Dangerous Love

By anarosales_m

3.2K 95 3

A teenage girl who's a senior in high school, comes back to school after a tragic car accident during her sum... More

Part 1: The Night of the Accident
Part 2: Coming Back
Part 3: Losing My Virginity
The Mysterious Night
The Unknown: Part 1
The Unknown: Part 2
Unforgettable Moment
Running Away
Leah Valley
Running Away: Part 2
My Freedom
Coming Back Home
Sorry, Leilani
Keep Your Enemies Closer
My Gift & Samantha
Graduation Day
Pregnancy & Logan Williams
Coming Out & Shooting
Mrs. Johnson
The Bloody Gender Reveal

Moving On

66 5 2
By anarosales_m

One month later...
It's been a month since the shooting happen at the gasoline station and since we found out David and I were having twins. A lot has happened since then, we moved into our new house. Samantha came out to Logan and her family, and they were all supportive of her being homosexual. Alex and Leilani started dating, everything was going great between them. In a month, David and I were going to know the gender of our babies. We both couldn't wait to know the gender of our babies, but also we didn't really care about the gender because all we wanted was for our babies to be healthy. In a couple of weeks I was going to start going to UCLA, which I was also really excited about. Also, David had started his new job in a high school, here in LA.

David and I were in the living room unpacking some stuff, when he let out a sighed.

I turned around to see him, "Are you okay?", I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine love", he said. "Just a little tired."

I stopped unpacking and hugged him from behind, "If you want you can go to bed, you have work tomorrow, I can finish here", I said in a soft tone.

He turns around to see me, he gently cupped my face with his right hand and kisses my forehead and hugs me. "No, it's fine, love. Let's finish this together", he says.

After two hours, we finally finished unpacking and we went to bed.

Next morning... (7 AM)

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for David and I. I was also making a quick lunch for David to take to work.

He enters the kitchen, hugs me from behind and kissed my cheek, "Good Morning love", he whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "Good Morning babe", I said.

"How did you sleep?", he said while sitting down.

"Like a baby, thank you for asking", I said. I finished cooking and served David's breakfast and gave it to him.

He looks at me and smiled, "Thank you love, this looks amazing", he said and kissed me.

"So, last night, I was thinking about something and I want to know what you think of it", I said while getting David's lunch ready for him to take to work.

"What is it?", he asked.

"It's about godparents for the twins", I said.

He stops eating, "Love, shouldn't we wait after the twins are born?", he says.

"Well, I was thinking if we could choose them now, so that they can do the gender reveal party for the twins", I said while sitting next to him.

"But what if we change our mind about who should be the godparents?", he said while grabbing my hands gently.

"Well, that's why we should start thinking about who would be a good influence to be around our kids", I said while putting my hands around his neck, and staring into his eyes.

"Fine, after work we'll discuss it", he said staring into my eyes.

"Thanks!", I said and gave him a kiss. "Eat or you're going to be late for work", I said.

David finished eating, he brushed his teeth, grabbed his lunch, gave me a kiss and left for work.

After he left, I finished eating and started unpacking the rest of the stuff.

Four hours later... (11 AM)

I was cleaning the living room when I heard the doorbell. I went to open the door, when I opened the door I got scared by Samantha and Leilani yelling surprise.

"Oh my god, you guys almost gave me a heart attack", I said while hugging Samantha and Leilani.

"Hey Aves!", Sam said while hugging me.

"Hey, long time, no see", Leilani said also hugging me.

"I know, please come in guys, make yourselves at home", I said while closing the door.

"Wow, you have done a lot of unpacking", Leilani said.

"I know, I just need to clean the rest of the house", I said.

"Well good thing we're here to help you", Sam said while smiling.

"Aww, thank you guys, I appreciate it!", I said while smiling.

Samantha put music on and we started cleaning. We were dancing, talking, laughing, playing around and cleaning. We were having so much fun, I really had the bestfriends ever.

Three hours later... (2 PM)

All of us started cooking before David got home.

"So, how's it going with David? Anything new?", Sam asked while she raised an eyebrow and gave me a smirk.

I started laughing, "Everything is going well, thank you for asking and no, nothing new", I said while smiling.

"Shut up! Come on, you guys haven't done anything since you got pregnant or since you guys moved in?", Sam asked.

"No we haven't, Sam", I said.

"And you haven't said anything or him?", Leilani asked.

"No!", I said. "I mean, it's that bad?".

"Oh honey! You guys have been together for almost three months, you're almost four months pregnant with his babies and both of you live together and you guys haven't done anything. Yes, it's bad!", Samantha said.

"I mean he hasn't said anything, probably he's just has not been in the mood", I said.

"Ava, men are always in the mood", Leilani said while rolling her eyes.

"You need to talk to your baby daddy girl, or else he's going to cheat on you or something", Samantha said.

"Do you really think he would cheat on me?", I asked.

"I do not know Ava, men are capable of everything these days", Leilani said.

"True, fine I'll talk to him tonight", I said.

Two hours later... (4 PM)

Samantha, Leilani and I were finished cooking and David was almost home. While we were waiting for David we were watching TV.

Suddenly, I hear the door open, "I'm home", he yelled.

"Hey, we're in the living room", I yelled back.

I stood up and walked towards him and hugged him,"Hey babe, how was work?", I asked.

He looked at me and gave me a kiss, "It was good love", he said while smiling and staring into my eyes.

