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By helpmydecayingsoul

35.3K 2.8K 3K

"sometimes in life, some people... they don't break your walls down... they just wait...and simply knock at... More

.ā˜˜ namaste ā˜˜
.gotta start it new.
.hate at first sight.
.you found your prince charming.
.hit in the eye.
.can't stop the feeling.
.past isn't just a tense.
.you only fall when someone holds you.
.the man I love.
.death doesn't come easy.
.secrets only bring sorrow.
.this time is critical.
.blame it to fate.
.got you on my mind.
.just believe him.
.bring me back.
.i don't trust love.
.he ain't the one.
.night in the woods.
.the one who cared.
.the ego he carries.
.they felt the jealousy.
.caring hurts.
.he is torn.
.you scared me.
.not a fairytale.
.she is worried.
.I ruined it all.
.i feel the pain.
.darling, you're perfect.
.you're beautiful.
.give me a chance.
.loving him is blue.
.my hot boyfriend.
.let's make love.
.you are all that I draw.
.she's gone.

.the time, it's away.

771 66 85
By helpmydecayingsoul

Settle your heart child,
your time will come.
Don't rush anything,
when the time is right,
things will fall back to the place,
things will get better in the end.


It's night time and I still haven't talked to Liam. He was busy while day, practising for the match. I was with the team for most of the time. Zayn was also behaving strangely. He didn't insult me for once. Of course he was in pain, but yet, not a single comment on my boring existence.

Most of these days, I used to think of ways on how could I stop him from throwing any shade on me but now I'm thinking about why he is not insulting me. That's weird, Right? But what can I do. Maybe I'm used to getting the comments that aren't even true, though he just likes to fool around. All day, he was acting strange and whenever someone's hand hit his hand or stomach, he would yell in pain. Those bruises were so fresh like they were made yesterday or this morning. He didn't fall off the bike, right? I mean, he said he has control over that thing, but yet there are chances you lose control.

Louis and Liam knew what happened to him but I don't. Well, I cannot complain about that. They are his friends and I'm not anywhere on the list of being Zayn Malik's best friend to know all his secrets.

I'm just waiting for Myke to come online on Skype. Sarah was out for a date with some guy from our old school. She said she will give me details when she gets free. Busy girl. She's surely going to get laid and then probably forget the guy. She's the type of girl, every guy would keep a picture of on their bedroom wall, hot and has a model body. She is equally intelligent and I always used to joke that if I were bisexual or gay, I would've made my shot on asking her to be my girlfriend.

Mom was in her room working as usual. Sometimes I think she needs a break from her work, she has a lot of burden of office but she never shows that.

Liam is with the guys, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry. Lily must be at home because the guys said it was a boy's outing thing. They spend almost twenty hours together.

I got a call request on my laptop screen. It was from Myke. Sometimes, when I am not feeling good, just the thought of his name lightens my mood. 

I accepted the call and there appeared my best friend's smiling face, I haven't talked to him in days. I missed him. He is the same. Not a slight change in his face. The same black hair reminding me of Prince Eric, Myke used to call me snow white and Sarah was supposed to be Aurora.

"Hey, Sophie." he waved from the screen. He has a habit of calling me with different names. He is a book of nicknames for me and Sarah.

"Damn Micah, what have you done to yourself?" I asked amazed. He gave me a confused look. "Wow... you weren't kidding when you said you had been working out. Look at you!"

"All these efforts to finally make you notice me." He let out a laugh.

"I've always had my eyes on you, Newman." I giggled. "But who knew a bag of potato would turn into a hot mess."

He just rolled his eyes. "You would've loved me anyway."

I passed on a sheepish smile. He is right though, no matter if he gets ugly or gains a lot of weight, I'll always love him.  "How are you?" I asked. "I missed you a lot. Where were you all these days? You didn't even bother to talk to me?" I showered questions on him. He shook his head laughing.

"Calm your balls down, Philly. I'm fine. I missed you too. Sorry, I was busy with the basketball tournament." He answered to all my questions. I nodded understanding. He is one of the best players of basketball and of course, had to get selected for any competition. I always knew he'd get a scholarship for college through his game.

"So how is your girlfriend? Is she the same girl, that cheerleader of your team, is she in the same college?"

Myke was always the popular guy of school, the one walking around with his friends from the same sport, in his varsity jacket, showing the attitude of a bitch, but always ready to help people. It was every girl's dream to date him.

