Just saying. (Calum Hood X Re...

By problxmatic_fangirl

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When life doesn't go your way, your best friend is there for you. Though he may be falling in love with you... More

Chapter 1, The End of Summer Plans
Chapter 2, End of Summer Bash
Chapter 3, The First Day
Chapter 4, And So It Begins
Chapter 5, Why Were You Acting So Weird?
Chapter 7, And Then the Rain
Chapter 8, Eye of the Storm
Chapter 9, Resolving Problems
Chapter 10, Day Off
Chapter 11, Break
Chapter 12, Isn't She Lovely
Chapter 13, Falling Hard
Chapter 14, Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming
Chapter 15, The New Year

Chapter 6, The Secret's Out

472 11 0
By problxmatic_fangirl

(This chapter may be longer than the others I have out so fair warning)
(Calum's POV)
It has been a few weeks since our weekend at the cabin and I've come to have more control of my feelings for (Y/N). Yet it is still hard to talk to her and not stumble over my words, I sound like a baby learning to speak when I'm around her, it's embarrassing.
Even though the guys were shocked when they found out about my feelings for (Y/N) they have kept it a secret and haven't mentioned a word of it. I'm thankful that they haven't too considering that they think I'm a much better fit boyfriend for (Y/N) than Jack. Recently he has been skating a lot with his other friends and I've been getting suspicious of it. I've considered confronting him or (Y /N) about it but I can never build up the courage to say something. But I think (y/n) deserves so much better than him, he's never there for her anymore and she's going through a lot this year, handling her anxiety and all. I wish I could do more for her...

Despite my awkwardness lately, (y/n) asked me to help her study for a big quiz on Monday so I'm going to hang out with her Saturday to help prep for it. Hopefully I don't mess anything up.

(Your POV)
I've been thinking a lot about my talk with Cal on the docs a few weeks ago.. I've noticed that Jack has been slightly different side we began dating, and I'm not sure what it is and I'm afraid to ask for some reason. Maybe I can get some advice from Cal tomorrow when he comes over, I can only hope that he doesn't just say 'he's a douche break up with him'..

Saturday comes and I find myself staring at my phone looking at a text I just received from Jack, 'Hey babe, I'm gonna have to cancel our date tomorrow my mom wants me to help her with some stuff at the house, I'll see you Monday though? Love you, talk to you later'. I rolled my eyes and groaned, " yeah 'stuff', whatever..." I said frustrated and slightly dissapointed. I reply to him with an 'okay, it's fine, love you too see you Monday I guess.' And then begin pulling out my school stuff, Calum could be here any second to help me.

A few minutes later Calum arrives and he begins helping me with my advanced algebra notes, helping me with equations, different formulas, all that good stuff. Once we feel we have had enough of the mix of numbers and letters we sit back on my bed to turn on some music and just hang out.
"So.. how are you and Jack doing?" Calum asks. Weird.. he doesn't usually ask about Jack a lot. "Funny you ask I wanted to ask your advice on something dealing with him.", I reply surprised this worked out well enough maybe I won't get a usual response from him. "Okay, shoot.", Cal says sitting up straight to listen more intently. I try to find the words to say to ask the question correctly, "Well... I-uh. I was wandering if you think Jack has been acting different lately? Like distant or just that he's changed more than I though he has, I guess.". Calum sat there looking at his lap to think for a moment before replying, "I would think so, he does seem different and he has definitely been more distant from you.. You know since he cancels on you a lot more than usual I guess...", I think about what he said for a second, "Okay.. So do you think I should do something, or say something about it to him?", he replied quickly, seeming as if he was prepared for the question. "Well you are going on your date with him tomorrow, maybe you should talk to him about it then, it seems like the rational thing to do. Don't you think?", I rolled my eyes and let out a huff and strained laugh, "Well I would but he has to 'help his mom with some "stuff" tomorrow so he canceled." I said using hand quotations with the word "stuff".
Cal groaned loudly, "Ugh are you kidding Me? Again? How do you put up with this and be okay with it..?" I let out a sigh, looking down at my lap and twirling the ring on my right hand around, "I'm not sure any more... I want to say something but it gets hard sometimes and I just cant.." I look up from my lap and I begin to sniffle at the thought of losing the boy I love. Calum looks at me apologetically and pulls me into a tight hug, rubbing my back and whispering reassurances to me that it will be okay.
After I settled down Calum turned on our favorite movie and made some popcorn so I would cheer up. I became sleepy and fell asleep on Cal's shoulder halfway through the movie.

I woke up Sunday morning in bed with Calum on my floor, I thought to myself 'I guess he slept here because it was so late... oh well." I stepped over Calum and walked down stairs to grab a granola bar and a water for breakfast, I usually didn't eat much in the mornings so I went back up stairs and ate my small breakfast in bed. A short while later Cal woke up, he stretched his long body across the floor and turned over to look at me, "goodmorning.." he said in a deep gravely voice, he sat up and ran his hand through his messy black hair. "Good morning princess how'd you sleep?" I asked smiling at him, he looked exhausted, I guess he stayed up way later than I had. He was standing now stretching once again, I heard his back pop when he leaned back, he then replied, still sounding tired as ever, "not that well I guess? I didn't sleep long but I did sleep hard." I patted the bed for him to sit down next to me "Well either way come sit by me we can watch morning cartoons like we used to." He smiled and sat next to me and then snatched the remote, "Well I vote we don't watch some lame princess cartoon, how about... hmm" he scrolled through the channels finally choosing one, "aha! Looney Toons, perfect!" I laughed and his childless and shook my head at him, "all right, Looney Toons it is I guess."

Later That Sunday
Calum had went home around noon and I decided to clean the house the rest of the day since my mom wouldn't be home until late Monday from her business trip.
Once the house was spotless I decided to take some time to myself and go down to the skate park, I decided to wear a maroon hoodie and black skinny jeans , the skies looked dark grey and it was slightly wind outside. I skated all the way down to the skate park me and Jack would go to all the time during the summer, it wasn't far from Ashton's so they boys would go with us a lot too.
Once I had gotten tired of skating I decided to take a break and go to this secret spot behind one of the old broken halfpipes that Jack and i would hang out at. By this time it was mostly dark outside so it was hard to see, it seemed people were there, making out I was assuming. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude. I'll go.." I had to take a double take in the dark to see the couple, but I could make out the males face clearly now..
"Jack?! Is that you?!"

(A/N) yikesss sorry guys to be continued.. until chapter 7, see you then.

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