The Secret's Demise (sequel t...

By bvb_ismy_saviour

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Andy and Hope didn't have the smoothest beginning, but things had gotten worked out and put in place. Will An... More

Escape Plan
Lost and Alone
News, Hate, and Moving On
Schools and Surprises
Visitors and Unexpected Tragedy
The New Addition
The Tattoo Tour
Flashbacks and Problems
Writing, Recovering, and Australian Parents
Life Is A Bitch
The Instruments of the Troubled
Remember When
A Night to Remember
The Picnic
CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret
Complicated Love, Engagement Rings, and Drunk Troubles
Footprints in the Sand
Now Entering The City of Chicago
Free Now
A Legal Age
Andy In Wonderland
The Search Begins
A New Beginning
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones
Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?
The Church of the Wild Ones
Girl Problems and A Knife
Where Will We Go From Here

Concerts and New Friends

198 7 0
By bvb_ismy_saviour

~Andy's POV~

"Andy, where the hell are you? You said you'd be back a half an hour ago!" Ashley answered my call and basically screamed at me like he was my father.

"Ashley, calm down. I ran into someone and got talking." I hope he doesn't ask who...

"Oh. Just hurry up. The guys had some questions about one of your songs, so I was thinking we could talk before you left for the concert." I guess I did need to get back.

"Ok, ya I'll leave now and get back as fast as possible." I said goodbye and hung up.

"You have to go now? Band stuff? I get it. I'll see you at the concert though." She smiles and waves as I leave.

"Bye Hope." I exit her tattoo shop and walk at a fast pace back to my house.

When I arrive, the guys are all there. I walk in and I am greeted by a lot of shouting. What are they shouting about?

"Hey guys. What's with all of the shouting?" They all immediately shut up and turn to me.

"Oh, just discussing. We were trying to put together an arrangement for one of your remaining songs, and we couldn't seem to figure out what pace it should be, or what kind of sound is appropriate for it." I wonder what song they were talking about.

"Oh. What song?" I am handed the paper with my scribled lyrics written on it.

"The title is We Don't Belong, and we couldn't picture how it should sound. Normally you are there when we do this, so it was difficult with you not here. Do you mind singing it how you imagined it to sound?" Jake had spoke up for once. He usually was quiet and just went along with everyone else's ideas.

"Well, I had invisioned it to start off kind of slower, and then gradually build up." They all nod and start talking. "I actually better be going. If you don't get anywhere, we can deal with this tomorrow. Bye." They all wave and I hop in my car and drive off to the concert.

~Hope's POV~

At about 6:30pm, Austin shows up at the shop to pick me up. I grab my purse and my keys, and lock up the shop as I exit.

"Hey Hope. Are you ready?" As I hop into Austin's car, we start talking.

"Yep. You know Andy Biersack, right?" He nods, so I continue. "Well, he came in today. It was so great to see him. It's been about 2 years and you know what happened 2 years ago, so I won't go into detail there. But I couldn't believe he came back. I thought he never wanted to see me again."

"Ya. Not to be rude, but he has changed a lot. I mean, he used to have an open mind and do random stuff on stage, but when I watched him perform the other day, he seemed tence and scared. It wasn't the same." Austin tences up as he speaks. I don't think he likes Andy very much.

"Well, it is understandable. He hadn't performed in 2 years." I realize just how defensive I am being.

"And who's fault was that?" Austin snaps at me. After he spoke, a pained look crossed his face. "Hope, I didn't mean it like that-"

"Austin, I know what you meant. You did mean it 'like that', so you can shut up." I turn to look out the window instead of at him.

"Hope, I'm sorry. I just was caught up in the moment... Please, I'm sorry." He reaches his hand over to rub my back.

I flinch away from him and he gets the message.

As soon as we pull into the venue, I get out of the car, taking my purse with me, and I storm to the side stage door.

"What's your first name?" The security guard looks me up and down.

"Hope." I watch as he scans over his list.

"There is no 'Hope' on this list. You don't get in unless you are on the list or with someone who has a plus 1." The security guard denies me entry and I know for a fact that Austin doesn't have a plus 1 even though he is on the list.

I step aside and text Andy.

