The Internship•Calum Hood AU

By b4byg3l

86.2K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... More

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"
19•"need a tissue virgin?"
20• "im sorry darling"
21•"theres something wrong"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned
27• "I miss you"

2•"do you know who 5sos are?"

3.3K 64 61
By b4byg3l

I woke with a start when I felt a nudge on my arm. I jumped awake to find myself in the same seat on the same airplane.

"Sorry Cindy but I had to wake you up to ask did you want lasagne or salad?" Melissa said sheepishly smiling.

"Oh that's fine, lasagne please" I smiled at the hostess who was walking up the aisle, not that I would eat the food anyway. It smelt horrible.

On the small screen infront of me it read 3hr and 24 minutes left. I literally slept for that entire time, I must of needed it. I hope I didn't snore, poor Melissa she would be deafened.

The next 3 hours I spent picking my free nuts that were on my tray and watching movies. After watching Inside Out and various episodes of CSI Miami, I heard the familiar ping of the intercom.

"We hope you have enjoyed your flight with American Airlines, we are now reaching our destination in the next few minutes please put on your seatbelts and fold your trays"

I felt a drop in my stomach as I realised that I was going to actually do this. And I knew nothing about these boys! Crap, how am I meant to bag a job if I'm clueless to what this band even is?

Out of desperation I nudge Melissa and she turns to look at me while folding her magazine.

"Um-Melissa super weird question but do you know who 5SOS are?" I question chewing the inside of my cheek.

"What? Yeah of course! I listen to them all the time! I really love Michael, and his hair and everything about him. And oh my god Ashton's fingers there so long and Luke, his voice literally gives me the shivers and Calum's LIPS! Have you seen his LIPS!"

Melissa rambles on and I quickly realise she was the wrong person to ask as all I'm hearing is how Luke had some girlfriend and how Michael has a song wrote about him.

"No I mean like, music? Do you know anything about their music?" I but in quickly, I don't wanna be rude but we land in 2 minutes and I know nothing.

Melissa clears her throats and nods. "Yeah I love their song Vapour but if I had to choose a golden oldie I would have to go for Try Hard. It has the cutest music video, but also I'm a big fan of the entire sounds good feels good album. It's gold"

I nod my head and smile. Happy and confident I've received an insight into what was going down in the next few hours with these boys.

When I feel the pressure drop and my belly turn I realise we're speeding onto the runway so fast it feels like we're still flying. When we finally halt everyone claps on board, weird.

It takes a while to let everyone from the back out and I take the opportunity to hug Melissa and say goodbye. We even trade phone numbers.

Grabbing my duffel bag from the overhead compartment I make my way down the corridor and out of the plane. Immediately outside I see the beautiful bright sunshine and the bright blue sky. I actually stop for a minute to catch my breath.

"What an amazing place" I whisper to myself and snap a few pictures before making my way to the baggage area to wait for my suitcase. I spot it rolling along and grab it quickly before making my way across the busy airport.

I'm just about to ask where I can find a taxi when I hear someone shout out my name in an Australian accent.

"Cindy? Cindy Kimberly?" I turn to see a bald man with sunglasses holding a small cardboard card reading my name.

I walk over to the man and he flashes me a cheesy smile."Hello miss, are you Cindy? Zoe Smith has signed me to collect you to bring you to the Ban Hotel"

I smile at the funny mans accent and reply."Yes that will be me, I didn't expect a limo as such" I say as I see a black limo parked out the glass doors.

"Zoe insisted for all the winners, be expecting to see me alot on this trip!" He says while taking my bags and I walk to the car and when I feel a deep heat hit me in the face I wish I hadn't of worn my cashmere sweater. It's supposed to be winter in Australia and it's still so hot, and that's coming from scorching summers in Arizona.

I slide across the leather seats of the cool car and relax as the driver starts the car. I realise I haven't got his name.

"Excuse me what's your name?" I shout to the front.

"David! But you can call me Dave" he says with a grin and I relax in the comfy seat. I can barely see the scenes as we pass through the black tinted windows but I can still tell their beautiful.

We pulled up to a huge hotel and Dave tells me to go inside to the lobby and he'll bring my bags. I make my way into the most beautiful hotel I've ever seen. The entire concept was marble and it looked as if nobody had ever walked across the shiny,glossy floor.

I suddenly felt self-conscious, I don't belong somewhere here. I most certainly had bags from being on a plane for 16 hours, my lips were dry, my hair was messy and I was sweating from the heat outside. Great impression Cindy.

"Um excuse me? Can I help you?" A man dressed in a black uniform which I assume belongs to the hotel asks me.

"U-um yes please I'm booked here under the name Z-Zoe Smith? I'm Cindy." I stutter over my words like I'm incapable of speaking.

The man raises an eyebrow and nods." Yes come this way miss! We've been expecting you in the lounge. There is some sort of meeting going on with Miss Smith"

He pushes me into a large room with the same marble floors and large chandeliers. I look around to see a large amount of people eating, talking, rushing around and on computers.

I mentally facepalm as I realise I don't even know what this Zoe woman looks like. She could be anyone here.

I spot a small woman with a black pixie cut and a kind face and tap her shyly.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a Zoe Smith?" I ask her.

"That would be me, who are you?" She smiles and I internally sigh in relief.

"I'm Cindy, I won the competition for the photographs" and she claps her hands with glee.

"Oh Cindy it's lovely to meet you! I've been expecting you around here! Come meet the other winners" she walks towards a table and I follow her to be met with the faces of two girls.

