The Muted Luna (Sequel to TAS...

By princess_anabel

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"Life was never the same after that moment. After I left.... I was the never the same. But what do you expect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
(Chapter 5)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40

25K 685 509
By princess_anabel

                            (Braxton POV)

Nothing seemed to make sense. She was hiding something and everyone knew it.

We all had arrived back at my territory and it has been nothing but silence.

There were so many secrets, so many lies that were hiding behind those grey mesmerizing eyes. But what were they?

I have people all over this world who are my eyes and ears and yet, she made me feel like I was blind and deaf.

Frustration hit me as I sat at my desk, wondering what untold truth she's holding back from us.

But that wasn't the only thing that preoccupied my mind. It was our kiss.

That one kiss. I thought back to how her lips tasted, the aroma of strawberries that filled my lungs when I inhaled her amazing scent.

Her scent that leaked her true emotions.

I took her by surprise, but she was happy until she wasn't.

The kiss was needy like she's been wanting to do this for some time now.

Before she was taken I knew she wanted to. I knew she wanted me. But now? It was like she was saying goodbye.

It was rushed, needy, exciting in more than one way but then it turned bitter. She was hurt, scared even.

The kiss in the beginning was like two teenagers who've never been kissed before and it ended as if she was kissing a lemon.... sour.

I admit , the kiss was a false kiss. Of course a part of me mainly my wolf wanted to see what she tasted like but the Alpha in me wanted to know what she was hiding and I got what I needed.

For Alphas its easier for us to tell who is and isn't lying. But with Evangeline she wasn't a normal she wolf, she was different. She is different.

She was holding back, she was lying, she has secrets. But if we could help I don't see why she wouldn't tell me. Why she wouldn't tell her brothers at least.

I admit they are at fault for what they've done but I don't think she should blame them for the rest of her life.

But its like she's forcing this hatred on them for no apparent reason other than to spite them. Personally, I don't mind.

They are way to invested in her well being even when they don't need to be.

That is why she has me. That is why I will be the one she tells the truth too.

I growled externally because I had no idea how to go about that.

I could pursued her that I am indeed on her side and that I do care about her but is that really the way to go? To lie to my mate?

Hm. My mate.

I never really thought about her like that. I relish the idea of me being alone and staying a true, strong Alpha... but maybe my father is right. Maybe by having her by my side I can be stronger and even a better Alpha than before.

"Send my father up to my office."

"Yes, Alpha."

Closing the mind link, I waited for my father to come up to my office.

I heard his knock but I smelled him the minute his foot touched the ground floor that I was on.


"You were looking for me?" My father said as he sat down looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I am in need of your ... assistance." I said as I got up and buttoned up my suit.

"With?" He persisted.

"I have decided that having Evangeline as a mate would benefit me greatly. I dread to even say it but you were right. A mate is a great thing and I should not throw it away simply because I don't care for the idea of two people being together because of a God."

My father rolled his eyes but smirked.

"So you want to be with Evangeline after all.. why?" he raised a suspicious eyebrow at me.

"Why not? As you said a mate does make you stronger and that is what I am going to need when I go up against Jo." I said as I looked at him and my father sighed.

"You want a mate to make you stronger?" I nodded my head slowly not understanding why he sounded disappointed,

"Braxton, a mate is not a piece of meat that you get to consume because you need its nutrients. A mate is a special thing my boy. A mate will be the ONLY person to stand by you when everyone is against you. A mate is someone you count on to help you solve a problem when you have no idea how to solve it." he got up at this point.

"A mate is someone who cherishes and loves you for who you are and not what is on the outsider ." he started walking closer to me and smiled.

"The day you and Evangeline met, she was wrestling her brother to the ground. You had looked at her and her behavior and didn't approve. But what you failed to see was that she took one look at you and her heart melted."

        I didn't say anything g as I stood there not knowing what to say.
He smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't have to be. It was who she was... who she is. I know it and you know it. Evangeline has loved you and will always love you. Right now she is not in a good place... but that is why she has a mate. To show her again who she once was. She is still that smart, caring, lovable person that her family loves. And I know you will never admit it ... out loud but you care for her."

"I do not." I protested sounding like child who was caught in lie.

Only difference, I was not a child.

"You do. Your heart skips a beat when you two are near. I hear it. Its very subtle and it only happens once. But it happens." he said as he started walking back to his chair.

I sat down in the chair and stared at my hands that were clenching the chair.

"I don't know what to do." I said as I gritted my teeth and looked at him.

He gave me this sad and pathetic look.

"Show her you care." He said and I finally met his eye.

"I can't." and it was like this weight was lifted off my chest.

I looked up at my father and he had a pained expression on his face.

