Under the Stars

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Brantley POV

Now it all made sense as to why I hadn't ever seen Ellie at the club, controlling ex then club whore who screwed her controlling ex.  I felt like I had been punched in the gut when she said she wasn't sure if I had ever slept with Jessica, and it took Cliff, Lydia, and myself to convince her. When Ellie took the brass knuckles out of her pocket and started beating the living snot out of her, I didn't know what to think, it was when I realized she had blacked out from rage that I needed to pull her off before she killed her and I'd have to go bail her out of jail; that's not without saying she beat her unconscious and probably broke every bone in her face. My girl has a mean right hook, and I know none of the club whores want to piss her off now if they will be the next loaf of trash she takes out.

We were on our way back to her house when I pulled off the road to one of the dirt roads to Pott's Farm. She really hadn't said much since we left the MC, she been staring out the window, her phone had been blowing up to the point she just shut it off.  I pulled up to the dock where we went the night we met. When I put the truck in park, she snapped back to reality.

"Where are we?"  She asked.

"The lake at Pott's Farm. I figured we'd come out here for a bit, I know this place helps me to to come back to reality, and I know it does you too" I told her. She looked over at me and nodded before getting out of the truck and walking around front and leaning up against the front of the truck. I opened the door and got out of the cab closing the door behind me. I walked around to the front and leaned against the truck beside her.

"Baby, I'm sorry about her, if I'd have known I'd have banned her a long time ago."  She gave me a sideways look, I hate feeling like there's a wall between us now. We had never had problems before, no trust issues, no one trying to come in between us. Hell, even Drew respected the fact that we were together and I knew what type of relationship they had before we met, and I knew he still wanted to be with her, but she only wanted me. Now I'm afraid my past is going to come back to haunt me. I'd never been with any girls that hung around the club, but that's not yo say that there wasn't the occasional groupie or girls from Commerce or Maysville.

"Brantley, you had no way of knowing, no one did. I left him and never looked back. I didn't go around the clubhouse, and the only time I saw Lydia or the guys was if they came over to Cliff's or stopped by my house.  I've always hated her, tonight had been a long time coming" she replied as she stared out over the water. "Is this how it's going to be from now on?  Once news breaks of our relationship to the media, girls will probably be coming out of the woodwork. Then there's little miss perfect, she is going to be knocking down your door trying to get you back."

I stepped in front of her and placed my hands on her arms and looked her in the eyes. I had to try and wipe the lack of trust away and build her confidence back up again. "Ellie, I love you, I want you and only you. There is no one or nothing that could make me not want to be with you. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the air that I breathe. You love me for me despite all my flaws and don't try and change me. I can be myself with you, don't have to get dressed up all fancy to go to dinner, can go out for hours on the bike and you not complain, we can lay in the bed of my truck and stare up at the stars and that's a perfect date for you. You are the Bonnie to my Clyde, the angel to my outlaw. If you ever doubt us, look at the ring on your finger, because one of my biggest fears is commitment, and I've gone on record with that statement" I tell her then wrap her in my arms and hug her and kiss the top of her head. "I love you so damn much baby."  "I love you too B" she replied between sniffles.

"B, I know I don't have anything to worry about with you, I trust you. And yeah, for a split second it did cross my mind I'm not gonna lie, that Jessica could have tried something with you. But I know everyone in the club wouldn't lie to me, and you haven't given me a reason to not trust you. This is me, my insecurities, other girls from the past, girls who are prettier than me and maybe more experienced. That's why it took me awhile to let you in, because I don't let people in easy.  I'm damaged goods B, it's just taken until now to come out. Lord only knows how I will be when Amber crosses our path or worse, Jana."

"Baby, I love you, and your flaws. I'm marrying you. You are perfect. If anything or anyone from my past ever surfaces we will deal with that then.  You are my future." 

"So there isn't any little Gilbert's out there I may need to be aware of?" She asked. I got to admit, that thought terrified the hell out of me. Then I started to mentally go through the list of girls from Katie in high school all the way to Ellie. The only ones I wasn't sure about were the drunk hook ups where PJ had to drag them off the bus. I'd have to talk to him later about this.

"Baby not that I know of. I have only not used protection with you that I can remember. Now the days when I drank and don't remember how I got where, I don't really know. But no one has contacted my management about anything. And I've always gotten tested and I'm clean. Before you, it had been months since I had been with anyone."  I know my past was starting to bother her, and I'm not proud of that part of it either.

"I believe you baby. If anything comes up, we will deal with it when it happens. Just promise me if I have another freak out, you'll help me through it" she replied as she pulled me in for a kiss, biting and sucking on my bottom lip and a moan escaped my mouth. I instantly felt my jeans starting to get tight.

"Mmm baby you know what that does to me" I breathed  as she snaked her hands up under my shirt and pulled herself closer to me grinding against my erection. She raked her nails against my stomach and nipped kisses  on my neck. In one swift motion I grabbed her ass and lifted her up and she locked her legs around my waist, I walked us around the back of the truck kissing her the whole time. Once we got to the back of the truck I let the tailgate down and lifted her upon the tailgate. She scooted back and I jumped up on the tailgate and pinned her down. We made love under the stars, I brought her over the edge three times.

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