Toxic (H.S.)

By heskindaharry

654K 21.8K 20.1K

*completed* Harry is in an abusive relationship when he meets Marlene; the complete opposite of Harry's contr... More



15.9K 547 841
By heskindaharry


I woke up early Sunday and began taking the cookies into my car when I noticed Harry walking down the street. "I told you I would pick you up." I walked over to hug him. "It's chilly."

"I needed the walk, fresh air is good for you." He shrugged.

"Well I'm done, I just need to get dressed quickly. My makeup and hair are done so I should be good." He followed me up to my apartment and sat on my couch while I pulled an 'appropriate' dress from the back of my closet. I put on some tights and slipped on the dress that I always struggled with the zipper. I walked out of the room and looked at Harry as he sat on the ground looking through my vinyl collection.

He looked up and I quickly walked over. "Need help?" I nodded. He stood up and walked over to zip up the rest of my dress. I grabbed my shoes and fixed my hair one last time. "You look lovely." He said as he stood there.

"Thanks, you look really good, did you iron this shirt?" He nodded.

"Well steamed it, I have one of those machines, could steam the whole apartment." I smiled at how cute he was. We left my apartment and got in my car driving up North towards where my parents lived. I played some music that Harry sang along to and I couldn't help but wonder how anyone could be so mean to such a ray of sunshine.

"Have you spoken to Emily?" I asked when the song was over.

He sighed. "She's been acting different, like nicer in a way. It's odd because usually, I would be so happy, but now every time she's nice, I just want to scream." He looked out the window and shook his head. "I really don't want to talk about her." He said quietly.

"Okay, can we talk about the fact that it looks like it's going to rain." He looked up at the sky and sighed. "It's what happens when we live in Washington." I shrugged. "You know I like the rain, it's so relaxing."

"It's nice when you can be at home under a blanket with a cup of tea watching your favorite movie." Harry smiled. "What's your favorite movie?" I pouted looking out at the road.

"I don't think I have one, although I like sad movies. You know those movies that make you sob." He chuckled.

"Movies are supposed to make you feel good. I hate scary films, anything about the war, death, just no." He shook his head.

"Do you like Forest Gump?" I asked him.

"Of course." I giggled.

"That movie has war and death." He let out a small laugh.

"You got me there, I think that's my favorite film, maybe I do like sad movies." He looked at me. "That one and the movie 'up'. You know with the old man and the balloons." I nodded and then quickly shook my head.

"The first five minutes make me sob, but it's so beautiful that even after she dies he still tries to keep his promise." I looked over at Harry for a second and he had a soft smile on his face. "Do you cry during that part?" He nodded.

"It's like Bambi." I gasped.

"Yes! God, I love Bambi." We talked the whole way to the church and as we parked I realized we had five minutes to spare.

"So are we sitting in for the church service?" I looked at him shrugging.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's about an hour long." He shrugged telling me he didn't mind.

I sighed looking at myself in the mirror one last time before we got out of the car and walked towards the large grass area that had a view of the parking lot where the community yard sale was going on. I walked with Harry to the entrance of the church and he followed close behind.

There weren't too many people inside because of everything outside. I immediately saw my parents and my siblings and took a deep breath walking with Harry to our seats. I noticed a few people give me a look as I waved to my parents. It really had been a while since I was here. "Oh, Harry you can sit next to me." My little sister said making Harry chuckle and sit beside her.


Church went by in a flash and I was surprised that Harry sat listening to everything that was said. Harry at one point even held my hand, which confused me since I had made an absolute fool out of myself hitting on him twice, each time rejecting me. He would give me these signs and it confused the hell out of me.

Afterwards, we stood up and my mom showed us where to set up to sell cookies. "It's lovely here." He looked around, he was like a small child whenever he did that. It made me smile.

"It is, I like it here, it's just I don't really fit in anymore I guess. Became a little rule breaker as I got older." He raised an eyebrow.

"Marlene? A rule breaker?" He sat beside me as we waited for customers. "I'm shocked." I giggled.

"Yeah, I snapped my last year of high school, got a tattoo at sixteen and I had piercings. My mom was so mad that she made me come to church after school every day to cleanse myself." He looked at me weird making me laugh.

"What does that even mean?" I shrugged. "I shouldn't even lift my sleeves huh? She'd see all of mine." I shook my head.

We sat there for about an hour and sold almost thirty-five bags of cookies. "I want food, are you hungry?" He nodded looking down at his phone and sighing. "Who is it?"

