An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Ten

640 25 2
By TempestariiDragon

Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Ten


I wake up as my alarm blares at me. Today I have woken up at half past seven. What are today’s duties as Head Enforcer? Yes to go and make sure that the Ice Skating rink for Roxy’s party is as safe as can be. I’ve also got to get on with some work if trouble isn’t too hard to handle today. Speaking of trouble I’d better hurry up and go see if he’s awake. Yes I know that he should be up by eight but it’ll take me about half an hour to get dressed anyway.

Wait a second. Greta is returning to the clan today.

Well fuck. She is a cow.

Sliding out of bed I head to the bathroom all the while getting undressed so I can take a shower.

Arriving in the bathroom I quickly close the door and turn the shower on so that the shower will get up to the right temperature so that I don’t feel any freezing cold water on me.  I look at myself in the mirror and take a look at my neck.

I’ll have to see who is on duty for medical care today and get them to look at it. It’s out of Crystal, Kira, Remi or Esme. Lousy Shifter high metabolism which is suppose to heal us quickly although I’m not saying it would heal a wound like mine that quickly but once it’s ceiled it usually takes a day or two to fully heal then the stitches need to be removed.

I jump into the shower and quickly clean myself and my hair before jumping out again. I just as quickly dry off again deciding that I need to hurry up to go and collect Loki.

Wandering back into my bedroom I grab a pair of black jeans and grabbing a light blue keep calm and carry on t-shirt. I soon get dressed and sort my hair out before casually strolling out into the corridor. I just as casually stroll over to Loki’s bedroom door and bang on the door loudly.

When I don’t hear a reply I try again but this time shouting “Loki you lazy bastard get your ass out here.”

Again there is no answer from the bastard.

Growing even more annoyed and inpatient I open the door walking in as I open it. Loki is still asleep and is sprawled out across his bed. I place my left hand onto my left hip in an unimpressed manner and just watch Loki for a few minutes thinking of ways to wake him up in the most inappropriate way.

Strolling into his bathroom I grab a cup which every bathroom has and fill it with water. Proudly walking back into the bedroom I head over to the soon to be soaking wet Loki who is still peacefully sleeping unaware of his impending doom.

Once I’ve arrived at his bedside I check to make sure that the time is past what I said. It’s now half past eight so Loki was supposed to be awake half an hour ago. Now knowing that Loki is indeed late waking up I pour the entire contents of the cup over Loki’s face making him startle awake. Loki quite literally tries to jump out of bed but ends up falling out of bed wrapped in his covers.

Stopping a laugh from escaping my lips I notify “You’re late I told you to get up at eight o’clock it’s now half past. You were supposed to be up and dressed by the time I came knocking on your door. You are not a child who needs to be awoken from sleep by their mothers. I don’t want to have to repeat this Loki so remember the warning. Now get up, get dry, get dressed simple.”

Loki is glaring at me sending a small shiver down my spine. It wasn’t a shiver out of fear it’s my body trying to get me to pounce on him. Again what the fuck?

I ask “Do I need to tell you again Loki?”

Loki growls “No you don’t Brooklyn but I don’t appreciate the way you woke me up.”

I warn “You keep oversleeping then you’ll soon get used to it Loki.”

Loki gets up finally and tries to intimidate me by standing over me. I stand up straighter and snarl at him allowing my fangs to show.

I warn “Keep trying to intimidate me and you will end up like many of my enemies. You think I hurt you yesterday you don’t know the half of what I could do to you in this form let alone my Snow Leopard form which by the way is fighting me to get out. I am the only thing standing between you and a feral Snow Leopard. Get dressed.”

The latter of what I said is and it isn’t true. My Snow Leopard is angry at Loki for trying to intimidate me but at the same time it’s a turn on for her. The bloody slutty Snow leopard.

Loki holds his hands up in mock surrender and heads over to his wardrobe. He pulls out a pair of black jeans and what looks to be a tight fitting plain dark green long sleeved t-shirt.

Loki grumbles “I still can’t believe you Mor.... people wear such clothing. It’s so casual.”

I smirk “If you think I didn’t notice that you almost called us Mortals again then you have a screw loose. What we wear is totally fine since we all basically know each other it’s not a formal gathering each time we gather here and there.”

Loki rolls his eyes and asks “Since I already know that I’m now bound to you what is it that we are to do today?”

