dog sitter | k. taehyung

By kaseymariev

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I'm looking for anyone who needs my help to pet sit their pets when owners are on vacation. I am available to... More

dog sitting services


309 19 6
By kaseymariev

After Taehyung and Jimin left, I decided to wonder the house in astonishment. The floors were white marble while the rest of the estate screamed modern Victorian. This was so much more than my tiny cottage I had and yet I was still thinking that my cottage was better in my eyes, comfort wise.

I never would've predicted that I'd end up here after spending my life savings to travel the world, not to mention the college tuition I also had to pay off. It was hard to do both but I'd rather travel and be broke than have a lot of money and be stuck in one place. It was a choice I made so I live with the consequences.

Talking about consequences, Yeontan seemed to be done with his nap because he was barking loudly from his room. You read it right, Yeontan has his own room that's bigger than my whole house. Was I jealous of the dog? Not entirely, but he certainly wasn't suffering. I was just thankful he actually was rescued from a high kill shelter rather than a breeder. Meaning, Yeontan didn't always have this type of life.

I went upstairs and retrieved the small dog and put him in his play pen, to which he only looked at me with a tilted head. My heart warmed up just at the abundance of cuteness in one puppy. "Tired of a playpen?" I asked him, as if he'd respond.

With a lack of an answer, I lifted him up and put on a small harness with a leash. "Let's go on a walk." I poked his snout gently before leaving the house and taking Yeontan down the sidewalk. Taehyung seemed to have lived on a big lot that wasn't surrounded by too many other houses, so it was nice not to be stared at by other rich people.

I squinted my eyes and saw someone walking towards me in the distance. I wasn't really worried but when he started to directly walk towards me, my heart dropped to my stomach. He wasn't stopping anytime soon and actually began to walk faster.

Yeontan began to bark at the stranger but that was no help as I tried to decide if I should turn back around or not. "Excuse me miss." He came to a halt as he approached me, my feet seemed to be glued to the ground. "Yes?"

He looked at me up and down before smiling. "Are you staying in Mr. Kim's residence?" I wanted to say no because  technically, I was only watching his dog, but then again, this guy seemed like a creep. "Yes sir, I am."

This guy wasn't too much older than I was and looked almost around Taehyung's age. Young rich people. "Oh I him are you?" His eyes narrowed as if my answer would determine whether or not he would continue bothering me. So I panicked. "N-no-" "No?" His creepy smile grew.

"I m-mean yes, well not him but his friend- Jimin." I wasn't sure why I decided to lie but I also wasn't sure why I said Jimin. I guess it was my subconscious speaking quickly so I wouldn't have to lower my standards to a weirdo like Taehyung.

"I'll leave you alone then, best of luck." And he left.

I let out a sigh of relief before quickly returning to the house and locking the doors. "You know Yeontan, I wish you were just a tad more intimidating." I said, almost out of breath from running all the way back up the hill.

Before I could put Yeontan back in his pen, I heard the front door open. "Oh great he's home." I mumbled, letting Yeontan off of his leash in the playpen. "Honey, I'm home." Taehyung's obnoxious voice echoed through his manor.

"I really hope you're talking to Yeontan." I said once he saw me come downstairs. "Well, of course I was talking to my child." He winked but his face dropped once he saw me with a leash. "You took him on a walk?!" I flinched from the abrupt tone of voice he used without warning.

My stomach dropped once again but I stood my ground because I wasn't sure if he could smell fear. He could be some sort of vampire for all I know. "I did, he looked at me like the play pen life was boring." I shrugged as if he wasn't staring right into my soul.

It seemed like his eye twitched once I showed him I wasn't scared by looking right back at him. "Give him another bath and then leave." His voice was low and demanding but since it was my job, I slowly backed up, confused but  went to go pick up Yeontan.

His own personalized bath was up in his room, where I bathed him before his nap. Once I started washing him, I began speaking softly to the puppy as if he could understand. He did come from nothing like I did. "You know Yeontan...we aren't too different. I mean, I came from a rough part of my hometown and I know you were born in the shelter..."

Now I was just speaking my thoughts as the small dog looked at me. Putting the soap on his coat, I chuckled. "I don't understand what's so wrong with you playing outside, is he worried that you'll pick up a disease or something?" Yeontan barked while I laughed gently at the possibilities he didn't want him outside.

"I guess you can say the people in the neighborhood are all weirdos." I remarked, referring to one of the neighbor's we ran into beforehand. Yeontan barked again, to which I thought he did to respond, but it was actually to warn me that his owner was peeking through the door.

At the time, however, I wasn't paying attention.  "Alright buddy, here we go." After I rinsed him, I let him shake it out, getting the water all over me. Laughing, I patted his head before wrapping him in a towel. "Thanks for that."

Following a towel drying process, I brushed his hair and finished grooming him with a quick blow dry. "What a handsome lad you are."

"I know I am." And in came the man that made my shoulders slump over with utter disappointment. "You really have a hard time inferring whom I referencing to." I rolled my eyes and let Yeontan off of my lap before I got up to dust off the dog hair.

Without a word, I decided to head out since the owner was home and my work was done here. Just as was almost out of Yeontan's doorway, my wrist was grabbed. "What 'weirdo' did you run into while on a walk?"

I turned my head and saw him looking at me with a serious expression, concern all of the sudden spread across his features. "I-I um, It was some guy that came up to Yeontan and I..." I started and he held my wrist harder.

"Did he say what his name was?" His teeth were now gritting against each other, making my eyes widen a tad bit. "H-he didn't-" "What did he look like?"

His abrupt behavior made me step back while wiggling out my wrist from his grasp. "He was blonde and brown eyed..around your age I think." I spoke softly not wanting to make a scene about something so small.

Taehyung's eyes softened towards me and his hands then pushed back his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry Mia, I was just worried...he's known for coming across as a creep. That's the main reason why I didn't want you to go outside, especially by yourself..."

His words were at most surprising, I had no idea a human like him was capable of being concerned or worried for a creature of my nature. It was heartwarming.

"Wow...would you look at that...the Grinch's heart just went up from extra small to just small."

"Oh I can make it much bigger with your help."

"I'm leaving."


Author's Note

AHHHHHH I just got back to school for my senior year and with all of these online classes and being stuck in the library, I get to update more!!!


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