H- Hey, are you inside yet?

A- Ya why?

H- Do you have a plus 1? Apparently Austin doesn't have one like he thought he did, and I never get put on the list for back stage.

A- I don't have a plus 1, but stay right where you are.

~Andy's POV~

"Hey Gerard, you have a plus 1, don't you?" I was already back stage and Hope texted me saying Austin lied, then left her outside.

"Yes, I do. You need me to go get someone from outside?" He was awesome.

"Yes I do. Her name is Hope, she has very red hair and dark blue eyes. Please fetch her and bring her back here. I warn you though, she obsesses over MCR..." Gerard and I both laugh as he leaves to go get Hope from outside.

"Biersack! How have you been?" I turn around.

"Ronnie the Radkid! I've been good. Just got released from a hospital for trying to kill myself, so not much has happened in the 6 days I've been free. It was 2 years, I almost forgot what fresh air was!" His response is laughter.

"Ya, I remember how aweful places like that are. Mental hospitals and prison probably aren't that much different. Well, I didn't have to go to support groups and talk to strangers about my problems." He puts his elbow on my shoulder, but he didn't keep it up there very long because I'm quite a bit taller than him. "Oh, and have you seen Gerard? He said he was coming."

"Ya, I actually just sent him to pick up someone who got locked outside for having shitty friends." Austin was a terrible person for leaving Hope outside.

"Who got locked outside?" Ronnie had met Hope before, but it was quite a while ago.

"Do you remember the girl I dated for about 8 months after meeting her on tour and she moved in with me, she got pregnant but it ended badly, then I messed up in Vegas so she left me? Her." Ronnie's eyes go wide.

"Yes, I do remember her. She has extremely red hair and is now a tattoo artist with an awesome little shop. Her name is... Hope?" I nod and smile at the mention of her name.

~Hope's POV~

I wait outside for a few minutes before seeing the door open.

"Hello Mr. Security Guard. I'm Gerard Way, and Hope is allowed to come inside because she is awesome and you have to let her in because I said so, and Mr. Radke wounldn't enjoy knowing that she got locked out here because you didn't ask one of us about her. AND Ronnie personally knows her, I know her, Austin knows her, and Andy Biersack knows her. So if you don't let her in, you'll have to answer to all of us." My jaw falls open when Gerard Way opens the door and confronts the security guard about why I wasn't let in.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Way. She may enter." The guard holds open the door as Gerard steps out and offers me his hand.

"Hello Hope. Please, come with me." I take his hand and we head inside.

"Okay... That was awesome! And holy shit, you are Gerard Way, and you know me even though we have never met.... How do you know me?" He just laughs and continues leading me through the back stage area.

"Let's just say that one of your friends cares very much about you, and a lot of other people here want to meet you." I giggle and then I see him.

Andy is leaning against the wall, a smirk planted on his face.

"You succeeded at your mission. Thank you very much Gerard." Andy and Gerard both laugh.

"Your friend-girl is very pretty. Hold onto her, she seems like she'll go far in life. Don't let her get away, Andy." Gerard winks and then starts to walk away. "I'll come and find you in a little bit. You better take her to see Austin. I overheard Warsnop bragging about her to Austin, and he seemed pretty excited to meet her." He then exits our conversation.

"He is quite the character... So, I guess you are pretty famous here... Lets go meet some people." Andy takes my hand and we start walking around.

"Knock knock!" Andy shouts at the door to Of Mice & Men's dressing room.

As the door opens, I am star-struck. "Hey! Nice to see you again Andy. And who is this?" Austin Carlile.

"This is Hope. She is my kind-of-not-so-much-maybe-girlfriend-or-exgirlfriend. In other words, she is a close friend who I thought I'd never see again because of a stupid thing I did 2 years ago." Austin is only slightly following Andy's weird ramble about who I am.

"Well, nice to meet you Hope. I heard about you from a few people earlier today. You're a tattoo artist, huh?" I nod and he smiles. "Very nice. What's the name of your shop?"

"My shop's name is 'Ink Is Hope'. I own it and work there along with a few other tattoo artists who are amazing." He nods and smiles.

