Start of Forever

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We only had one more night Nashville , and since the guys and I were all done with the tour specifics, I planned a helicopter ride around the city and a late dinner at the rooftop restaurant. Yeah, it was some 50 Shades kind of stuff, but nothing is too good for my girl.  I had a special night planned for her. A few weeks ago, PJ and I were out and I had him pull into Shane Co while we were in Louisville and I bought her the perfect ring. Pink diamond was her favorite, with black diamonds intertwined onto it to represent me. It was definitely her and me all in one. I visited Ellie's dad's grave since he wasn't able to be around to see her become a nurse and her married. I wrote a song and asked his permission to marry her. Since her and her mother were estranged and had been for years, I didn't need to ask anyone but her dad and Cliff and I had already talked ago him about it and said go for it. I wanted to do it soon, I had been carrying that ring around in my pocket or in the glove box of the truck alongside my .45 since that day.

"Baby girl, we need to be ready by 6:30, I have a surprise planned for you" I told her.

"What in the world are you up to Brantley Keith?"  She asked, giving me the look and trying every way she knew to get me to give, but it wasn't working.

"I can't tell you baby, but dress warm it may get chilly." I told her. "I'll be back in a little bit, PJ and I have to go run some errands, be ready when I get back."  I walked down to the truck and PJ was already waiting.
"Where we headed Boss?" 
"Boss you think now is the time to buy another Harley?" 
"Well since you asked, anytime is a good time to buy a Harley. But I'm getting Ellie her own cut and Jacket" I replied. I knew she would say yes to getting patched in, getting engaged may take some coaxing. I got her a simple vest, had the clubs logo put on it, SYLO on the bottom left, BOSS Princess on the right chest patch, and a calla Lilly since it's her favorite flower and an American flag in remembrance of Benning and all the soldiers lost. I bought her her own jacket that was distressed leather and it had the eagle on the back with studs.

PJ and I got back about 5:30. I went up to the suite, and walked in the door. She was standing over the bed in only black lace bra and panties looking and two outfits, jeans and a long sleeved shirt or a dress and knee high boots trying to decide what to wear. "Jeans and the shirt babe" I told her. "You sure? I don't want to be under dressed." "You won't be trust me".

We made it to the airport and I had her blindfolded, so she didn't know anything. Once
We were in the seats I unblindfolded her. "Omg a helicopter ride!  Brantley this is amazing!"  "Anything for you babe" I told her. We took a helicopter ride around the city, she was so enamored with all the sites, it was like watching a kid at Christmas. We got back to the the airport and I drove the truck back to the hotel.

We made our way up to the restaurant, I had reserved a private room back in the corner so we wouldn't be disturbed. PJ had the gift bag from the Harley store placed on the table, there were candles and the lights were cut down low. We sat down and the server came in and took our order. Ellie ordered a salad, the chicken, and potato, I ordered the steak, Mac and cheese with bacon, and asparagus. While we were waiting on our food, I told Ellie to open her gifts.

"Brantley, you know you don't have to get me anything. Being with you is all I need" she told me as she was opening up the box. When she took the lid off and saw the vest folded atop the jacket, tears came to her eyes. I knew that patching her in was the first step in the right direction for the rest of our lives. "Baby, are you sure? Because I know what this means, and this is a huge deal."
"Princess, I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I love you, and I wouldn't want anyone else riding on the back of my bike or alongside me any my brothers but you" I told her. She looked down, then back up at me, and nodded. "And Cliff is ok with this?" she asked.
"Yes, baby girl. He's ok with it. I already ran it by him, the club voted you in a couple weeks ago" I told her.
"I love it babe. And I love you. Thank you for this. You are the only person other than Cliff I'd ever ride behind" she replied and got up and came over and sat in my lap and kissed me long and slow full of passion. We were interrupted by the server bringing us our food. We ate and talked about the tour, what had been going on at work with her before we came up to Nashville, the shenanigans that the guys pulled at rehearsals. I was reminded about all the years I spent with Amber, and how few times we had ever been able to do this. She was always picking fights with me about my career, how I dropped out of college and my counseling path to pursue music, my drinking-which I admit was bad, but she tried to change me. Jana, well, we all know how that ended. Her cheating and me in a Mexican jail for three days.

After the server cleared the table, Ellie got up and walked over to the window that overlooked downtown Nashville. As much as I was a country boy, the view of the city was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the girl standing in front of me looking out the window. It hit me that tonight was the night I had to ask her to marry me. Patching her in, seeing her reaction, I knew it.
I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist. "I love you so much baby" I whispered in her ear and she leaned her head back against me. "I love you more" she replied. "Not even possible" I told her. About that time It's Your Love by Tim McGraw came over the intercom, and I knew that right after this song was perfect time to propose. "Dance with me baby" she whispered. Knowing I don't dance I agreed anyhow. I turned her around and pulled her in close to me and we swayed to the song. I pictured how much my life had changed since meeting her, all the times she fell asleep in my arms and I watched her sleep, the moment I fell in love with her, and I pictured our life together. I saw us having a little boy and a little girl that looked just like her, us growing old and sitting on the porch swing.

The song ended and I kissed her and told her I loved her. I dropped to one knee and pulled the ring out of my jacket pocket. "Eliana Faith Parker, I love you more than I've ever loved anything in this world. The night I met you, when you said you were going to find a hot biker I knew that my life was about to change dramatically. You keep me on my toes, have showed me what it's like to be loved unconditionally, and I wouldn't want to spend forever with anyone but you. Marry me?" She had tears streaming down her face.
"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" She replied. I slipped the ring on her finger.
"It's absolutely gorgeous!" She exclaimed. "Pink diamond for you, black diamonds for me" I told her. The moment I saw it I knew it was perfect.
"It's perfect. I love it. And I love you". She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me.
"How bout you say we get out of here?" I asked her. "I thought you'd never ask babe" she replied biting her lip. She hopped down, I grabbed the bags off the table, threw some cash down, and we headed up to the room. We spent the next few hours tangled up in the sheets and fell asleep in each other's arms. If this was how life was going to be with her, I'd die a happy man.

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