Babysitting Homosexual Twins...

By Annonano

620K 15.8K 10.7K

don't read. read last part. i'm sorry, bye. More

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy)
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Ask & Interview Box part 1
Story 7
Story 8
Story 9
Story 10
Story 11
Story 12
Ask & Interview Box part 2
Story 13
Story 14
Story 15
Story 16
Side Story: Noah and Gerald Talk
Story 17
Story 18
Story 20
Story 21
Ask & Interview Box part 3
Story 22
Story 23
Story 24
not an update

Story 19

13.3K 455 208
By Annonano

Story 19: Idiot

Back to NOAH'S P.O.V.:

"Geez, you guys haven't changed", I muttered as I wiped custard and sauce off from the corner of their mouths with some paper napkins.

"Messy eating habits don't go that easily, huh?" I smiled and shook my head before throwing away the napkins to a nearby trashcan. "Sometimes I felt more like your babysitter than your lover."

Both of them stared and blinked. "You can be both."

I resist face-palming, even though they were right. The whole babysitting thing was my original quest, anyway. Can't believe how things change so much within a week with them.

As we finish our hotdogs and drinks, I began to watch my surroundings.

The sun has gotten lower, and in results more people were here at the park. The outdoor food court we were sitting at also starts getting more and more line of customers. Despite all the noise from the outside, we were still more distracted by one another's words, enjoying one another's company.

Talking to them rather casually like this makes me feel at ease. Just being with them comforts me with happiness. I forgot that falling in love is a wonderful feeling.

...I totally forgot about it since then...

"You trust me, right, Noah?"

"Why wouldn't I? Brandon, you big idiot."

A headache made its way to my head. Fucking hate flashbacks. I shook it away for now, not wanting it to ruin the moment.

"You okay?" Both of them asked, probably noticing my cold sweat. I forced a smile and nodded, but I knew it didn't convince them enough.

"Shall we go now?" I asked and pulled both of them to their feet, pulling them to a random ride, which happens to be merry-go-round.

It's pretty kiddish, but I enjoyed it as much as they did. We chose our preferred horses close to one another, help little kids up to their horses, talk to them and even wave at strangers. I took some pictures with my phone and when the ride ends, we said our goodbye to the children.

"I like little kids", I muttered with a happy sigh. The twins apparently heard me and smiled.

"I can see that", Keith stated, holding onto one of my hand.

"You're really good with them", Kyle added and held onto my other hand.

I chuckled, "Probably why I spoils Theo and you guys too much, huh?" I smirked teasingly when they pouted. "We're not little kids!"

I giggled afterwards as I dragged them to another ride, which happens to be extreme. I guess more screaming time for both of them.


"There's no way I'm going in that!" Keith growled in a terrified manner, hiding behind me.

Finally it's Kyle's turn to snicker, as he pointed to the huge haunted house at the very edge of the park. "Pussy much? It's not like the ghosts are real. It could be worse, brother."

He said that, but the sudden scream from inside the place makes me, Keith, and other people lining up flinch. People began talking to one another in excitement and I find myself also. Kyle grinned while Keith cringe and clutch onto my sleeve.

So... It seems like while Kyle is scared of heights and extreme rides, Keith is afraid of ghosts and jump-scares. Such opposites, much irony. It's like they likes each other's weakness on purpose.

"Just hold on to me", I said softly to Keith. "I'll take the jumpscares first, if that's what you're so afraid of". Kyle glanced and pouted in jealously. I noticed and stroked his hair to share some love.

Keith finally looked up, nodded hesitantly, and agreed to go in, just in time for our turn to enter. Kyle was brave enough to be a little ahead in front of us, not seems a little worried at all. The place was like a cave; dark with all those cliches horror decoration.

After getting used to the dark, suddenly, a zombie jumped out of nowhere grabbing our legs. His eyes has fallen off and his neck looks like it was about to fall down. Neat costumes.


((I literally just slammed my keyboard for that with the Shift on))

Keith was screaming his lungs off, I was more startled by his scream and Kyle was emotionless. Before we could do anything else Keith has pulled both our hands and ran for dear life all while screaming. I swear I heard the zombie laughing his ass off, so did Kyle.