At some point, I would have dreamt about it too, but he became my best friend and he is best at the label. When we first met, the connection between us just clicked. I and Micah came so close that we considered ourselves as best friends, since the very moment. We had become comfortable with one another in a way that neither of us had with anyone before, not even with Sarah, for we were able to open up with one another about the deepest and darkest periods of our lives; not that I remember my past, duh! secrets that nobody else in the entire world knew about. With Micah, I always had a different bond, that even Sarah adored of us.

He is recently dating the hottest cheerleader of the old school, Sabrina. People used to think that I and Myke would end up being together but that never happened. He is my closest friend and I don't think we could share the feelings of love because he considers me as his little girl. Ironic right?

"I dumped her. She was a bitch. Ever since she moved to a different college, the girl went out with different guys behind my back. You don't sleep with Micah Newman when you have other guy in your bed." He stated the line for his self-made rule book.

I let out a chuckle. Finally he realized. Sabrina was never a girlfriend material, or that I thought of. Myke can do much better, he deserves the best.

"By the way, I heard Sarah is dating a guy?" I questioned. "Is he from old school?" Sarah didn't show any interest in the guys from school. To her, they all were either gay or way out of her league.

"Yes, she told me about the guy, but she never stated his name. Strange. She is my sister and she always used to update me with the name of the guys but this time, nothing."

"Maybe, she will reveal it later then. She told me she would update me with everything when the time comes." Should there be an expected good time to tell the name of the guy?

"Who must be that guy, she is hiding from us?" He questioned.

"I'm not Sherlock Holmes." I joked. He laughed.

We talked for the next hour and I loved talking again to my best friend. I missed him so much. I only share my talks with Sarah, Myke and Dad. Liam knows that I had a boyfriend but I never shared his name with Liam. He was always protective when I would say anything about the guy and when he came to know about our break up, he was so angry on what Chris did.


Sarah said he was looking for me. What if he's still after me? He won't let me go that easily, he will surely take the revenge. But what did I do? He was the one who broke me and I just slapped him for his pathetic move, that's not a big deal. Of course, I'm a little worried.

"Okay Newman, Bye. Our college has arranged a football match tomorrow and I'm managing the whole game. Like from escorting the cheerleaders to getting jerseys of the players. The management thing is tiring. So I have to go to sleep. Love you." I blew him a kiss. Whenever we say love you to each other, we surely mean it. See, I could date him, right?

"Bye, Philly. All the best." I smiled and disconnected the call after he said he loves me too.

I was just about to turn off the lights and go to sleep when Liam walked in my room as the door was open. "Oh, Sorry I thought you were asleep." He apologised. Liam, you are my brother, why are you being so formal?

"I was just about to sleep." I replied looking in his eyes. He nodded and turned to leave the room. I stood up from the bed. "Liam, wait." I grabbed his wrist to stop him. He turned and faced me.

"I'm sorry, Liam. I shouldn't have talked to you in that manner. I was just bothered that you didn't spend enough time with me. I should have known that you have other works too. Please forgive me and talk to me. I don't like it when you don't call me."

Tears started to form in my eyes. These tears, can't I just throw them away from my eyes?

He hold my face with his hands. "Look, Princess. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I was in my own thoughts and when you asked me to tell you what happened, I lost my temper. It's not like I don't want to share my thoughts with you, but please wait for the right time and as much I want to spend time with you, I cannot. This football match and other things are just keeping my mind and days occupied. But I promise, once this football match ends, I will spend a whole day with you. I'm sorry."

"No Liam. Everybody always asks me to wait for the right time. But that time never comes. Are you hiding something from me? Please don't be like this. I miss my old brother. Please come back."

I was crying by now. Tears were flowing down from my eyes. What was I even talking about?

He rubbed away my tears with his thumb. "I am sorry, I will tell you everything. I promise, I won't hide anything from you. But please wait and I'm really sorry for not spending time with you. I should have known that you don't know many people here. You don't have many friends to hang out with." He paused. "In time, things will fall right in place."

I nodded understanding his last words. If he says so, he'll bring things back together.

"So you forgive me?" I asked. He nodded. "I was never angry at you." I smiled. He kissed my forehead like a proud brother. He shouldn't be proud of me, I'm nothing but a bag of tears.

