Traitor | Moonlight Love III

By jesiwhitex

238K 5.4K 335

Sandra is what is considered to be the pack's slut but she's only ever loved, Mason, the Alpha of the Midnigh... More

Prologue: Man Like That
Chapter 1: Shortcomings
Chapter 2: To Break a Fever
Chapter 3: No Good-byes
Chapter 4: Try
Chapter 5: New York
Chapter 6: Clearing Messes
Chapter 7: Frustration
Chapter 8: Elephant
sneak peak: chapter 9
Chapter 9: Hush Money
Chapter 10: The Letter
Epilogue: Grief (from R&P Short Story)

Chapter 11: H.E.A.

9.5K 195 23
By jesiwhitex

The dance that inspired Sandra and Adam's dance above. I'm dedicating this to Kirstina @t26344, Lacylynn @underwaterbubble, Allison @allivar95, and Alli @mitogirl1 whom were the four that commented their names to be a part of this chapter. Enjoy!




Saying I was nervous would be understatement. I tug the lapels of my black jacket. I play with the buttons on my jacket sleeve. I feel asphyxiated as my nerves spike up. I play around with my black bowtie around my neck.

“Knock, knock,” I hear someone say as they enter my bedroom.

I look towards them. I find Mason, my best friend and Alpha, standing at the door frame. He’s got his hands in his trouser pockets. He holds a smirk on his face. He makes a catcall whistle.

“Don’t clean up nicely?” he says jokingly.

“Shut up, you a$$,” I roll my eyes.

He laughs.

“You know, I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Mason says. “I didn’t think I’d live long enough to see such day.”

I glare at him. “Be amazed.”

“Anyways, I brought you something,” he pulls out something from his pocket.

A folded paper reveals itself between his fingers. I feel my heart skip a beat. I have a feeling I know what it is. I sent a similar one to Sandra about an hour ago.

“Is that…?” I’m at a loss of words.

“A reply to your letter? I sure hope so buddy,” Mason chuckles.

I make my way to retrieve it from him. I open it slowly to avoid making creases.

“I’ll leave you to it,” Mason leaves my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I read:


It’s our day! Your letter was lovely. You made me cry. You’re the sweetest and best thing in my life, apart from the twins. I can’t wait to see you when I walk down the aisle towards our amazing future together as a family, how it should’ve been a long time ago. I’m so happy and blessed. I wouldn’t change a thing. I think the events that got us to this today, made us stronger. It showed us we could move past any struggle together even if we’re really angry with each other.

Lacylynn keeps poking my head with bobby pins… LOL!

Anyways, I ran off the tracks of this letter. I can’t wait to see you! I love you too, baby.


Your bride.

I chuckle at her comment about Lacylynn.

There’s a knock on my door. Samantha peeps in. She grins.

“You ready?” She asks. “It’s time.”

I fold the letter and put in my pocket. I take notice of the dress Sandra choose for her. Samantha was to be the maid of honor.

“I’m ready,” I sigh.

“Okay,” she opens the door wider. I make my way to her.

“You’ll do great,” she says. “I believe in you two.”

“Thank you,” I reply. “You know I never thanked you for telling me where Sandra was.”

Samantha scoffs. “Don’t mention it.”

She stills for a second. “Seriously, though, don’t mention it. Sandra will have my head if she finds out.”

I laugh. “My lips are sealed.”



I’m a nerve wreck. I couldn’t believe the day was finally here. I would be Mrs. Lambert in just a few hours. I haven’t seen Adam the entire day, so far. We were prohibited to mind-link each other too. Kenna and Malia were being taken care of by Logan and Lucy. They had been very kind to offer. I was surprised that Lucy had hired other girls to prep me for my wedding. I found that our hair girl, Lacylynn, would be here today to do my hair and, Alli, from makeup too. A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts.

“Come in! Unless you’re Adam!” I yell out.

“Not Adam,” I hear a female voice say.

“Sam!” I say.

I look at the long chiffon with a sparkly and plunging top. She wore matching colored heels with a crystal design on the back. She looked beautiful. She wore a simply gold necklace that held the initials of Mason, Andrew, and herself. This time there was another letter. It was a ‘P’ but I didn’t know who it belonged to. I didn’t question it.

“Wow,” I sigh. “You look so beautiful. Thank you for being my maid of honor.”

