Taking a Chance

By KyCountryGirl82

44K 1.2K 33

Ellie is a small town girl that goes to a party one night to hang out with some friends she hadn't seen in ye... More

I got a feeling'
Bullet in a Bonfire
Life in the fast lane
Benefit for Benning
Giving in
Let it Ride
Free Bird
Moving on
Dinner at Mama Becky's
Fall into Me
You have my heart
Back to business
Start of Forever
Under the Stars
Author note
Past meet Present
Amusement parks and MC
Kick It in the Sticks
I Swear
Going Public
Bachelorette Weekend
Past is the Past
The Best of Me
From this Moment On
Til the End of Time
Life Changes
Our Next Chapter

Property of Boss

1.3K 36 0
By KyCountryGirl82

Ellie POV
I can't believe that Brantley asked me to marry him!  The whole night was absolutely perfect. The helicopter ride was amazing, the restaurant-incredibly romantic, him patching me in, everything was perfect. I felt like I was in a fairytale. When we made it back up to the room, he told me that he had went to Louisville a few weeks ago with PJ to visit my dad's grave and get his permission to ask to marry me. It breaks my heart that he never got to meet Brantley, I know he'd like him. My mom, well I hadn't spoken to her since the funeral five years ago, she cut me out of dad's Will and made him change it when he was out of his right mind when the chemo and pain meds took over, needless to say her and my half sister (who was already rich) are sitting well off back in Kentucky. And that's fine, dad gave me twenty three years of memories and what he wanted me to have before he passed. When he patched me in I was speechless, then after It's Your Love went off and I saw him drop to one knee, I thought I was dreaming, Mr. Single for Life was proposing, TO ME! I guess I really did throw his fears of commitment out the window. I couldn't have been more surprised at everything, Mr. Bad Boy of Country really is a romantic at heart.

We left fairly early to head back to Georgia the next morning. I had to work three twelve hour shifts this week in a row just so I could get off Friday and Saturday in order to go with Brantley to kick off the tour this weekend. I sent my best friend, Melissa, from back home a text and told her I'd be in town Friday, then a text of the ring.
M: OMG! Ellie, NO WAY! Who is the guy? Please don't tell me it's Drew!
E: If you are driving, may wanna pull over bc I know you will probably crash. You will not believe it!
M: Not driving, just put Levi down for a nap. He just got back from the hospital last night.
E: OMG is he ok?
M: He's better just his lungs from being so premature. Now details girl!
E: So, the guy, is Brantley Gilbert!
M: you're lying. Like for real lying! How do you know him? Like I am so jealous! And you know I love Derek. Girl Mom is watching the kids so we can get together when you're in town. How long are you gonna be here anyway?
E: Slow down there speedy lol. His tour kicks off Friday with Chase Rice and Walker Montgomery, John Michael's son at YUM Center. We were coming in early Friday, I may be able to get someone to cover for me Thursday and see if he will wanna come in Thursday and we can all get together. I met him at a party with Chase, I knew his little brother but hadn't ever met him, and his brother failed to mention he had a sibling 😉. If y'all want we can leave tickets for you guys at will call for the show.
M:  OMG girl I'm so happy for you!  That'd be awesome, I'd love for you to meet Levi and it has been so long since we have seen each other.   Derek is off Friday night so that's perfect. I'll see you then. I'm so excited! 
E:  See you then!

I sent out a text of the ring to Cliff, Chase, and some of my other friends, but didn't tell them who it was if they hadn't met him. We weren't ready for the media frenzy that was going to ensue if it got leaked. Cliff called immediately followed by Chase. I kept getting mass texts asking who he was, telling me how awesome the ring was, etc. I told them they'd find out soon enough who it was after we told the family, meaning Mama Becky, Keith, Kolby, and the club.

We got back to Georgia, and instead of going back to his place we went to the club. I slipped the vest on then the jacket. "I love it babe" I told him and kissed him. We linked hands and walked to the door and Brantley opened it.  All eyes were on us as we walked in, I knew it was because of the vest and being patched in.  Lydia, Happy's wife was the first to come up to me.  Some of the club ol ladies I don't get along with, but since my mother and I hadn't spoken since Dad died, Lydia had become a second mom to me. 

