One Shots

By Karter_Carson

103K 1.4K 492

I think the title says it all, but I'm not sure. More

One Shots
The Other Human (Finn x Reader)
The Mystery Girl (Dipper x Reader)
Love Me! (Yandere! Rin Okumura x Reader)
Runaway (Sabo x Reader)
New People ( Ichika Orimura x Reader )
Not Exactly a Fairytale ( Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru )
The Cat ( Sebastian x Neko Reader )
Childish War (Len Kagamine x Reader)
Friend or Foe? (Yandere Dipper x Reader)
Run (Len x Reader)
Please Notice Me (BEN x Reader)
Careful in the Woods (Yandere Len x Reader)
Who is He?! (Dipper x Reader)
Understanding (Bill Cipher x Reader)
What Happened to Reality? (BEN x Reader)
Rolling (Rin Okumera x Reader)
Paradise of Light and Shadow (Len Kagamine x Reader)
Kokoro (Mikuo Hatsune x Reader)
Yesterday (Vocaloid Oliver x Vocaloid Reader)
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder ( Piko Utatane x Reader)
Second Life [Claptrap (CL4P-TP) x Tsundere Reader]
Centuries (Bill Cipher x Tsundere Demon Reader)
Happy Holidays (Rentaro Satomi x Cursed Child! Neko! Reader)
I'll Be Watching (Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader)
It's Okay (Jeremy x Reader)
How They Should Have Met
Exhausted (Hades x Reader)
Cold Cold Girl (OC x Reader)
Vacation (Poseidon x Read)
Movie Night?? (2D x Reader)
New to High School (Tweek and Reader)

Another Cinderella? (Demon Ciel x Shy Deamon Reader)

6.3K 94 35
By Karter_Carson

        A/N: I think it's best if there is no Your P.O.V., Ciel's P.O.V., etc. So yeah, comment or message me who you want me to do a one-shot of and tell me if you want it a yandere or not. Also I'm having trouble thinking of what to do on the upcoming chapter in my Black Butler fan-fic. The chapter is Day 2 at Phantomhive Manner. Sorry if the characters a out of character. Also I'm still thinking of a name to call you, my awesome readers. Sorry if this is awful! Thanks! ~Karter ^_^

        You were Elizabeth's adopted sister, and Sebastian's daughter. You didn't know you're Sebastian's daughter at the time because he left your mom before she died. Now you have to follow Elizabeth because you still don't have a fiance. Also Elizabeth left Ciel because she fell in love with Alois who is now her fiance. Now Elizabeth is basically living with Alois. So you're stuck with them and they treat you like a maid because Elizabeth started to change because of Alois. "(Y/N)!" Alois called outraged. "Bye Hannah." You said sadly, leaving your only friend. Claude scared you too much so you try avoided him, the triplets always whispered to each other so you felt left out around them, and Hannah seem to be the only one who accepted you. Once you got up to Alois's study, you knocked on the door. "Come in! It took you long enough." Alois said as you came in looking at the floor. "Why is our tea cold honey?" Elizabeth asked sarcasm in her voice. "HOW COULD YOU LET OUR TEA GET COLD?!" Alois yelled at you as he slapped you. "Go make some fresh tea!" Alois demanded as he poured the scolding hot tea on you then handed you the cup. You covered your mouth to try to stop you from screaming which worked, but it didn't stop your tears from spilling. You took their cups and left the room. Hannah saw the whole thing, and she felt so bad for you. Alois treated you worse than Hannah.

~Time Skip~

        "CLAUDE!" Alois called. As you were making your way to the study. Claude walking next to your trembling figure. Once you gave Elizabeth and Alois their tea you waited to be dismissed. "Send Phantomhive a letter saying we'll be over in a little bit and we'll be bringing our newest maid." Alois said. 'What is this monster planning?!' you thought still trembling. "Yes your highness." Claude said as he left to send the letter he wrote while listening to Alois. "(Y/n), (Y/n) go fetch a carriage." Alois said dismissing you. You quickly left to get the carriage. Ciel knew you were Elabeth's adopted sister, but he didn't know about how Elizabeth changed, well that's what you thought. Ciel really did know about how Elizabeth changed and you being her adopted sister. He and Sebastian both knew you were really Sebastian's daughter.