"I might just have to come by there because I hear you are quite amazing with a tattoo gun." Andy clears his throat and nods in the direction of Ashley Purdy, who just so happened to show up unannounced.

"Excuse us because Ashley just got here and Hope and him are very close friends." Andy explains my sudden freak out to Austin. Austin nods in understanding and smirks a little bit.

"Go run and jump on his back." Andy whispers in my ear and I nod.


I sprint though the crown of people and then I leap and cling to Ashley's back.

"Wait... What the hell?" Ashley didn't know it was me.

He then reaches back to pull me off of his back. Once I'm on the floor, he turns around and sees me.

"Surprise!!!" I yell and then give him a giant hug.

"Hope! Oh my god it has been so long! I missed you." He returns the hug and then catches sight of Andy.

"Before you say anything, let me speak first. Andy came to my shop earlier today to get a tattoo, not knowing it was my shop. We got talking and found out that we were both going to this concert. I originally was going with someone else, but we got in a fight and I wasn't on the list, so then Andy sent Gerard Way to get me in and then ya... That brings us to now." Ashley just laughs.

Andy had walked over and joined us. "So when you said you ran into someone, you were talking to Hope at her shop? That explains why you seemed very happy and why you had starry eyes." Ashley mocks Andy and then Ashley and I both burst into a fit of laughter. Andy is standing there, trying to hide the fact that he is blushing and his face is almost as red as my hair.

"Stop it... You guys are mean." Andy folds his arms and pouts. I hug him, causing both of us to blush even more.

"The show is about to start. Come on." I pull them both out to the growing crowd. They put up their hoods and act like they aren't members of BVB.

A few minutes later, Of Mice & Men burst onto the stage and play their set. It is loud, insane, crazy, and I have a blast.

After OM&M, Falling In Reverse start their set. Everyone is so pumped up and screaming. I think a mosh pit even started a few times, but we were too close up to notice.

"Our next song goes out to my super close friend who recently was released from a mental hospital. This one is for you Andy!" The open chords of 'I'm Not A Vampire' are played and the crowd goes wild.

After the last song is played, Ashley, Andy, and I are all quickly ushered backstage from our front row seats.

"That was awesome!" I go up and praise Ronnie.

"Why thank you Miss Hope. I'm very glad you could make it this evening. I'm glad you liked the show." I just kind of stand there and smile like an idiot as him and Andy start having a conversation about who-knows-what.

"Come on, there are more people to meet." Ashley pulls me away and we are soon standing by Danny Warsnop.

"My first instinct is to slap you, but I also want to pat your head and call you a teddy bear..." Danny just nods.

"That is very understandable and if you need to slap me, I won't stop you. And about me looking like a teddy bear... Hahaha, very funny. i know I look teddy bear-ish, but please no head pettings." Danny's accent and the tone of his voice is a very nice combo. It has a noce sound to it.

"Eh, I'll save the slap for later when you've had a bit too much to drink and you start hitting me." He just laughs and nods.

"That is reasonable. Now, who is ready for a kickass after party?" Danny yells the last part so everyone cheers.

"What after party?" I ask Ashley.

"There is a party at Danny's huge house because it is Austin's birthday in a few days, so there is giant celebration and pretty much everyone is invited. Though you aren't on the list, just walk in with BVB because everyone knows that I always bring a chick with me. You can be the Purdy Girl of the night though you'll most likely hang with Andy or any females you meet there. Now, Let's go!" Ashley grabs my hand and we run out to his car.

I get a text.

Andy- Where are you? I can't find you anywhere!

Hope- I'm with Ashley. He dragged me out and I'm driving with him to Danny's party.

Andy- I wanted to take you home. At those parties, everyone just gets wasted and crazy.

Hope- I'm going, and you will be meeting me there.

I shut off my phone when we reach Danny's house. "Can I leave my bag in here? I don't want to lose my phone or wallet in there."

"Ya, totally. Just make sure you come back and get it. Though I'm sure Andy will make some excuse to see you tomorrow.? We both laugh before heading to enter an already raging party.

A/N: Hey, I don't normally do shoutouts, but @sunnylight707 asked nicely. So go check out their Andy Biersack story called Bullied and Broken. It isn't very long, but it sounds cool from what is written so far.

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