
By kaitlynmariebrown

830 34 13

"Here, in this forest, dark and deep. I offer you, eternal sleep." More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:

Chapter 7:

33 1 0
By kaitlynmariebrown

I blink open my eyes and slowly sit up. I look next to me still seeing Eric out, hopefully he'll wake up soon. Stretching I climb off of the bed and pull my shirt over my head readjusting my black bra and look down at the bandage wrap around my waist. Dried blood is sticking to it and I sigh gently undoing it and taking it off. I throw the bandage in the trash and look at the cut. Dry blood sticks to my side and I sigh again as I notice that the dried blood even goes to the middle of my lower back. Huffing I wet a paper towel and start dabbing at the dried blood, the wound healed but the blood stayed.

"What did you do to yourself?" I gasp as I spin around and place my hand on my heart seeing Eric sitting up and looking at me.

"Well the banshee knocked you out and I got cut across my side." I say with a shrug trying to reach the blood on my back. He stands up and walks over to me and takes the cloth from my hand.

"Turn." He says and I sigh spinning around so my back is to him. He places the cloth against the dried blood and I lean back towards him as he gently scrubs it off.

"The wound is totally healed." He says gently whisking his fingers over my wound.

"It wasn't that deep." I say

"Raven that much blood doesn't come from something so small." He says

"Well it did." I say pulling away from his touch.

"Whatever, I'm still putting another wrap on it." He says

"Why I don't need it." I say

"Just let me." He says and I groan but turn to face him.

"Fine." I say and he nods grabbing another thing of wrap and handing me the end.

"Hold it against your left side." He says and I do so as he starts wrapping around my body. He wraps the gauze around my waist and his chin gently skims my shoulder and I shiver. He reaches behind me again on the second rap and his breath gently hits the weak spot on my neck. I bite my lip hard as he finishes up and I inwardly sigh when he finishes. He sticks it on and I quietly pull my shirt back down.

"Thanks." I say and he nods.

"How long was I out?" He asks and I shrug.

"All night last night starting when the banshee first screeched to five minutes ago." I say pushing up onto the counter and sighing. I look outside of the window to the trees and bushes surrounding us. Several things come to my mind and before I even realize it I am totally zoned out staring at the small sun I can barely see through the trees.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I snap out of my thoughts and look over at Eric.

"What?" I ask

"You're staring out there, whatcha thinking about?" He asks

"Nothing really. I just miss Josiah and I hope he's ok." I say taking out the dog tags.

"You brought those with you?" He asks and I nod.

"With all the screaming and fighting I kinda forgot to leave them." I say pulling my knees to my chest and turning back to the window. A few minutes of silent pass before I turn to face Eric who's leaning against the table and looking down.

"Do you think he's ok?" I ask. He looks up and our eyes meet as he nods.

"I do. I think he's strong and loves you so much. He would fight through hell to get back to you." He says

"We're living hell." I whisper and he nods.

"I know." He says walking over to me and I lose it.

"I can't lose him I've lost everyone else. My father died in a wreck my mother died during a demon attack. I can't lose my brother too. I won't be able to survive without him." I say just as he reaches me.

"Raven. You can survive so many things. You'll survive without him. It'll hurt like hell but you will make it. But you and I both know he will not go down without a fight, he will not go down without saying I love you or goodbye to his only sister at least one last time. Raven he loves you, and I know we've only known each other for what one day? But I see the same strength and fire reflected in both of your eyes." He says meeting my gaze and gently placing his hands on my knees.

"What if I lose the fire in me. I will burn Eric I will go down." I whisper

"No you won't. You're the strongest girl I have ever met and I've met plenty. I've never seen a girl with the passion you have, or even with the warrior hidden behind your facade." He says and I smile gently and nod.

"You're brother loves you Raven. You just have to give him time to find us." He says and I nod knowing there is so many safe houses in this world.

"Ok." I whisper and he smiles patting my knees gently then turning away and walking to the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

"Stay in here. I mean it I'll be back soon." He says

"What if a banshee-"

"They don't come out in the daylight, the worst creature I'll run into is a shadow monster or demon." He says

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Hunting for some food." He says

"Please be safe." I say and he smiles.

"I will. I mean it please stay Raven your brother would have my head if I let you get hurt." He says

"Wait can I come with you?" I ask and he shakes his head no and I sigh figuring there is no point in fighting him.

"Alright." I say and he nods.

"I'll be back soon." He says then he throws a disk out and steps through. I watch it shut and I huff leaning back against the window shutting my eyes.

"Raven. Raven." I blink open my eyes at my name being whispered and look around.

"Who's there!?" I call moving my feet down to the floor cautiously.

"Raven Raven come join us Raven." A voice says from behind me. I spin around and my breath starts to come quicker and shallower.

"Who's there!?" I scream. Something wisps across my right shoulder and I spin around.

