Anything To Make Her SMILE...

By crazymahiz

93K 9.7K 8.3K

She is an orphan... He is a rich business tycoon.. She is way too naive and innocent... He is an arrogant, eg... More

Love to bloom soon.... (Prologue & Cast)
1.The new beginning which shows the magic of love...
2. I still remember the first day, I met you...
3. Will everyone accept my love???
4. I'm completely confused and couldn't understand what's going on..
5. Making her to smile...
6. I'm safe in your arms...
7. I'm feeling so blessed....
8. Love is in the air...
9. Bonding together in a beautiful way...
10. Moments with you is a beautiful dream come true...
11. I can't see your sad, crying face..
12. My lovely punishment to my fuggy...
13. Romancing my fuggy secretly ..
Exclusive: Birthday Wishes...
14. Love filled with utmost care....
15. The miracle angel in my dark life...
16. Joining hands with my fuggy....
Dont do that .. please...
17. Dreamy suhagraat or Horrible suhagraat???
18. What's needed in marriage??? ...
19. Kuchi Kuchi Raakama...
20. Humma Humma...
21. The plan behind the sweet punishment...
The true lovers....
22. I'm nothing without you...
23. You are my biggest happiness....
24. Falling in love over and over again...
25. My cute, angry wife...
26. The silly and naughty love birds...
27. Memories made with love....
28. You are my lucky charm...
29. I'm the medicine to his broken soul...
30. Dare to go, without my permission...
31. Two bodies.. One soul... One heart beat....
32. I'm missing you and its killing me...
33. You can't understand the hell, I faced inside me...
34. I'm still wearing the smile, you gave me..
35. You are my biggest strength... Yet, you are my biggest weakness too...
37. You brought happiness in my life and you only complete me...
38. You are my priceless, invaluable and irreplaceable possession
39. Real man shows his girl, how much she means to him....
40. Don't look at my teary eyes, when you leave me...
41. I will break my own heart, to protect yours....
42. I'm devilishly cute in giving punishment...
43. The dashing and terrific entry of the new CEO...
44. The comeback is stronger and roaring, than the setback...
45. Your smile makes my life, colourful...
46. When you smile, My mind gets intoxicated...
47. The CEO's Smart and Intelligent check...
48. Is their Loving bond be misjudged as an extra marital affair???
49. No one can near the Queen, ahead of the King's protection...
50. Stars cannot shine without the darkness...
51. The worthless silly fight, increases the love between us...
52. Triggered the Lioness anger... How will I survive???

36. Be my wife... All my life...

1.2K 187 140
By crazymahiz

When I hug you, I'm not just holding you in my embrace... But I'm holding everything that I ever need in my life...

You came in my life and changed my entire world .. I have lost total control of myself and become a changed person after seeing you... My heart doesn't belong to me as it's given to you a long time before...

You are the only thing, I need right now...


Pragya is smiling brightly reminscing what all the things Abhi has done to go to office... Pragya finds Abhi no less than a pre schooler who shows all sorts of tantrums and excuses not to go to office...


Abhi was in his deep slumber holding the whole world in his arms... For a  husband like Abhi, his wife Pragya means the world to him... He is snuggling close to her and is not in a mood to wake up at all....

Abhi is highly annoyed and irritated as his mobile is keep on ringing for a long time... Abhi is completely frustrated and picks up the call angrily and is about to bash Purab who is spoiling his sleep..

Abhi roars in anger: What the hell is your  problem Purab... Just cut the call Purab, before I kill you and stop calling me again and again ... If pragya wakes up from her sleep, I don't know what I will do to you...

Purab: Im so sorry Abhi..  Just calm down and listen to me please... I and Ajju jiju are on the way to check for the materials in the near by city... Here the traffic is too much and we can't return back as scheduled...

At 11 o' clock,  we have a small meeting with our employees and at 11.45, we are having an important client meeting Abhi... Is it possible for you to go and attend that please???

Sorry Abhi for disturbing you.... We thought of returning back and we have started earlier too... But situations are not in our favour.. If you don't mind, can you go??? You have two hours Abhi... So, please.... It's very important...

