Breaking Walls | ✓

By nomadsvj

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Reyes- truth or dare? Kea- truth. Reyes- do you wanna kiss me? Kea- dare. Reyes-*leans forward* I dare you to... More

Chapter 1 : Attracted To The Devil's Daughter
Chapter 2: Skilful Stalking
Chapter 3: Made Of Stone
Chapter 4: Intruder Alert
Chapter 5: Walking Away
Chapter 6: Losing Control
Chapter 7: Sides
Chapter 8: Mean Vanilla Milkshakes
Chapter 9: Monday blues just got real
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Devil
Chapter 11: Real Beginnings
Chapter 12: Troubled
Chapter 13: Execution
Chapter 14: Tranquillising confessions
Chapter 15: The forgotten dream
Chapter 16: Chasing waves
Chapter 17: Reminiscing
Chapter 18 : S.O.S.
Chapter 19: The trickster
Chapter 20 : Stake Out
Chapter 21: Looking back
Chapter 22 : Wild Child.
Chapter 23: Like The Last Hangover Movie
Chapter 25: Bearing all
Chapter 26: Not without you.
Chapter 27: Possibilities
Chapter 28: Living In The Past
Chapter 29: Don't hate the player hate the game
Chapter 30: New Rules.
Chapter 31: Dare If You Must
Chapter 32: Paradise Lost; Vines and Balconies
Chapter 33: Broken Bottles
Chapter 34: Dooms Day
Chapter 35: Dooms Day Recovery
Chapter 36: I Should've Stayed In Bed
Chapter 37: I am a tree now
Chapter 38: Dear Diary
Chapter 39: Don't read this
Chapter 40: Think happy thoughts. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS.
Chapter 41: Nothing about this can ever make someone happy
Chapter 42: Just a little while longer
Chapter 43: Half Confessions
Chapter 44: Masquerade on bourbon street
Chapter 45: Masks off
Chapter 46: AWOL
Chapter 47: Open Endings
Chapter 48: Still an open ending
Chapter 49: Talk is overrated
Chapter 50: A hero's Gamble
Chapter 51: The Shadow and the Light
Chapter 52: Sweep and weep em in rows
Chapter 53: The other side
Chapter 54: The final countdown

Chapter 24: Havoc

165 27 11
By nomadsvj


It was 5:30 Am and we were parked outside Kea's house again.
This time I wasn't going to back down, I was going to see her even if I had to fight Lucas for it.

I was piss drunk and my ability to give a fuck was gone by now.

I had pondered on Lucas's wisdom and I knew Kea probably didn't want to see me right now but I just needed to see her face. And by that logic all other logic flew out of the window. 

I told Colin to go home as I walked to Kea's house and climbed rather drunkenly into her backyard for the second time in the past thirty six hours.

or twenty four or sixteen, who knew anymore?

I walked to the window that was still broken, I looked briefly at the hand that had broken it. The Officer did say that they found glass shards in Aiden's face, that was definitely going to scar and I was glad because I wanted something to remind him of what he did and what its consequences were every time he looked in the mirror.
I hadn't planned it but I was happy about how it had all turned out.

For once the Gods were on my side, though maybe it was just because it was about Kea.

I crawled into the kitchen quietly.

Well, as quiet as a guy who just drank more than half a bottle of Jack Daniels, could be.

I scrambled onto the floor and clambered my way across the kitchen; Ninja style. Even though I had hit myself on every possible edge in the room I had somehow managed to reach the staircase that led to my Kea, undetected.
Before going up I turned to look at the sofa Lucas was sleeping like a log on.

Fucking piss poor guard.

After seeing, that he was unaware of my presence, without wasting any more time I ascended the stairs, into the hallway. Soon enough I was standing in front of her room door. I tried to shake off the torment of the events I had witnessed when I had opened this very door earlier and with little haste and deep breaths, I opened Kea's door.

The curtains were drawn apart so the little light from the early morning sky was casting cold shadows in the room, I could see little but enough. The room was in shambles, there was black spray paint all over the walls, all over her paintings, quotes and pictures on the wall. The books that were on the shelf before now lay scattered on the floor, some torn apart.

Kea was lying on her bed curled up like a child, she was clutching onto a fabric of some kind as she slept. There were wrinkles on her forehead as though even in her sleep she wasn't at peace. I felt helpless that I wasn't there when she was going tearing this place apart.

Even before I could devise a plan, I almost instinctively crawled into bed behind her and pulled her into me, not meaning to wake her but to comfort her enough for her to be peaceful.

And as though she somehow knew it was me without even having to look, she moved further into my arms.

I kissed her head as we both lay there soon falling deep asleep.

And just like that, there was peace.

