A Gency Story (COMPLETED)

By Apikachucanwrite

185K 3K 2.2K

When Genji looses everything he has to learn how to get it back with a little luck from an angel. More

The Beginning
To heal
Zenyatta is a savage
The Letter
Another chapter
Author Update
Author Update *Again*
A Valentines Story AU
You fucked up Genji
I need healing
A Sparrow that can't fly
The "Mission"
Young Punk
Please be Merciful
A helping hand
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Summer at Overwatch
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Fight me..
Pharah vs Genji
Château Guillard
The Haunted Dinner
What happened to Dva?
Next Victim
A Role Swapped AU
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Check out my other Stories!!
The Cellar
Left Behind
A Halloween Story
A thought
The Fake Smile
The Killer Cyborg
Cheers Love!!
On the Battlefield
Winter's blood
No escape
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Fighting with the commander
Our constellations (AU)
Unexpected Marriage
Shimada Clan?
Tired of being nice
Something's wrong
The Retribution (AU)
The Rise
Talking walk
Lets talk
Tired Angel
The Golden Girl
Fake Dragon
Tea Shop
Stories by the afternoon
Reaching Peace
Healing arrow
Her fight
Fallen Friend
Need a hand?
Heroes never die
Epilogue + Ending Note

The bandits

1.2K 29 13
By Apikachucanwrite

Genji's P.O.V.

A blinding flash struck me blind for a while, a flashbang? That's when I realized it was all a distraction.

When I turn around I found the gun pointing at me.

Then I let out a piercing scream....

But I wasn't screaming in pain...
For, I wasn't the one who got shot...

Standing before me was the body of a women that had gunshot to her side, blood staining the beautiful pink dress.

I was in shock, because Dva was the one. The one who took a bullet for me... for my clumsiness...

She yells her body begins to fall down, but before it does I catch her in my limp arms. I quickly grab her pistol.

And shot him..
To make sure that no one else would get hurt....

The man eyes turned to panic as he collasped onto the floor, waiting for death to overtake him. The other man yells and runs away

"Hana!!" Commander yells rushing to her side as the others yell in panic. I clenched my teeth, quickly slashed my way forward to catch up with the enemies.

The man ran through the hallways, thanks to Dr. Ziegler's cybernetics I was able to run two times faster. Footsteps catch up with mines as Jack runs alongside me blood on his cheek.

"C-Commander.." I stuttered hoping my voice behind my visor wouldn't reveal it. I was still stunned on how it all went down "We should disarm the criminal then take him back.."

He nods "Yeah, I'm not letting him get away for hurting so many people. Not only that on a wedding day, what kind of sicko does that."

When the guy turns around to see us coming near him, he yelps takes out his pistol then takes down the chain of the chandelier making it crash down.

I smoothly dodged but it ended up falling onto Jack's leg. And the chandelier was one of the heavy spike ones. Ouch...

The man was getting away but I hesitated when I turned back to Commander who was cursing in pain, trying to lift it off his leg. The clothing started to stain red....

He looks up at me
"Just go! Don't let him get away!"

I did a double take, if I leave and go find the criminal. The man would be apprehended, but Jack...

The voice in the back of my head started to creep up. "Just leave him, the asshole deserves to die anyways. And for what he did to Angela, you could call it even.."

I smacked my head, shut up. I felt weird talking to myself. I rush to commander's side and left the spike chandelier since my fingers were made out of metal, no harm was done.

"Agh..." he says leaning his back against the wall, the wound still fresh from its cut. "I thought I told you to go after him.."

I rolled my eyes "I'll take that as a 'Thank you for saving your life"

Jack laughed

I hesitated for a second
"Did you just thank me?"
"Stop making this awkward and go already will you!!"

My chuckle vibrates from my visor as I run, catching up with the criminal. We were outside near the cliff with the beautiful ocean and sharp rocks at the bottom.

He stops, so I take the time to study the enemy. He was wearing a waiter disguise with a cloth covering his mouth, His black hair flowing from the wind, he looked like a pretty cool ninja. But what caught my attention was his golden eyes, you could buy a mansion with those!

I drew my sword.
"Surrender now, and no harm shall come-" before I could finish a bullet hit my visor, it was so close to meet my face that I could feel the metal of the bullet meet my face.

I scold at him, taking off my visor. The man is stunned, I couldn't tell if it was because I was really ugly or he was suprised he landed a shot on me.

Kill him...
Well, so much for peace.