“It’s an honor, Sandra,” Samantha smiles. “Here. Adam sent this for you.”

She hands me a folded paper. I grin. I take it and open in.

I read:


I’ve never been luckier in my whole life. We’re finally going to be a family. The twins, you, and I. We’ll finally get the happily ever after we’ve wanted for a long time. I was dumb to think that I wouldn’t need you by my side. You and the girls are everything to me.

I’m counting the minutes I get to you see walk down the aisle towards me in a white dress. I know you’ll look beautiful, like always. I can’t wait. I love you, baby.



I have tears in my eyes that blur my eye sight as I look up to Samantha. I blink, making the tears fall from my eyes.

“This is so touching,” I say. “Gosh, he’s the best.”

“Aww,” Samantha says.

She hugs me. I cry on her shoulder.

“You guys are wonderful together. I’ve seen that the past five months,” Samantha says. “He’s been there for you throughout the pregnant. He helps with the girls. He takes care of you and you do the same.”

I nod in agreement. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I remove myself from Samantha. I don’t want to overwhelm her.

“You’re so good with speeches,” I laugh.

She laughs too.

“Let’s get you ready,” she says.

She walks to the door, opens it to reveals the ladies that will us get ready.

“Oh, no! Your face is all red,” Lucy whines when she sees me.

I roll my eyes.

“You can blame Adam for that,” I reply.

Lucy shakes her head. Logan trails in with the twins after everyone has entered my bedroom. I smile at the little ones in the stroller. They gurgle with happiness.

“Alright, Sandra, we’ll start doing your hair then makeup,” Lacylynn speaks up. “Samantha, we’ll do your makeup first and then your hair.”

We nod in agreement. Alli went to work with Samantha. Lacylynn with me. Lucy and Logan sat on my bed with Kenna and Malia. As Lacylynn does curls and places my blonde hair in an elegant chic, curly updo, I write a responding letter to Adam.


I look at myself in the long mirror on my wall. My Victoria Soprano dress is simply but elegant. It’s white, long, with a lace design I loved. It showed only a little bit of cleavage which it perfect for a wedding. I never understood the need for the bride to show so much cleavage and boob for her own damn wedding. My shoes are white, strappy, open-toe heels. They’re comfortable enough to walk around for a few good hours. The door creaks opened. I over finding my mother and father walk in. I smile at them.

“Oh,” my mother gasps. “Il mio bel bambino!”

“Oh, mamma,” I reply. “Papà.”

“You look beautiful, honey,” my father’s thick Italian accent fills the room.

“Thank you,” i say, blinking away tears.

“We’ve got you something,” My mother says.

She holds out an open jewelry box. There’s a beautiful necklace with circular crystals. It’s perfect.

“I wore this for my own wedding. Something old, right?” she lets out a soft laugh.

“Yeah,” I rasp.

I’m so overwhelmed.

“Let me put it on?” My father asks.

“Of course,” I nod.

He grabs the necklace carefully out of the box. He wraps it around the base of my neck before clipping it together at the back.

“There. Bellissimo,” he says once he’s done.

“Grazie, Papà.”

“I’ve got you something too,” Lucy says. “Soemthing new.”

She held a tiara with crystals and small, white, pearly flowers in a box.

“Oh my god, it’s beautiful,” I say. “When did you get this?”

“It arrived a few days ago,” she shrugs. “Straight from Europe.”


Lucy takes it from the box. After palcing the box on the bed, she accomodates the tiara onto my hair, fixing it with ease into the updo.

“All set,” she whispers.

“Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”

“It’s been my pleasure, Sandra,” she smiles.

“Alright, everyone is ready for the bride,” Samantha peaks in. She holds my flower bouquet in her hands. White calla lilies wrapped in a white ribbon.

I sigh. It’s time. Samantha hands me the bouquet. She smiles then she walks out to where Mason waits for her. Logan, Lucy, the twins, the girls who help behind the scenes, and my mother walk out of the pack house to take their seats outside. Mason and Samantha walk out first as they are the best man and maid of honor. Andrew, their son, walks out next with a small pillow holding the rings. Mellissa’s daughter, Charlotte, walks out in her little white dress with small basket of white flower petals. My wrap my arm into my father’s hooked one.

“Kirstina’s waiting to see you,” he whispers.