"Ellie!  I haven't seen you in forever!  Happy told me about you and B, but he didn't tell me about this" she said motioning to the vest that's when she saw the ring.  Her eyes got as big as saucers and she grabbed my hand and said, "is this?  No, you and B aren't are you?"

I looked at Brantley, then back at her, we both nodded, and I replied, "yes, Lydia, we are engaged."  It's the first time I'd said it out loud or told anyone other than Melissa, Chase, or Cliff.  She held up my hand and whistled really loud to get the whole club's attention. They know that when Lydia whistles to stop doing what everyone is doing.  "I have an announcement!  Boss is engaged to Ellie!"  The clubhouse erupted into cheers, the guys came over and congratulated us, and the dirty looks stemmed from the sweet butts that hang around. I knew just about every one of them wanted Brantley, now I'm not sure if he ever did anything with them. I made a mental note to talk to him about that later.  The other ol ladies came over congratulated us and the ones who I was closest with offered to help me plan the wedding.  They decided to have a party for us tonight, I didn't really feel like it, but it's free food and I have a duty to the club now.

I started to get tired, I told Brantley I was going to go back to one of the bedrooms and take a nap.  I knew I had to go to work the next night so I had to get myself on a third shift sleep schedule for the next couple days.  He kissed me on the head and told me he loved me and that he'd be out front if I needed him.  I made my way back to the bedroom, I saw Jessica, one of the sweet butts leaning against the door to the room I always  took a nap in looking every bit of skank that she is-short leather skirt, bustier, and six inch heels.  I tried to go around her, but she cornered me, ugh I don't want to deal with her tonight. 
"So, you think that just because you got that ring and patch that he is going to be true to you?  Bitch, Boss and I have something, in fact before he took you to Nashville we fucked right there on that bed" she smirked.  I was seething mad and saw red.  "Look here you two dollar bar slut, Boss wouldn't touch you if you were the last whore on Earth, I have the power to throw your ass out and ban you from this club and don't think I won't.  I will send your ass back to the trailer park, so shut the fuck up!"  I was screaming at her, and we had already drawn attention, everyone knows I don't get mad often, and this bitch was the reason I broke up with Jay, because she's the one I caught him in bed with.  She pointed a long red nail in my face, looked at me and sneered, "you wouldn't dare."  About that time Brantley walked up looked at both of us and said, "what's going on babe?"  I looked at him and replied as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Jessica here says that you and her fucked on that bed before we went to Nashville."  Cliff walked up as I was telling Brantley what she said.  "Ellie, you know that's not true, I was with you, Cliff, or Kolby."  I was furious, given my history with her, I wanted to believe him, but I was having my doubts right now. 

"Do I Brantley?  Do I?  Because when I was at work, where were you?  Do you even know what this bitch has done to me?  Because I haven't told you."  All the color drained from his face, "babe, I promise you I've never touched her or any of the other girls in this club. As Cliff, he can vouch for me. You are the only girl I've ever brought here or touched that's affiliated with the Pistons.  What did she do?"  He said reaching for my arm and I jerked it away?  Jessica was smiling like she had hit the lottery, I hated her.