"Good night, Phi. Have your beauty sleep. We have an important day tomorrow."

"Night, Liam. You sleep well. You will be the champion of tomorrow." I kissed his cheek.

He shut the door and now I am again alone in the room. I feel good though. My brother is back on talking to me. I can never imagine being away from Liam or Dad. When they don't talk to me, I feel like a heavy burden on my heart that pulls me into regret of ever fighting with them. Every brother sister have fights and that makes their relationship stronger. If he didn't talk to me by tomorrow, I would smack his head enough for him to lose his memory.

I'm blessed to have brother like Liam. Because I have a brother, I don't need a friend. He is my every thing.

I laid on my bed and immediately slept in my beautiful dreams.


The alarm clock was rude, so very, very rude. From the middle of the most wonderful dream I was brought sharply into focus. I hate the voice of my alarm but I have to wake up anyway. It is the jagged and shattering death knell of a lavish sleep. Who so ever invented the alarm thing, should burn in hell.

I don't have any work today as it is the day of the match but I have to look after the boys if they need anything. It feels like i'm the mother of the boys and they cannot walk a step further without me.

I walked to my bathroom and took a shower of ten mins. After cleaning up my body and drying it with my towel, I walked to my closet to select a cool outfit. I took out a blue denim jeans and a white tank top written "Just Chill" With black ink. I wore my pink and black converses matching the outfit. Today most of the college students will watch the match and so I decided to dress in social look. I like socializing, until the socializing doesn't get too much of social to handle. I decided to keep my hairs naturally down. Socializing myself doesn't include those short dresses and high amount of make up. It just means, keep your hairs down, head up and heels ready.

I took my phone, keeping it in my pocket, I walked downstairs. Mom was seated on the couch with five boys.

Woah, Five boys in my house. Aren't I lucky to choose any one from the four, exclude my gay brother, no wait, also his gay lover, one with the girlfriend too.

That leaves the asshole and the cute blondie. The asshole is handsome, I admit, but the Blondie has braises, haha! I choose the cute blonde with blue eyes. Blondes always win the show.

"Hey guys." I walked to the couch and waved them. "Hey Phi. You look pretty." Niall complimented planting a kiss on my cheek, I chose the right guy. Giggles.

"Hey, Philly." Louis shouted and embarrassed me in a hug. I hugged him back smiling. This boy is full of life. If he dies, he will be full of death life!

"Hello Harry." I waved him. He walked to me and took me in his arms. "Yunno, it helps that I have someone attractive to compete with." Then he whispered. I pulled away from the hug. He flashed a smile which showed his dimples. Those tiny dimples, with curls, any girl would ask her father to get home a boy like him. My dad won't mind too. Duh!

"Showing off and impressing, all in one." I laughed. He winked. "What can I say, I'm quite popular for this."

"And quite popular in being ignored as well." Niall stated. Harry turned and gave him a fake smile. I let out a chuckle.

"What..that is true." Niall scoffed. Louis agreed with Niall.

"Those girls didn't deserve me. I'm handsome, smart, funny...well, not everyone can handle a full package." Then he turned back to me and stated. "But you Miss Payne, are different."

Different? No, Harry. Just like other girls, I too find you cute, also hot. I'm no different. Well, but then, I really don't see myself being romantically involved with Harry. No. Nope!

"I'm not different. I'm just ordinary." I declared. "And Harry Styles, now..." I placed a finger in his chest and pushed him a little away, laughing. "Stop this."

"Stop what?" He asked, innocently. Oh, okay!

"The flirting." Niall replied, instead of me and the others laughed.

"I'll stop being flirty when Sophia will stop being beautiful, which is never, so..." He again winked at me. I'm really enjoying this. Lol.

"C'mon Harry. We all know she is so damn beautiful..." Louis smiled at me and then turned to Harry. "Which is why don't you think, she can be out of your league?"

Harry shook his head. "Nuh-uh." then smiled.

Louis rolled his eyes.

I walked back to Liam and he placed a hand on my shoulder. Mom laughed at Harry, but wished him a better luck next time. My mom really wants me to get with one of the boys.

I didn't bother to say anything to Zayn. After what happened last day, I don't think he'll talk to me, because according to him, I don't care for him. He can assume whatever he wants to, but I was freaking worried about him.