"It's Emily, I don't want to answer." Guilt coursed through me, he technically had a girlfriend and I was bringing him around like he was mine. God damn it, Marlene. "She keeps asking where I'm at."

"And what do you tell her?" He sighed leaning back in the chair.

"That I'm with a friend, and I'll be home when I feel like it." I was proud of him for standing up for himself in a way. "I found an apartment, about eight blocks from your place. Closer to work and stuff." I nodded. "I'm going next week to check if I got approved."

"Look at you being an adult." He chuckled for a second but then took a deep breath.

"I'm scared about telling Emily, you know even after all she put me through, a part of me still cares about her. A part of me still wishes she'd change but it's a cycle. She'll change for a few weeks and then-" he looked down. "Sorry." He laughed awkwardly looking away.

"Don't feel sorry for feeling a certain way." I gently touched his face. "Do you need a minute alone?" He grabbed my hand and held it.

"No I'm okay, you're very calming." I giggled. "I do need a bathroom though." I pointed him in the direction and he walked away. I heard someone clear their throat and as I looked up it was my brother. He set some money down and took a bag of cookies sitting beside me.

"You might want to try a different tactic of selling. Not going to sell much if you and your boyfriend are staring into each other's eyes." He teased. "Mom ran into prince charming." I groaned.

Prince charming was a nickname for an ex-boyfriend of mine Shane. This guy was excellent on paper: rich, handsome, educated, went to church, and of course, wanted four kids.

He was my mom's perfect man for me. He and I dated when I was twenty and lasted a whole year. The reason I broke up with him was very simple. He thought it was because we were so different, but in reality, it was because his dick was no good. A small penis is not a problem if you know how to work it.

God, I hate how I am sometimes.

I lost my virginity when I was sixteen or seventeen and it was better than any sex we had.

At first, I told him it would get better over time, but it just didn't. Then he began blaming me, he was a bit rude and controlling. I broke up with him the night before my twenty-first birthday. "He's still single." I chuckled.

"Yeah 'cause he's a dick." I stole one of Jeff's cookies.

"Who's a dick?" Harry said sitting back down beside me.

"My ex-boyfriend, we broke up like two years ago and my mom's going to bring him over because she still thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's gonna make a dumb remark about the cookies, give you a look and introduce himself like a cocky man. He's one of those 'where is my hug.' Kinda guy." Harry made a face. "Fuck there he is."

He walked over with my mom who was laughing with him. "Oh gosh, you are a riot." She looked at me and called me over. "Look sweetie it's Shane." He was a lot more buff now I will admit, but he still had that look like he was better than you. My mom left us with him and I mentally cursed at her.

"Hey, kiddo." He walked over and hugged me. He did that awkward back rubbing thing so I quickly pulled away.

"Shane this is Harry." He looked at Harry up and down and put his hand out.

"Nice to meet you, you look familiar did you go to Brown?" Here we go, always has to put it in your face that he went to a good college.

Harry chuckled. "No, I went to UCL in London actually." Harry gave him a small smirk.

"Oh interesting, doing a little bake sale." He pointed out.

"Yup, just doing my part." I shrugged.

He looked at Harry and scratched the beard he had going on. "How about I take these last five bags off your hand's kid." I looked down at the cookies and nodded.

"That will be twenty-five please." He nodded pulling out some money. "Thanks."

"No thank you, you know how much I loved your cookies." Something about his tone sounded suggestive. I felt an arm go around me and Harry kissed my cheek.

"Now we can go, babe," Harry said making my cheeks heat up.

"Oh, I didn't know you two were together?" Shane said a little annoyed.

I looked up at Harry and he winked at me. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend. Are you seeing anyone?" He shook his head. "Well I'm sure you'll find someone, you're a great guy." He shrugged.

"Women get intimidated by how successful I am." I wanted to roll my eyes. "Hey, maybe we can all have dinner sometime?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, we have to go it was nice seeing you." I patted Harry and he quickly grabbed the baskets and walked towards the car. I felt Shane pull me back quickly.

"So you two are serious?" I shrugged. "Come on Marlene, you and I both know you aren't the relationship type." I looked down.

"I wasn't, but I'm growing up and learning. You should try it sometime." I took my hand out of his grip and walked towards my car.


By the time we made it to my place, it was raining. We walked into my apartment and I groaned at how wet my hair and dress got. Harry just sleeked his hair back. "Are you heading home or staying, I can order some food." He nodded.