"Bitch you better wipe that smile off your ugly ass face!  Don't make me let your little secret out!"  It was her turn to turn as white as a ghost.
Cliff didn't even know she was the girl I caught Jay with. "Ellie, what are you talking about?" Cliff asked. By this time we had The whole club surrounded us. 
"See everyone, this bitch was the one I caught fucking Jay and the reason I dumped his ass when I caught them. Oh, and anyone who has fucked her may wanna go get STD tested, because the bitch has herpes!  How do I know?  She came into the ER a week before I caught them wondering why she had bumps!  Oh and she was saying how she fucked B here right before we went to Nashville!"  I could see the prospects turn white as a ghost and all look at each other and in unison say "oh shit!" 
Cliff looked at me then her and said, "Ellie, Boss is telling the truth, he hasn't ever touched a girl in this club. He and I have a rule, we don't fuck club girls.  That's why he had to get my permission before he started seeing you.  She was tried and he always told her he wasn't interested.  He wouldn't touch her even if she wasn't a club girl, she's trash."  She put her hand over her mouth like she was hurt.  Cliff nodded at me, and I knew what that meant, I had the say so on whether she stayed or went. I walked over to her and reached up to her head, Brantley piped up "whoa whoa whoa baby what are you doing?"  I smiled vehemently, looked at Cliff, nodded, then at her, and back at B.  I reached up, grabbed her black her and yanked pulling her to me, "I'm taking out the trash!"  I pulled her scrawny ass from the back of the clubhouse all the way to the front "open the damn door!" I screamed at a prospect and threw her ass out onto the pavement.  "Bitch, you're banned from this club and every other chapter of the Outlaws!  If I ever see or hear of you coming around here again I will bury you myself and they won't find your body!"  "You can't do that!" She sneered at me as she got up off the ground.  "I just did!" I replied as I got in her face.  She slapped me, the bitch actually slapped me.  Brantley was standing next to me, I stripped off the coat, she saw the vest and the patch that said "Property of Boss" and turned a solid sheet of white, I threw it off too and handed them to Brantley.  I pulled the brass knuckles I always kept when I'm with the club out of my pocket and slipped them in my hand. Cliff and Brantley and the other guys all knew what that meant, they all were standing around in a circle surrounding us.  I drew back and gave her a right hook straight to the jaw, I could hear it crack.  She stumbled back and her hooker heel snapped in half.  "Bitch you messed with the wrong girl today, no one slaps me" I told her.  She was scrambling to get up, and tried to kick me.  I hit her two more times before she managed to punch me in the stomach.  That's when I saw black, I don't even know what happened until I felt sting arms pull me off and I smelled the leather and cologne and I knew it was Brantley.  I looked down and she was a bloody pulp but still breathing. 
"Babe, that's enough.  Let's go, the prospects will deal with her" he told me.  My knuckles were bloody and swollen on my left hand, my right was fine.  Cliff, Brantley, Lydia, and I walked inside and sat down, Lydia got me a Smirnoff to calm me down and brought a washcloth over to clean my hands off with.  "Babe remind me never to make you mad" Brantley laughed, I just glared at him and he held his hands up. 
"Ellie, I've been waiting to do that for a long time, just didn't really have a reason.  So she's the reason you never came around after Jay and you broke up?" Cliff asked.  I wasn't in the mood to talk really, but they needed to know.
"Yeah, she's the reason.  I had been trying to get ahold of him for a few hours, he wouldn't answer the phone, so I went out looking.  Drove by here, his truck was here, which was odd since he hated the MC.  I walked in, caught her bent over the bed and him fucking her.  I yanked him off her, punched him in the balls and told him to fuck off.  I set his shit out back and hand a nice bonfire.  Haven't spoken to him since.  She's why I hate club whores.  I went and got tested that same day, cause I didn't know who all he'd messed with, I was clean, still get checked every few months because it can lay dormant, still clean.  I'm glad I finally was able to beat her ass and ban her from here.  She hates me and wants what I have."  They all were silent, then Lydia piped up "Ells, Boss hasn't ever touched a club girl but you, like he said, she has tried since she met him.  I hate that bitch since she tried with Happy, and he's twice her age!" 
"Lyd, you never told me this" Cliff responded. 
"Honey, you know I'm not about club drama.  I told her off you can guarantee that."
"Babe do you believe me now?  I'd never do that to you, I couldn't be with a cheater, and I'd never cheat, I know what it feels like. I love you more than I do the air I breathe. You are everything to me."  He said.  I believed him, I knew he was telling me the truth, after the stuff she pulled with Jay one would be stupid to not have trust issues. 
"I believe you baby, let's go home" I replied. He grabbed my hand and helped me up, we said by to everyone, and left. 

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