Awakened Memories

By music_and_literature

19.8K 901 493

As Queen of the Amazons, Annabeth Chase must be ready for anything. She has to be there for her warriors. But... More

Awakened Memories
Disclaimer and Author's Note
An Old (Really Old) Friend Comes To Visit
I Almost Kill My Best Friend
I Need A Hand
I Become The Co-Creator
Celestial Bronze Is Handier Than You Think
My Girlfriend's Mom Does Have A Nice Side
I Kill An Old Friend
The Traitor Might Not Be A Real Traitor
The Donut-Addicted Horse Appears
My Life Climbs On The Creepy Scale
Bob The Not-So-Friendly Titan
We Walk To Our Possible Death
I Tell A Highly Trained Warrior Bad News
We Light A Ticking Time Bomb
Camp Half-Blood Is Graced
Metal Is Good For Punching
I Have The Talk
We Share Our Dreams
DΓ©jΓ  Vu Strikes Again
An Old Dead Friend Speaks
I Saw The Sign
We Have A Non-Surprising Traitor
We Are Joined By Peanut Butter
We Find Lost Things
There Is A Thorn In My Side
Demigods Fly
Even Immortals Can Have Tantrums
The One Titan Who Was Two
Calypso Steals My Thing
We Missed A Spot
I Go To My Home
Me Versus Myself
Alternate Ending
Important Author's Note

The Day Is Green

670 30 40
By music_and_literature

The Day Is Green


We collapsed on my bed in a fit of giggles. "All right, now I have something sort of serious to talk about." I told Thalia.

"What's up?" She said.

"You know your . . . friend?" It took a second but then Thalia realized who I was talking about and nodded. "He's missing. Do you think you could look around a bit, or bring him back if you see him anywhere? Maybe let some people know to be on the lookout."

"Of course. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." She didn't sound so sure.

"I hope so. So, are you leaving soon, or are you staying for a bit?"

"Whenever. But Percy will probably want me to come back soon. So, I'll stay until tomorrow night. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah. You can sleep in here." Thalia conjured up a spare bed a few feet away from mine was suddenly in her pajamas. I turned toward the bathroom, muttering, "Lazybum," under my breath. The door to the bathroom closed behind me, but didn't block out Thalia's laughter.

"I heard that!"


Unfortunately, I was woken up the next morning to Green Day playing loudly through my new speakers. New, as in they had never been there until Thalia came. Fortunately, my walls were soundproof and the other Amazons wouldn't be woken from the music.

I slowly dragged myself out of my bed and glared menacingly at Thalia. "You know," I yelled over the music, "Being Queen of the Amazons is harder than it looks. I can barely managed it on a full night's rest. How well do you think I'll do today, after getting," I glanced at my clock, "An hour and a half less sleep than usual?"

She smiled at me. "You're Annabeth, you'll be fine."

I sighed and stood up, stretching. I yawned and walked over to the speakers and flicked the switch to off. I immediately relaxed after the music was gone.

"Partypooper. So, what are we doing today?" Thalia asked.

"I have to bring you to someone you will want to see, and I have to go visit someone in the infirmary." I grabbed fresh clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed and ready for the day.

"Who am I seeing?"

"You'll find out." I yelled through the door.

"Okay whatever, as long as we can eat first."

"You're just like Percy." I chuckled and exited the bathroom to see Thalia dressed and ready, the speakers gone. "Let's go."

We went to the dining hall, Amazons bowing to Thalia and I when they passed. Neither of us liked it, but I had tried to break them of the habit. It did not work.

We sat down at a table and a few Amazons brought out some food for us. We started to eat when I heard hooves clopping against the ground. "Looks like I won't have to bring you to see someone, here they come."

Chiron entered through a door on the opposite side of the hall and froze when he saw Thalia. "Thalia?" He whispered.

"Chiron?" She smiled and got up from her chair, dashing over to the centaur. She reached him and gave a big hug, which Chiron gladly returned. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit Annabeth. What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit Annabeth too. Also, Percy was depressed and it was driving me crazy so I had to get away for a bit."

Thalia sat down next to me again and Chiron stood on my other side, and we resumed eating. Once we finished, I stood and addressed a nearby Amazon. "I'll be going to the infirmary in a few minutes."

She nodded and left, to make sure that I would be alone in there. "Chiron, can you keep Thalia company for a while? I'll be back soon."

"Of course."

"Thank you." I turned to Thalia and gave her a hug. "I'll see you later, okay?"


I left for the infirmary and sat with Tansy, as I had been for the last three days. There was still no change. She spoke nonsense.

