Fate's Mistake

By xoxobesties

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What happens when you're at the wrong place at the wrong time? For Juliet, being bitten by vampire. Now force... More

Fate's Mistake
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 ~ Yeah!!! Double Digits WooHoo :P ~
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

147 4 0
By xoxobesties

{ A/N hey guys! sorry for the late update :( anyway...  so I feel like we're not living up to our promise... it's just that we're not uploading a lot, and we lost our inspiration (sorry for the sob story) but we're still going to try to finish this story- so so so sorry if the story feels rushed, it's just that we don't want a lot of filler chapters, and even lose some readers before we even get to the main plot :/ ... anyway, now, that that's out of the way, off you go :P }

Juliet POV

Blah, blah, blah... He really does talk a shit load of nonsense. I rolled my eyes at Darren's over-dramatic antics. Suddenly, his pissed off face contorted into a red tomatoe.

"I can read your thoughts, you know!" he yelled, making me wince. Oops, I guess he could, but, I only replied with a sheepish grin.

"Look, I'm sorry if my little, harmless prank hurt you-" insert necessary eye-roll from me, "- but, that is the only thing I'm going to apologize for. I mean, there's no way in hell that I'm going to apologize for actually playing the prank on you! Think about it, would you ever, ever, let go of a marvelous oppurtunity for having fun?!?"

"That's differen-"

"No, no it's not, which proves that if it was me in your position, and thank God that I'm not, you would have done the same thing-"

"No, I woul-"

"- Besides, think of it as a punishment for, you know, stripping me with your eyes in hallway." I purposely entered a nonchalant shrug, but I knew deep inside that him checking me out satisfied me. Abruptly, Darren's face masked a smirk. Oh, God, what'd I think of now!?!?!

"You just thought of how it satisfied you..." Instead of replying, I gave him a blank stare, even though my heart started to beat wildly. Deciding on just playing it cool, I'd also be honest. Somewhat.

"Listen, Darren. I am completely, completely, aware of your humongous, unpenetrable ego, I'm going to be truthful with you, alright?" I offered a pause for him to indicate for me to continue. "I think you're hot-" insert another one of my infamous nonchalant shrugs, while my heart thuds erractically. Inhaling a deep breath, I wondered if I should elaborate.

Go on.

I looked up to meet his eyes. It was just one of those moments where you get lost while gazing at something that intrigues you, and you can't break out of the spell. Instead of his usual arrogance-filled eyes, Darren stared back at me thoughtfully. Letting go of that breath that I had held captive, I decided on letting him know the full truth. Gulping, I continued, "I-I had feelings for you, too-" his eyes widened, but I held my hand up to let him know I wasn't done. I made a promise, a personal deal with myself, that I have no intention of breaking. "But, I can't deny the fact that I-I also like Cameron. I know that it just might be infatuation with both of you. I mean, you both have the looks, the mysterious side, and the genouine side of you, so who can resist you both? Well, I can sure as hell try. I just want to focus on staying alive right now, like I should've been focused on all along.

"But, I can also tell you that this is harder than I thought it would ever be; confessing. I'm not going to sit here and spill my feelings, but I am going to tell you that you hurt me... Don't deny, you can be a dick-head most of the time. But, instead, just be grateful that I am choosing to at least keep our friendship." At the end of my rant, I rested my eyes on the kitchen counter-island I was sitting across from. After a few moments, the kitchen stool started to dug into my flesh painfully, so I got up- still not making eye-contact, and went over to Darren. Since I wasn't looking at him, I had no idea what his expression was. My eyes followed the pattern of the floor tiles, while I agonozingly used all my energy to walk up to him. Instead of patting his arm in risk that I would jump him otherwise, I hugged him. Like a full-on hug.

At first he was tense; his arms stayed limp at his sides, but then they slid across my waist, and pulled me to him. "I really am sorry, Darren," I whispered. I didn't want him to decide that I played enough with his feelings, or that I wasn't worth his time for friendship. I couldn't lose him like that. I know that yesterday, I was extremely mad at him, and couldn't have cared if he'd left me, but one day's enough to change my mind. Over all this time I've known him, I can't decide whether I want to kill him, or kiss him. I couldn't decide if I wanted him more than my friend, or just in under that limit. But, now it's almost physically impossible for me to be mad at him for a long time. It's like we have a bond that's unbreakable, even by will. And, even though I have tried for that bond not to conquer my perception of him, I've lost; I just can 't afford to lose him friend-wise, since I refuse romantically.

Instead of replying, he kiss the top of my head, making me mentally swoon. There goes his sweet side. I sighed, and prayed that this wouldn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be; you know, staying in the friend zone.

"Hopefully, it won't." I sunk my face deeper into his chest, trying to figure out why I'm that dumb that I keep forgetting he can read my mind. All the while, Darren's chest lightly vibrated with laughter. "Hey, since all of this is cleared. Are you still planning on pranking Cam? I mean, it's not fair that I get pranked and he doesn't!"

"Hmm, well, I can't say for sure I still want to. May be some other time, when, you know, I'm not being hunted."

"I'm not going to let anything hurt you."

"I know... I-I know..."


Darren POV

She keeps changing her mind, but, then again, so do I. I can't stay mad at her, I mean, it's very confusing for both of us. I just wish she'd explain the same thing to Cameron; being rejected hurts less when you know the girl didn't pick your brother over you. And, I guess, in the end, this is for the better. And, may be, just may be, after all this shit is over, I can win her over.

That's right, even though I agree that being only friends is more reasonable right now, I'm not letting the one girl who makes me feel content with just her presence slip away like that. Even if I fail, I'm not going to be failing without a fight.


Juliet POV

Sitting on the window sill, while the wind gently pushes strands of my hair onto my face brings a calming feeling to me. But, unfortunately, as I aimlessly gaze at the sky abundant of starts, it gives me time to think of my life. Why did I get bitten by a vampire!?! Why did my sister had to be one?!? And, why did Dad and Mom fall in love?!? Was it just fate's cruel sense of humor? Or was their catastrophic destiny just a simple fate's mistake? { A/N hehehe lol <--- that sounded creepy O_o }

I sighed, realizing that most of the mess is somewhat taken care of. I'm very glad that Darren could see the same way I can. Tomorrow, I'm going to have to explaing the same thing to Cameron. Thinking of him, I realize that I never really see him at home that much. What the hell keeps him occupied so much!?

{ Ekkkk, finally, right? Ughhh, anyway, hope this satisfies you :) Anyway, the song that I put on the right doesn't have anything to do with the story, lol, but I really like it! It's a mashup of Remember The Name by Fort Minor (awesome beat BTW and an even better hook :P) and Lose Yourself by, the one and only, Eminem. Haha, I know that Remember the Name is VERY old, but the sad thing is that I found out from the movie Fighting a couple months ago, and I'm already obsessed with the song! Anyway, the movies starred Channing Tatum *swoons and faints*... I swear that guy.... is just..... ughh.... he should be illegal because of how he unknowingly kills females all around the globe!!!!!!

OOps sorry, didn't realize I wrote a huge A/N hehe sorry again! Well, vote, comment, and enjoy rest of your day!!!! :PPPP }

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