I smile at the mention of my cousin. She’s always wanted to go to a wedding. Especially mine. She’s always been fond of me for a reason I’ll never understand.

“I’m happy she’s here,” I reply.

I hear a piano version of the ‘Wedding March’ play outside. I wonder who’s playing.

“I’m ready,” I sigh.

We begin to walk. There’s a made path, lined with rocks at the door of the pack house. It continues all the way to where the altar is. There’s white pedals on the ground from the trail Charlotte is leaving behind. I notice Allison, a pack member, is playing the piano beside the altar. Mason and Samantha have made to the altar. Andrew stands proudly beside his father. I smile at the standing crowd of invites and the pack. My focus shifts to Adam. My breathing hitched. He stands happily in a black tux, white button up shirt, and a black bow-tie. He’s got tears in his eyes which trigger my own. His hands fly to his face to wipe away tears. My father hands me over to him and I give my bouquet to Samantha. Adam and I give each other watery smiles.

I love you, he mouths.

I reply: I love you too.

The pack member in front of us begins the ceremony once we’re positioned in our places. It all goes so soft. A blur really. I still couldn’t believe this day had come. We said our “I do’s” and then we recite our vows.

“I, Adam Lambert, take thee, Sandra Johnson as my beloved wife. I will cherish and love you for the rest of lives together. We will rise our daughters and any of the other children we shall have in the future, together. I made a mistake when we found out we were mates but I intend to make up for that forever. I promise to be the best friend, mate, husband, and father you and our children should have until death do us part,” he says his vows.

“I, Sandra Johnson, take thee, Adam Lambert, as my beloved husband. I will cherish and love you forever. I knew for a long time that I loved you even if I didn’t make a move. I knew even before were found out we were mates but I was so wrapped up on what I thought I really wanted. We both made mistakes that we have all the time in the world to make up. I promise to be your best friend, mate, wife for you and mother for our children until death do us part,” I recite my vows.

“Now, I pronounce you husband and wife,” the pack member announces. “Adam, you may kiss your mate.”

Adam grins before gripping my face in both of his hands and kissing me before the crowd. The crowd roars with cheers. I smile against Adam’s lips.


All the guests have made it to the building where pack meetings are held. Now, it’s decorated as a venue. The place has several round tables covered with white cloth. The chairs are covered in shiny beige fabric. Off to the other side is a floor for dancing where there’s a table with a mountain of cupcakes and a cake. There’s white drapes, white flower arrangements, and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The crowd claps when Adam and I enter. We go around to greet some people as they congratulate us.

I stand at one side of the stage. Adam stands at the other. The music to our first dance begins. The table with the treats has been pushed aside. Adam makes his move towards me and stops. I move towards him, stopping merely feet away. We stand there looking at each other for a few moments before he walks again. He meets me where I stand. I bring my hand up to touch his face. I move my other hand to rest on his shoulder. The hand I used to touch his face moves down to grab his hand. His right hand moves to my back. He holds my hand up in his left. We sway to the rhythm of Thinking Out Loud. Adam twirls me before bringing me back to him. He kisses my mouth. We continue to sway to the song ‘till the end. White and beige confetti strips fall from the ceiling.

Sitting back at our table, I look around realizing that I’m truly happy. My family is here. My kids are here. My friends are here. My love sits beside me. When I imagined myself getting married, it was always with Mason. Now, I’m glad it wasn’t him. Mason has a wonderful mate whom he never showed have hurt. I shouldn’t have made her hurt. I hated myself for that because Samantha never truly hurt me. She would use her Luna voice on me but never hurt me physically.

I look at a lost Austin. He never realized his sister was right in front of him. I felt sad for him. I understood why Samantha had erased her face from his memories. He was lonely and longed for a sister he had close.

I think it’s time for you to give him his memories, Samantha,’ I mind-link her.

Samantha looks startled.

I want everyone to be happy on my wedding day,’ I continue. ‘Austin looks so lost and lonely.

I watch as her eyes fill with tears. She nods. She gets up from her seat. She rounds the table and whispers down to Austin. I watch as she walks with him to a corner. I watch talk for a while before she touches his face. After a few moments, they’re crying and hugging. I smile.

Now, everyone is happy and I’m a happy wife.


P.S. I may write an epilogue. If I do, I'll post it :)

-- Jesi 🖤

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