I notify “First we probably have to endure Greta arguing over why you’re here and why I haven’t been thrown out of the clan yet after we’ve got to go to the local ice rink so I can evaluate it for tomorrow when we go there for Roxy’s birthday surprise. Then the day is ours to do with as we wish but I know at some point during the day I’m going to have to allow you to go into the library again to learn some more about us Shifters.”

Loki nods his head then quickly heads of into the bathroom.

I wait around idly for about five minutes before Loki remerges from the bathroom fully dressed in his new clothes. I then notice with great amusement that he hasn’t taken off the price tags.

I smile “You haven’t taken the price tags off your new clothes Loki.”

Loki asks “I haven’t taken off what?”

“Come here.”

“What! Why?”

“I need to get the price tags off your clothes.”

I quickly move up behind Loki before he can move away from me and grab him by his shirt so I can pull off the price tag. Loki freaks out slightly and moves forward making me lose my balance so that I fall over.

I never reach the floor though as Loki catches me in his arms. I feel a spark then and a rush of heat over the area that he is touching. It feels like electricity is running through my body. What the fuck is going on with my body. My Snow Leopard wants to run herself all over Loki. Tart.

I quickly jump back up to my feet and look at Loki.

I smile “Thank you for catching me there.”

Loki replies “It was my honour to be able to save you from a fall Brooklyn.”

I request “Can you stay still while I remove the tags from your clothes?”

Loki nods his head while looking rather confused.

Going behind him I grab the tag on the t-shirt and pull it off his top. Loki jolts slightly probably still clueless as to what it is that I am doing. Grabbing the trousers clothing tag I pull that off as well.

I announce “Finished.”

Loki turns back to face me. I stare at him for a second before turning and walking out of the door. I can tell that Loki’s following me by the sounds of feet walking behind me.

I take Loki down to the kitchen so we can get some breakfast before we have to head to the Ice Rink.

As we enter the kitchen I greet loudly “Morning all!”

I notice that it’s quite crowded in here for this time. Then I see the reason why.

Skye has made her infamous pancakes. They are the most beautiful pancakes in the whole universe. I have no idea how she makes them so good since she won’t tell us how she makes them.

I quickly go and grab two plates and go over to Skye who is serving out her pancakes as equally as she can do.

I greet “Morning Skye pancakes for me and trouble.”

Skye smiles while putting some pancakes on both plates “Morning Brooke morning Loki.”

A croaky old voice I immediately recognise as the old hag snarls “I see that my Grandson hasn’t kicked you out yet.”

I reply while looking at Greta’s wrinkled old face “You know, I used to think that you were just snarling at me but now I see that it’s actually just your face.”

Greta begins to start her lecture by announcing “In my day...”

I interrupt “In your day, Jesus wasn’t even born yet.”

That earns me a few laughs.

Greta objects “This is unacceptable... If I was Clan Alpha you would be out like...”

I interrupt again “Just give me a second. Attempting to give a fuck, attempting harder to give a fuck, Sorry there was an error as the fuck was not given.”

Greta snaps “Why you ungrateful bitch. What have you done here that is of any actual use?”

“I’m the Head Enforcer Greta therefore I’ve done a lot of useful tasks otherwise this territory wouldn’t be as secure as it is now.”

“What my Grandson saw in you when he chose you as Head Enforcer I shall never understand.”

Loki snaps “Enough insulting her she is clearly worth ten of you.”

I turn to look at Loki in shock as do a few of the others.

Greta asks “And who do you think you are?”

I shake my head at Loki but he ignores me completely as he announces “I am Loki of Asgard. I should be asking you the same question.”

Great snarls “I’m Greta, Morgan’s Grandmother you psychotic monster.”

Loki stops dead in his tracks the word monster seems to have had an effect on him.

I smirk “You know Greta you look rather uncomfortable there wouldn’t you like to slip into something abit more comfortable like I don’t know a coma.”

Greta asks in a rage “Why is this waste of breath here? Why haven’t any of you destroyed him?”

I admit “Because he is to stay here on the orders of Morgan I am his guardian. Wherever I go he goes. Wherever he goes I go. Do you get it Greta he cannot go anywhere without my say so.”

Greta snarls in question “Why is this allowed?”

I smirk not bothering to hide my annoyance “You know Greta some people are dropped as a baby. You were clearly thrown at the nearest wall and then drop kicked out the window for you to be this stupid and hard of hearing. Oh wait the hard of hearing comes with your age. How old are you now Greta? What’s that you were the cause of the dinosaurs’ extinction? Was your birth that bad?”

That earns me another few laughs from the others. Loki still looks troubled by being called a monster. I’ll have a chat with him once we’re able to leave the kitchen.