~Time Skip~ -At Phantomhive Manner-

        Once at Phantomhive manner, you jumped off of the carriage when it stopped to get the door. Sadly Alois opened the door when you were about to open it ,on purpose, and the door ended up smacking you in the face. Sebastian and Ciel saw that and they didn't like it one bit. As you helped Alois and Elizabeth out they intentionally stepped on your feet as they walked to the door. Sebastian opened the door and greeted everyone as they entered, but he stopped you. Alois didn't give you time to clean up so your maid's uniform was tea stained and you smelled like Earl Grey tea. Sebastian knelt down to your height, you started trembling with wide eyes, and Sebastian gave you a hug. "I'm so sorry for leaving you and your mother." Sebastian whispered in you ear which cause your eyes to grow even wider if possible. Then Sebastian separated from you and you ran to Alois and Elizabeth, who were in the dining room currently, scared of what they would do. Soon Ciel came down and sat down. When he saw you he looked away and blushed, then he smelled the Earl Grey that was poured on you. "Sebastian are you making Earl Grey?" Ciel asked. "Yes young master." Sebastian answered. Your eyes grew wide when you heard Sebastian answer. 'Earl Phantomhive must be nice if he lets his butler answer him.' You thought. "I can smell it all the way in here Sebastian, are you making it a different way?" Ciel question. "No young master." Sebastian answered. 'He doesn't go by your highness?!' You thought shocked. "It seems, as though someone got tea all over themselves." Ciel said as he looked at you once he got his emotions under control. Everyone then looked at you. "Hey Ciel would you like to have this useless maid?" Alois asked in a bored tone. You started to tremble again. "Elizabeth this is your sister!" Ciel said getting a little mad. "Yeah but she is hopeless you can have her." Elizabeth said in a bored tone. "THAT'S NOT THE ELIZABETH I KNOW!" Ciel shouted. "We'll be leaving now." Alois said while he and Elizabeth got up and started to leave. You tried to follow them but Alois stopped you. "You stay here you now take orders from Phantomhive, your not my maid anymore. You useless piece of trash." Alois said before leaving. You were smiling on the inside but you showed no emotion on the outside. 'YAY! I'M FINALLY FREE! And OH MY GOSH I'M IN THE SAME ROOM AS MY DAD! Wait! I'm in the same room as my dad!' You thought getting mad at the end. You turned around. "Well lets get her situated Sebastian." Ciel said. "Young master she is a noble." Sebastian said. "Then we'll have Mey-Rin help her get cleaned up and you shall inform her dad." Ciel said. You stood there clueless. "Fine young master she shall be the new maid, but please treat her with respect." Sebastian said. 'Oh, how I want to punch Sebastian so bad!' you though. "MEY-RIN!" Ciel called. Soon after Ciel called for Mey-rin, she came in. "Yes young master?" Mey-rin said. "Help get our new maid, (y/n), get ready." Ciel ordered. "Yes young master." Mey-rin said, dragging you out of the room.

~Time Skip~

        You trembled as you made your way to Ciel's study, you were currently bringing Ciel his afternoon tea. You knocked on his door. "Enter." Ciel said as you came in. "I-I brought y-your tea y-young m-master." You said. "Have a seat." Ciel ordered after you gave him, his tea. "Tell me about yourself." Ciel said. "O-okay. W-well I never met my dad but when Sebastian whispered in my ear about how he is sorry for leaving my mom and I, I figured out that he is my dad. Once my mom died when I was 5 Elizabeth's Family took me in and that was when I met her. She was so happy and nice. As years passed she told me about her fiance Ciel Phantomhive, you, I was so amazed. When Elizabeth left you and Alois became her fiance she started to change. I was stuck following her because I have no fiance. Soon Elizabeth and I basically moved into the Trancy Estate. Then they started to treat me like a maid. I saw how Alois treated Hannah, but he treated me worst. Earlier today Alois poured hot Earl Grey tea on me." You said as you began to cry. "I-I was r-really glad that-that they left me here." You said between sobs. Ciel felt so bad for you that he got up and hugged you. You were so shocked that you look up at Ciel tears still spilling from your eyes. "You don't have to worry about being hurt anymore." Ciel said. You nodded and turned your gaze to the floor. 'I love you Ciel Phantomhive.' You thought. You wiped your tear stained face, looked up at Ciel giving him a weak smile, and hugged him back. Both of you blushed while hugging each other then you two separated. "You may go." Ciel said. You nodded and left. Once out of his study you started to run to the garden like how a little kid would run when they were playing around only to bump into Sebastian. You got up off the floor and dusted you uniform off and looked at Sebastian. "Sorry dad!" You said. "How do you know I'm your dad?" Sebastian asked clearly shocked. "Well when you whispered in my ear about how you're sorry for leaving my mom and I, I figured that you're my dad." You said. "Alright, well I'm off to see the young master now bye!" Sebastian said. "Bye!" You replied and continued to run to the garden. Once you in the garden you got tackled by a guy in a tux. You screamed you were scared. "GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF OF ME!" You paniced. "PLUTO!" A blond male said runing over to you, getting the man off of you, and helped you up. "Sorry about Pluto he gets so excited when people visit." The blond male said. "Pluto gets excited when someone visits the garden?" You question. "No, when people visit Phantomhive Manner. I'm Finny the gardener." Finny answered. "I'm (Y/n) (y/l/n) the new maid." You said with a smile. "THEY GOT RID OF MEY-RIN?!" Finny yelled scared. "NO!" You yelled back calming Finny down.

