HE GAVE ME HOPE!!!!!! (one di...

By FlansterMonster

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Natasha aka Nat has not always been living the best life. Yes she was a fashion designer and was filthy rich... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 27

103 1 0
By FlansterMonster


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" i fluttered my eyes open to find a curly haired boy next to a messy hair one.

"morning" i said

"morning beautiful!" louis said before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. no were not dating, but we do sorta have bro/sis/couple relationship. so no if you were asking NOT DATING! i giggled.

"why up so early?" i asked my mind not coming up with any answers. 

"didnt you want to start school today?" Harry asked 

"ohh yeahh!" i said checking my phone to see the time it was 5:30 "thanks for waking me up i forgot to put an alarm. you guys are sweet hearts!" i havent really got any memorize back and have been forgeting things.

"no problemo babe its what im here for. a loyal, care taking friend. that is also a good boyfriend"

"oh Lou we have talked about this! NOW GET OUT SO I CAN DRESS!"

"i refuse to leave your side untill you get to school safe"

"like im going to get hurt changing. GET OUT!" i said shoving them out.

i rumaged through my closet to find somthing to wear. i picked up a black loose half shirt that says "mad bro" in silver and a white tanktop to go under. i also grabbed white skinny jeans (the one i let Lily borrow) and black flats. i had all the stuff in my arms and walked over to dump them on my bed. i then went to the bathroom and ran the shower. after it heated up i stepped in.

after my shower i ran back out across the room with a towel wrapped around me. as i ran i tripped over a chair and landed face first a big thump. i heard the door open. 

"ARE YOU OK" lou said rushing in


"uhh no" he said all innocently.

"well, yeah im fine"

"good i would hate if somthing happened to you" he helped me off the ground.

"thanks" i said giving him a kiss on the cheek. i dont mean to lead him on but i cant help it. he is atractive, but i dont know for sure if i like him back the same way for i have never experianced love. well maybe i have but i dont remember.

when i was done getting dressed and fixing my hair and makeup, i heard a knock on the door. i run over to answer it. i answer the door to Lou their stylist.

"hey girl!" she said

"hey! what are you doing up this early!?" 

"heard you were going to school! wondering if i could help, but looks like your already done"

"ohh im sorry!"

"its alright i should have called"

"well why dont you come up tomorrow, and we can go to the mall together. i need some new outfits. and i heard there was a dance. Lily couldnt stop talking about it!"

"sure, where has lily been by the way. havent seen her for months"

"niall didnt tell you?"

"tell me what?" she questioned back

"ohhh i have to fill you in" all though i didnt really like talking about it, i never let a fellow girlfriend behind on news. 

she left and 5 minutes later, there was another knock. "HelWHOOAAAA" Harry said


"oh nothing you look. different. a better different." he replied

i couldnt help but smile as louis apeared with niall behind "wheres liam and zayn? and why are all of you comming? i can drive my self!"

"zayn went out and never came back" niall said. about 3 weeks ago some of the boys moved into rooms toether so management didnt have to pay much. harry and louis, niall and zayn, and liam alone. he offered to move in with me but i denied it. i didnt want any trouble and i can pay rent on my own. after checking how much i have in the bank, i think i have more than the boys combinde.

"and were all comming because we want to"

"fine but if you atract fans im gonna say i told you so" we flew into fits of laughter before heading out

"we will pick you up after school as well, because were going to need your car" louis said as we jumped into my BMW.

"without asking! ok fine." i said sticking the key in and turning the engine on and the radio. my favorite boys were on! they started bouncing and singing along.


"'COZ THATS WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" harry sang. i couldnt help but giggle.

as we pulled up into the schools parking lot, louis, who was sitting next to me, grabbed my hand. "good luck love"

"why do i need luck?"

"everyone knows now your rolling with one direction!" niall said i looked into the rear view mirror and put an eye on niall.

"and with lily" lou said that, eye still on niall. his face went from happy to the total oppisite.

"Niall, i will do my best to help you out mate!"  i said

he gave a sad smile."thanks nat. it means alot"

"love you guys. bye." i said jumping out louis as well sense he was driving next. he slipped on his signaure benie and glasses to switch with me. as we crossed paths i handed him the key. he handed me my books and gave me a hug. "dont get into alot of trouble love" he said

"have you met me! its impossible. i give it 5 minutes before your comming back here to get me because lily and i had a fist fight."

"please, love just dont" he gave me a kiss on the temple and pulled away, and we headed are seperate ways. i looked into my bag to find that lou had put his black benie and brown glasses in it. i rolled my eyes and slid them on.

"hey babe, you cheating on me already!" a guy came up and slid his arm around me. i blinked and rubbed my eyes as soon as a familiar person came up on the other side. Stan?

"uh do i know you?" i stopped walking as we reached the front door.

"babe you dont remember me? im Mathew common you have to remeber me! you told me you would go on a date with me over the summer but never did. even though im stan's best friend, 'cos he alowed it.

"oh really? sorry i dont remeber"

"common babe!" stan said "where have you been for the past 2 months anyway"

"home sick" i said. it was true because i was still healing from the crash.

"well in the news it looked like you were hanging with you 5 new boyfriends" Mathew said

"Well she wasnt" Lily came out of no where giving som atititude.

"Lily?" i couldnt help but hug her. she was the only one i sort of really know. i was happt yo see her. she hugged me back.

"Matt back off you know she lost her memory, stanley you too. so stop trying to play her. its not cool."

