Life Changes

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The reception followed directly after at the house.  After photos were done we all were bombarded by Mama, Kolby, Cliff, Coop, Keith, and Caroline who gave me a ear tug and "a baby, what the hell B, couldn't wait til after the wedding to knock her up?" Mama yanked my other ear the other way and "Brantley Keith, didn't I teach you anything?  I expect this from your idiot brother, but you?  At least you didn't get that bitch Jana pregnant and lordy b, Amber either!  I wouldn't want to deal with them forever.  Thankfully it's with our angel.  But couldn't you have waited?" Caroline about died laughing. Mama never cussed, and we all know how she felt about Amber and Jana.  That earned a "really Ma! I'm no idiot, at least I know how to wrap it!" From Kolby. We all belly laughed at that, because even I was surprised Kolby didn't have a baby in every surrounding county.

"Mama, I only told Brantley before the wedding today.  Now can ya'll please let go of my husband's ears?  He kinda needs them."  Ellie said calmly handing the ultrasound picture over to Mama.

"Oh my, I really am gonna be a Nana!  I can't believe it.  When do you find out what your having?" 

"Next month. Baby will be here around March/April."  Ellie replied.

"Bro, I'm gonna be an uncle!  I can't wait to show him the ropes"  Kolby exlaimed as he clapped me on the back. 

"Guys, I think it's a girl!"  Ellie replied crossing her srms across her chest. That caused my dad, Cliff, the MC, and everyone to perk up.  "We will kill any guy who lokks and acts kill any of us!" Which caused me to laugh because I said the same damn thing!  "Yeah, yeah, I've heard that before" she replied.

We partied into the night, I couldn't believe that I was finally married, and we managed to keep the wedding off the radar thanks to living outside of Nashville.  Had I went through with the weddings wiyh Jana or Amber, they would have sold the prints to People within hours of the wedding. Ellie thank heavens wasn't that way, she does fine with what little media attention she does get, I'm just thankful she isn't a diva and using my platform for her own gain like Amber tried to with the cooking thing, and lord Jana did when her movie and music career tanked. 

We left for our honeymoon the next morning, I didn't tell her where I had booked, other than it was a surprise and to make sure her passport was updated. I decided to take her somewhere she'd ways wanted to go but knew she couldnt, Fiji and Bali, even forgoing my fear of sharks for her. "B, please, tell me where we are going" she pouted as we were waiting in line at the airport. "No can do baby it's a surprise" I replied kissing her atop her head.

"Did you take your brass knuckles out?" She whispered as I was getting swiped by the metal detector.  "Fuuuuccckkk me, no, I didnt" as it went off with the most annoying beep ever.

"Sir we are going to need you to come over for questioning the TSA agent demanded. Thirty minutes later and we were boarding, nearly missing our flight and I had to hand over my favorite pair of knuckles. We flew feom Atlanta to LA, then into Nadi, Fiji and when we were over the water I about had a heart attack.  It was close to a fifteen hour flight over water. When we finally went into descent the pilot came over the interom announcing we were landing in Fiji Ellie squealed. Her eyeslit up like a Christmas tree and she about jumped in my lap.

We spent the week relaxing in our private hut on the water, swimming with dolphins ad sea turtles, and exploring the waterfalls, then we were off to Bali.

We spent the week relaxing in our private hut on the water, swimming with dolphins ad sea turtles, and exploring the waterfalls, then we were off to Bali

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Our room in Bali

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Our room in Bali

Our room in Bali

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