He is always is busy in his phone, anyway. "Hey, Marie." Zayn greeted, looking up from his phone. Oh, there's a world out of that white gadget. What? He greeted me with a hello.

"Hi Zayn." I flashed a genuine smile. I know he is playing this little act because my mom is watching us or else he wouldn't have bothered to look at me. According to her, he is the sweetest of all. Yes, mom sure. Get in my shoes for a day and notice what kind of sweet comments he passes on me.

"I like that top on you." Niall complimented me. "I know, I just have to chill today and everything I wear, turns out to be good itself." I praised myself.

"Let's go Boys." Harry cheered. "Best of luck Liam, Louis and Zayn." Mom greeted them. "Thank you." They said in union.

We walked out of the house and Harry brought his car. We all sat in the car. Niall called Shotgun. So louis got to drive and Niall was in the passenger seat. Always remember, when Louis drives, do consider you'll reach the place past the actual time. He's a slow driver.

Liam and Zayn were in the back seat while me and Harry were in the middle one. He kept looking at me. "Harry." I giggled and hit his arm, playfully.

"Guys, Play hard and win the match.  We will be there sitting on the bleachers cheering for you." Niall said with a smile. "With cheer leading pom poms." He added. We all laughed. Imagine Niall being the hot Blondie, in the cut short skirt dancing in the middle of the field.

"We will do." Louis cheered while driving.

"I, Sophia, Niall, Jasmine and Lily will be sitting on the second row." Harry stated. Has he booked the tickets for the row? Damn, no. The bleacher seats are free as far as I know.

We reached to college campus. Louis went for parking the car after we all stepped out of the car. Harry and Niall went to look for Lily and Jasmine. I had to walk with Louis, Zayn and Liam to the dressing room.

I intertwined my hands with Liam's and he smiled, placing his hand around my shoulder. We entered the dressing room where the other players were already present.

"Hey guys." I greeted them all. A chorus of hello came back as a reply. "Boys the match will start in an hour. Get ready and practice, warm up and don't o anything stupid till then." The coach warned the guys and exited the room. These boys are a total mess. They can't even spend two minutes without arguing or fighting about something. Either it is Oscar and Seth or Louis and Oscar or Zayn and somebody, but when it comes to standing up as a team, they know they're there for their boys.

The whole college awaited this match since a long time and today is the day. Some were supporting BRADFORD BOYS while some are supporting UNITED KINGS, which is the other team from our college itself.

The supporters wore the colours of the strip of the their team. The cheerleaders also took their places.

The referees were standing and talking to each other. On other hand, I have never met the boys of the opposite team. What do they look like? Muscular, hot, tall, handsome? Do they play good enough to kick the asses of the team I'm supporting?

The cheerleaders chanted slogans and supported their respective teams. The cheerleaders of Bradford Boys wore red tanks with white shorts, which were very short. While the United Kings cheerleaders wore Blue crop top with matching blue and black skirts.

Only half an hour to go.

"Sophia. We want you to be near the play area all the time." One of the management boy declared.

"But why? My work is done now. Can't I enjoy the match sitting there on bleachers?" I pouted. "No, Coach said that the boys will need you." Yeah, every guy needs me. I'm special. Duh!

He declared and walked away hurriedly. I hate that guy. Great, Just great. Who enjoys a football match like this?

"Hello, Students. We have organised this football match this year like we do it every year. I ask our respected Dean, Mr. Ainsley to come upon here and call the two famous teams who will be playing today for the football match." The announcer said. Famous? Who knows about these guys other than people from the college itself? I'm sure Myke hasn't heard about them at all.

The boys are all ready and I'm just enjoying the match standing on the side. I've got my own pom poms to cheer while I hardly can get a good shot from where I stand. Ugh.

Mr. Ainsley took the Mic from the announcer's hand and started his speech. "Hello, My lovely professors and Students. I'm very happy to announce the Football Match of our college held every year between most famous teams. This year for the finals, as usual we have The BRADFORD BOYS who have been winning from last two years and if they win this year, they will be breaking all the records in the history of the college. On the other hand we have the UNITED KINGS, who are just the toddlers in the match but they are a very good competitor. We look forward for this match to be more interesting." He clapped and the students cheered shouting. He just announced, no clapping for the old man.

"So let's call our first team United Kings."