"Bell, they're coming. And they're horrible. They will be here soon, Bell, beware! Run away, Bell! Save yourself!"

I sighed and held her hand in both of mine. "Tansy, who? Who is coming. When?"

"The storm. A storm is coming, Bell. No one survives the storm. Soon." Tansy stated before her head flopped on her pillow and she passed out.

I left the infirmary and sighed, massaging my temple. I took one step forward and a group of Amazons came rushing to the infirmary, holding another unconscious Amazon. They stopped in front of me, waiting for confirmation. I nodded, "Put her with the others."

They rushed inside the infirmary and I continued to walk away from it. I saw Amazons watching me as I walked and knew I had to be a leader. I saw Tammy a few yards in front of me and jogged up to her.

"Tammy, it's time. Get everyone in the throne room. Including Chiron and Thalia. Ten minutes."

Her lips curved upwards to form a grin. "It's good to have you back."


The door closed behind me as I walked into the Amazon's hidden treasure room. Ignoring the other treasures, I approached the glass case in the middle of the room. In it sat the Amazon's most prized possession. Queen Hippolyta's magical girdle, or belt. The Amazon's equivalent to a crown.

I had only worn the belt when Hylla was still alive. Once she died, I took it off and sealed the room. It hadn't been opened in two years. Naturally, everything that wasn't in a case was covered in dust and cobwebs.

I took a deep breath and opened the case. I lifted the belt out of the case. Even covered in dust, it looked magical. The interlocking gold links in the pattern of a labyrinth shone as bright as ever, and I was reminded of Battle of the Labyrinth. I blew off the dust and wiped it off with my hand, trying to keep the memories at bay.

I hooked the belt around my waist and strode out of the room, locking the door behind me. It was time to be the Queen again.


Everyone was in the throne room, including Chiron. They were waiting for me as I watched in the shadows, trying to gather my nerves. I moved away from the shadows and marched up the throne. All talking ceased as I came into view.

I stood in front of the throne and surveyed the Amazons, amazed that they still thought of me as their Queen. Nevertheless, I knew it was time to speak. "All of you must know by now what has been happening. Amazons have been plagued with dreams that have driven them to madness. What they say is incomprehensible. I am as stumped as any of you. We will be doing everything we can to fix this. I will dedicate as much time as I can to finding the cause and the cure. In the meantime, don't be afraid. This will not be permanent. Any information you have, or any ideas or guesses regarding the situation are welcome. No matter how small they may be.

"As for these past two years, I am truly sorry. I have not been here for anyone. The me that you saw was a shell. The real me was hidden somewhere deep inside. I was lost. I don't know if all of you knew Percy Jackson, but his departure hit me hard. Few or none of you can relate to what I was going through, and that is no excuse. I am unworthy to be your Queen. Nevertheless, I will do my best. As of right now, you may come to me with anything. A problem, a question, personal problems, a comment, anything at all, even if you just want to get to know me. I want to go back to the old me, and this is the first step.

"Who is ready for a new era of the Amazons?"

I was met with cheers and slowly smiled, glad to be back in the swing of things.


The Amazons really listened, and soon I had to have them sign up on a list to talk to me. The rest of the day consisted of me talking to them and helping them with anything they needed. As it was just starting out, I limited the list to one-hundred applicants for that day. One of the good things that came out of it--besides becoming closer to more of the Amazons--I was numbed. I didn't think of Percy once. Thalia and Tammy were the last two people on the sign-up sheet and came in together.

"Annabeth! Gosh, you were so busy with everyone that we had to sign up just to talk to you." Tammy said as she hugged me.

"Yeah, what you told everyone worked." Thalia agreed. "But why didn't you tell me about the Amazons going mad? I can talk to Percy and see if he can help figure it out."

"That's exactly why. From what you've told me, it sounds like you have enough to worry about. We'll be fine, I'm sure it will be easily fixable."

"Alright, but IM me if you change your mind. I mean it."

"I believe you."

"Annabeth, I'm so glad you're back as our Queen. And telling everyone that they can come to you with anything? Brilliant!" Tammy exclaimed.

"Thanks, I figured we had to change a few things around here." I replied.

"That belt looks gorgeous on you, by the way." Thalia commented.

"Hylla would be proud," Tammy added.

"I hope so. Anyway--"

"Annabeth?" A familiar voice interrupted. My breath caught and I felt like my heart stopped. But, it couldn't be. He wouldn't, would he? I slowly turned around and saw that I was correct.

Visible through through the mist of an Iris Message, was a familiar face. Familiar jet-black hair, a lopsided grin, and his sea green eye stared into mine, the other covered by his eyepatch.

I breathed out his name and he smiled wider. "Percy."

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