One of the girls has the most fiery red hair I've ever seen, it seems to be in untameable waves as it rests against her pale skin. Her eyes are not an emerald green as I would of expected, but instead a piercing bright blue. She sends a small smile my way which I smile back to. But she focuses somewhere else after.

Beside her is another girl and she reminds me a lot like my sister. She has a warm chubby face with olive skin and light brown hair which cascades around her face. She smiles brightly at me and sends a small wave my way. Her fingers are laced in different rings and her wrists are covered in braided bracelets and charms.

"Hi, I'm Cindy" I say shyly, proud I didn't stutter or stumble over my words.

The brown haired girl opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted when redhead shoves her thin wrist and her manicured hand into mine and tightly shakes it.

"I'm Ruby, nice to meet you" she says with a thin lipped smile. She has an accent, not so thick you couldn't understand her but she sounds French or German. Ruby analyses me quickly which makes me feel uncomfortable then removes her hand from the grasp.

The brown haired girl shoots an apologetic look at me and shakes my hand also, but this time a lot softer and removes it before it gets awkward. It's her turn to speak now.

"Hello. I'm Margot" She beams at me and I relax quickly. She has a distinct British accent which makes me swoon. I bore compared to both of them with my accent.

"Well Cindy! Welcome to the team! I think that an announcement is going to be made in a few minutes so please take a seat" Zoe says and scurries off quickly to another table.

I sit down beside the two girls and Ruby throws her herd of red hair over her shoulder and rests her chin in her creamy hands, she looks at me as if she wants to know all about me.

"So, Cindy where are you from?" She questions and I clear my throat and tap my nails on the table.

"I'm from Arizona, lived there my whole life. I'm actually at the University of Arizona" I reply with a smile.

Ruby raises her arched eyebrows and chuckles icily, I widen my eyes and send her a confused look.

"What?" I say and wipe my mouth and check my sleeves incase I have a weird stain on my body that she's spotted.

"Nothing, just Arizona. Your a real small town girl aren't you? I was born in Bordeaux and moved to Paris with my father when I was like 5" she licks her lips and continues;"I did go to the American University of Paris. But I left when I won the competition"

"Woah. Why did you leave?" I ask and she chuckles and leans back.

"Well I know I'm winning this competition, what's the point in staying? Besides, I love taking pictures. I really wanna model" she replies and then I hear a ringtone emerge from somewhere on the table. Ruby grabs the phone and stands up and leaves the table.

I slump back in my chair and catch eyes with Margot. She bursts out laughing and wipes tears from her eyes.

"God she is so privileged! I couldn't get a word in before she left! I'm a small town girl like you. Actually your from a whole new world compared to me! I'm from York in England, a small town. I don't go to school anymore, I work in a little bakery and take pictures whenever I can. Oh and I also draw, I like to see myself as an artist" Margot blurts out happily.

She is so warm and welcoming and humble. She's actually interested in me and not just the competition. After a few minutes of laughing and talking about our favourite photographers. I hear a tap on the microphone and our attention is drawn to Zoe on the stage with a group of people behind her.

"Can I have your attention please! I want to start tour off with a thanks to everyone who's here to support the boys on yet another amazing journey! It's gonna be a lot of hard work and effort but it's all worth it! Now this tour is a little different because we have brought on 3 young women who have won the photograph competition! Let's give them a round of applause'"

Suddenly the entire room gawks at our table and claps. I want the ground to swallow me up as I realise that Ruby has a blue silk dress on and a white cardigan and a pair of brown heeled boots, her makeup is done to perfection and even Margot has a black light dress on with dandelions patterned across it. Me on the other hand, I just stepped off a 16 hour flight.

As if Ruby is reading my thoughts she turns to look at me. "You think you would of bit of effort into meeting the boys Cindy" she giggles and I roll my eyes. This French bitch is really getting on my nerves.

I focus back on the stage and now my eyes meet 4 boys standing there. All tall with long legs casted in black jeans.

One boy I focus on is taller than the rest, his dirty blonde hair rests across his forehead and he's awkwardly playing with his boot clad foot. He has bright blue eyes, similar to Ruby's and he's awkwardly playing with his lip. His eyes are focused on our table and I look closer to see he's not looking at me, but Margot. I break the stare and look at the rest of the boys as Zoe's words fade around me.

Beside him is a smily boy who is actually listening to what Zoe says. He has one of those smiles that can make even the saddest people happy. Deep dimples protrude from his cheeks and he shakes his dirty fair curls from his forehead. As I take him in he's playing with his hands and occasionally lets out an adorable giggle. I drag my gaze of him to see a red headed boy.

He's pale but still breathtakingly beautiful all the same, he has the most amazing red hair I've ever seen and big greeny-blue eyes. I can spot a piercing perched on his eyebrow and he's chewing his cheek as he laughs at whatever Curly is giggling about.

At the end of the line I see the boy who's Instagram I lingered on. He has a slight smirk on his face and his cheeks look chubby and round. He has dark tan skin with dark brown eyes framed by long lashes and nearly black- brown hair resting on his forehead. He has his hands crossed and like the tall boy he's looking at our table. I glance and see he's not looking at Ruby and when our eyes meet. He doesn't pull away but instead pulls at his lip with his teeth.

And I can't break away.

A/N- sorry for the late chapter! I made it super long and now Cindy meets the boys! Well sorta but next chapter will be better ooooo lol;) btw do u guys want me to base this off 2014 5sos because I rlly didn't know if I should give Luke a lip ring or not like plzZ comment!'' Thanks so much for the small support on the very start of this book! Every read comment and vote is appreciated so much❤️❤️❤️

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