The announcer called the team and eleven players in Blue and white football jerseys came out with their Coach and a goal keeper who wore Green outfits.

"United Kings with their Coach Jack and Goal Keeper, Mike Layham and the captain of the team, Nathan Davis." The announcer called.

Wait what? Nathan. He is the captain of the opposite team, woah, the world is so small.

I stood there already waiting for him to show up. Once he saw me, he winked and passed a smile. He is hot.

"Now the team, we have been waiting for to play this year again, Bradford Boys with their coach, Goal keeper Seth Brown and their Captain Louis Tomlinson." The announcement was made.

The boys came out in their jerseys all having smile on their face. I heard Niall and Harry shouting on the top of their lungs to cheer their best friends. Lily was jumping on her seat cheering for her boyfriend.

The boys walked to the ground waving everybody. A cheerleader planted a kiss on Zayn's cheek and the crowd went wild. I rolled my eyes. He surely is famous amongst girls.

I gave Liam a thumbs up and blew a kiss on his direction. He smiled.

The boys of both teams did a warm up and the announcer was speaking something which the crowd of the students didn't even listen to. They were busy shouting for their teams.

"Best of Luck boys." I walked to the boys and wished them. I hugged Liam. "Thank you, princess." He hugged me back.

"Okay, let's get the match started." Our Dean announced.

Both the team took their positions on the ground and The captains, Louis and Nathan both stood in the middle of the playing area. All the students and professors took their places on the bleachers and I had to stand near the ground. I stood a little far from the cheerleaders who were dancing with their props even before the game started.

You could feel the adrenaline from the pitch to the stands and flowing right around the stadium. The time of the match started and first the ball was taken by Nathan. He used his right foot and took the ball away from Louis. Now all the players started chasing him. Liam was on his right when Nathan passed the ball to his team player. But Oscar, being one of the best player of our team took the ball from under the player's eyes and started running towards the goal area.

The game carried on for next twenty five minutes, but none of the team did the goal. Our team tried two times but lost every goal. Nathan also tried his best to do a goal, but he failed.

Liam passed the ball to Zayn, who was running parallel to him and a player of other team was chasing Zayn. Zayn passed the ball to Louis and without any hesitation, Louis went to the goal area and kicked the ball forcefully that it went inside the net.

"YES." He cheered and jumped.

One goal for the Bradford Boys. All our teams boys came and hugged Louis in joy. Niall and Harry cheered in joy. Lily cried in happiness and blew a kiss towards Louis. All the students clapped and cheered.

After a long and hard first half, I along with the boys went back in the dressing room and their coach gave them a briefing on what they needed to do in the second half. I just stood there like I didn't belong there.

They were back on the field, while I walked back to my position. All the players were chasing and running and trying to do the goal. In next more ten minutes, The United Kings scored two goals and they were with the leads. Tension was in the air for the supporters of Bradford Boys.

The boy then passed ball to Liam who passed it with his right feet to Zayn. Zayn ran with the ball and Nathan chased Zayn. When Zayn was near the goal net, Nathan pushed Zayn and he yelled in pain, as Nathan hit him on his arm where he had that bruise though he continued to play. Despite of Nathan's chase, Zayn ran to the goal area and kicked the ball in air and he fell on the ground but the ball touched the net.

Second goal for Our team.

"Yes." I screamed happily. Equal goals for the teams. Liam smiled at me and our supporters cheered.

"The Bradford Boys are back in the game." The announcer cheered.

Zayn hugged the head girl of the cheerleading team. She kissed his cheek. He still was going through the pain in his arm but he didn't bother at all on that. He was busy celebrating.

Last ten minutes were left and still the score is equal. We need to do a goal. We have to win.

Our team's player whose name I don't remember started running with the ball and he passed the ball to Liam while saving it from Eric, a boy of opposite team. Liam did the tricks with the ball and some girls from the bleachers cheered and shouted his name.

Wow. My brother has some serious Fan Following. He passed the ball to Calum and in the last two mins. remaining, Calum hit the ball and the ball went straight into the goal net.

YEAH. We Won. We Won.

This last goal belonged to Liam but he let Calum do the goal. I still can't believe, we did it.

The boys did that group hug and the opposite team stood there seeing our team celebrate. The whole audience area started cheering loudly.

"BRADFORD BOYS. BRADFORD BOYS." Harry, Niall, Lily and Jasmine chanted in union doing their crazy dance. The cheerleaders danced in happiness.