Abhi: You... 😤😤😤😤.... You two are hopeless and worthless for anything.... You guys can't handle this simple issue too and always dragging me for everything... I don't know what you two are doing in office...

Who the hell asked you two to go together??? Damn it... 😠😠😠😠... I told you two already, I'm not coming there for a week as I badly want to be with my fuggy....

But you stupid morons are always coming as shautans for spoiling my mood... 😬😬😬😬😬... Aargh... You two come soon as early as possible... I will show you two what is to mess up with Abhishek Mehra...

Purab: Sorry Abhi... Nothing is intentionally done... Please try to understand our helpless state...

Abhi: Do hell with your sorry... 😤😤😤😤... Call Uma and inform her that I'm coming there  and ask her to make everything perfect... I don't want any unwanted delays amd mishaps... Got it...

And you two... Come soon okay... I will leave the office as soon as you two get inside...  Dare to come late, I will kill you two...

Abhi barks at the poor Purab and cuts the call angrily... Abhi frowns as Pragya who wakes up from her sleep is smiling hardly on seeing abhi's frustration and anger...

Abhi: Fuggy... 😤😤😤😤

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... I'm so sorry Abhi... Sorry I can't control my laughter... 😂😂😂😂... You look so cute when you get angry... 😂😂😂😂....

Abhi's lips curved to a smile on seeing his fuggy's happy smile...

Abhi: Don't you know, I go crazy if you smile like this... Your idiot brother is asking me to go to office but you are teasing me na...

Pragya: What's this Abhi... You are sulking like a small baby.... Come on get up... Go and get ready... You need to be on time right...

Behave like a sensible businessman and owner of the mighty Mehra Groups... Come on hurry up... Don't whine like a little grumpy baby... Get ready soon...

Abhi smirks: You teased me so much and calling me as baby na... So, let me a baby now... Wake me up, coo me, pamper me and make me to get ready... Feed me and send off me to office...  If not, I'm not leaving any where my dear fuggy...

Pragya: Abhi... This is too much... You are not a small kid... Come on... Behave properly and get ready...

Abhi: Yeah too too much na... Good night mumma.... Sweet dreams... 😴😴😴😴

Abhi winks, show his puppy face and smiles and lay down and buries his face in the pillow... Pragya shooks her head in disbelief as she understands that she is going to have a tough time to send Abhi to office...

She takes a deep breath and nears abhi... She kisses his forehead and tries all her might to wake up abhi... But Abhi is way too notorious and Pragya had a terrific adventure to pull abhi from bed and to push him into the restroom....

Abhi keeps on protesting and shouting like a small kid and Pragya had no other go than to make Abhi get bathed... The naughty, romantic lover boy in Abhi uses this opportunity very well to his favour and enjoys it as much as he can making Pragya to bath along with him...

Pragya's next mission to make Abhi to get dress up is a biggest task ever she has faced in her life... Abhi keeps on rejecting all the dresses and is finding flaws in everything.... Finally, after giving as many as bribes he demanded, Abhi finally dressed up to go to office...

Pragya drags Abhi to the dining hall to feed him... Aaliya, Bulbul, Dadi and Dasi are laughing uncontrollably as Abhi is laying down on Pragya's lap and protesting not to eat anything like a pre kg kid...

Pragya sighs and forcefully feeds him food...  None of Pragya's blackmails works with Abhi as he shows all sorts of tantrums as that of a first time school going kid...

Abhi cries to go to office and Pragya pampers and coos him like a real mother and sends him to office atlast... All were laughing and teasing Pragya saying that if Abhi is behaving like this, what will she do when her son or daughter behaves way too ahead of Abhi....

Pragya gasps in shock as she doesn't want to imagine her kids to be notorious and mischievous like Abhi...
But her cheeks turns red uncontrollably imagining how will Abhi pamper her, if she gets pregnant...


Pragya comes out from her trance as Aaliya shooks her hardly...

Aaliya: Hey Pragya... Come back to earth dear... I and bulbul are going to the  home as some final arrangements are to be done there... Are you coming with us or you are going to sit and dream about chottu???

