Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS]...

By ZieZie66

94.4K 5.2K 3.3K

For the past ten years, the Dennis and Fong Company are the most ranked and successful companies in the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
[NOT A CHAPTER] Just Got Tagged
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 11

1.7K 102 65
By ZieZie66

Jonathan's POV

The bells above the door rings and I smile and decided to greet the new customer.

"Good day! Welcome to--" My greeting was abruptly stop and my smile turn into a glare when I saw who enter the cafe.

"Oh. It's just you." I said and turn around and goes back on wiping a table.

"What do you mean it's just me? How rude!" He pouted and walk towards my direction.

"Don't you dare come any closer you pervert." I hissed and his eyes widen at what I just called him.

"P-Pervert?! I haven't done anything to you!" He defend himself. I cross my arms and blankly stare at him.

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call your flirting then? A friendly talk?" I countered back and smirk.

He sigh and scratch the back of his head.

"Oh. About that, I'm so sorry. It's just out of my hobby."

I raise my brow.

"Out of your hobby? Are you serious?" I scoff and turn around and walk away.

"Ah! H-Hey! Don't just turn around and leave me alone!" He whine and hug my waist. I blush and tried to get him off.

"Let go of my waist! Hey! Stop it!" I tried to smack his arms but he still refuse to let me go.

"I will only let you go if you promise to let me know you more!" He said. The other customers in the cafe started to stare at us. Even Brock and Scotty but they're just laughing at us and doesn't have an intention of helping me get rid of this annoying guy. The only thing that I could do was give up.

"Fine! Just let go of me! People are starting to stare at us!" I grumble. He oblige and smile. I stare at him and I just realized that he's not wearing a business attire. Just a plain white shirt and a black jeans.

"Great! By the way it's my day off so we can talk all day. Let's head to the back then so we can talk privately." He said and started to push me towards the backroom.

"A-Ah! Don't push me!"

He laugh and just continue what he's doing and was about to hold the doorknob of the backroom when a hand grab his wrist and stop him.

"Who do you think you are suddenly bargaining into somebody else's private property. Can't you read? It says, 'Only Staffs are Allowed'. So don't you dare enter and also let him go." David said with a glare. Tyler smirk and look at David.

"Ohh. It's you again. And to answer your questions, I'm just the son of the third most wealthiest family in this country and the heir of the Wilde's Company. Second, yes, I can read and third, no, I won't let him go. You should be the one who should let go of my wrist." He answer calmly. David keep on glaring at him and I could see that he tighten his grip on Tyler.

"I don't care if you're the son of a wealthy family or a heir of a stupid company. Leave now before I call a police. This is my last warning." He threaten. Tyler straighten his body and that's where I realize that he's hella tall. I know David is tall but he's much more taller than David by an inch or so. Yet, David doesn't look like he care by their height difference and they did a staring contest. More like a glaring contest.

I sigh and start acting up and put myself between them.

"Hey. Hey. Don't start a fight in here. David, I'm letting him in so you don't have to worry." I look at David and I could tell he's going to protest. He open his mouth and ready to talk back. Yep, predicted.

I put my finger in his lips and shut him up.

"I can take care of myself." I said. I wait for his answer. He slowly nodded and I put down my finger and smile at him.

"Thank you for trusting me."

He put his hands on my shoulder and smile.

"I always trust you." He then glare at Tyler who's just watching us with a bored look. "He's the one I do not trust." He continue. He then let go of my shoulder and look away.

"If he tries anything, don't hesitate to call my name and I'll be there to beat him up." He said and giving Tyler a last glare before walking away.

Tyler scoff and mumble under his breath, "What a heroic thing to say for a slouchy looking guy."

I roll my eyes at him and open the door to the kitchen. We went inside and he instantly pull me towards the chairs and we sit while facing each other. He smile lean closer.

"So, I never get to catch your name."

I sigh and answer boredly. "Jonathan."

His smile widen and he ask a few more questions.

"What is your hobby?"

"Obviously, baking."

"How old are you?"


He whistle. "Well that makes you older than me but that's fine. Age doesn't matter." He said and wink. I want to gag and slap him in the face but I held myself and look away.

"How old are you then?"


My eyes widen as I stare at him up and down. "You're only 25?!" I blurted out. He nodded as he look at me confused.

"What? You think I'm around thirties or something?"

I cross my arms and stare at him in disbelief. "I thought you're the same age as me but are you serious? You're only 25?"

He keep nodding his head. "I'm mature huh?" He ask with a silly smile. I wince and hum.

"Ehh. Not really." I replied. He pouted but then he started to grab something in his pocket. He then pull out a small rectangular thing.