"yeahh when why are you backing her up. i thought you werent friends anymore" stan said

"i guess i cant hold a grudge on a sister for long" she gave me a hug again

"whateva im outty" Matthew said.

as they left i hugged her back. " Lily im so sorry. Niall and i both. we wernt thinking, and regreat it" i said with tears

"and im sorry i held didnt want to hear you guys out. i was scared" she said as we backed away and whiped the tears. 

she started to laugh "your make-up, you look terrible"

"look at you self" i said laughing 

we ran to the bathroom, cleaned up, and reapplied. "friends?" i asked

"FRIENDS!" she said

she then took me to my locker and opened it. i guess i gave her the combination. we have had these lockers for apparently are whole high school lives. "princible Boydd wants to see you shortly" a girl came

"student council Sydney Gold. you probably want to go"

"take me? im scared to get lost!"

"or you dont want me to leave your side! ill be with you all day. if he gives you a guide just ask for me. we have like all clases together but one and its 7th period and they are right next door."

"ill ask for you under one condition" i said as we started to walk.

"and that is?"

"call Niall and take him back"

"i wish! i miss him like crazy! i was going to do that but my dad took my phone."


"he hates how i dated a popstar wihtout telling him before accepting."

"what about your mom?"

"died when i was 7 years old"

"oh my Lily" 

"its ok"

"ill let you use my phone. no better!"

"and that is?"

"ill tell you when i come out!" as we have reached the office. i went in and knocked on the door.

"come in" a sweet little voice said.

"yes, im-" she cut me off

"Natasha, yes! come in im Prinible Boydd" she said shaking my hand "take a seat"

my hands were shaking, i was nervous. i dont know why.

"ok as you know you are new here" she put air quotes around new. i knew what she ment "so there would be someone to show you around to your classes, anyone in mind?"

"uh yes lily, she told me we had all the same classes except one"

"ahh lily stevens, she will do. ok you are dismissed. lily is your close friend she should be able to help you with everything else.

"thank you!" i got up and walked out.

"so what happened" lily asked.

"your telling me everything i need to know to survive! "

"great! well rule number 1. text niall and tell him i want him back!"

"LILY THAT REMINDS ME I GOT A PLAN! and how do you know you love him? ive been dieing to know because..."

"dont tell me you think your falling for harry, AGAIN!"

"ewww no i liked him before, i think im in love with Louis"

"OMG i always thought you two were cute! anyway  you always get butterflies, you will do anything for him, you will see a future for you two, you would do anything to stay in his arms for a long period of time" she listed everything i have felt for him for the past month and a half! I LOVE LOUIS TOMLINSON! "so the plan" ahe asked. and i told her everything, but i couldnt get my mind off of being IN LOVE WITH LOUIS TOMLINSON! and i knew he loved me back


it was after school hours, i texted nat to tell her we were on our way. my phone buzzed

from Nat:

yeah why are you late!

to Nat:

sorry, boys wouldnt get out of areo. its like a Jack Wills for crying out loud!

from Nat: 

well hurry

to Nat:

anything form Lil

from Nat:

No :( sorry bud didnt see her one bit today.

as i read the last text my smile dropped and i wasnt in the mood to go anywhere. i had no choice because i couldnt walk and lou was driving. when he pulled up to her school she was standing alone. i frowned even more.

lou had a smile on his face "Hows my lovely lady?"

"great she replied" the someone came running out. i rubbed my eyes for i must be hallucinating. could that be. no it cant be Lily!

"Heyy Louis! Can i join!" that sweet familiar voice said. OMG THATS LILY! my face lite up! she jumped in next to me!

"hey babe, im sorry. i missed you alot and i regret it. i would have said somthing before but my dad took my cel-"

"oh shut up and kiss me" i said then crashed my lips against hers. i passonatlly deepened it. her lips were so soft and sweet.


his face lit up like a christmas tree. i felt accomplished! lily jumped in the black next to him. she started saying somthing and he mumbled somthing back and kissed her. aww they are so cute.

"well Niall his girl! everyone happy with life now!" harry said. he has been with a girl that goes by the name sophie for two weeks now. ive never seen him soo serious about a girl.

"no" i said

"Nat your not happy! aw babe why!?" louis asked

"ARE YOU TWO NOT TOGETHER YET" lily yelled. i gave her a death stare.

"i have to talk to you louis"

"can you do it now?"



my palms got sweaty as she said she had to talk to me. what did she wnat to talk about. there could be many, many things. but the way she said it, it seemed serious. 

"so Lily how have you been" i said but to only find her and niall still amking out back there "EWWWWWW NO PDA PLEASE NO PDA" i said. you know my always to break people up. its a classic. my favorite!

"oh ive been a little lonley without you guys. i mean a month full of no excitement. imagine that"

"sort of cant! we are the excitement!" harry said

when we got to the hotel it was about 5:30. the school ended a 4:30. ok we were about an hour late because harry wouldnt get his butt out of areopostale. 

once we got up to our seprate rooms, i headed to nats. i knew zayn was back, because while i was in the hall i heard him yell "GOD YOU TWO GET A ROOM" and Niall yelling back "were not having sex before marrige". i couldnt help but chuckle to my self. 

i knocked on her door, she answered in 2 seconds max "Hey Louis! whats up!?"

"you wanted to talk?" i asked

"yeah come in"


omg! i dont think im ready to tell him but i had to "yeahh come in" i closed the door behing us.

"ok tell me" he said. i hesitated. "common Nat"


"you...finish it up!" does he already know? is that why he wants me to get it out? so he can just ask me to be his girl friend already.

"i..i..I love you! and i mean more than friend. more than brother. more like a boyfriend" i quickly said it. his mouth dropped.

"i.uhh.i err.. i have to go"


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