~Time skip Dinner time~

        You finished meeting all of the servants and now you're in line watching Ciel eat his dinner. You were getting a little tired, but he was almost finished with his meal. Once he finished he stood up. "Mey-rin please show (y/n) to her room when you retire for the night." Ciel said. "Yes young master." Mey-rin replied.

~MAJOR time skip months later~

        As the months went your feelings for Ciel grew. You were in the garden currently. "Finny?" You asked your friend. "Yes (y/n)?" He replied.  Just about everyone was outside the only people inside was Ciel and Sebastian. "Why does young master give you all a lot of work and I barely have any work?" You asked. "Oh!~ Maybe young master likes you!" Mey-rin said. "Why does he give my dad the most work?" You asked. "Your dad?" Finny, Bard, and Mey-rin asked in unison. "Yeah, I thought you knew Sebastian is my dad." You replied. "N-now that you mentioned it I do remember Mr. Sebastian telling us about you, yes I do." Mey-rin said. "Yeah, also you're dad is a hard worker." Finny said. "I hope you don't treat me any different." You said. Soon Sebastian and Ciel came out into the garden. "Oh! Hello young master!" You, Finny, Bard, and Mey-rin geeted. "So (y/n), could you tell us about what it was like working for Mr. Trancy?" Mey-rin asked. "Uh, Sure! Alois, Elizabeth, and Claude were mean. Alois's triplet servants seemed to ignore me. My only friend was Hannah." You said shivering at Claude's name. "What would Claude do?" Sebastian cut in frowning because of Claude. "Uh, well Claude would trip me. He would glare at me, he would always theaten me, and throw butter knives at me but not right at me it seems as though he would always miss. Also when he makes me do a task and I do good like filling a room with flowers, which I helped the triplets do, he would take credit." You replied. Sebastian was outraged. "Young master I have some important business to attend to if you excuse me." Sebastian said. "You may go." Ciel said knowing what Sebastian was thinking as Sebastian left. "(Y/n) come with me." Ciel ordered. "Yes young master you said getting up and following Ciel as you dusted you uniform off. You fallowed Ciel into what seemed to be a maze. "U-um y-young m-m-master." You said a little scared. Last time you followed your young master, who was Alois at the time, he pushed you into a rosebush, and you stayed there crying until Hannah found you. "Don't worry (y/n), your safe with me." Ciel said blushing a bit. You also blushed at what he said. Soon the two of you stopped and Ciel turned to face you. "Young master?" You questioned confused. "Please call me Ciel." Ciel replied. Ciel knelt down and got out a ring case. "(Y/n) ever since I first saw you I instantly fell in love with you and my feeling only grew stonger." Ciel said. "Oh, Ciel I feel the same way. Ciel opened the ring case revealing a beautiful diamond ring, took the ring out of the case and held your hand. "(Y/n) will you marry me?!" Ciel said with a smile while sliding the ring on your ring finger. YES! A SMILE! A REAL SMILE ON HIS FACE! YOU DID WHAT ELIZABETH COULDN'T DO! "Yes Ciel! A million times yes!" You said looking him in the eye hopping up and down a little. Ciel got up and kissed you and you melted the kiss. Soon you two separate for air. You looked around. "Ciel, how do we get back to your manner?" You asked. Ciel held your hand smiling. "You mean our manner?" Ciel said. Once back at the manner Mey-rin, Finny, Bard, and Sebastian saw the ring on your hand  while you and Ciel were sitting together looking at the garden. "CONGRATULATIONS (Y/N)!" They all said. You and Ciel blushed and looked at each other. "I'll be showing (y/n) where her new room is tonight." Ciel said causing both yours and his blush to get darker.

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