E-every Day, Sir ~~ yoonmin

By butterfly-kitten

3.2K 185 61

"M-Mr. Min? Th-there's a man w-waiting outside who says h-he wants to k-kill you." "Oh good. Send him in." yo... More



388 29 10
By butterfly-kitten

"Where is Min?"

"A-ajusshi, I'll be r-right with you." The small man sighed, eyes never leaving the file of paperwork before him. Surprisingly Mr. Min was actually running a business, not just a haven for wayward assassins, and Jimin had a lot of old files to work through for Friday's meeting with the CEO of West Bank. It was the busiest the two had been in a while and the young secretary was not in the mood for any funny business. He already basically had to pry his boss off of him when he went into the office that morning.

Unfortunately for this tired worker's case, the unwanted stranger did not back off. Quite opposite really, he took a step forward, leaning over the mahogany front desk. 

"If y-you could take a-a seat please."

The man's eyes burned with hatred as he reached down and snatched Secretary Park's wrist from his more important work. His jagged nails pressed firmly into the soft skin of the younger's forearm, drawing small drops of blood which ran down the poor man's hand. "I won't ask again, bitch. Where is Min? Answer! Or I may find a very fun use for you too."

It took all of his remaining composure for Jimin to look calmly into the fervent man's eyes and speak: "Th-this is the o-only time I'm a-asking nicely, Ajusshi. L-let go o-of my arm."

The large man chuckled darkly at the 'pathetic' attempt, but was quickly shut up as a steel baseball bat made contact with his head, knocking him out instantly. 

Jimin sighed disappointingly at the crescent-shaped cuts wrapped around his smooth, tan arm. Placing the bat back behind his disheveled desk and rearranging his paperwork, he started thinking that he might need a drink after work that day. 

He grabbed a few zip-ties before circling the desk, attempting to drag the unconscious man's body from his area. "Ah, Ajusshi," he groaned. "w-why a-are you so he-heavy?" It took a few minutes, but he eventually got the body situated in a chair with both hands and feet bound to prevent any further issues. (Jacket off, obviously)

He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and bowed slightly to the then awakening 'guest'. "Th-thank you for your p-patience a-and understanding. M-Mr. Min w-will see you shortly." With that he slipped though the door connecting his employer's office.

"Oh! Secretary Park, what do you need?"

"You h-have a guest w-waiting outs-side."

"Yes, yes, let him... what's that?" Eyes narrowing on a trail of bright red blood, Mr. Min lost all concepts of the work to be done, caring only to investigate the health of his scandalous crush.

"N-nothing, sir"

"It's obviously not nothing so give me your arm."

The young man reluctantly outstretched his little hand, showing the minor wounds. His boss' eyes filled with hurt as he scanned over the injuries, fueled by sympathy and rejection. "Why didn't you shout for me? I could have helped you."

"I d-didn't n-need your help."

"But baby he hurt you."

"I-I'm fine n-now."

"How many times have I told you not to put yourself in danger, Jiminnie?"

The younger looked down, flustered, resentful, and ashamed.

"E-every day, sir."

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