Perks of being a Crazy Writer

By xxSMxx

2.7K 136 207

the title says it all :P [amazing cover by @_teenagers] More

Perks of being a Crazy Writer
POBACW #1 : To be or not to be
POBACW #3 : Character Fights
POBACW #4 : Bits and pieces and thy Notes
POBACW #5 : Bad Research
POBACW #6 : Hate Thy Repetition
POBACW #7 : Round and Round We Go
POBACW #8 : The World of Fantasia
POBACW #9 : He said, She said
POBACW #10 : Battle of Cliches
POBACW #11 : Moving On
POBACW #12 : Never Ever Delete
POBACW #13 : Magical Character Sheet
POBACW #14 : Write with Senses
POBACW Extra: Tag, You're It - 20 Things About Myself
Random: The Idea
Random: Writing Status (1)

POBACW #2 : Midnight Zombie

264 20 47
By xxSMxx

#2 Midnight Zombie:

Recently (approx two months ago :P) I discovered I could write better after midnight. At first I was under the impression, it was due to the fact that your mind is a bit more calm and focused, even though you are tired after dragging your ass through the large pile of work all day long (yup, I get bored very easily and hence hate work. However, it pays the bills. So yeah ^^). But the main reason why I could write more of those fantasy scenes with multiple parts of magic and action in it – was because, my mind was half asleep most of the times (yes, that’s true). If your eyes are half closed, you are already in between the two realms of reality and dreams (that is a load of crap, but hey I can explain it better this way, so deal with it lol!).

Here is my conclusion – part of my brain is in the process of coming up with the picturesque views of the world I have created, the characters striking up a conversation with each other and even the colorful magic put on display. The other part of my brain (and my hands and fingers of course :P) are typing away on the laptop, trying to keep up with the images in my mind. And because, there is nobody in the room, to break your link, you might as well write 3K to 8K words at a stretch. I usually end up writing approx 3K, then doze off in the middle of the night, and tend to wake up and fix the mistakes later. This has helped me write loads of stories in a short period and also come up with new ideas :P !

So tell me, how many of you prefer writing at midnight?

Post your thoughts in the comments section below, I would love to hear from you'll :P !!

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