"I'll stay." I mentally cheered walking to my closet in the hallway to get a towel. I had some big pants that were Jeff's so I brought it to Harry so he can wear. "Thank you." He walked over to the bathroom as I ordered some takeout. I was on the phone when Harry walked out without a shirt on. With no bruises, his chest was on display with his tattoos.

I got distracted that I didn't notice the person on the other line was waiting for me. "Oh yeah sorry," I ordered a bunch of food and hung up. "Should be here in about forty minutes." Harry pulled his pants up and sat beside me. "Did you want a shirt?"

"Oh sorry does it bother you?" Is he serious, he could take his pants off too and I would melt.

Easy Marlene, God.

"Nope just checking." I shrugged. "Do you work out?" He shook his head. "Liar." I poked his stomach.

"I'm like fat right here." I gasped.

"No you're not, who would-" I stopped knowing where he's heard that before. "Your body's perfect Harry, you know you're a handsome guy like your nose is cute and you have pretty eyes."

"My nose is big." I moved to sit closer to him on the couch and looked at him.

"Looks good to me." I shrugged. "I guess we all have things we don't like about ourselves."

"I hate my nose and my ears." He wiggled his ear making me giggle. "Can you wiggle them?" I moved my hair and tried. "No, you can't." I pouted.

"I can do this." I folded my tongue. He did the same thing and we both laughed. I noticed him look down at my lips and lean in a little. I could tell he was scared because he leaned back and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Do you want to kiss me?"

He looked at his hands. "I don't think it would be ideal or fair to kiss you when I'm technically still in a relationship." I nodded.

"Just a friendly kiss?" He smirked. "Unless you don't want to kiss me, in that case, I'm embarrassed. I have to stop hitting on you- I'm sorry."

"No, I like it, and I do want to kiss you." He blushed.

"Then just do it, what's stopping you?" He shrugged. I scooted closer and sat right up next to him "How about this, I kiss you and if you still want, you kiss me back." He nodded quickly.

I leaned in and gently pressed my lips to his. He didn't react right away as I carefully moved down to capture his bottom lip between mine. When he did react it was soft, almost like he was scared to move too fast. I got closer putting my hand on his chest where I could feel his heart beating fast against my palm. There was nothing intense about the kiss, it was sweet and innocent, that is until I felt him gently open his mouth.

His tongue touched my lip and I moaned against him, quickly opening my mouth. He suddenly pulled me on to his lap and began kissing me harder. His hands went to my waist and he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away to catch my breath and looked at him. "Sorry I got carried away." He said licking his lips.

"Never be sorry for that." I leaned in and pecked his lips.



I made it home later that night with a bit of a smile on my face. I liked Marlene, I liked her flirting with me and kissing me, and the way she is.

Emily stood in the kitchen making dinner when I arrived. I looked at her and the image of her having sex with Katie and the other man came to my memory again. I scoffed walking into the bedroom taking off my shirt and tossing it into the dirty clothes bin. I heard her walk in and saw her in the reflection of the mirror. "Where were you today?"

"Out with my friend Marlene, she invited me to her church." She raised an eyebrow.

"Who the hell is Marlene?" She put her hands on her hips.

"A friend from work," I said quietly.

"You've never mentioned her before and suddenly you're going to church- since when are you going to church?" She began raising her voice.

"Since I've been feeling like I need a change." I shrugged. "Sick of spending my weekends alone." She scoffed.

"Well, I was at home." She said angrily. I ignored her looking for my laptop. I had work in the morning and wanted to have everything ready. "Harry!" She yelled.

"What?" I looked up at her.

"Are you fucking Marlene!" I stared at her.

"No Emily I'm not! You see I'm not like you! I don't fuck other women while we're still together!" She looked around the room and grabbed the first thing she could find and threw it at me. "Do not do that!"

"You are such a piece of shit!" She screeched throwing everything around.

"No, you are! Did you not think I wouldn't find out about your threesomes! You're disgusting! I sit here worried that I'm the problem when in reality it's you! I can't fucking take this anymore! I can't be with someone who treats me this way!" I began grabbing my stuff and throwing it in bags. Forget this apartment and all my stuff, I needed to get out of here.

"You can't leave me!" She began pulling my bag away from me.

"Watch me!" I pulled my clothes from her.

"No Harry you can't leave me because-" she looked down.

"Why because you love me? Because you'll change? You always say that!" She shook her head and put her hands on her stomach.

"No Harry." She sighed. "I'm- I'm pregnant."


Thanks for reading. Xx


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