Pragya: Aaliya bhabhi... 😊😊😊😊😊.... You guys just carry on... You know na what all stunts your brother has pulled up to go to office... I know he will be in foul mood and will blast his poor employees today for sure....

Already Uma called me and informed me that Abhi is sulking and shouting on everyone in the office unnecessarily... So, I'm planning to go to office to give lunch to him and be with him for some time till Ajju bhai and Puru bhai returns....

Bulbul: Wow... Nice idea pragya... So, going to have romance in office haan naughty girl 😉😉😉😉... Have fun and enjoy with Bhai....

Pragya blushes with bulbul's teasings while Aaliya hits Bulbul hardly ...

Aaliya: Stupid bulbul... I don't know what your head is made up of... Don't you know that no one knows Abhi is married and how come Pragya can go to office just like that and meet him...

Just then Pragya too remembers that Abhi said that their marriage should be a top secret for some security reasons... Pragya's eyes welled up, as she is helpless at the time and not to go and meet Abhi and to be with him knowing well that he will miss her so much... Aaliya smiles and pulls Pragya's cheeks...

Aaliya: Aww... My cutie pragya darling... Don't cry dear... If Abhi's fuggy can't meet him then who else can meet my chottu... Just do, what I say okay...  

Aaliya whispers something in Pragya's ears and her face glowed brightly on hearing her... She giggles happily and runs upstairs to get ready... Pragya picks up Abhi's favourite blue colour Anarkali and rushed to get ready like the way Abhi wished to see her always....


Abhi with his usual arrogant smirk and  bossy attitude enters his office... Though the girls are ready to drown in Abhi's handsome look but they never intend to rise their heads too as they know that it will be their last day if they drool on him...

Abhi as usual handles the employees meeting with his usual style and the employees are sitting and nodding the head as no wants to face the wrath of their boss Abhishek Mehra at any time...

Tanu who has joined office again
10 days before is way too happy as Abhi has shown up his gracious presence to her after a long time... Tanu who investigated a lot as why Abhi is not coming to office often couldn't figure out anything as no one is aware of anything....

As Purab, Arjun and Uma has just blantly informed that Abhi is working on an important project and he is busy with that... Tanu understands that something is fishy is going on as Abhi is not a person who will be away from office without any unwanted or important reasons....

Tanu tries all her level might to seduce Abhi when he is addressing the employees and is explaining their plans and goals for the coming month... Abhi is highly annoyed with Tanu's behaviour and want to throw her out at that instant itself...

But he kept mum and ignores Tanu as she is not of much that value even to be thrown by him out too... Abhi shruggs his shoulders and thinks of his fuggy's smile and  continues the meeting.... Tanu sulks as Uma has dragged her out after the meeting ends....


Abhi takes a small break and goes inside the Private room inside his cabin to calm him down... He takes Pragya's photo in the room and kisses it lovingly....

Abhi: Fuggy darling... I'm missing you so much dear... I can't be away from you just for an hour too... I want to be with you badly.... Huh... Stupid brothers of yours spoiled our happy times....

Wait for me sweetheart... Let me finish off the client's meeting and get back to you soon darling... Love you so much... Miss you a lot fuggy.... 😘😘😘😘😘

Abhi kisses the photo again and keeps it carefully and moves out... When he is about to enter the meeting hall, he spots Nikhil is standing there with a smirk in his face... Abhi grits his teeth in anger and asks Uma to push him out as soon as possible by giving the money for his mother....

Uma asked him to calm down and not to bother about Nikhil at this time... Rather than that, Abhi has to concentrate on his  enemy who has come there along with the clients.... Abhi is fuming like a volcano and barges inside the meeting room with fire in his eyes...

Abhi with his usual Arrogant behavior greets the clients and had a meeting with them... Though the rival of Abhi tries all his level might to pull Abhi's legs and is about to bash him as much as he can, but Abhi being smart blackens his face nicely and gives him back to back ....

After the meeting, Abhi excused and asked his rival to spare some minutes with him... Abhi with an evil smirk closes the door and gives a hard punch on his face making the stars to dance in his rival's head...