"And we got our winners of this year." Our Dean announced through the Mic. All the students were already on the ground congratulating the team. I ran to Liam and took him in my arms.

"Oh my god, Liam. We won. We won." I kissed his cheek. I let go from his hug and ran to embrace Louis in a hug. "Well done, Boy. I love you, Tommo. You're the best captain."

"Love you too. I know I'm the best." He patted his back himself. "That obsession of yourself." I hit his shoulder. One by one I hugged all the members of the team. I even hugged Niall and Harry because I was so damn happy. I can finally get some rest and sleep in peace.

"Oh Sophia, our boys won the match." Lily cheered and took me in her arms, she was screaming out Louis's name like a proud girlfriend. I smiled.

I walked to Zayn who was making out with that same cheerleader. I wanted to congratulate him but I guess he was busy. So I left without saying anything.

"Let's call our third time winning team, BRADFORD BOYS to take their cup." The announcer spoke. "The ultimate champion."

The boys walked to the area. Louis was walking hand in hand with Lily and other boys were also walking with their girlfriends. Harry, Niall and Lily also were present there.

Liam took my hand and dragged me to the area. If he wouldn't have dragged, I would walk. But I see he is happy.

"Our history maker team. Bradford boys." The old man smiled and congratulated the boys. He handed up the cup to coach and he shared the cup with the team. All the boys shouted and the photographer took some pictures. I was standing besides Liam in the picture.

Nathan walked to me. "Hey, Sophia."

"Oh, Hi. I didn't know you were the captain of opposite team. But you played amazingly well." I smiled.

"I have been playing football since I was five, they pretty much like me and so I'm the captain." He explained. "Your brother and friends played very well. They are good competitors." He smirked. Again that smirk. What is that for? Can't he pass on a genuine smile for once?

"I know. Your goal was spectacular. I'm a fan of your game."

"I guess I can get a hug for losing?" He asked making a cute face.

"Why not. But while playing someone has to lose. So that's not a thing to worry about." I stated and embraced him in a hug. He had a strong cologne, I breathed in and couldn't stop myself from adoring him. Nathan is one hell of a handsome guy, with great sense of humour and of course, he is an amazing player.

Someone cleared throat from back. We let go our hug and I saw Zayn staring at us, mostly sending glares to Nathan.

"Zayn Malik. Congratulations." Nathan greeted formally. Zayn Just gave him a small nod.

"What are you doing here, Marie?" He turned his gaze from Nathan to me.

"Nothing. Nathan came to congratulate me and the team."

"You, Liam and Louis played well." Nathan declared.

"I know, that is the reason we won." Zayn replied sternly.

What is with him on changing moods? Before a few minutes, he was happily kissing a girl and now look at him, bringing back the ego.

"I hope you didn't hurt yourself in the game?" Nathan asked. It didn't look like he was actually sorry about it, but maybe I'm just assuming things. Why would Nathan not want good health for Zayn?

Zayn didn't reply. He just gave him a glare again and Nathan let out a chuckle. What is wrong between them? Zayn took a step forward to him and Nathan just smirked, challenging him, maybe to start a fight. Something is wrong. Zayn was so close to Nathan and he was just going to punch him on the face.

But I stopped him on time.

"Zayn, wait. What is wrong with you. He didn't do anything to you. He is concerned about you. Stop being so rude. That was just a game. People get hurt while playing."

"You stay out of this. You don't know anything." Zayn snapped at me.

I stepped back, because he was angry the same way he was yesterday. I don't want to mess with him.

"And if concerns were for real, there wouldn't have been anything to be sorry about in the first place." He stated one of his quotes from the mysterious self head, and walked away.

What is wrong? I need to know. It's not like I'm interfering but something is wrong with Zayn and Nathan and one of these guy is now my friend.

"Bye, Nathan. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Sophia. Keep in touch." He winked.

I smiled. Nathan is a good guy. He is the kind who would stay out of trouble. I waved him a bye and walked back to Liam who was talking with some students who I don't know.


Sorry for the late update. Busy with my 12th. What do you think about Nathan.Let me know. And whom do you ship with Sophia?

luv you all.

Pardon me if I've used Max instead if Myke, because before the editing, Sophia's best friend's name was Max and now is changed to Myke.

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