The Boy Across The Lake (Boyx...

By Insane_MindRL

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Zack didn't really think of himself as somebody important. He lived in a small town with his best friend Core... More

Ooh just great!
Alone? Haha.... No
Popcorn and Pain
He'll be fine
Did You Really Have To Bring Him Into This?
Well sure you can!
The suns not shinning without you
wishing for the unwishable
I hate your lies
Pain is my motive
Lost and forgotten...
False hope
Cuddles and more
Shut up
You dropped your vagina (important authors note at end)
Nothing gold can stay
Echoing Cries
One or Another (Semi-important Authors note)
Choices of the future

Sacred Land

33 4 3
By Insane_MindRL

Corey's POV

Tears filled my eyes at the sight before me. It was bad enough that he left me to die basically, but he didn't have to do this! Laying on the ground Zach was making out with that Liam jerk, shirtless. On the ground a piece of paper layer down clearly had Fuck You asshole! written on it, letting go of the leash I grabbed the paper. My eyes clouded at how cruel he was being from telling horrible lies, to disgracing a beautiful spot he never should have even told Liam about.

Tom had remained silent, looking at me confused then at the two on the ground giving of a slight hiss he made walked stealthily towards them. I didn't even make an effort to stop him or warn them even though I know it would be a painful bite to the ear or cheek.

"Liam" Zach moaned making me gag.

All the warning Zach got was a loud squawk before Toms beak snapped shut on his lip, a new place.

"Fuck!" Zach howled in pain yanking away even though it would only worsen the pain. Tom held on strongly and started flapping his wings madly making contact each time with a thwack.

"Zach!" Liam yelled quickly standing up not noticing me. He made the painful mistake to grab Toms leg and pull, he did let go but spun around and latched on to the section of skin in between the thumb and and finger on his right hand. Liam yelped and pulled backwards dragging the heavy goose with him, not willing to let him go.

Zach sat up now that the attacker was no longer clamped to his bottom lip which was now cut and bleeding, "Tom get off him!"

I scoffed as Zach's words didn't faze Tom, "Done!" Instantly he let go with a loud hiss and wobbled over.

Liam collapsed to his knees looking at his hand, ripped and bleeding. Zach got up, spitting blood, glared at me, "Why would you let him do this!"

"Why would you invite me here just so I could see you two eat each others faces of?" I retorted.

"We spilled food on each other and well one thing lead to another" Zach said sheepishly, still mad.

"Yea well I'm out of here!" I said turning around. Thud, the ground shook with an explosive sound. Smoke steamed out of the too of the door.

"What the-" An ear splitting siren soddenly pierced the air as more smoke steamed out.

"Ooh god" I mumbled ignoring Toms distressed honks, "We have to get out of here!"

"What?" Zach yelled over the siren.

"We have to go to shore, NOW!" I ran up to them and quickly pushed then towards the water as the ground shook again with another loud thud. Tom was way ahead of me as he was already paddling towards the distant shore.

I pushed them in into the dark water just as there was another explosive thud, only it sounded like it was right behind me. Pain shot through my body as a heavy object hit my back pushing me into the water, darkness overtook me just as soon a I hit the soothing water.

Zach's POV

"It's going to be okay" Liam whispered intently in my ear a I shuddered under the blanket, "Niall, Zayn, and I are here and Louis is going to get Corey's friends and Harry."

Tears slid down my face as I looked at my hardwood floor, "but Corey's not going to be with them."

"Yes but he's going to be okay" he assured.

"No he's probably fucking dead and it's all my fucking fault" I choked.

"That's not tru-" Liam started.

"Yes it fucking is!" I yelled, "if I hadn't been so self centered, rude, and an over all terrible person he would be right here with me, but no I had to make out with you at our sacred spot and- and." I stuttered.

"Come on."

"No he sacrificed his life saving ours and we didn't even had the decently to go back for him! For gods sake the damn goose did but 'no the island was collapsing'! He died for us for god sakes!" I choked out, "I loved him so much, that stupid little guy. Yet I was never there when he needed me, how I wish I was. I m-mean he was always so sweat, caring, generous, and risked his life for me even after what I did to him!"

Two arms wrapped around me as I cried into my hands, "shh it's okay."

"Wha-" I questioned not recognizing the voice, sweat and nice. I turned around, it was the girl who beat me up.

She smiled at me, her eyes were filled with tears threatening to come out and pulling me into a hug she choked out, "I know Corey, It'll all be okay."

We sat like this for what seemed like hours as we cried into each others arms, ignoring the world around us. Finally we parted looking at each other, tears stained her face and most likely mine to, "I don't know what to do any more."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, bring us back into reality.

"You better get the fuck out of the room you stuck up British prick" Se said shooting daggers at Liam as his eyes widened, walking backwards out of the living room, "what do you mean?"

I looked at Louis, Niall, Zayn, and that other guy Corey's friends with, "you don't mind them?"

"They haven't done anything yet so their fine, are you going to answer?" she asked.

"This is going to sound really sappy but, ever sense I met Corey he gave me some thing to do or loo forward to. I remember so clearly how a couple weeks ago we had to chase down Susie, one of his peacocks, and I got bit. That's not going to happen any more though as Corey is- is- is gone." I cried embracing her.

"Don't you say that!" she warned, her voice wavering, "he'll make it!"

"No he won't!" I cried, "I saw him sink down under the water unconscious!"

"What's going on? He came over a told us to come over right away" Harry asked worriedly.

"It-its Corey" I croaked pulling away from the girl.

"What happened to him? where is he?" Harry asked moving over for some other guy, who looked like Zac Efron, to come in.

Unable to talk through the tears, Niall quickly explained to Harry for me, "so we were evacuated before before anything could be done to look for Corey leaving it up in the air to wether or not his alive."

Harry's eyes widened with the news, "ooh god."


Over the next few hours I just sat on the couch staring in to the distance, mind blank. Eventually everyone left the room to give me some peace.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked as a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Yeah, how's your hand?" I asked Liam.

"Hurts like a bitch, that damn goose got me real bad. How about your lip?"

"It hurts a little but not all that much, I'm sorry that happened to you."

He came around the couch and sat down on my lap, "we can make up for that if you want."

I smirked and pulled him in for a kiss clearing my mind instantly.

Sorry that its short, but it was very interesting, right? Any ways tell me what you think, comment, vote and all that. one piece of news though is I am getting a computer in August so I will most likely be able to post pictures, and also be able to spell check easier.

~ C

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