"Here." He said and gave it to me. It was wrapped on a red polka dots wrapper. When I touched it I flinch on the coldness of it.

I frown as I study it. It's hard and I could tell it's shape into boxes inside.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Open it." He said with a smile. I slowly took off the wrapper and my eyes widen when I saw the inside.


"Dark chocolate actually."

My eyes remain widen as I stare at the chocolate and then to him. To tell the truth, one of my favorite food is chocolates. Especially, Dark Chocolates. It's my weakness.

"Waaah. Thank you!" I thanked him and I started to eat it. I hum in satisfaction once the bitterness mixed with a hint of sweetness was tasted by my tongue and then exploding all over my mouth.

"I don't know how or it's just a coincidence that you know I like chocolates but thank you so much." I said between bites. He chuckle as he watch me eat.

"You're welcome." He replied. After I finish eating all that was in the wrapper I lick my fingers covered in chocolates. After that I wash my hands and sigh with a smile.

"It's been a while since I ate something so good like that. Thank you for bringing it."

"If that makes you happy I will always bring you one just so I can see your beautiful smile."

Oh here he goes flirting again.

"Can you stop with your flirting act?" I said with annoyance. His smile fell and was replace by sadness.

"Is that the reason why you're always mad at me?" He ask.

"Yes." I bluntly answer. He stare at me for a second before sighing.

"Okay. For you I will try my best to stop it." He said. My eyes widen.

"You're serious?"

"Yeah. You don't like it right? Then I'll remove it from my trait." He answer. Hope it's that easy.

I turn my back to him and start cutting doughs into different shapes.

"What 'cha doin'?" He ask while looking over my shoulder.

"Cutting doughs."

"Can I help?" He ask. I look at him over my shoulder and sees he's really interested.

"Sure." He smile and went to my side.

"But first. Put on some apron so you don't get your clothes dirty." I said and point where the aprons are. He grab one which is the same color as mine but his was a lighter shade of blue. Once he put it on I gave him the cutters with a shape of star and heart while mine was a diamond and circle.
He helped a couple more routine until it was time for lunch.

"Hey, so uh, do you want to eat with me again this lunch?" He ask as he help me clean the sink. I look at him and thought about it for a second. Well, he did help me with my work so I guess joining him for lunch would be a nice payment.

"Your treat?"

His eyes widen and he look at me surprised.

"Gladly! So will you?" He said. I simply nodded my head. He smile and we continue cleaning the mess.

A couple of minutes pass and David enter the kitchen and his eyes widen when he sees Tyler.

"You're still here?!" He keep a glare at Tyler. Tyler just took off the apron and hang it along with the others.

"Yeah. Is it bad? I'm just helping Jon. That's all." Hr answer casually. David gritted his teeth and scoff.

"Anyway, it's already lunch so let's eat now Jon." He said. I look away at him.

"Uhm. Actually, I already have plans with Tyler that I'll eat with him this lunch." I replied as I stare at Tyler. David's eyes widen and his jaw drop at what I said.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded my head. He took a sharp inhale before looking away.

"Fine." He said before closing the door. I let out a sigh. He's mad.

I look at Tyler who's just looking at me with a smile.

"So, let's eat?"

I nodded and we exit the kitchen. I look at the cashier to see David mumbling something as he clean the counter. I softly snicker as I saw his grumpy face and I could tell he keeps cursing Tyler in his head.

We left the cafe and enter his car that was parked beside the sidewalk.

"Where do you like to eat?" He ask while driving. I just shrug and look around the city.

"Don't know actually. Anywhere, I guess." I replied. He hum like thinking before turning left.

"I know! Let's eat on the new restaurant downtown. They said their food was delicious."

I don't know which restaurant he's talking about because there's always a new restaurant being build each week so I just nodded along. He played some music and it at least made me not bored while waiting to get there.

"We're here." He said and stopped the car. I get off and look at where we're eating and my eyes widen.


I didn't expect that it would be this restaurant he's talking about.

He took me to the same restaurant where me and my husband already ate at like a few weeks ago.

"Come on. Let's eat." He said as he pull me towards the restaurant. I still remember the structure of the place. When we enter I saw the same chandelier I saw when I first went here.

A waiter leads us to a table and hands us a menu each.

"What will you eat?" He ask as he choose from the menu.

"Just a pasta is fine." I answer. He look at me and raise his brow.

"That's it?" He ask. I stare at him and also raise my eyebrow. What? Don't tell me he's also going to order a lot of food just because I choose a pasta? What's wrong with my order that they will react like that?

"Yeah. I don't eat much." I answer.