And I couldn't take it, I got up and growled.

"Do not look at me like that!" and my father diverted his gaze.

"Its because of your mother, isn't it?" And I growled out.

"ENOUGH." I used my Alpha voice and he lowered his head.

"I miss her too Braxton." I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but it wasn't working.

Right on cue Evangeline came bursting through the door.

She scanned the room until her eyes met mines and it was like she knew..

She slowly walked over to me , ignoring my father as he stood up.

"Evangeline I wouldn't he's not very st-"

"I know." She said as she still continued.

I growled at her to stop and she did.

My wolf wanted out , he didn't like being cage up, he needed to run.

Evangeline placed her hand on my chest. Her face was neutral, I couldn't tell what she was thinking and I hated it.

So I shifted. My father pulled her back and she stood there unfazed. She lifted her eyebrow and I barked at her. With that I flew through the window and landed on my own four paws.

I turned to look back and she was standing there with her head tilted as she looked down at me.

I wanted her to follow , WE wanted her to follow. Without another thought I ran into he woods. It wasn't until I was a mile in that I heard her paws hitting the floor.

"She's fast." my wolf said and I had to agree.

She had speed on her side, and for her size it was a useful tool.

She ran next to me but she wasn't close which we hated.

We wanted her next to us , so we could protect her. And then a scent hit me.

Rogues. Telling by the scent there was only about three to four.

I knew I could take them and I needed this. Evangeline must have realized this because she stopped and growled.

We took that as an opportunity to get close to her and we did. We stood in front of her my large body guarding her, my ears pinned down to my head as I growled out waiting for them to come get us.

We waited as the stench grew stronger and stronger and stronger.

With each passing minute I grew furious and impatient.

But I knew I needed them to attack first or else I could loose.

Finally, one wolf came out from the bush and growled at me. His ears were pinned back as he looked at me and then at Evangeline. My wolf didn't like that , in fact he hated that.

So he attacked first. Evangeline growled and that stopped me in my tracks only to see her being surrounded by two wolves.

They circled her and I saw red. My wolf was furious... I was furious.

But by being distracted I gave the rogue an opportunity to attack first and he did. I was bit on my side and a surprised noised came from my mouth but that only made us angrier.

I tuned around and slashed the wolfs right side of his stomach. He whimpered in pain and I took that time to catch his neck in my throat.

I heard a satisfying snapping noise and then his body went limp.

I dropped him on floor , turning around to attack the other wolves I seen that she took down one of them already.

I hadn't even heard her fighting , it was quiet.

The other wolf circled her , his ears pinned and she stood there looking bored.

I went to attack but she growled at me and shook her wolf head.

She cannot be serious I can kill him instantly. But she had other plans.

She let the rogue circle her and she kept an eye on him. She watched his moves and I decided to let her have him.

I sat down on my hind legs and watched from he side lines as took down this rogue.

He went to attack her from the side but she dodged him by moving her body to the side. He slid against the dirt and growled at her.

Obviously annoyed with the fact that she had played him.

He did it again but she dodged once again.

Now, she was playing with him. He went to swipe at her side but she bit his paw and let go.

She was now sitting on her hind legs and started to lick herself.

My wolf was amused, impressed and aroused. She looked so beautiful sitting there, playing with her food.

He ran at her and she simply got up and jumped in the air. She landed perfectly and decided to lay down on the ground.

She looked at me and barked.

I don't know how I knew but I knew. She wanted me to finish him and I was happy to do so.

He ran at me and with a quick swipe of my paw I slit his throat as I moved out of his way.

He fell to the floor and Evangeline walked over and tilted her head.

He was still alive but he was bleeding out. He would die soon and by soon I mean soon enough as Evangeline stepped on his throat and with a little bit of pressure she snapped his neck.

We sat there starring at his lifeless body, none of us moving or shifting.

Finally I heard something move to my right and I knew she shifted back.

She ran behind a tree and walked back out with a t shirt over her small frame.

She sat on the ground next me as she hugged her knees. Still she said nothing.

Finally, I laid down. I don't know why but I was tired. Killing that rogue was.... exhausting.

"You're fat for a wolf." My eyes snapped open and looked at her.

I am not fat.. I scoffed and she looked at me.

"Did I offend you?" I barked telling her no but she shook her head.

"Of course I did." she said as she looked around.

"Did you want to shift back? I could find you clothes," Her face was serious and I just laid there.

I didn't want to shift because that would mean I would have to face my father again and I don't think I can handle another conversation with him right at this moment.

The thought of him bringing up my mother was a nerve that has never been hit.

"Why did you summon me?" She asked as she never took her eyes off of the rogue.

