesty?'

Susan smiled. 'You have no need to call me "Your Majesty", Caspian.' She turned her head and watched over her shoulder to see Caspian smile at her. He sat down next to her and looked at her with his warm brown eyes.

'How do you suggest I call you then?'

'Susan would do just fine.'

Caspian cocked his head to the side slightly. 'Are you sure that would be appropriate, my lady?'

Susan smiled. 'Well, if you feel it is not appropriate to call me by my given name, then I would prefer "My lady" over "Your Majesty"'

Caspian smiled as well. 'Very well, My lady.'

They sat in silence for a while, looking over the landscape.

'What is your mind?' Caspian asked.

Susan sighed. 'I was thinking about everything that has happened in my life over the past few years...'

Caspian looked slightly confused. 'How do you mean?'

She looked at Caspian with a sad smile. 'I never told you about my life back home, have I?'

He shook his head.

'The first time I came to Narnia, it was entirely incidental. In our world a horrible war was going on. But not like the wars here. Where we came from there were exploding weapons, poisonous smoke which can kill millions, flying machines which can hurt so many. Our father went to fight in the war, and our country's government decided it was safer for children in the countryside than in the cities. So the 4 of us were sent to live with a Professor who had a large mansion on the countryside. During a game of hide and seek, Lucy found a magical Wardrobe which was a doorway to Narnia. We didn't believe her when she told us.' Susan giggled slightly. 'Where we're from dwarves and centaurs are just as much part of fairy tales as they were for most Telmarines. Eventually however, we all came through to Narnia. We lived and reigned for 15 years, until one day, by accident we found the wardrobe again and were transported back to our old lives. We were the exact same age as we were when we left. It took so much effort getting used to being back in England again, to be a teenager again. A normal girl, in a war ridden world, instead of a queen in a peaceful kingdom. First we tried to get back to Narnia, but we couldn't and so we tried to move on. I finally got used to my life again, and then you called. When we left last time I was told I would never return here. And so I focussed on building my life in our own world. And now, I am here again, knowing that I cannot ever return to my world, or I will have to leave my siblings behind.' She sighed. 'It feels as if fate enjoys toying with my emotions...'

Caspian looked at her with a look of sympathy. 'I cannot begin to comprehend what you have gone through, but I would like to offer my assistance if it can ever be of service.' He smiled. 'If I can ever do anything to lighten your burden my lady, I will'

Susan smiled. 'Thank you Caspian. That is most kind of you.' She yawned. 'Perhaps you would like to escort me to my chambers. I am quite tired.'

Caspian smiled and stood up. 'I would be delighted.' She took his hand as she got up from the wall on which they sat. As they walked she held her hand on his arm, and in silence they walked back to Susan's chambers. She knew the guards watched with curiosity, and that there would be gossip in the kitchen the next morning, but Susan could not bring herself to care. For over a year she thought she would never again get the chance to see Caspian. The wonderful man who made her heart skip a beat with his warm eyes, his fascinating accent, and a kindness no one could match. She couldn't care less whether people would talk, she preferred to enjoy his company, and explore where the future might take them.

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