
By live_life_with_books

23.5K 1.1K 273

Book 3 in the Generations Series '"We have got some big shoes to fit into Jamesie, we are holding the legacy... More

1- The Dramatics Of Professor Black-Weasley
2- Teachers Know All
3- Pranks Glorious Pranks
4- The Week Of Detentions
6- James Gets Angry
7- Quidditch Tryouts
8- Nova Tells The Truth
10- Done
11- James Jumps Over The Moon
12- Mesers Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs
13- 'I'll Write To Your Mother'
14- Rapidfire Wedding Planning
15- The Missing Bride
16- A Man With A Plan
17- OWL Results
18- Blowing Potions Up
19- Graduation
20- Healer Edgar
21- Clipboards In Weird Places
22- Human Ginnie Pig
23- Not Essance Of Silver
24- Venus Finds Out
25- James Finds Out
26- Halley Is In The Middle Of A Domestic
27- The Victorie-Teddy-Snogging-Behind-A-Tent Wedding
28- Fix My Metaphorically Broken Nose!
29- Halley Wins The Apartment Hunt
30- Halley Has Too Many Things
31- June
32- A Jealous Comet
33- Harry Broke Six Bones
34- Halley Can't Sit Still
35- Grilling Nysa's Girlfriend
36- Confessions
37- Emergency On The Ward
38- Too Weird
39- Halley Yells At Her Grandmother
40- Halley Mopes
41- Halley Visits Her Grandparents
42- It Worked
43- The Hearing
44- Alfie And Hope Walk In
45- On Top Of The World
Winter Awards 2019

5- Halley's New Boyfriend

571 22 5
By live_life_with_books

"So, Teddy, how many of your NEWTs do you think you failed?" asked James when they were sat on the Hogwarts Express to return home. The rest of Halley and James's first year and their second year passed without much happening.

"I didn't fail my NEWTs James," Teddy rolled his eyes, "now will you two scram!"

"So you can make out with Victorie?" Hope made kissy noises.

"Scram!" Teddy made to whack them, but Hope, Alfie, Halley and James darted out of the compartment.

"I have to go," Halley told James when she managed to stop laughing.


"It doesn't matter, I'll find you on the Platform," Halley patted his shoulder. She darted off down the train, in search of one person.

Suddenly, Halley felt a hand catch the back of her robes and yank her into a compartment.

"I totally hate it when you do that!" She laughed, and then felt herself being pulled into a kiss.

"You don't hate it!" Adam grinned down at her, "you just dislike it."

"No, I hate you, I one hundred percent hate you," Halley laughed.

Adam rolled his eyes and sat down, Halley copied him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Next year is going to be great!" said Adam, "there's the Keeper spot on the Quidditch team open, so you can join, and we can go on dates in Hogsmead-"

"That's when I work up the nerve to tell my parents that we're dating," Halley said.

"Well, you've got all summer, you'll tell them then right?"

"Sure I will," Halley grinned, Adam cocked his head and raised his eyebrows, "okay, maybe I won't, but that's only because Dad might try to set you on fire."

"Professor Longbottom isn't that bad."

"You don't have to live with him, really, he's insane."


"Who are you writing to Comet?" Venus stuck her head into Halley's bedroom. Venus looked exhausted. The bags under her eyes were more prominent, and there seemed to be twice as many grey hairs on her head than when Halley had last seen her. This was all a clear indication that the full moon was approaching.

"No one," said Halley, covering her letter to Adam with a book, "just James."

"You saw James yesterday," frowned Venus.

"That doesn't mean that I don't want to write to him!" Halley rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you guys are planning, tell me that it's going to be something in the Charms corridor, not the Transfiguration one," Venus raised her eyebrows.

"I promise," Halley winked at her mother.


Halley didn't build up the courage to tell her parents about Adam that summer.

But she was eager to find Adam on Platform 9 3/4, to find out how his summer had been.

"Hal!" Adam grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where he stood with a tall man and a short friendly looking woman, who must be his parents, "mum, dad, this is my girlfriend Halley."

"Hi," Halley grinned.

"Halley...?" The man asked.

"Longbottom, Halley Longbottom," said Halley.

"Ah, you're Neville and Venus's daughter," the man nodded with a smile, "I played Quidditch with your mother."

"Dad is a Keeper," Adam grinned.

"My mum mentioned you," said Halley, "she said that you are-eh, enthusiastic about Quidditch."

"Well, enthusiasm is the main point in any sport!" Smiled Adam's mother.

"Well, we should go and get on the train," said Adam, "I'll see you at Christmas," he hugged his parents quickly, before dragging Halley across the Platform. When they were out of eyeshot, Halley pulled Adam in for a kiss.

"I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too."

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