I shook my head hoping that she would know that I didn't. She looked around and sighed.

"We should have never kissed." My ears perked up at her words because we hadn't discussed what we did. What I did.

I avoided her gaze and got up.

"Did I offend you again?" She asked but there was a hint of amusement in her voice.

She was a confusing person. She was cold with me in the beginning, and now she's actually talking to me. Before she couldn't stand to be in the same room with me but she followed me out here.


I went behind a tree and shifted. Looking up I saw there was a pair of sweats and I grabbed them, sliding them up my legs and around my hips.

"I don't get offended Evangeline." I said as I sat down next to her.

She gave me a side ways glance but averted her eyes back to the rogue.

"Everyone gets offended." she said,

"People who get offended are people who care what others think about them. I, for one don't." I replied.

She didn't say anything as we sat there so I decided to do something I haven't done in years.

"I apologize." I said as I looked away from her.

"For?" She persisted and I knew she was only asking to annoy me.

"The kiss. I shouldn't have done that without your permission." I turned to look at her and she was fully looking at me now.

"Why did you summon me?" she asked again and I was generally confused as to why she would think I would do that.

"I didn't." but she shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

"Your wolf did." she growled out as she looked away and closed her eyes.

My wolf? I didn't know what she meant.

"I am more than certain he didn't." I replied laying back and sighing.

"We should return home." she said as she got up.

Looking up at the sky I knew she was right. It was starting to get dark the sun was setting and I could feel the pressure of someone trying to get in.

I growled and got up.

I started walking without her but I heard her behind me.

But something was bothering me.

"Why did you taunt the rogue?" She came into view as she stood a little closer to me but was still behind me.

"My wolf hasn't hunted in awhile and she's more of the... party girl." she said and I saw her lips smirk but decide not to make a comment.

"It was the kiss." I said as we almost reached the pack house.

"What?" She said and I stopped and turned to her.

She almost ran into my front but I grabbed her arms and the familiar sensation of the tingles ran up my arms and up my neck.

It was a pleasant and unusual feeling. I liked it but it bothered me that I did. So I let go.

"The kiss. It broke a barrier to your wolf of some sort and he called you when I ..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence. When I what?

When I wanted her? When I needed her? When I was weak and couldn't control my own emotions.

"When you what?" she asked confused.

"When I required your assistance." I turned back around and continued walking only this time I didn't hear her.

So I stopped and she stood there with her head tilted to one side.

"When you required my assistance huh?" I narrowed my eyes at her and crossed my arms.

"Something on your mind?" I asked not liking where this was going.

"You were loosing control and you needed me to calm you down. Thats why your wolf called mine. Pathetic." She said as she shook her head and tried to walk pass me.


Ill show her pathetic.

I grabbed her arm before she could pass me and pinned her against the tree.

Her breath was caught in her throat, and her eyes were filled with surprise.

I got close by her ear and I could feel the goosebumps on her arms start to form because of the tingles that ran up her arms. I could feel them too but Ill show her whose pathetic.

I started at her neck, inhaling her scent and it was intoxicating. She took in an sharp breath and I ran my lips slightly against her neck.

"You know Evangeline. My wolf doesn't like to be talked down to. He doesn't like or tolerate disrespect. And you disrespected him." I said as I was now talking in her ear.

"Would you like to know what we do to those who disrespect us?" I said as I looked down at her while she looked up at me.

"We punish them." I leaned closer and closer to her lips. Her eyes were darting back and forth between my eyes and my lips and I knew what she wanted... what we both wanted.

"I could think of a few punishments suited for a she wolf like you." I whispered and she closed her eyes.

I leaned down and our lips grazed each other and I could now smell her. She was aroused. She wanted this. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't either.

She looked at me before I smirked and let go.

"Pathetic." I replied as I let her go as her body was being supported by the tree.

She blinked her eyes before she narrowed them.

"Braxton, don't play this game." she said as she stepped forward and I took one back. The more steps she took the more I took one back.

My back was up against a tree as she placed a hand on my chest to keep me in place.

"I wasn't saying you're pathetic because you couldn't control your emotions , I was calling you pathetic because instead of saying you needed me you said you required my assistance." she growled out.

"Because I did." I growled out knowing exactly what she was doing.

She leaned up on her toes and kissed my neck.

I had to stop myself from taking her right then and there.

She was so intoxicating.

"Braxton..." she said as she placed trails of kisses on my neck.

"Mm." I managed to say and when I looked down she smirked and lifted me off the ground with her hands.

"If you EVER play with me like that again, Ill end you." with that she smirked and dropped me on the ground.

She turned and walked away. My mate.

My fiesty little mate.

      Don't start a fire if you can't put it out Brax. 


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