I used his frozen stance as an advantage slashing towards him. Knocking him off his feet and at the peak of the cliff, with my blade up to his neck.

His pistol was out of his hand and off the cliff, hitting the rocks then falling into the water.

I could hear his heart beat quickly, scared of what my next move was.

My scold remains, "Why are you here... who are you!"

The man doesn't respond, his eyes never leave my face "Genji..." he says it almost sounded like a whisper.

My eyebrows knit together, "H-How do you.. know my name!" In fustration I remove his mask, and my eyes lay upon a familiar face.

Hanzo's P.O.V.

I focused on my wound and breathed out and in slowly. I should've been more careful, however I never expected them to pull out a gun. The clan usually stuck with traditional weapons.

I carefully used the tweezers and touch the metal bullet inside my flesh. Shining my reflection, I pull it out blood pouring out as pain feels my arm. I clenched my teeth, trying to hold down the pain.

When the bloody bullet clicks onto the plate, that's the only thing that makes me feel relieved. Thankfully the wound was on my right arm, it didn't damage my dragon tattoo on my left.

I sighed then looked at the huge map on my the wall of my bedroom. The map was the entire Hanamura city. The recent bandit activities had been showing up here more frequently.

I finger the symbol, yin and the yang. It was black and white with a dot of each in the middle. What was their intentions?

And what did they have to do with Shimada clan?

5 years ago...
Genji's P.O.V.

This is dangerous...
But if it means freedom from my training then I'm all for it!
Plus I'm a ninja, what could hurt me!

I climbed out the window and plant my feet on the wall, carefully shutting it. "Haha! Escape from Hanzo operation is complete!"


I smiled. This is gonna be fun.
I lept up in the air, double jumping onto the roof of the ramen shop.

Hanzo kicks down my door, a bow strapped on his back. "Genji! We have training!" He goes up to the window and see's me on top of the roof "GENJI?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE YOU CARROT NINJA!!"

"What's up bro!!"
"Get back here! This instant!"

I groaned, then pretended not to hear him. "What!? I can't hear you! I think the lines breaking up!"

"Genji.. This is a verbal conversation!"

I stared at him, "Bye bro!" Then quickly lept off the ledge. The yells of my brother's complaints drift off.

I walked to the arcade to meet my friends. "みんな!!" (Hey everybody!!)

"Yo Genji!!"
One of my friends came up to me and ruffled my green hair. His eyes shined gold and his black hair was messy. "You got out of training again! Man your brother must be mad!"

I rolled my eyes "Whatever, hey! You aren't going to tell him about me escaping right?"

My friend laughs
"Stiches are for snitches, and I'm no snitch! I got your back, Genji!" He shoots me a smile.

I smile at him too, punching him playfully at his shoulder. "Thanks.....



My eyes start to water, it's been years but I still haven't forgotten his face. "W-What are you doing here?!" I said getting off him. The terrorists turns out to my childhood friend!

He coughs "I could say the same..." Shouta ruffles his hair "What happened to you! Everyone said you died but how did you turn out like..."

He points to my cybernetic body "That!! You look like one of those power ranger dudes! Not only that why are you in Overwatch!!"

"After Hanzo killed me, Overwatch revived me with the use cybernetics. Now I thank them by serving the good." I replied "But what are you doing serving the bandits," I point to the yin and the yang symbol. "They've been accounted for theft and murders for many Overwatch agents.."

Shouta rubs his arm, taking the symbol in his hand "I-"

But before he could respond footsteps rush to us. Angela's heels clicked onto the ground her valkyrie wings on her back, with Mei at her side the little robot called snowball floating next to her.

"Shouta Rhoku, you are under arrest for attempted murder and destruction of Overwatch property." Mercy says her staff in hand. "Your group has failed in their mission, I suggest you surrender now."

Shouta looks at me "Are you seriously going to arrest me..?"

I sighed
"Shouta, you broke the rules-"
"When did you care about the rules!"

I draw my sword, I let out a sad sigh
"Surrender... please.." 

Shouta's face was mixed with sadness and anger. "I rather die!" He turned around to leap off the cliff but I grab his shirt.


I stare at him
"Shouta please! We can find who did this to you! Overwatch can save you! Just tell me... who is "

He hesitates
"The dragon... is a lie.."

I stares at him with confusion

Shouta takes out a knife and slices my robotic arm that was holding him. I yelled his name as his body crashes into the ocean. His golden eyes dying out. 

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