Abhi pulls his collar and pushes him down... He keeps his boots on his neck and chockes his throat almost making him to see the hell before his eyes....

Abhi: Thinking high of yourself haan... How dare you to mess up with Abhishek Prem Mehra... 😬😬😬...  If I ever see you in my life again, that's your final day in this earth remember....

I know you are the one who is trying to kidnap my sisters in the mall right... You idiot trying to make an accident in my car when I'm on the way for the deal... Do you think this Abhi as a fool and is not aware of your intentions....

I know very well what's happening behind me and who is giving you advices and supporting you and funding for all these dirty acts... It's not a warning for you and also to that old monster too...

Go and say to him... Abhi always likes persons who fights with him face to face ... If he has guts, ask him to come before my eyes... I'm also waiting to kill that heartless monster mercilessly as soon as possible....

Ask him not to be a coward and try to come before me, if he can... And you... 😬😬😬😬😬.... Never dare to mess up with me again... 

I know you don't want to lose your  life right.... Now get up and don't ever open your mouth to anyone what has happened inside this room...

Got it... Now be smart enough and smile like a fool... Haan... Good boy... Keep it up... Here wipe your face with this... Thanks for coming here and saving my time... You may leave now...

Abhi's rival who  works on behalf of Abhi's father ran away from there as he want to save his life.... Uma sees this from outside and smiles happily seeing that Abhi is back to his form....

But Uma's prediction is completely wrong as Abhi is back from the arrogant businessman to the love sick, romantic husband of Pragya in a short time... He started to sulk again saying that he is missing his fuggy so much and asked not to disturb him any time till Purab and Arjun returns....

Uma informs no one to trouble Abhi any a time... As she has an important work in the seventh floor, she calls the receptionist in the ground floor not to send anyone, if they come to meet Abhi... She asks to send Abhi's lunch alone to her cabin, if it comes from Abhi's home....


Almost an hour gone... Abhi didn't called Pragya as she has warned him not to call her till he returns from office.... Abhi who misses his fuggy too much is rewinding and seeing all his lovely moments he spend with his fuggy in his mobile....

In the meantime, Pragya comes to Abhi's office along with the security men in a hired cab as she doesn't want anyone to figure out that she is Abhi's wife... The security men hands over the lunch carrier to the watchman and asked him to hand over to Abhi's PA, Uma...

After sometime, Pragya asked the security man to go to home as Abhi is there to protect her... Pragya admires the mighty Mehra enterprises which is standing majestically... She amuzes knowing that Abhi's cabin is in the top 25th floor....


Pragya enters the office with a blushy smile in her face as she knows very well that how will Abhi react on seeing her there in his office... She knows that Abhi will like her surprise entry for sure....

But Pragya is not aware that she is going to face a bad shock of her life which is going to push her into a living hell...  She enters the office with a smile in her face not aware that she is going to cry for her happiness....

Pragya walks inside the office happily... Each steps she takes inside, she felt goosebumps in her body and she is proud that she has got such a big businessman as her husband who loves her crazily.... Abhi's words, "Be my wife... All my life..." lingers in her ears....


Pragya is crying uncontrollably as Tanu is bashing her a lot saying that she is a behenji and she has no class even to say abhi's name too.... Pragya's breath hitched and its gets uneven.... She holds her chest with pain and kneels down on the floor with blood tears rolling from her eyes....

Abhi who is not aware of the happenings in his office, finally gives up and calls Pragya as he misses her badly.... Abhi panicks as Pragya is not at all attending his call... Tanu is laughing on seeing the crying face of Pragya....



What's going to happen next????

Will Pragya's health deteriorates again????

Will Abhi be able to know about Pragya's state????

What will Abhi do if he came to know that Pragya is bashed by Tanu????

How will the whole family react if they know that Pragya is being ill treated in Abhi's office????

Did Tanu is aware or remember that Pragya is the one whom Nikhil wished to fulfill her lust????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A very long update as usual....

Words used: 3000+

Sorry, if there are any typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes without fail....

Don't forget to pen down your comments...

Inline comments and long comments are highly appreciated.....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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