When he paused to take a breath, two sadako-like creatures appeared from the ceiling right in front of his face.

Screaming even louder, Keith by reflex slapped the both of them and continue running restlessly. I muttered a sorry to the two role-player and tries to catch up to Keith with Kyle.

The next thing I knew, a mummy with a face all mushed up was gripping against Keith scaring him while the dude screamed louder if possible, swatting his arms around.

When he saw me, he ran to me embrace but the mischievous role-player followed him and touched his shoulder. Keith cringe, then fainted. My turn to scream. Kyle apparently was enjoying the show and is rolling on the floor laughing then high-fived all the ghosts we met before.


We were now sitting on a bench just outside the haunted house entry. I had Keith who just recently fainted on my lap.

"Did you hear the loud scream a while ago?! This attraction gotta be exciting!" Some visitors said to one another. I resist giggling and shook my head. They gotta mean Keith.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Kyle walking over with a soaked handkerchief in his hand, just like what I asked him to do. He smiled at me as he handed it. I placed it on Keith's forehead after I swept his bangs away.

Kyle sat next to before glancing at Keith, smirking. "Pffftt, at least he didn't cry this time."

I raised an eyebrow, "He ever did?"

Kyle seems to remember something and suddenly just burst out laughing. "Hahaha! When we were watching Insidious with our cousins he was crying and begging for us to turn it off!"

I chuckled and caressed Keith's head. "Well, at least he's a little braver now. I admit that movie also kinda freaked me out."

"Hah, I was the only one not batting an eye", Kyle told me. "Haven't got to see the second one though."

"Let's go see it together, then!" I suggested. "You like horror stuff, don't you? I'm sure Jones has the CD", I added with a smile.

"Cool", he replied. But then he strangely avoided my eye contact. "Pretty weird interest, isn't it?"

I raised an eyebrow. This seems to be a pretty similar atmosphere like when we get off the first rollercoaster, except with Keith. "It's not. It's for amusement purpose, and it's pretty acceptable right?"

He let out a little sigh, "I guess". Kyle finally looks up and blushes, realizing I have leaned in closer to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I motioned for him that it's the farthest I could go intimate, since we're in public after all.

I heard Keith groaning and murmuring a little before he sat up, rubbing his eyes. He must've remember what happen, because he paled and leaned against me. I blinked and spoke up, "You okay now?"

"I-I suppose..." He muttered in an uneasy tone. We rested there a while longer and then finally, we decided to go on our last ride. The ferris wheel, of course.

By now the sun has set, meaning it's almost night. Just in time to see the stars while on the ferris wheel. I smiled at the thought and held both of their hands and went in the line for the ferris wheel. It was pretty packed, because it was this time of the day and people probably just had the same thought to watch the stars.

We finally get on one, then the door closes and we finally have some privacy time to ourselves. The twins makes their move and leaned closer slowly, silently warning me to get ready. First of all they gave me a peck on both cheeks and nibbled on my ears gently. My face redden at their action and I tugged on their shirt, telling them to go even closer.

By now our thighs had touch one another. They slid their hand across and has it around my waist. I held on to their other hands.

I kissed Keith softly on the lips while Kyle kissed and run his tongue down my neck which made me shudder. I pulled back and this time kissed Kyle gently while Keith began sucking on my collarbone. Kyle puts one of his hand inside my shirt and stroked my skin while Keith ran his hand across my bare back.

I whimpered when they attempted to kiss me both at once, then they licked my lips telling me to just obey and leave it to them. I did like what I was expected and it felt weird, but I start getting used to both of their warmth. Them together left a sweet taste on my lips. I shivered in pleasure at the thought.

We continue our light make-out session until I tugged their shirt. They pulled back and gave me a questioning look. I smiled and pointed to the window, "Look."

We have reached the peak of the wheel, and countless numbers of stars are glimmering outside our window, just in time the night arrives. We were a little far from the city lights, so the stars were pretty clear, and fortunately there were no clouds in the sky at the moment.

Kyle who is a bit freaked out by heights burried hs head into my shoulder but looked from the corner of his eyes, meanwhile, Keith who was also watching has his arm still wrapped around my waist. I sighed in happiness and pulled them closer, before the three of us enjoyed the sight of the alluring starry sky and the beautiful city lights.


