Chapter 8

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(A/N... hey guys, what's up? So, like we said before, we are going to try our hardest to finish this book during the summer... So, we're trying to keep our end to that promise. Please comment and vote- it really means a lot to us...)

Alex POV

As soon as Cameron entered the room, I sobered up. I hated his guts so much. I don't know why, but I've always had this bad vibe about him. Plus, he's horrible to Darren.

Don't get me wrong; Darren's like a brother to me, that's why I'm so protective of him. Though he can get really annoying sometimes. Like over-the-limits annoying.

"Uh, you- ah- you needed me?" I mentally smirked at Cameron's discomfort. But, since his presence in the room made me feel light-headed, I decided to be forward and then let him go. Like Darren, I'm also a vampire with a special gift; I can feel others' personalities and what they're feeling at the moment. I know what type of person someone is from my gift. That's why I barely trust Cameron. He makes me feel light-headed, and not in a good way.

"Yes, I need a favor. And before you interrupt, you owe me."

"I don't owe you anything."

"Did you forget that I saved your ass 2 years ago?" I 'innocentally' blackmailed him. Cameron, being himself, had gotten into trouble with this really powerful gang. Me, being the royalty, settled the situation since he was Darren's brother. But now that I think of it, I can't seem to remember that gang's name... I remember the leader's name; Scott. He was a complete douche bag, but what was his gang's name? The fact I can't remember really bugs me. "Anyway, I need you to move in with Darren."

His eyes widened before his face turned into a monstrous one. "Excuse me?" Cameron snarled. I was slightly taken back at his abnormal behaviour. But, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, my gift hasn't failed me before, why would it now? Hopefully, Cameron stays on the good charts, or else he'd have hell to pay.

"You heard me. And, trust me, I don't want to do this anymore than Darren or you would, but I need the two most powerful vampires that I know to protect Jules," when Cameron starts to object, I hold up my hand to silence him. "Listen, don't question me, Jules is in danger, and she's going to live with you and Darren... While we're at this subject, don't try to hit on her, either."


"No, now go."


Darren POV

He's going to live with us... That fucking asshole is going to live with us.... fucking perfect. When Alex told me that Jules was going to live with me, I was more than ecstatic, when she got to the part about Cameron, I wanted to punch her face out... I mean no offence to her or anything,

But, I guess it makes sense; Jules needs protection, and Cameron and I are probably one of the strongest vampires- not to brag, it's just a simple fact. For Jules, I'll put up with Cameron; of course knowing the fact that he's forbidden to hit on her by the royalty herself also makes it better. Although, I know that Jules will be protected no matter what on my watch, what about Alex? I had asked when she told the bittersweet news to me.

"What about you, though?"

"I'll be fine knowing my sister is. Besides, the security at the palace is great... That's where I'll be staying. Of course, the vampire guards at your house will be twice the amount..."


"Don't get me wrong, I trust you and... well, I trust you, but you would need all the help you can get if that gang decides to attack; I'm not taking any chances, and neither should you."

So, that's how I ended up driving Jules, myself, and Cameron to our new house. No one actually said anything during the ride, making the atmosphere awkward, though I had no intention of breaking the silence. I already had enough to do, trying to refrain myself from invading Jules' private thoughts. Though, no doubt she was daydreaming about Cameron.

As soon as we reached the house, Jules and Cameron jumped out the car like they were being chased by wild monkeys. Not that I have any experience in that... Nope not at all. Alright, may be that one time I.... okay, wait, I need to focus, not get distracted by my bizzarre adventures. Yeah, 'cuz that would be easy!

Since we were all in a rush to avoid the tense atmosphere, we somehow managed to look past the hoard of guards surrounding the house. Oh, Alex, can you not ever get over-board with Jules' protection!?


Juliet POV

Alright, wow. I cannot think of any other thought other than... wow. I mean, with the amount of all the vampires I saw, I don't think there's even space for other thoughts in my mind. What was Alex thinking? Either she's obsessed with keeping me alive for some reason, or she just went insane. I personally think she went insane, although I keep hoping at least one of us keeps their sanity. I don't think I can keep up with all of this crap; I mean first discovering vampires are real, being turned into one, discovering my twin sister was already one, then knowing that our dad was one,too, and then being extra-special, and being hunted down for it. I think I'd rather worry about colloege exams than this.

Oh, but I almost forgot the worst part... I'm going to be living with two, jaw-dropping gorgeous guys. Nothing could beat that.

"Alright, as much fun as it was to being eye-raped by almost every vampire I came across today, I think I'm going to go to my room." I was about to say sleep, but realized vampires probably don't even sleep... Do they? I was always a night-owl.

No we don't sleep, Darren's voice floated in my mind. I made sure to try to cover up the shiver that travelled down my spine at the sound of him.

I told you once, Darren, rather loudly I might add, that STAY THE FREAKING HELL OUT OF MY MIND!

Sorry, you're just too amusing!


You wound me, Jules. You seriously do.

Hell if I care. Now get lost out of my head!


I started to glare at him just when Cameron decided to speak up, "Um, but, we still haven't decided on rooms, yet."

"Oh, don't worry about that, boys, we all know that the biggest one is mine. I call dibbs!" I quickly added. Both the guys pouted at me, and it took me all I had not to fan girl myself.

I stiffened, waiting for Darren to burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter, or to start teasing me. But, when he didn't, my shoulders instantly relaxed... I would never have heard the end of it!

A/N hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote :)

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