I woke up around 11 am with the most horrible hangover I'd had in months to an empty bed and coffee on the side table.

I pushed off the covers and sat up, the coffee was cold I guess it had been there for a while. I looked around the room, now that it was well lit. It looked like a crime scene, there was blood splatters on the floor and the curtains that I had thought had been drawn apart were actually torn. The pictures on the wall were blackened and a few lay ripped on the ground.

The room mirrored the wreck Kea was feeling inside and I felt even more helpless that I couldn't do more, be more, help more somehow, anyhow.

I finally gathered the strength to push off the bed and walk to the bathroom, I cleaned up and walked down the stairs.

One thing still nagging at me, well there were a lot more things that were there too but this particular one came above all at the moment.

Where the hell were Kea's parents?

I walked into the kitchen quietly not trying to startle anyone, especially not Lucas. With the splitting headache, I wasn't sure I could take him at the moment.

I saw Kea behind the counter making a sandwich, her back was towards me but it was almost like she could feel my presence because her body became rigid, her actions more conscious now that she knew she was under my gaze.

Kea had never cared about how she was or what she did around me, it was one of the things I loved about her.

I knew a lot had changed between us.

A lot we hadn't talked about but I wish this hadn't.
It took me a long time to get behind that wall but now that it was up again with ten times more reinforcement I didn't know if I was ever going to get past it. Guess, I was just gonna have to try harder.

"Where are your parents Kea?"

She didn't turn just stated simply, "Away."

"Where?" I asked trying to sound sane, past my gut-wrenching hangover.

She remained quiet.

"They should be here with you" I spoke agitated now.

She instantly turned looking at me but avoiding my eyes.

"It's none of your fucking business." Her voice came out harsh.

"You had a fucked up day, to say the least, they should be here! I think I deserve to know."

"You deserve to know?" She laughed in my face. "right you deserve it." She repeated.

"Kea" I said silently as I walked to her and touched her arm.

She moved away bringing her palm up. She closed her eyes probably trying to control the fire, and spoke "I don't know what you do or don't deserve Reyes, but one thing I do know for sure. it's that I don't owe you anything. Now please just leave me alone." Her tone was flat, her voice didn't go up or down, no emotion.

I walked away from her over to the sofa in the drawing-room and sat down, I put my head in my bandaged palms and exhaled.

After finding out who Kea was, about New York, everything with Aiden, her room. I wanted to give her whatever she asked for, except letting her be alone. I was afraid of what she might do.

I dug my face further into my hands, I didn't know Kea had come into the drawing-room and sat on the chair in front of me until she spoke, "My mom is out of town but she's driving back after her lecture tomorrow. She spoke to the police over the phone."

Will come after her lecture?

"I don't care if she spoke to the police or not. You went through hell Kea, she should be here."

"Well, she is not here! What do you want me to do Reyes? Beg her to come? No! I'm fine alone."

"Kea I promise you'll never be alone....."

She raised her hand cutting me off, "Aiden's going to be put in a mental institution instead of jail but he isn't getting out anytime soon. Once he gets out of the I.C.U. that is. No one is pressing any charges on you...."

This time I cut her short, "Do I look like I give a flying fuck about all that shit. Do I look like I'm worried about going to jail? All I care about right now is your well being. Don't you get that?" I walked to her and kneeled down on the floor in front of her, holding her hands in mine, "Kea listen to me please."

"No ones arresting you because you saved my life. You saved me. Thank you Reyes, no one ever has."

That shut me right up.

I looked at her stunned, she was looking at me and once again she was my Kea, maybe she was still in there somewhere. Maybe she wasn't completely gone. My hand automatically went to her face as I caressed her cheek. I wanted to kiss her, she seemed to lean in for just a second before backing away again. "I have to go for some paperwork to the police station right now." She said gently removing my hand and standing.

As I stood up along with her, "Great I'll come with."

"Lucas is already on his way, plus you can't drive for a couple of weeks and you should really get some rest."

"Lucas... Right sure. I wouldn't want to replace him now would I." I spoke spitefully, irritated as hell.

I sure knew how to pick one.

This Goddamn town didn't have as many boys as Kea had circling around her.

She didn't say a word and suddenly I didn't want to either. Feeling good that she wasn't going to be alone- Ticked off because Mr Lucas was coming to get her.

"I'll come by later." I walked out the door and shut it behind me.

I wasn't planning on running away, this wasn't New York and Kea needed to get that. I wasn't going to let her run either.

We were going to have this conversation sooner or later, whether she liked it or not.



I know I'm late. I'm so sorry. I was swamped. I'll do better from the next chapter I promise.
I'll also release the next three names with the next chapter I promise I will.
Thank you, everybody, for being so supportive means a lot.

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