"We're back-" I muttered when we went back but raised an eyebrow at the empty apartment. The lights are also not on, but I could see both Luca's and Theo's shoes are still here. I suppose they didn't went out or anything.

Keith turned on all the lights necessary while Kyle went to check in the kitchen and the hall. I put my jacket and shoes away and walked to my room.

When I see what was inside, I clasped a hand over my mouth to resist gushing at the adorable sight. Theo and Luca were sleeping and snuggling at each other!

My younger brother had his head buried to Luca's shoulder and his hands gripping against Luca's sleeve. Luca has a hand behind Theo, securing him and the covers were up to their chest. I have no idea how they get into this position, but they looked damn comfortable.

Their face looked so peaceful and it seems like they have been there for a while now. Heck, I don't even mind the fact that they were shamelessly using my bed! Although, I rolled my eyes when I see one of my boxers close to Theo's head.

I shook my head and took it from him and put it back in my closet, only to find some of my clothes not stacked anymore. I groaned lightly, just in time when the twins enters my room. They both gasped but stared at me with a that-escalated-quickly look. I smirked before softly high-fiving them.

I pulled out my phone to capture the cute moment. That was a horrible move, because I forgot to turn off the flash and the next thing I knew, Theo woke up.

The three of us had our eyes widen. Theo realized the satate he is in. He then blushed profusely and growled loudly, throwing everything around including Luca, out of the bed.


We celebrated too soon.


A pair of arms were latched securely around one of mine. Three people glared from across the table. The beast was too close to me.

By beast, of course I mean Theo.

"How dare you make yourself sleep with me!" Theo growled to Luca, a light blush decorating his face. His grip around my arms went tighter which makes me roll my eyes before I threw the twins an apologetic look. Their glare softened at me but after that they continue to send Theo a murderous glare.

Why? Because a moment ago, Theo literally threw Luca out of the bed AND hit both of the twins before tackled me with a hug complete with tears.

I could see Luca blushing but then gritted his teeth. "You were the one who snuggled to me, idiot! I was only taking a rest!" He barked as a reply to the growl. Theo's blush darken.

After that, just more growling. Much arguing. The twins and I rolled our eyes everytime until I finally decided to force them to say sorry to one another. And just as I thought, none of them budged from their armor. I sighed in defeat and stood up, telling Theo to get off my arm.

I went into the kitchen and give out some snacks and drink for everyone. We then eat in an awkward silence, the noise of the TV being the only thing filling the room.

A while later, Kyle yawned and reported that he would go to bed. So did Keith. They both went to their own rooms, leaving me, Theo and Luca alone in the living room. I closed my eyes and thought of a way to get out of here to give the two some time alone. But Luca beat me to it.

"It's late. I think I need to go home now" he murmured loud enough for Theo and I to hear. He stood up from his seat and took his schoolbag, before turning his head to me. "Bye. See you at school or something."

I stood up and smiled as part of my reply, "Sure, 'or something'. See you around then."

Theo meanwhile, didn't move from his seat and avoided both our eye contacts. I frowned at him, signaling that it's not polite to do that, but he ignored me. I took all the trash from the coffee table and headed for the kitchen.

"See you around", Luca muttered softly out of nowhere, and to God-knows who. I turned around just in time to see him patting Theo's head quickly but still gently. Luca then quickly went out of the door with his face slightly red. Theo looked up and I could see his face also a little red, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

He glanced at me and frowned. "W-What are you laughing at?!"

I stopped myself, smirked, and shook my head. "Oh, nothing. Exactly... nothing."



I feel like I need to stop writing by now because I have some preparations to do. To be exact, school concert/prom. Stupid school makes their student have shorter summer break for this shit.

Uh, anyway, my remedial test results turns out to be fine. I got the highest score now, apparently.

Other than that, somebody in the comments keep on telling me to update and put some Luca x Theo scene there. Apparently I updated this before Zankura Academy because of that BUT didn't put that many Luca x Theo scene. Hehe. Pleasedon'tkillme...

By the way! Help me out by clicking the VOTE button, COMMENT absolutely anything, and FOLLOW my lead! I hope you enjoy the chapter and see ya in the next one. Stay awesome peeps, love ya'.

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