"Raven come join us. Be like us. Raven." A voice whispers into my ear, I feel his breath on my neck.

"Leave me alone!" I scream clawing at my head trying to remove the voices.

"Raven." A voice says from behind me. I spin around but nobody is there.

"Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven."

I scream and scream clawing at my ears.

"Leave me alone!" I scream cowering to the ground tears spilling from my eyes.

"Ravennnnnnnnn." A hand is laid on my back and I cry.

"No!" I scream.

"Raven! Come to us! You belong with us! It's your home!" Pulling, someone's pulling at me.

"Go away!" I scream but the chanting continues and my screams and cries continue.

"You can't deny us forever it's in your blood." Is the last thing I hear before the voices stop and a portal flies open behind me. I scream thinking it's for me, someone's taking me away. But once warm yet strong arms envelop me and pull me against a hard chest hushing me; hands stroking my hair my sobs quietly subside and I take a deep and shaky breath.

"Hey hey shhhh it's ok, I'm back what's wrong?" I look up and see that it's Eric.

"I was just hearing things." I whisper

"Raven what's wrong? What were you hearing?" He asks me still in a squat behind me with his arms pulling me tight against his chest.

"My name was being called, they were whispering it. Saying come join us be like us but I don't know I was dehydrated it might've just been my mind playing games." I say and he nods putting his chin on top of my head.

"You need some water then." He says and I nod. He stands up and pulls me up then walks me to the kitchen counter handing me some water.

"Did you catch anything?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah one deer and two squirrels."

"In that short of time?" I ask

"Uh I was out for more then five hours." He says and I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask

"Look outside Raven it's night time." He says and I swing my head to the window and gasp.

"It felt like, not even an hour." I say.

"Well it was 5." He says and I shake my head.

"You said you were hearing voices right?" He asks me and I nod.

"How long did it feel like they were talking?" He asks

"I already told you. One hour." I reply crossing my arms.

"Raven did it feel like there was a presence here?" He asks

"Eric I had god damn voices hissing and whispering in my ear! Yes it felt like there was a damned presence here!" I exclaim.

"Nobody was in here but me and you." He says

"Then who the hell was screaming and hissing in my ear!" I exclaim

"Raven it was in your head nobody was here. I would have felt a shift in the air. I stepped through the portal as you were screaming." He says but I shake my head.

"No someone was in here with me." I say

"No Raven it was in your head." He says

"I'm not stupid! Someone was in here. They were touching me! I felt the breath on my neck." I say starting to sob at the memory. He tries to pull me into a hug but I pull away.

"You think I'm crazy don't you! You think I'm insane! That I belong in a mental facility!" I scream jumping away from him.

"No I think you're just tired." He says trying to calm me down.

"I'm not tired! Someone was in here!" I scream

"Nobody was in here!" He exclaims

"I swear please Eric! Someone was in here and they wanted me!" I scream and the window shatters. I spin around but nobody's there.

"Who did that?" I ask backing up towards Eric.

"Did what?" He asks me and I point to the window.

"It's shattered." I say looking back over to it. I gasp as it fixes up and I look around confused.

"Raven you need some sleep."

"No it shattered I saw it." I say as the voices start again.

"Raven Raven. You may be safe with your angel but he won't be around forever and we will find you!" I scream as a black figure appears in front of me holding out a hand.

"Eric!" I scream

"What? Nothing's there." He says and I shake my head backing up into him farther and farther as the figure vanishes.

"Someone was there." I say pointing to the now empty spot.

"Come on you need bed and food." He says but I shake my head.

"They, he- he said "Raven Raven. You may be safe with your angel but he won't be around forever and we will find you." I say

"Your what?" He asks

"Your angel." I say turning to face him. He looks like he's thinking hard but he just shakes his head and pushes me towards the microwave.

"Eat." He says handing me the meat.

"Eric I'm serious." I say and he shakes his head.

"Eat you'll feel better." He says and I sigh then take it from him and bite it, moaning in pleasure as the amazing taste fills my mouth and the meat basically melts like cotton candy on my tongue.

"Good?" He asks with a smirk and I nod eating more.

"Heavenly!" I exclaim and he laughs handing me some water.

"Have you never had deer meat?" He asks and I shake my head finishing the other piece of mine too.

"How have you lived!?" He exclaims and I shrug taking a swig of water then throwing my trash away.

"I need to get some sleep." I say and he nods as I climb onto the bed. He lays down on the ground; I throw him a blanket and pillow then he nods his thanks before taking off his shirt and unbuckling his weapon's belt. He hides it in between the mattress and the mattress box. He looks up at me as I pull my hair into a side braid and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"It looks good that way." He says motioning to my hair.

"Thanks." I say then lay down and curl up under the blanket.

"Goodnight Raven." He says

"Goodnight Eric." I whisper in reply then soon doze off into a restless and terrifying sleep......


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