"I can see that." He replied and sigh before calling a waiter. Once the waiter came he smile and look at me. I look at him and squint my eyes because he's suddenly being suspicious.

"Waiter, give us your most popular foods." He ordered. My eyes widen and I gasped. Nononononononono! This is familiar! Too familiar!

The waiter quickly writing it down on his notepad. I stomp at his foot under the table. Making him yell quite loud.

"OW! What the heck?!" He shouted. The waiter and other people inside the restaurant look at him worried.

"Sir, are you alright?" The waiter ask. He fakely smile as he try to hide the pain. He glare at me before responding to the waiter.

"I'm fine. Also give us a dessert." He added and I stomp at his foot again but this time he contain his voice and just hit his head on the table. The waiter wrote it down once again before bowing its head and leaving the both of us.

"I told you my order is just a pasta. Bitch, I never heard you say pasta." I hissed as I glare at him. He grunt in pain as he massage his injured foot.

"You're a sadist. You know that? Besides, pasta isn't good to your health when you eat it during the middle of the day. That's why you're thin." He replied.

"Bitch, do you want me to stomp at your other foot so it's equal?" I threaten. He quickly shakes his head and shut his mouth. I just let out a sigh as I grumble in my seat. Well, he already ordered so what can I do? Just like what happened to me when I'm with him.

"I'm just worried for your health." He pouted and cross his arms. I roll my eyes and just sulk at my seat. Soon enough the food finally arrived and we started to eat.

[Time Skip]

After Tyler and ate lunch he drived me back to the Cafe and left. When I got back David is still mad and keeps on ignoring me.

My work finally ended with him still not talking with me or even looking at me in the eyes. I'm not gonna let this day end with him still mad at me!

After I clean the dishes and the oven I took off my apron and went outside and look for him. I saw him taking out the trash and follow him outside.

"David." I called as I started to catch up with him. He didn't replied and just keep on walking towards the trash bin.

"David, please stop ignoring me." I pleaded. Agaid, he didn't respond as he put the trashes inside the bin. I stood there as I watch him close the lid. He let out a deep sigh as he finally stare at me.

"I'm just... worried, okay? You just met that guy but you're already acting like you knew each other for so long! And you two eat lunch together again. I'm not-- I don't--" He sigh once again. "I have a bad feeling about him. Jon, you know what will happen if you let yourself get too attach to a guy like him agai--" I stop him before he can finish it.

"I know David. I know. I already felt it. That's why I'm not letting myself repeat that same fate. Besides, you're here right? You promise before that you'll protect me from anyone. I trust you more than anybody else." I replied with a smile. He walk towards me and hug me. I hug him back and bury my head on his chest while he put his head in my shoulders.

"Just be careful okay?" He whisper. I nodded and tighten my hug.


We finally let go of each other and walk back to the cafe. Lui's waiting for us outsidd along with Brock and Scotty.

"Where have the two of you been? You're both gone for 15 minutes." Lui ask while raising his brow.

"I took out the trash and fix things between Jon and I." David replied and started to turn off all the lights inside the cafe and only leaving on the outside. Lui hum and started to walk towards David's car and get inside.

I gave a short text to mr. Lance and texted him that I'm going home. After a few minutes he replied with a short 'Ok'.

David finally closed all the lights and locked the door.

"See you guys tomorrow then." He smile to the rest of us.

"Well, I'm going home now then. Bye guys!" Scotty bid his goodbye and walk towards his motorcycle he always use when he's going here.

"I'll drive Lui back home before I go to mine. Bye guys!" David said before starting the engine and driving away.

"I'm gonna leave now Jon. You sure you're not walking with me?" Brock ask with that usual gentle smile he always wore on his face. I smile back while shaking my head.

"Nah, I'm waiting for someone to pick me up. You should go now. I bet your partner is already waiting for you to go home." I replied. He chuckle and shake his head.

"Nah. I think he's still working with his workaholic friend. I'm pretty sure I'm getting home before him. Anyway, I'll go now. Have to cook that guy a dinner. Bye!" He said before starting to walk away. I watch as his figure started to be a blur until he's no lomger seen. A frown started to form on my forehead at what he said but before I get to start thinking a quick beeping of a car was heard from a distance and when I look up mr. Lance finally came. I enter the car and sigh.

Today is a pretty exhausting day.


Aye! Hello there! I'm sorry if there's no h2ovanoss in this chapter. I just wanted to write how things are going on between Jon, Tyler and David.
(This is just an excuse for me to write a daithidedelirious moment. I love these two goofballs. :3)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Guess I'll see you all on the next chapter? :) Stay tuned!

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