Greta goes to say something else but I announce “If you have a problem with him then go talk to Morgan about it.”

Greta stands up while grumbling to herself something about how I’m a good for nothing uncontrollable bitch and how Loki is a monster with psychotic tendencies that shouldn’t be trusted or alive. I simply roll my eyes at her antics.

I take both plates and go to sit down at the nearest two places. I turn to look at Loki and find that he hasn’t moved from his last spot.

I call “Loki do you want your pancakes or not?”

Loki visually jumps out of his daze then strolls over to me sitting down without a word. He picks up his knife and fork and begins to eat. I watch him for a second out of the corner of my eye before starting to eat my pancakes.

As the noise level gets louder again I lightly nudge Loki to get his attention. Loki stops eating and turns to face me.

I ask “Are you alright?”

Loki shrugs his shoulders but doesn’t reply.

I notify “You should just ignore Greta she’s an old senile cow who has absolutely no manners.”

Loki sighs and continues to eat his pancakes.

I announce “This discussion is not over Loki.”

Loki closes his eyes and turns his head away from me. I look at him again. He may not be a clan member but he’s my responsibility meaning that I have to take care of him even though I have caused him injury although that was his own bloody fault.

I quickly finish up my pancakes after realising that I’ve got a short period of time to get to the Ice Rink. I wait for Loki to finish his before getting up and putting mine and Loki’s plate in the dishwasher.

I ask “You ready to go Loki?”

Loki looks at me with questioning eyes.

I ask “You haven’t forgotten what I told you that we’d be doing today already have you?”

Loki asks “So we’re going to this Ice Rink then?”

I nod my head and wait for Loki to get to his feet.

As we leave the Kitchen I announce quietly “Okay so we’re going to the Brett Memorial Ice Arena in Palmer. Today we’ll try out the ice but not for long. We’ll be with the general public today but tomorrow it’ll just be the clan.”

Loki reminds “You do remember that I have not resided here for as long as you Brooklyn I do not know where everything is.”

I smile “True so you’ll just have to look at where we’re going.”

Loki requests “Drive slowly I don’t want to end up being ill.”

I ask “What’s the magic word Loki?”

Loki looks at me in utter confusion then asks “There are many magical words Brooklyn what one do you speak of?”

I smirk “It begins with a P and rhymes with breeze.”

Loki looks at me like I’m crazy.

I urge “Use the brain that you were given to figure it out.”

We have arrived in the garage and I jumped into the Land Rover. I slip the keys into the ignition and start the engine up. I put my seatbelt on and wait for Loki to put his on which he’s thankfully remembered to do.

Loki asks before I even pull away “What is the magical word you spoke of.”

I reply “If you say it within another sentence people might do something for you.”

Loki suggests “Please?”

I cheer “Well done Loki you got it.”

Loki huffs in annoyance.

I ask “Why did Greta upset you so much? What did she say that upset you?”

Loki looks out of the window even though the vehicle isn’t even moving yet.

I announce “Loki we’re not moving anywhere until you tell me.”

Loki sighs then admits “Monster. She called me a monster.”

I notify as I begin to drive “Yes I heard her say that. After all you’ve done that’s probably not the worst thing that you’ve been called.”

Loki announces “I do not care for the other names I have been called. The name monster hits home for what I really am.”

I comment “You’re Asgardian? That’s what you really are, isn’t it?”

Loki shakes his head and that’s when I see the traces of tears beginning to stain his cheeks.

As we come up to the territory gates I slow down so I can speak to the person on duty which is Raya.

Raya see’s me and comes to my window as I stop.

I admit “I’m going to check out the Ice Rink for tomorrow. Inform Morgan but make sure that Roxy isn’t in ear shot.”

Raya nods her head then asks “What’s wrong with him?”

I admit “Something Greta said.”

Raya snarls “That fucking bitch needs to act her age.”

I smirk “If she acted her age she’d die.”

Raya laughs at that and shakes her head.

Raya announces “Loki listen up. Since Brooke has given you a second chance I’m giving you one as well. We all make mistakes and I’ve been given second chances from my mistakes so why shouldn’t I give you a second chance.”

Loki responds quietly “Thank you.”

Raya smiles “Hopefully we can become friends.”

Loki nods his head but still refuses to turn his head.

I whisper closer to Raya “He was affected by what Greta said so don’t take his behaviour seriously.”

Raya nods and goes to open the gates up. Once the gates are open I begin to get the car moving while waving slightly as I go past Raya.

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