The Truth (Original)

By dramaticative_writer

1.1M 30.5K 7.1K

Harry has been talking to Voldermort after the tournament and the man doesn't seem all bad. With the help of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Inheiritance Papers
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 (Part Two)
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Q and A's
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 38: Part 2
New stories

Chapter 23

18.4K 530 98
By dramaticative_writer

Snape's POV

FLASHBACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I walk with the other first years as we enter the dining hall. there were four tables with the head of the houses sitting in front at the head table. I look to my left and see Lily wink at the old man that sits at the head of the table. I just shake off the odd feeling that I got. I turn to my right and see a cute boy. My vampire starts to go crazy  as we look at this beauty. The full, plump lips and sparkling eyes captivate me.  I want him.

'MATE, MATE, MATE!' I just try to brush it off and pay attention to the ceramony.


I sit by the lake in my Slytherin robe, reading a potion book the Mr. Slughorn gave to me. I am in my 2nd year and I was moved up to 4th year potions.

I like to feel the breeze blowing through my silky hair as I read in the quiet. My scences are suddenly envaded by the smell of earth and cinnamon. I tense as a slim body sits next to me and nudges my shoulder.

"Hey Snape. Whatcha reading?" He asks. I look at him and have to stop myself from licking my lips.

"Just reading my advanced potions book." I say. He hums and takes off his school robe and lays on the grass, placing his head in my lap. I look down on him and give him a look.

"Really, you couldn't have put your head on your robe?" I say with raised eyebrows. He just shrugs and closes his eyes. I go back to reading and hide my smile.


I look through the hall for the source of the smell. I come to an emty hallway, only to be dragged into a room and slammed against a door. I moan as he kisses me and tries to dominate the kiss. My vampire growls but is smug at the same time. I was plannin on tellin him that he was my mate, i was scared that he was going to reject me. I guess I don't have to. 


I lay down on the cool grass, the warm Autumn sun shines on my face. I let a small smile grace my lips as I feel a small body curl futher into mine. My inner vampire growls in pleasure as we see our mate with the bite mark on their neck. Their naked body rolls on top of mine and I let out a low growl, causing my love to wake and smile up at me. 

"Hey." He says as i move a piece of hair out of his face. 

"Hey love. Did you sleep well?" I ask. He smiles and nods and kisses the mark he left on my shoulder. I lift his chin so that our lips are only inches apart and we stare into eachothers eyes. 

"I love you Snape." He says while giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. I smile and nuzzle his claiming mark. 

"And I love you too, Mr. Potter."


I smile as I look down at the bite mark that is on my colorbone. It is still there so I know he is still out there. My mate is scared and defendless and i can't do anything to defend him. There is no tellng what kind of state he would be in when I find him. 

"Hey Severus" Harry asks as he walks into the library. I can smell the difference on him. I smirk and look his way. 

"Did you have a good night, Hadrian?" I ask, causing him to blush. 

"Shut up." He mumbles as he goes to grab another book. I give a sad smile. I want that again. 

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