"All right, love birds, let's start eating. I'm starving!", Leilani said walking towards the kitchen.

We all served our own plates, sat down in the dining room and started eating. After we were done eating, David went to his office to grade some stuff. Leilani, Samantha and I went to the kitchen to wash dishes and clean.

Three hours later... (7 PM)

Leilani and Samantha left my house and they went back to San Diego. I went to the kitchen and the living room to turn off the lights.

I went to David's office, "Hey babe, you almost done?", I asked.

"Yeah, almost. Come here love", he said.

I went and sat on David's lap, "David, I need to talk to you about something", I said.

"What is it?", he asked while looking into my eyes.

"Ever since", I paused and sighed. "Ever since, I got pregnant, you and I have not done anything", I said looking at him.

"What do you mean?", he said with a confused face.

"Like, we have not had... You know, sex", I said awkwardly.

"Oh", he said. "It's just, I don't want you to feel pressured or feel like we need to have sex because you're pregnant with our babies and we live together. If you want to or feel comfortable into having sex, then I'm fine with it. But if you're not, then I will wait", he said while staring into my eyes.

I stared into his eyes and kissed him, "You are the most amazing man, I've ever met", I said.

"And you are the most amazing and beautiful young woman, I've ever met", he said staring into my eyes and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower", I said. I walked towards the door, stopped and turned around, "Want to join me?", I asked while biting my lip and winked.

He bit his lip and smiled, "Sure, I'll join you in ten minutes", he said.

I left his office and went in the shower. After a long day of unpacking and cleaning, it felt good taking a shower.

Few minutes later...

I was in the shower for a few minutes now, and suddenly I feel someone hugging me from behind, "Hey sexy", David whispered in my ear.

I turned around, "Hey", I bit my lip and started kissing him.

We both started making out, then he picked me up and put me against the wall. All of sudden, we were on our bed, he was on top of me, my legs between his waist, my hands around his neck. David started kissing every inch of my body like he has never done before, this moment was just perfect.

Minutes later...

I was in our room getting ready for bed, while David was taking a shower. We both enjoyed ourselves and it was something I would never forget.

"You almost done babe?", I asked David.

"Yeah almost love", he said.

I layed down on our bed and started watching TV.  Few minutes past by, David got out of the shower and was getting ready for bed.

Then, he walked towards me and kissed me on my forehead, "Good night love, sweet dreams", David said while laying down on our bed.

"Goodnight babe", I said while turning off the TV.

We both fell asleep right away, we both had a long day.

(3 AM)....

"Ava, Ava, Ava!", David yelling.

I woke up, "What?", I said while every furniture in our room fell. "What happened?", I asked.

"I don't know, I just woke up and you were floating in the air and also the furniture", he said.

"This is happening again?", I asked to myself.

"Wait! This has happened before?", David asked.

"Yes! This is how everything started", I said.

"What are we going to do about this? Love you're pregnant, I don't want this to hurt you or the babies", David said.

"I know, I'll call Mrs. Johnson tomorrow, maybe she can help me control this", I said.

"Okay, love", David said.

"Come on, let's go back to bed", I said. We both layed down and fell asleep right away.

Next day... (10 AM)

I still couldn't believe what had happened last night, I thought I had it under control. But now, I knew the only person that could help me was Mrs. Johnson. I called her and told her what happened, now I was on my way to her house.

Minutes later...

I arrived at Mrs. Johnson's house, I was getting out of the car when I see her walking towards me with a big smile on her face.

"Ava! It's so good to see you darling!", she said while giving me a hug.

"It's so good to see you too Mrs. Johnson", I said hugging her back.

"Come on let's go inside, I made some tea", she said.

We went inside her house, we started drinking tea and started catching up for a while.

"So, about last night, is there anything I can do to be able to control this?", I asked Mrs. Johnson.

"I do not know honey, but I can try to get a vision to see if there's any explanation to this. How does that sound?", she asked.

"Of course", I said.

We both started walking to a room, she started lighting candles, close the window blinds and turned off the light.

"Okay honey, give me your hands, please do not make any sound or it'll distract me", she said.

"Okay", I said.

She grabbed my hands and closed her eyes. I was very curious if she was going to be able to see anything.

Few minutes later...

She opened her eyes.

"So, there's nothing to worry about. The reason this is happening is because you're pregnant, your emotions are heightened. This means that most of the time you won't be able to control your powers, so you have to be very careful, I would recommend to try not getting angry or not getting into any type of argument and not to stress so much", Mrs. Johnson said.

"So this is normal? Everything is okay", I asked.

"Yes honey, this is normal and everything will be okay", she said.

I was glad that everything was going to be okay. Mrs. Johnson started walking me out to my car.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson, I really appreciate this!", I said while hugging her.

"Of course sweetheart, it's not a problem for me to help", she said hugging me back.

"Can I touch your belly?", she asked.

I laughed, "Of course, go ahead", I said smiling.

She smiled and put her hand on my belly, her face changed immediately and got her hand off my belly. She looked at me scared and worried.

"Is everything okay Mrs. Johnson?", I asked. She didn't respond to me.

"Oh my god, Mrs. Johnson your nose is bleeding!", I said.

She wiped the blood off and she stared at me for a bit, "I'm fine sweetheart, have a good day", she said walking back inside really fast.

I was confused on why she acted that way, did she see a vision? A dark vision?

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